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I comforted Asha on the steps of the tub. I could only imagine the frustration and anger she felt from being over powered. Once she was able to take a few deep breaths, I looked at her and said, "We're going to make this right, I swear. I'm so sorry she did that to you, but she won't get away with it. I just need to know where are the other samples of the serum that you had for me? The ones that were identical."

"I told you before. They are in the safe that I can't get in to." She said, even more discouraged now.

I thought of ways that we could get to it but it seemed impossible unless...a light bulb flickered in his head to a distant memory. A few years ago, after moving into my own apartment with less assistance, I had to fill out a bunch of legal forms that other people did. Several of them involved being fingerprinted, and since I was smaller than most toddlers, I remember it being problematic due to my tiny fingers. However, my care taker (government issued scientist), was able to magnify it some how to reach the proper size for the legal documentations. That was it! I just needed to contact her again.

"Asha, I think I have an idea but we need to get back to my room."

A glimmer of hope sparkled in her eyes after hearing the excitement in my voice. "Okay well let's go then."

With both of us wrapped in towels, we made a dash for the elevator with Asha leading the way. Her long legs were gorgeous and moved swiftly and powerfully with each stride. I arrived shortly after she got herself inside and we hit the "up" button looking back to the pool. Aruna was swimming laps back and forth in the pool completely unaware of the plans we had. I smiled knowing she had what was always coming to her.

A small ring sounded with our arrival in my room. I quickly located my phone within the room and began to dial the government agency assigned to my well-being. After several rings with no answer, a woman finally picked up, "Hi Vick, what did you need this evening?"

"Hi. Yes I need to speak with one of the doctors that used to care for me several years ago. Dr. Sanders. Is she still around?"

There was a pause along with a faint sound of her keyboard clicking before her voice returned. "Yes she is. When did you want to speak with her?"


"Unfortunately she isn't working now. May I take a message in the meantime."She offered politely.

"Yeah sure, tell her I need blown up prints for documentation again and that I need her here ASAP tomorrow morning." I demanded before hanging up the phone. I looked back at Asha. She'll be here tomorrow, probably super early too so it's best we get some rest.

She nodded her head, already looking to the bed, exhausted from the long day. She climbed in to bed, dropping towel from her body, her tan body suddenly becoming visible. She then gently pulled back the covers and slid into bed. I watched as her oversized body attempted to comfortably fit in my bed, but was left curled up to avoid her feet hanging off the edge. She patted the spot next to her, signaling me to join her. I wasted no time and jumped in bed next to her. Being that she was so much taller, it was obvious that Asha would be the one spooning in the back.

Once I was comfortable, Asha's arms wrapped around me and reeled me closer to her body. My head was pressed against her two perky breasts, my body against her long torso, while her legs curled around mine. It was as though I was in a giant human blanket and I was in its tight embrace.

"Are you comfortable?" She asked. I nodded my head while her fingers traced down the front of my body before finally stopping onto of my package. She played with my balls for a moment and then whispered, "Goodnight."

Despite almost instantly having a boner, I feel asleep rather quickly and floated into a world of dreams.


I awoke several hours later in a sweaty embrace. I was becoming uncomfortable as Asha's body heat transferred to mine. With almost every part of my body covered, there wasn't much of a way to cool down. Finding myself overheated, I maneuvered my body out from her grasp and off from the bed. I stood up and made my way to the bathroom, careful to keep quiet. I took a quick midnight bathroom break before returning to the bed, unsure of where to sleep. Asha's upper body was covering almost all of the bed, so it would be hard to avoid her hot embrace if I returned to where I had been before. Looking to the other end of the bed, I spotted a possible place near her feet. If I laid my head at this end, I would have more room for myself since her legs didn't take up nearly as much room and even hung off one side a bit. I figured it was the best it would get so I carefully crawled into bed with my head near the far end. I adjusted my own legs, straightening them completely to take up only a sliver of the bed and then finally closed my eyes.

As tired as I was, my mind began picturing Asha's feet, which were tantalizingly close to me, and my libido began to rise. I found it strange that in several instances I had been aroused by feet. Although I couldn't see them, I could sense the heat emanating from them under the covers. Slyly, I slid my hand slowly in the direction of her feet, the warmth growing as I neared her foot. Before I could touch her foot, Asha shifted positions, extending her legs, causing her feet to hang off the edge. No longer in reach, I decided it would be best to get some rest and prepare for the day ahead.


I awoke from a small alarm going off. I looked around to see where it was coming from when I noticed Dr. Sanders on the screen for the camera at the door. I buzzed her in, and she bee-lined for the back. I met her at my door, and was greeted at the entrance.

"Good morning Vick. You need your prints right? May I see your hand?" She asked.

"Actually it's for a friend of mine. One moment."

Asha was still sleeping, balled up on the bed. Walking to the end of the bed, I called out to her, "Asha, wake up."

She groaned and covered her face with the covers. It was early, but we needed to get this done so I insisted she get up. "Asha come one, the doc is here." Nothing.

I looked down to see her exposed feet still hanging from the end of the bed and decided on an alternative method to wake her up. Using my finger tips, I began to lightly tickle her long sole. Her toes began to flex and there were more groans from under the covers.

"Ashaaaaa..." I teased while continuing to tickle her foot. Suddenly her leg kicked out to its full length, making her foot hit me squarely in the chest, knocking me directly to the ground. I could see her get up and look at me with a smile on her face. I was still recovering from the blow, but she decided to meet the doctor.

"Hi, I'm Asha." She said, reaching her hand out to greet Dr.Sanders.

