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Megan's toes slammed down into me, and my entire body was compressed into the thin sole of her oxford. The car's engine roared in response and she zoomed down the highway, singing along to some song that I couldn't even make out the words to. The pressure eased up as quickly as it began and my small body rolled down against the sweaty ball of her foot, while her toes wrapped over my body in a sticky embrace.

Without work to force her out of bed, Megan preferred to sleep well after the sun had risen, and so for once I got to sleep in. Not that laying in a bed of her pubic hair was something that I actually found comfortable. I did my best to keep her fire crotch trim, but the hairs themselves were still more wiry and rough than soft, and the constant landscaping didn't do much to help.

After her soccer team's big win, Megan felt she deserved something special in the bedroom, and so I had spent the majority of my night between her monolithic thighs, lapping away at her monstrous folds and a clitoris the size of my own head. When she finally tired out after her third orgasm, the giant redhead had simply pulled up her panties and threw a sheet over herself before falling into a contented sleep. Beneath me, her enormous body had remained surprisingly still while her juices dried against my skin and I was left pinned in place by a pair of cotton underwear.

When she finally got out of bed, I slid down, which elicited an excited giggle from her before landing me closer to her butt than I liked to be. The smell of her sex and sweat was unbearable, and it didn't get better until I was pressed into her soap bar, and used like a washcloth to clean her entire body. All the while, Megan's thunderous voice droned on about the upcoming weekend and who she was excited to see or who she would have to avoid, as if I was supposed to somehow care from beneath her toes.

She had barely stepped out of the shower before she had slid me into her white and tan oxfords. The insole was damp and stained, because she always wore the thin leather shoes without socks, unconcerned for the calluses it would cause or the way it made her feet sweat. Especially since cleaning and massaging her feet was one of the many lowly duties I existed for. Laying there, I could only crawl to the toe section and hope for the best as the world around me shuttered from her footfalls.

Hours later, Megan was still enjoying every second of my squirming as she drove down to visit her alma mater. It should be our alma mater, but because of her sorority sister Stacey, I would never be able to complete my degree. I had been at Megan's graduation, carefully tucked between her breasts while she listened to all of the commencement speeches and eventually received her degree, but my own would never come to pass. Sometimes, I wondered what had happened to me. Were people still looking for me or worried about where I had gone?

The engine cutting off completely killed my train of thought and I braced for the horrific experience of being walked on. Megan always moved in smooth, confident strides that saw me go from being pressed into her skin by sheer gravitation force to being nearly crushed into her shoe's insole when I finally hit the ground. Right before her foot would lift off again, her toes would scrunch against me and I was forced to question whether it was something she naturally did or did as a friendly reminder that she knew I was beneath her.

The rough crunching of pebbles beneath her feet was traded for the loud click of the oxford's barely noticeable heel hitting a polished tile floor, and I knew we were inside of whatever hotel she was staying at. She exchanged pleasantries with the clerk while buckets of sweat poured off of her toes. High above me, she and the young clerk laughed together about the homecoming festivities and how so many alumni from the school were staying in the hotel.

Barely a second later, Megan was on the move again.

The tile changed to carpet, and I could hear a heavy hotel door open with a soft beep. A few steps more, and Megan launched herself back onto the comfy bed. She let out a long sigh before wiggling her foot, which sent me bouncing back and forth between her toes and the walls of the shoe. “God, I'm so tired,” she groaned down to me, loud enough to be heard through the shoe's thin leather walls. “The drive isn't long but road trips just suck without other people.”

Her toes wrapped around me in what I knew she believed was a hug, but felt more like she was trying to crush the life from my body.

“If I didn't have you in there, I don't know what I would have done, little guy.”

She let out another soft sigh, and I heard a few light thumps from somewhere on the bed.

“So hungry...”

Megan started to rummage through her purse, and within a few seconds, the only sound in the room was the high pitched whistle that notified the giant she was receiving a text. “Jennifer's in class, that's so laaaame,” I hung limp against the ball of her foot while her toes drummed into the insole above me. “Ugh, and Kate's with her.” Another few whistles chimed in, and my body was sent slamming down into the insole as Megan stood up. “Sweet, Stacey says the picnic's started.”

Without warning, Megan started to dance across her hotel room. Her steps became erratic, and she started to grind my body into the floor as she gave a few impromptu twists of excitement. “Gonna put some yum yum in my tum tum.” She laughed before playing her stomach like it was a drum, while my own tiny body rattled at the thought of food. Knowing the chances of seeing daylight would be slim, I leaned forward and dragged my tongue against her sweaty toes. “Don't worry, little guy, it's not a long walk.”

