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“I suppose so. I’m Dick Digit. Who are you?”


“I don’t know,” said the woman, “I don’t remember. But I do know I’m very grateful.”


“You’re the first woman my size I’ve met since I came to your planet.”


“Maybe it’s my planet too,” said the woman, “Tell me about it.”


Dick told his whole story, but nothing jarred the woman’s memory.


“I’m glad you’re safe though,” he said.


“Thanks to you.”


He leaned in and kissed her. She threw her arms around him and reciprocated. They lay down between blades of grass and snuggled together for hours, until the woman suddenly grew to the size of a regular earth woman.


“What’s happened to me?” she asked.


“I can’t explain it. If you are from my planet, maybe the shrinking effect is finally wearing off. Maybe I’ll grow back too.”


Half an hour later he was still tiny.


“I guess that’s the last kiss you’ll want to give me,” he said.


“Not at all. You’re my hero at any size,” said the woman, and gently picked him up and gave him a giant kiss.


He felt her huge lips pressed against him for several minutes, and then felt a sudden movement as she drew back an inch and opened her mouth wide in surprise.


“I remember now,” she said, “I’m a member of CMDF, Combined Miniature Defence Force. Our team along with its ship the Voyager can be miniaturized for 12 hours at a time. After 12 hours is up, we revert to normal size if we haven’t already been restored by a return to the machine at its reverse setting. Today we were on a mission. There was an attempt to destroy us high above the stream. I was still returning to the Voyager with my jet pack, when a small projectile exploded. It missed both me and the Voyager, but it hit my jet pack and damaged it. I fell to the stream, removed the pack to try to keep from sinking, and then fell unconscious. When you awoke me, I must have had amnesia. I’m Erica Lane.”


“Then you can at least keep shrinking and kissing me normally for 12 hours at a time and then give me giant kisses at your normal size,” said Dick.


“No Dick, I can’t. I adore you, but I’ve been in love with our team Commander since we first met. He’s coming around as he gets to know me. But don’t despair. You can meet any girl once the deminiaturization process does restore your size. I’ll take you back with me and explain your situation to the others.”


Professor Carter and the Chief agreed that the machine should be used to restore Dick Digit to the size he had once been on his own planet. Erica placed him gently on the Voyager’s launch pad, right in the target of the machine, and Professor Carter activated its reverse setting. Dick grew to full size and thanked them.


“You’ll have to stay here for observation until we’re sure there are no side effects,” said Carter, “We’ve never used it on an alien life form before.”


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