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The following days were hardly the stuff of dreams but Marcus couldn’t be happier. He had a new job filled with long hours of working under a beautiful, wealthy woman and, more importantly, he could afford his oncoming bills. Just the notion of not having to lose any more height was enough for him to be thrilled from relief alone. Besides who knows? Maybe one day in the not-too-distant future he could work himself up to his original height, maybe even beyond.


Marcus the Wealthy Giant. He chuckled to himself.


“Having fun in your fantasies again?” A familiar voice broke him from his thoughts.


“Of course. This kind of work doesn’t take any thought or anything, gotta make the time fly somehow right?” He turned back to the abnormally large desk behind him and the woman who looked down from her rotating chair. In his hands was another of the many child-sized papers he was organizing into a file cabinet.


“Is that why you’ve been on that same particular paper for five minutes? Last I checked D wasn’t a particularly hard letter to place.” She grinned.


“Oh really?” Marcus laughed, lowering his head to hide his reddened cheeks. “My bad Ms. Lockhart. It won’t happen again.” He turned back to resume filing.


Likewise Victoria did the same. “Let’s hope not. I do like you Marcus, don’t make me regret that.” With her back turned and the professional tone to her voice she really did sound like that kind of cold, domineering lady seen in movies but Marcus knew better. He resumed his work with a smile, mind drifting back off to fantasies of wealth and power. Every so often Marcus shot a glance to the towering babe behind him. For all his fantasies of prestige this particular woman had been slowly appearing in more and more of them.


“If only.” He laughed to himself again.


An hour passed in relative silence before the phone on Victoria’s desk rang. Naturally she answered it with near machine-like speed. “This is Victoria.” She casually answered. Marcus couldn’t help but tune in to the sudden influx of noise.


“Ah I see…today? Wait, right now…?” She suddenly turned, looking right at her new employee. Something about her expression made his heart jump a little. “Huh? No no, nothing like that. I can take care of it. Send her in in five minutes.” Victoria hung the phone up, sighing. “Well Marcus I have some bad news.”


“Why? What’s wrong?”


Victoria shook her head. “Just one of my higher level clients: Helen Walker. She’s usually something of a handful, but I guess being forty feet tall would give anyone a bit of an attitude.” She shrugged slightly.


Marcus’ eyes widened. “forty feet?” He glanced over Victoria again. She was only 20 feet tall but even that was enough to make him barely knee level. He had to constantly crane his neck to look at her and even the mere papers she held were big enough to cover an entire infant. He took all these little mental notes and multiplied them by three, and then he whistled. “…Wow she must be quite successful. That’s impressive.”


“If only her attitude matched.” She woefully added. “She has something of a tendency to…well I’m sure you hear the stories of what the upper class do to those smaller than them.”


Suddenly it clicked and became all too obvious why this was bad news. “S-She wouldn’t. I mean I’m not even that small. I work here. She can’t do anything in here. I-“


“She doesn’t care.”


“Well what am I supposed to do? I don’t want to get stepped on! Or…worse…” Marcus began to fidget as anxiety took hold.


Victoria waved a hand towards him, signaling him to relax. “Don’t worry. That’s why you’re going to make yourself scarce.”


Marcus blinked. “What, like go out there? She’ll see me.”


Now she laughed. “I said don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to my little employee. You’ll be right where she won’t see you.” She pulled her seat back and smirked, her finger gesturing to the bottom of her desk.


“You…want me to…?” He tilted his head, somewhat confused. “Are you sure about this Ms. Lockhart? It seems kind of…unprofessional and…”


Victoria’s azure eyes narrowed. Her foot started tapping impatiently. “Do you like making a habit out of questioning your boss?”


The sudden change of tone was all the persuasion needed for Marcus to make his way to the woman’s desk. Every so often Victoria would get serious and the young man knew better than to question her when she got like that. Sure, it was a little embarrassing being ordered to crawl under a grown woman’s desk but if the alternative was to become a whim of a wealthier lady then it really wasn’t much a choice. Much to Marcus’ shame he didn’t even need to bend over to walk under it, there was still enough room above for a good foot or two.


“Good boy. Don’t worry. This should be quick.” Victoria smiled at him and scooted her seat back into place. Sadly her skirt was long enough that Marcus couldn’t at least get a nice reward for this embarrassment. A couple minutes passed with her acting casually as if there wasn’t a person by her legs until a particularly loud knock came from her door. “Come on in Mrs. Walker.” She greeted in her most professional voice.


Curiosity got the better of Marcus as he peeked from the opening beneath Victoria’s desk to see this woman.