I whimpered, even though she wouldn't hear me. I had assumed she would drive over to campus, but instead she would enjoy a brisk walk through the surprising heat of a tidewater autumn. The random dance moves were replaced with her measured steps, and within a few dozen strides of leaving the hotel, I found myself swallowing pint after pint of her sweat just to avoid being drowned in it.

The gigantic world beyond Megan's shoes whizzed by as she walked. Cars, birds, and eventually college students could all be heard going about their business as she nearly crushed me with each step. As I began to hear the chatter of students on campus, I couldn't help but think about how many of them were also walking with tiny slaves in their pockets or shoes. From what I had learned, all the sororities on campus had the ability to shrink people, and even a few non-sorority members had learned how to do it at some point. Just how many people had been enslaved just so that decades of sorority girls could continue to look picture perfect everyday?

The noise beyond died down and was replaced with soft music as Megan presumably walked into the backyard of her sorority's house. I could feel her shoes sink into the soft earth as she came to a halt, and through the thin sole, I could feel the approach of another giant woman.

“Megan! Oh my God, you look amazing.”

Stacey's voice sent chills through my body. I would recognize it anywhere, and even from beneath the relative safety of Megan's foot, I found myself curling into a ball to get away from her. I had spent more than a year under the petite blonde's rule, and I could still vividly remember each and every punishment she had dealt me. Megan might be crazy, but she was never as cruel as Stacey had been.

Her toes wrapped around me in another crushing hug, as she embraced her 'Little Sister'. “You do too,” she began as the pair walked deeper into the yard, catching each other up on what they had been doing over the past several months. I clung to Megan's big toe as she walked, terrified of the possibility that she might drag me out to 'say hi'.

Instead though, the giants sat down, and began to talk about the coming weekend.

Slowly, I started to relax, and try to drink in the normality of the conversation going on above me.

“Bee tee dubz,” Megan giggled as she stretched out her long legs, “I am totally going to need to get me some of that pulled pork.”

“I'm such an idiot, you probably haven't eaten all day, have you?”

“Well, no. But why would you think that?”

Stacey released a quick laugh, “I don't know, Megs, cause you used to never wake up before noon?”

“I have a job now, and I have to wear, like, fancy lady blazers to it. So, you know, I get up super-early.”

“What's early?”

“Like eight... ish.”

“I was up at seven to go for a run today.”

“Oh, well, I'm Stacey and I get up at ungodly hours to be healthy and blah, blah, blah.”

Above I heard a light slap of skin on skin before Stacey spoke, “Bitch.”

Megan only giggled as she rose from her seat.

“I've missed you,” Stacey added as my entire world began to shift and my body was crushed beneath Megan's smooth strides.

“Of course you have,” Megan called over her shoulder. A few more steps, and the pressure was taken off of me as she sat back down and swung her foot high up into the air. Higher up, I could hear the sound of barbecue sauce splattering down onto a paper plate as she bit into her sandwich. “You have no idea the difference a hundred miles makes in barbecue.”

Suddenly, I heard the sound of Megan undoing her shoe's thin laces and trying to yank them off of her sweaty feet. The leather made a soft pop as it was pulled from her foot, and after sticking to her skin for a brief second, I fell down onto the damp insole. Megan dropped the shoe to the ground, and I slammed up into the toe before being slammed back into the insole when it landed. The process was repeated with the other shoe, and I heard the giant redhead let out a moan of pleasure as the ground rumbled beneath me.

I crawled toward the light that was pouring into the oxford from its unobstructed mouth and gazed skyward. The denim pillar that was Megan's leg dominated my view before she leaned forward and smiled down at me. Her huge tree-like fingers descended and plucked me up into the sky without any warning before dropping me down onto her sauce coated plate.

A half eaten pulled pork sandwich rose up to my chin next to me, and I could see cole slaw and pickles only a few steps away. Megan's milky fingers wrapped around the sandwich and lifted it high up to her mouth as she took another bite. More vinegary sauce raining down from the sky when she bit into it. Her other hand came down, and she shoved me toward a few scraps of pork that had fallen out of her sandwich with a single finger. Looking up toward her, I watched as Megan licked her bright pink lips and gave me an encouraging smile.

Sheepishly, I carefully picked my way across the plate, avoiding the pools of vinegar based barbecue sauce that would certainly make it hard to walk, and gingerly picked up a scrap of meat. I was used to eating Megan's cast offs, but it felt strange to do it in public, where anyone could see.

