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Author's Chapter Notes:
Here's some more ideas for you guys. I might pick one of these up once I get some other things off my to do list.
1.) Women are naturally 10-18 feet tall making sex a dangerous activity if the woman isn’t careful. The story starts with the girl carrying her boyfriend into the ER in the middle of the night. While they are waiting the girlfriend lightly presses a large bag of ice into her boyfriend’s crotch to ease his pain slightly. The guy apologizes for the hundredth time only causing the girl to hug him tighter. We find out that the girl really wanted to be the one on top and she got a little carried away. The doctor just tells them that he’ll get better soon and tells her to be gentler next time she wants to be on top.

2.) ‘Girl’s World!!!’ Size changing technology has been around for a while now, but it only works for women. This story involves around a new theme park where giant girls are the attraction. It can either be in the test stage (where only the main character is the only guy in the part), or fully finished. Every employee/ride is wearing a special ring that changes their size at will. Some rides could be; rock climbing/challenge tower where the guy has to climb up to a giantess to receive a kiss as a reward, bumper trucks where women act as seatbelts/air bags, water slide where you swim in a pool created by a woman’s cleavage until she separate her breasts and you slide down her body with the rest of the water. This could turn into a great story as the author comes up with even more giant girl inspired rides.

3.) men vs WOMEN competitions! Just a series of shorts where men compete against women of varying sizes. Some competitions could be but are not limited to: eating competitions, boxing/wrestling, weight lifting, track and field, cannonballing, arm wrestling, sports, etc.

4.) Going Up? Escalator Edition. A story where a guy witnesses a dimensional shift as she is riding an escalator with a group of girls. As the escalator goes up a series of things can happen; the girls grow, the guy shrinks, etc. The girls drag the guy along as they continue shopping which leads to more escalators. Just write what you would like to see as the guy goes up floor to floor with ever bigger girls.

5.) Alpha’s 10-16 feet tall, Beta’s regular size. A guy works as a striper to pay for college and he is called in the last second to fill in for a coworker. He is patiently waiting inside of a cake as he is delivered to a party. Once he is given the signal he pops out of the cake only to learn that he is the stripper at an Alpha women’s party. The only other bad part is that a girl he likes is at the party as well and takes a liking to him.

6.) A mysterious event a few decades ago has turned women into sexual goddess’. The male population has slowly dwindled over time. Other than being around 12 feet tall and stunningly beautiful, women emit a pheromone that is intoxicating to men. The pheromone causes extreme hypnotic arousal that only a woman can relieve. Once a guy finally climaxes he gains an immunity to it for 4-8 hours. All men wear a special breathing apparatus to block these pheromones and it is a crime for any woman to mess with the mask. A guy has finally turned 21 meaning that he can legally be married. He is currently waiting outside a restroom at a mall (men and women share a restroom) when a girl knocks him over causing his mask to break. She tries her best to help him by rushing him home. She finally relieves him because of the pain he is in and they eventually decide to become a couple afterwards.
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