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Jade was inside Elise's cavernous mouth. On the outside, when Elise showed Jade her fetish, she showed Jade a small clip of a clearly fake person getting eaten by the giant woman. There was even a pov shot of the small person going down the woman's throat. Elise talked about how there were fake interviews and how they talked about swallowing and crushing men. They claimed that it was an experience that every women should enjoy.

Meanwhile in Elise's mouth, Jade was getting coated in gallons upon gallons of Elise's slick salvia. The tongue was the absolute worst part of being in Elise's jaws. And she couldn't blame her. If something was in her mouth, even a little person, she would want to feel them in her mouth. Then there was her braces. They didn't seem harmful from normal size, in fact they were quite delicate to the normal human eye but for Jade who was less than an inch tall, they were like razors. But she had to give it to Elise, she did her best to help steer her away from the blades that were silver and blue.

After several times of almost getting crushed by Elise's tongue and stabbed by the metal braces, Elise finally spit out the miniscule Jade. Her brilliantly light face was all Jade could see and she loved it. The small and almost transparent freckles dotted around her cheeks, stopping at her glistening lips and continue to her nose. She smiled, again revealing her seemingly harmless teeth and braces.

"I have to admit, you tasted pretty good. Don't worry, I won't put you any near my mouth unless you would want it." Elise's gentle smile filled Jade's vision. The soft lips of hers, radiated in the artificial light of her ceiling fan.

"You're so gorgeous from here." Jade said with a slight stutter from the chill of being coated from head to toe in saliva and having the A/C directly above her. "Thanks. You look just as beautiful as me. I was always jealous of you back in middle school. You were the right height, not too short or too tall. Like me." Elise looked down, avoiding eye contact. She didn't want Jade to see her tears.

"Elise. You perfect just the way you are. Plus, there is no right height." Jade said as she walked over to Elise's thumb and simply hugged it. It was like a smooth tower of flesh. She then started to rub against it. "Nobody's perfect."

"I always hated that song. She was so annoying but so god damn sexy as a giantess. I read this one story about her and she shrinks her fans and eats some and crushed others. So sexy. I could read it to you tomorrow if you want."

"I'd love to hear it. I mean, I'm here for anything you need."

"Thanks." Elise said as she used her sleeve to clear the tears from her eyes and the tiny bit of mucus that was flowing down her adorable nose. "I think I needed that."

After a few hours of talking about what to do next with Jade, Elise placed her in a little bed that belonged to one her dolls. It wasn't clean but it was actually pretty soft in relation to the other options Elise presented Jade. "I'm surprised my mom hadn't thrown this away along with the doll house." Elise said as she cut a piece of clothe off her shirt. "Well it's better than nothing. Thanks again for taking care of me." Jade then got in the toy bed and let Elise cover her with the blanket. She then smelled it. "It smells like you. It's comforting for me." Elise smiled. It was part of her and Jade would hug her whenever she was upset and unbeknownst to Elise, Jade would smell her and breathe in the shampoo, lotion and perfume that would mix together to create the perfect scent that Jade could relax to.

"Night Jade. It's been a great day."

"Night Elise. You're the best friend anyone could ask for."

Elise smiled and blushed as she went to sleep, leaving Jade to her thoughts as she laid in a bed made for a doll. It wasn't the softest, unlike her bed back home. Upon realizing that she might never see her family ever again, she began to tear up. Then, she looked over at the sleeping beauty that was Elise. She was glad that of all people in the school, Elise found her.

(Sniffle) "Thanks Elise. Love you."


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