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She eventually had him come to the classroom to be cleaned by her tongue and promised the end of term surprise.

This time, when she took him to the giant girls school fair and told him of her desire to eat him, he told her everything.

“To me, you actually did,” he said, and explained how he had briefly altered time and remembered all versions of the timelines.

“And you used this … time power of yours to change things back, so that I hadn’t eaten you after all.”

“Yes, but it was so much fun when you did,” he said.

“But you’re the only one who gets to remember it,” said Miss Stone.

She took him back to the school, and said farewell for the summer holidays.

Early in the next term, she sat with him during lunch time.

“Would you like it if I could still swallow you now?” she asked.

“I think I would,” he said.

“I’d like it very much too,” said Miss Stone, “At least I can still lick your cheeks, even though you don’t make a mess with your desserts anymore.”

She secretly invited him around to her home after school, promising that she would lick his cheeks again.

After the licking, she served them both some drinks, and drank hers with a hearty gulp. He looked at her neck and then drank his own too. Suddenly he shrank to tiny size. Miss Stone picked him up and placed him on a baking tray and put it into the oven. She sat in front of the open oven doorway and looked in at him.

“I said I couldn’t make myself a giant again, because there is no antidote to the shrinking formula, but I was eventually able to find the chemicals supplied on your world and make some more of the formula, which you have just drunk,” she said.

“Now you can swallow me,” said Delbert.

“I certainly can!” said Miss Stone, “I’ll be back in a few minutes, when you’re warmed up and ready to be eaten.”

She soon served him at the table and swallowed him.

He used his time reversal power and went back to just before he took the shrinking formula and told her:

“I won’t drink it now.”
“I can eventually find another way to trick you into drinking it,” she said.

“But I can still unravel time and come back,” he said.

“Then I guess I never get to have you in my tummy,” she said, “But you must have liked it a lot, if you went back to be eaten deliberately by my giant self.”

“I do. I just don’t want things to stay that way, with me being eaten forever.”

“I understand. I think you’d grow into a very handsome man, Delbert. I like what you’ve done for me, even though I can’t remember it. Would you like me to wait until you’re grown up and then marry you?”

“Yes, Miss Stone.”

So ten years later, with only Delbert able to recall the times he had been eaten by Miss Stone, he married her.


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