The first thing he noted was, obviously, her size. In a room built to easily accommodate someone up to thirty feet tall she had to bend over and keep her head down just to walk. Helen Walker was an older-looking woman; at a rough guess Marcus would’ve put her in the late forties – early fifties range. She had that mature woman look to her, where she was still thin but age was definitely starting to add on the pounds and curves. Despite that she still had on clothes more indicative of a young person or, in this case, a woman who refused to be anything but young. A tank top, yoga pants, sandals, all of which were so tightly fit it made Marcus think she might have been a few feet shorter when she got them. Still, all things considered she didn’t look that bad. She was just another of those aging, attractive, rich girl types. If he had been into blondes Marcus might have even called her beautiful.


“Nice as always Victoria I’m sure.” Helen smirked at the woman and waved, strutting her way to a seat designed for someone of Victoria’s height. After grimacing for a moment she carefully sat in it. The chair cried in agony beneath her incredible weight but held firm. Marcus backed up and away as the area in front of him was filled with a pair of feet the size of his body. Toes painted neon pink sat in a similarly colored sandal and seemed to stare at him while the women above began their business.


“Always a pleasure Mrs. Walker.” Victoria smiled and leaned over to shake the woman’s hand. “How might I help you today?”


Helen shrugged, or snorted. From his location it was hard to tell but Marcus guessed it was some kind of combination of the two. “Just the usual. Some money to put into the ol’ savings account to make sure this big girl doesn’t stop getting any bigger.”


“Already? That’s the second time this month. At this rate even I’m going to have to start watching out for where you’re walking.” Victoria laughed a completely fake, polite laugh. The sound of her keyboard going crazy soon followed.


“Nonsense. Each time I come here you’re another five feet. Once those investments start rolling in you’ll probably hit a full hundred before you know it sweetheart!” Helen laughed along with her.


With the situation now already beyond the point of no return Marcus was strangely calm, despite toes the size of his head not even three feet away from him. He stared at the sandal clad feet nearby with slight trepidation, but largely awe. He’d never seen a woman this size at this close up before. Heck, he could practically see his reflection in her toenail polish. He was almost relaxed. He could feel himself easing up and just taking the chance to admire these beautiful women in all their powerful glory.


That is, until Helen’s toes came for him.


In reality the woman slipped her sandals off and ran her toes along the bottom of the desk but when you were hiding beneath that very desk it quickly became a problem. A small gasp slipped from his mouth as he jumped back into Victoria’s thigh, causing the woman to jump.


“Everything okay Victoria?” Helen immediately asked at the sudden jolt.


“Ah, yes…Just a shiver. The AC gets to you after a while.” She quickly covered herself, wondering what was going on beneath the desk before resuming their business.


Marcus exhaled, fearfully eyeing the feet in front of him as though they were his personal grim reapers. Thankfully their advance seemed to have stopped and they stayed where they were, content with their place. He left Victoria’s legs and went back to hugging the wall of the desk for safety, making doubly sure he was nice and away from Helen and her probing soles.


Which of course meant he wasn’t paying any attention to the black heels of Victoria.


Whether by accident or playful intent the tip of Victoria’s heel swept the ground by the young man’s feet, knocking him down into the carpet with a minute thud. He rolled around and found himself staring dangerously close to the bare foot he was so carefully trying to avoid. In a split second he rolled to the side without pausing to think, just in time to see Helen’s sole lower right where he was. While doing his best not to make any sorts of noises he crawled backwards and away as fast he could but Helen was faster. With a simple brush of her foot her toes ran along Marcus’ wavy hair and the foot pulled back.


Neither woman drew attention to the gesture but Victoria’s eyes narrowed when she saw Helen glance towards her feet. Her heel came over Marcus, forcefully pressing into him and dragging him back towards her and away from the curious lady.


After a minute of shooting subtle, almost hopeful glances to her feet Helen shrugged and put all her focus back to the conversation.


Meanwhile after his second strike now Victoria decided to make sure Marcus didn’t cause any more trouble. As such her foot didn’t leave him. Instead it seemed to punish him for his sloppiness, gently grinding his body into the ground and holding him firmly in his place beneath her. Numerous questions plagued the man’s mind, not the least of which being why she hadn’t released him yet but he sighed and realized there was little to do but to deal with it. Questions and complaints could come later when the threat of crushing death wasn’t literally looming over him.


The clock continued ticking and business proceeded as normal for the two giants while Marcus lay beneath Victoria. One minute, two, five, ten, it was nearly half an hour before the great words finally came.


“This should all just about do it then. You should see it all finalized on your bank account in roughly two to three business days Mrs. Walker.”


“Thank you Victoria, you really are the best. I don’t know what I’d do without you.” Helen laughed again.


“Just doing my job.” Victoria shrugged slightly.


Helen’s seat pulled back, the woman rising back to her feet. “And doing it well. I won’t linger and take any more of your time dearie. Just one last thing?”


“And what’s that?”


Helen grinned at her. “Can you stop holding out on me? Bring him out.”


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