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As I stepped out of the elevator on Olivia’s floor, my legs started to feel weak, and my stride faltered.  I peeked through the main door, but Zorah wasn’t at her desk.  Perhaps she had just wanted Mexican food after all.

Olivia was standing in front of her desk when I walked into her office.  The look in her eyes was so predatory that I instinctively turned to flee.  She advanced on me and before I made it through the door, she said, “Inshil-hatam.”

The vertigo and entanglement of shrinking out of my clothes were exacerbated by my attempted flight.  My belt buckle landed on my back and I was pinned until Olivia arrived and started rooting through my clothes.  When she lifted my pants, I was rolled onto the carpet and came to rest on my back, so I got to see her colossal figure looming above and her eyes flash as she spotted me.  Before I could get up her giant hand snaked down and snatched me up.

She didn’t even bother collecting my clothes but returned immediately to her seat.  She released me a couple of inches above her desk blotter, and I landed painfully on my knees and wrists on the minimally-padded surface.

“I have an important hearing tomorrow, little Tyler,” she said, reaching into a desk drawer.  “It’s our motion for summary judgment in the Simone case, and you are going to help me win it.”

She produced a small spool of dental floss, and then reached down to press her fingertip into my back until I was pinned face down.  Then she pulled my arms back together and looped the floss tight around my wrists and tied it off.

Pinching my shoulder between her thumb and forefinger, she stood me up on the desk to face her.  She leaned back in her chair, but she still towered over my three-inch form.  Her top was magenta with violet trim at the collar and cuffs, and it flowed loosely but generously around and over her shoulders, arms, and bosom.  Her locks were down, waving friskily about her face.  Her smile was confident, her eyes cunning.

She was intimidatingly beautiful, but for once my fear overcame my lust and my cock stayed limp.  Furthermore, unlike the previous encounters with Olivia, my brain was not inundated with baldly explicit sexual images of Olivia or anyone else.  I was left without distraction from contemplation of how Olivia might next degrade me.

“I have to enunciate clearly at the hearing tomorrow, little Tyler,” she said, plucking me from the desktop and licking her lips, “so we’ll have to do this today.”

I had thought that by not looking at Olivia’s cavernous mouth I could somehow prevent the idea from occurring to her, but her eyes just twinkled at me and I shrieked as her terrible jaw lowered to reveal the twin reefs of her deadly teeth tended by the enormous writhing eel of her tongue.

Was that why she no longer needed me aroused for her magic?  Could she get what she needed just by eating me?  She didn’t stop to explain but instead popped me screaming into her mouth like a cocktail weenie.

I landed on the drunken mattress of her tongue, which immediately bounced me up.  “No!” I cried, imagining I was headed down her gullet, but I was thrown sideways onto the stony rack of molars, which immediately pressed me into its upper complement.  The irresistible force of her jaw squeezed the breath out of me, and the sharp ridges of her teeth dug into my flesh.  The merciless grinders slowly compressed my body until my ribs and innards screamed and I felt my skull trapped in the wet enamel hollow.  Stars swam before my eyes in that dark, then my stomach fell as her jaw relaxed and her tongue flipped me to the other side of her mouth and underneath the other set of molars, which came down on my chest.

I struggled for breath between her jaws, and then her tongue rolled me into the gully between her gum and cheek, where I landed on my chest, my hands still bound behind me.  Then her cheek held me fast and my ears popped as she sucked all the excess saliva down her throat.

Left momentarily unmolested, I lay in the wet dark, starting to be slowly poached by Olivia’s hot gum.  She was breathing primarily through her nose, but the roar of air through her sinuses resonated throughout her head.

I remained terrified that at any moment her dominating tongue would dig me out of that wet trench and shove me forward to be sliced in half by her incisors or ground into paste by her molars or simply vaulted down her throat to be slowly digested whole.  What was she waiting for?

Then her tongue did, in fact, return.

The tip of that diabolical muscle snaked onto the middle of my chest and traced a slimy trail down to my cock and balls, which it somehow enclosed in its supple folds.  My dick had remained soft from terror throughout the whole ordeal, and during my time between Olivia’s jaws my balls had done their best to retreat into my abdomen.  My brain remained unclouded by artificial sex fantasies, and both my body and soul ached from physical abuse and spiritual domination.  Yet, at the most primitive level governed by the limbic system, Olivia’s giant tongue and my tiny cock made a connection.