Without saying anything back, Dr.Sanders snatched Asha's hand between her fingers and pressed it into some gel capturing Asha's prints. She then took the gel container back and ripped away the unused parts until only a mold of Asha's hand was left. She then removed the gel from its square container. I watched as the gel began to expand while still maintaining the imprint of Asha's hand, only now it was bigger. She handed us the final product.

"Be careful, it's fragile but it can be used for anything. Thermal prints, ink finger printing, scans, or whatever. Is there anything else you need before I leave?" She asked me.

"No Doc. That is all and as usual thank you for your swift help."

I was always appalled with Dr. Sanders's to-the-point nature with everything. It was refreshing to just have things done sometimes without playing any games. And now Asha and I could immediately get to work.

"Let's go get the other samples of your serum, Asha."

Dr. Sanders followed us out to help us open doors. Even taking us as far as Asha's apartment. Asha told her the keypad code yet again, allowing Dr. Sanders to let us in. We both hurried to the safe before thanking Sanders for her help.

"Call if you ever need anything Vick." She said, smiling.

"I will. Thanks again. Hopefully this works!" I said pointing to the hand mold Asha was carrying.

Dr. Sanders finally took off, disappearing from the entrance. I looked to Asha who was working to place the hand's thumb on the scanner. She carefully lined it up as the safe began scanning the thumb. Click. The sound of bolts unlatching could be heard before the safe finally popped open revealing several small tubes inside.

"Here they are!" Asha exclaimed, as she pointed to her work as though it was on display.

I walked up to them, carefully observing them. "So I need to put this in her drink, right?"

"Well that's the best way to do it, but not the only way. It can diffuse through the skin if put in contact with her, but it will take a few minutes of soaking to have substantial effects." She noted.

My eyes widened and my excitement grew at the thought of my revenge. I grabbed a tube and looked to Asha.

"Well guess who likes to take morning baths? It'll be the last bath she enjoys at her amazon height." I laughed while walking back to the apartment with the serum in hand.

I noticed Asha was staying back as I trotted off. "Hey I'm gonna stay here and work on the growth serum for a few hours. I might even sleep here if that's okay. I'll come to your apartment when I can. Otherwise you are always welcome to stay here."

It made sense for her to want that, but I had bigger plans and I needed to do this before anything else. "Okay, but come to my place if you don't hear from me soon." I joked.

She smiled and waved as I left back to my apartment. I made a bee-line for my door before buzzing myself in. Looking I around I noticed no one around. It was still semi-dark being so early in the morning, so I quickly made my way to the bedroom. Collecting my thoughts, I looked at the time: 7:15. I think she usually starts about now. Finding a vent, I quickly made my way to the bathroom vent entrance and listened for Aruna. Hearing no one or anything, I soon began doubting my memory. Did she take baths in the morning or is that one of the other girls? My doubt was eradicated as a door creaked open from Aruna's room. I watched voyeuristically as she entered. She walked straight to the tub and turned the knob for the water while adding some bubble solution to the bottom of the tub. She adjusted them to find a warm temperature before walking off as it filled. This was my chance!

I quickly sprinted as fast as I could with the 3 inch tube before making it to the side of the tub. I jumped up barely catching myself with one arm, and hoisted the serum up onto the side of the tub before finally pulling myself up. My heart was pounding and my fingers were a little jittery, causing me to struggle to pop the cork. I pulled and tugged, twisting it in different directions, when finally it popped off unexpectedly, causing the tube to drop. Shit!

Fortunately for me, the tube and its contents fell into the rising bath water and disappeared under the forming bubbles. Phew. As I took a moment to calm myself, Aruna's footsteps could be heard approaching, causing me to panic and hurry to hop off. As I rushed to take my first step, I slipped on the slick surface of the tub and hit my head on the rim of the tub before falling into the foamy bath myself. I plunged through the the pillow of bubbles and into the warm water, causing a large splash. I surfaced and began coughing and sputtering trying to create space through the bubbles. I muffled my own coughs, hoping Aruna hadn't heard me yet. I didn't hear her and so I attempted to grab the ledge, but it was far too slippery to gain any leverage to pull myself up. My mind raced with fear as I began to realize the predicament I was in. I couldn't escape my own trap!

My skin began to feel odd and I looked at my arms to see why. Small green particles were congregating all over my body like a magnetic attraction. No no no! I began lunging, thrashing, and splashing to get out when I heard laughing from the other side of the bathroom.

"Well Vick. What exactly did you pour in there? I hope it isn't deadly."

How the hell did she know? I remained silent, trying to think of a new plan. I needed to drain the water before it was too late. I hurried and swam to the bottom, finding the plug for the drain. Using the little chain attached to it, I stood on the floor holding my breath and used all my strength to pop it free. Once it was free, I could feel the water begin to form a current as it funneled down the drain. The current held me in place, not allowing to move. Using the ground for the little friction it had, I crawled a short distance away from the drain where the current became weaker. I used my legs and shot for the surface, projecting upwards and into the bubbly covering. Slowly the water began to descend, but not quickly enough.

"Good work Vick. I see you managed to pull the plug." She commented yet again, still laughing. Her voice was above me but I couldn't see through the bubbles above, nor did I want to.

Defeated, I treaded water as I waited for the water to drain. My body was pulsing with an odd sensation, making me weaker. It seemed like it took several minutes until the drain began slurping water down to finish its job. I was relieved to finally be standing, but horrified at my new reality. Looking around I immediately noticed that something was wrong. The tub almost seemed like a large building to me and I could see that my clothes were loose. Fortunately my custom underwear contracted to meet my new size. I looked up to see Aruna standing over me, smiling mischievously at my new smaller-form.

"And here I thought you couldn't be any more fun."
Chapter End Notes:
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