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Author's Chapter Notes:

Tom awakens in a very strange place,...




Disclaimer: All characters, and parts thereof, are purely fictitious,* and - are by no means meant to be compared to anyone alive or dead. The subjects herein, are written from the memory of an individual whom has been subjected to (PTTD) post-tramatic Terror Disorder,... and all information within is purely incredible. No copyright infringement is intended. ;`)


'It's a Small, Small World'

Ms. 'Anez' Rinda, a twenty-something grad-student, was the type of young woman whom seemed to have everything at her fingertips. She was extremely smart. A little shy, but confident enough. Her shapely figure, made most other women a slight bit jealous,... Anez, or,...

'Missy' as her closest friends called her,...easily drew the full attention of any male that she happened to bump into....

Working for the county part-time, as an assitant to her mother, She made enough to pay her bills and cover most of her expenses,... it was a good weekly paycheck; And, it allowed her to pretty much work at her own pace.

Once per week, she spent her mornings collecting the weeky exspence reports from all seven of the area schools in the district. She could set her own schedule, as long as she gathered all of the paperwork, checked it for accuracy, filled out the totals, and then turned them in to her boss, (her Mother) at the county court house, before five PM.

She could finish up in three hours, and had the rest of the week to work on her hobby...

Missy, and Lisa, her best friend, had started their own bussiness on the side; selling short films through a small mail order agency. (Remember, this was the 1970's) The films, or short clips, were just something that her and her college room mates, had stumbled upon while studying in Psychology class.

While studying human sexuality, (mainly female,- as the population was nearly all women) they were all introduced into the fascinating world of a certain sexual fetish. It was something quite different than what most people would first expect, but even still,...it seemed to exsist among a few women,...well, more than a few, as she and her friends would soon discover...

Anez, or Missy,... also had a thing for collecting miniatures. Her apartment was completely filled with all sorts of things that looked very realistic, only,... they were scaled down versions of everyday objects; model cars, furniture, boats, houses, bicycles and pretty much everything that an avid collector of such things would go crazy over,... and, she had the most realistic doll house that had ever been built.

Standing within her apartment, the doll house was the central focus,...

With working plumbing, electric lighting, and fully functional appliances- (a working stove, refrigerator, and a miniature hot water tank), the tiny house appeared so realistic, that it looked as though someone had shrunken down a full sized home; sitting in Missy's living room upon the table on full display.


After making a few amateur films, and writing a short summary to go along with it,... Missy and her BFF Lisa, sent the films to the agency. The agency took a small percentage for their advertising, and then, they posted the films in an underground catalog. 'The Fantasy Page'.

After just a few months, they were delightfully surprised to find their post office box overflowing with mail. As their customers began to place more, and more orders, the small mail box was gradually becoming over-stuffed with requests,... specific requests, for 'specialties' ...performed by her and her friends.

It was just a curious idea at first. Kind-of, an 'experiment' for Missy. She didn't expect it to become a real business, her friends couldn't believe it either,... they had no idea how it would take off the way that it did!


The specific idea was the 'Giantess fantasy'. A very private, and, 'dirty-little-secret', that some very powerful women seemed to share,... they actually enjoyed the idea of becoming an enormous, goddess-like being, towering over a normal sized person and dominating them completely.

Missy, and her friends, used little dolls to play the part of their victims, and the camera shots were usually low angle shots, taken from floor level, while she stood over the little doll and pretended to playfully terrorize them as a giantess.

The set was made up with her miniatures, and a very realistic little short film was pumped out on a weekly basis,...

The usual plot ; was about some helpless miniature person, being captured and subdued by this gigantic girl,... taken prisoner, and forced to become their personal little slave,...

... not at all sexual, but more humiliating than anything else,... the young girls found it fun, and very 'profitable'; trying to perform the specific requests that their eager customers continually asked for,...it was an exciting challenge for the small group of friends.

However, as time went by, their customers request's started becoming more 'sexual', and some of the girls didn't want to do it any longer,... they wanted to stop filming and shut it down for awhile...

Missy was kinda shy herself, and they all decided to stop making anymore new films, and just keep selling the ones that they had already made,... well, their sales started dwindling down to just a few requests, until finally, they weren't getting any more at all...


Some weeks later, everything had pretty much went back to normal and Missy was at one of the schools, doing her job and collecting their expense paperwork,...on fridays, she would always collect the information in the afternoon, so that she could avoid all of the students,...