Slowly, the persistent rhythm of that delicate muscle milked my dick back to life.  The tip of her tongue found its way under my balls to massage my taint, and my balls resented her tongue’s departure whenever it turned its attention back to my cock.  My arms and shoulders were screaming from their cramped restraint, but I found myself pushing off her gum with my arms to press my crotch into her tantalizing tongue.

And just when I thought I would come, her tongue withdrew.

I lay there, my balls aching for release, and damn if Olivia didn’t cut loose with a deafening chuckle.  Another ear pop as she vacuumed the fluids away, then she flipped me onto her tongue and slammed me into the roof of her mouth, then over her jaw again and against her other cheek.

Then she waited for my boner to subside and she repeated the whole process again.  And again.

Sometimes, when I was being thrown from one side of her mouth to the other, I would land face down on her molars, and my suffering cock would be raked across the sharp ridges.  Once, her tongue shoved me forward so that my head slid outside of her mouth briefly and I gulped some cool air before her smothering lips rolled back over my neck and head.

It went on for hours.  My cock got a break when she took a phone call, but when she spoke her voice surrounded my tiny body and penetrated my viscera.  Olivia also received a visit from Zorah, who I’m certain asked more questions than necessary.  Olivia shuffled me about throughout the conversation, so it must have been obvious to Zorah that Olivia had something in her mouth.

As the afternoon dragged on, my balls remained at full froth for longer and longer, requiring Olivia to leave my cock alone for longer and longer so that it could “cool down.”  When her tongue would return, I tried to think boner-killing thoughts:  polynomial extrapolation, industrial hog farming, any song by Celine Dion.  But I was physically and emotionally exhausted, and in the end it was simply easier to detach my mind completely from my cock and wait for it to be over with.

When Olivia finally spat me out into her palm, I was barely conscious.  My eyes fluttered open at the shock of cool air on my wet skin, but I didn’t even look up at her gigantic face.

“I think that should do it, little Tyler,” she boomed, laying me on the carpet next to her boat-sized feet.  I looked at her giant shoes, my raw face scratched by the grimy carpet fibers, and mentally invited those obliterating pumps to lift up and crush me out of my misery.  Instead, Olivia’s thundering voice spoke again:  “Kahp-hasheena.”

My wrists burned as I grew out of my floss handcuffs, and my arms were so cramped behind me that pulling them down and pushing myself up from the floor brought tears to my eyes.  I’m sure it took over ten minutes for me to get up and get dressed.  A glance at Olivia’s wall clock told me that it was 6:30pm.  She had sucked and chewed on me for over six hours.

“Wish me luck tomorrow!” chirped Olivia as I reached the door.  I didn’t even turn around, just kept my head down and stumbled out of Olivia’s office.

I should have looked up, because then I might have been able to dodge Zorah, who was inexplicably still at work after 5pm.  She looked at me and grinned.

“Hey, Tyler,” she said, “I could sure go for some gum.  Got any?”

Incredibly, that wasn’t the worst part of the encounter.  Even though I was quite ready to collapse, my strung-out libido was still flailing about, looking for a target.  Zorah was standing at a filing cabinet, giving me a full view of her profile.  With her looking straight at me and drinking in my reaction, I stood there slack-jawed and let my eyes linger over each of her curves, down to her calves and back up to her face, which sparkled in recognition.

“Is there something I can help you with, Tyler?” she asked, coquettishly turning towards me and cocking her hips.  I shut my eyes and grimaced, then fled down the hall, chased by Zorah’s laughter.

When I reached my floor, Yvonne’s office was dark, of course.  She had, however, left me an email.  “Text me when you get back,” it read, followed by her cell number, which she had never given me before.

I pulled out my phone and keyed in my text to Yvonne:  “Still here.  Going home to crash now.  See you in the morning.”

I collected my stuff and headed out the door, but before I reached my bus stop my phone chimed with Yvonne’s reply:  “Thinking about you.  Sleep well.”

When I got home, I realized that I had failed to pick up much in the way of food.  For dinner I had over a pound of cocktail nuts, followed by at least a gallon of water.  I also popped a half-dozen pain pills before I fell into bed.

That night I dreamt I was buried underneath an infinitely-large pile of compost.  I could breathe, but I couldn’t see or even determine which way was up.  I started digging, trying to get out, and then I started to hear something behind me.  At first I thought it was just the noise from my own burrowing, but then I heard the crunching noises made be some dreadful combination of teeth and mandibles.  I dug faster and faster, but the clicking and crunching behind me became louder and louder.  I woke up before either reaching the surface or being caught by my pursuer.

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