The world was plunged in darkness, and a small cool hand completely covered me as it lifted me off the plate. When I could see again, I found myself staring into the gigantic cherubic face of Stacey. She flicked up her designer shades, and her ice cold blue eyes settled on me before she gently placed a lit cigarette between her lips. The end of it lit up a bright cherry red as Stacey took a long drag, and then blew smoke directly at me.

I coughed and sputtered as the cigarette smoke filled my lungs. My eyes burned and I fell onto my hands and knees before pounding my fist against Stacey's silky smooth palm. Above me, her lips curled into a smile.

“I haven't seen you in a long time, little guy.”

I wanted to plead or say something, but I knew better than to talk to Stacey without being prompted.

A shadow fell over me, along with a curtain of red hair as Megan leaned over Stacey's hand. “Aww, poor little thing, is Stacey being mean to you?” She cooed, her voice so loud it made my ears hurt. Her soft lips fell on top of me and pressed me into Stacey's huge palm as she kissed me, the vinegary sauce from her sandwich coating my already sweaty back. “Don't worry, I'm right here, I won't let her do anything bad to you.”

As Megan pulled away, Stacey gave a quick derisive snort, “Have you just been coddling him for the past year?”

“What? No.”

Another cloud of cigarette smoke fell on me, and I was left writhing in Stacey's hand.

“Then why is he freaking out? When I had him, he wouldn't even flinch from a little smoke.”

Megan rolled her eyes as she leaned over me, still eating her huge sandwich. “I don't know, maybe he just likes me more?”

“Because you treat him like a pet.”

Ash flicked in the sky above me, and a few burning bits fell on me. Not wanting to draw attention to myself, I bit down on my lip to avoid screaming in pain. The worst thing was, I knew that Stacey hadn't even meant to burn me that time, I was simply in the way.

“Sounds like you're just jealous he likes being my slave more.”

“Whatever,” Stacey bent down and dropped me down into the grass at her feet.

I stared up at her as she leaned back into her chair, clearly unconcerned with where I might try to run now that I was out of her sight. Staring up at the blonde girl that had made me this way, it took me a long time to realize that I was outside and unrestrained for the first time since I had tried to escape over a year ago.

A giddy laugh escaped my lips as I backed away from her, and the redheaded giant who had been keeping me locked in her apartment for the past several months. I looked over at Megan, but she was far more interested in eating a pulled pork sandwich than seeing if I was staying put where I was supposed to be. This, I realized, might be my second chance to get away. There were still people on campus I knew, and might be able to get to. Sucking in a huge breath, I turned around and prepared to make a break for it.

Only to find myself staring at a backyard the size of a national park.

Not only was the entrance to the yard seemingly miles upon miles away, in between me and the gate was a sea of feet. Perfectly pedicured toes both old and young shone in the sun along with the polished heels and sandals they wore. Where I did see women wearing sneakers, they were always fashionable and well kept, no doubt thanks to tiny slaves such as myself.

The worst part though, was when I spotted another small man about my age. He looked much more beaten down than I could ever be and had a long metallic band around his chest. I could see a sparkling chain run from the metal band to the big toe of a tall and attractive student wearing a skirt and bright t-shirt with the sorority's letters on it. The small man was dragged about as the young woman spoke to an older pair of alumni, all three of them laughing and chatting like it was any other nice autumn day. He pushed himself off of the muddy earth and caught me staring at him.

With a sad defeated look on his face, he waved.

And I, my face coming to share the same defeated look, waved back.

A massive quake then made me to fall to my knees.

Turning around I watched as Stacey ground out her cigarette beneath the ball of her foot, twisting her boat shoe back and forth to ensure the butt was no more. As she settled her foot back onto the ground, the smoldering ashes still sitting beneath it, I could hear the faint cries of the girl Megan had shrunk to obtain me.

I wracked my brain trying to remember the now tiny woman's name, but my memory failed me.

The world shook again, and the sunlight was blotted out by Megan's towering form. I turned to see her bare toes wiggling against the freshly cut grass, and looking up I saw her smiling down at me. “And just where do you think you were going to go, little guy?”

Bending down, she scooped me up with ease before sliding me into the breast pocket of her sheer blouse and giving me an affectionate pat. From my perch, I watched as Megan crossed back to the refreshment table and poured herself a glass of what I had no doubt was a booze spiked punch. She stood before the bowl for a long moment, and gazing upward, I watched as she threw the entire glass down the hatch in one go before letting out a low refreshed moan of pleasure.

Her milky hand patted her stomach, and I felt the reverberation through her body. Her words vibrated through my bones as she said, “I have definitely missed this place.”

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