As she always did, Missy had just collected the expence reports from the schools office; it was nearly three o'clock in the afternoon, and she thought that the shower rooms would soon be empty,... being a friday, she always waited until evening to leave the building, she could sneak down to the girls locker room and take a good shower in the schools shower room. It had a never ending supply of hot water, and the pressure was fantastic,... she usually did this every friday...

However, on this day, Missy was surprised to see a couple of girls, still using the showers. ..

"That's weird?", she thought.

"What the,.. What were they still doing here on a friday evening?", she whispered to herself, as she stepped in behind some lockers and waited to see if the girls were getting ready to finish up and leave.

Positioning herself so that she could stay out of their sight, Missy stood on top of the center bench and peeked overtop of the lockers,... suddenly eyeing something that she just could not believe,...

.... she had heard about those tiny men, and their miniature spaceship. It had been all over the news; the pictures of it, at the city park, Zena Maxwell, standing next to the tiny space ship, and how strangely small the tiny 'men' looked inside of that rodent cage,...

She still couldn't quite, 'believe' it though,... she had figured that it was all some kind of trick to get more people to go to the park,...

As she rubbed her eyes and looked closer, the little naked man sitting on the soap dish turned his head and started moving around!

"Oh My God! It's one of the little men!", she thought,

Her eye's lighting up, as she imagined having him all to herself; another addition to her ever growing collection of perfect little miniatures,...

"I've got to have him!"

The steam cloud that completely enveloped the entire shower room, was all she needed to sneak up without being seen,... She knew that those girls wouldn't see her if she was quick, and she slipped quietly along the edge of the wall and reached into the shower stall. Her heart pounding with excitement, Missy swiftly snatched up the little,... naked man.

He instantly started squirming around violently inside of her fingers. She heard a tiny squeaking sound, and she squeezed tighter, stopping him from resisting, ... she gripped her fingers around his entire body-- stopping his futile struggling,...

Bringing her hand up in front of her face, she swiftly scolded him,

"Shut up!", she told him, "I'm trying to help you!"

Holding him firmly within her single hand, she rushed out of the locker room and headed directly for the parking lot...


Several hours later,...sometime during the early morning hours,...

Tom's mouth gapped open,... as he startled himself awake; sucking in an excited breath, he coughed a few times and caught his breath...

Rolling onto his back; lying flat, on a very soft, warm cushion,...he felt his legs sinking down into the thickness of something that felt very warm and dry.

The sound of some type of strange, mechanical vibration, drew his attention. It seemed to be in the distance..., an air pressure from some type of heating system. He couldn't tell for sure,...

Afraid to open his eyes... he began to tremble from the thoughts that had returned to his frightened mind. The events that had happened to him leading up to this point, had stressed his mental bearings to the extreme. He felt like he had no control over anything anymore; not even his own body...

The pain in his ribs had begun to subside, but as he slowly moved his legs and swept his arms up above his head, he felt the soft surface that he was laying on. He wondered if he had already died?

He took a deep breath, sniffing smoothly through his nose,... he felt the slight sting from his fractured ribs. His chest expanded. "Nope,... he was still, very much alive...".

A mild, calming aroma of some type of 'sweet smelling' perfume, lingered in the air all around him.

A slight odour, blended into the aroma. His spine stiffened up, as his brain recognized the mild scent,... although it was very feminine, it was an unmistakable scent, a powerful body sweat,...

Slightly opening one eye,... he noticed the dimly lit space around him was like a glowing dome shaped bowl. The highest point being centered directly above him, he suddenly opened his other eye and frantically looked all around!

He was lying in the middle of a real bed; but the strange room,... was like some kind of round prison cell! A yellow cloth draped perfectly over the dome-like ceiling, completely covering the walls all the way around the entire room,... looking closer at the wall, he caught his breath as he saw the heavy metal bars,...completely covered with an enormous yellow sheet.

The door was closed.

A rectangular door,... it instantly drew his attention,... where had he seen a room like this before?

He looked closer, and slowly sat up; the light beyond the walls must have been much brighter because the yellow sheet of material that curtained around him seemed to be glowing like a flaming ember from floor to ceiling...

Easily able to take it all in, Tom quietly pulled back the soft covering and carefully slid his feet out onto the floor. Without making a sound, he slowly got to his feet and stood up next to the bed...

The floor was just as soft, and he awkwardly stumbled forward toward the wall. He stopped and stood very still,... listening. He couldn't make any sense of where he was,... the glowing yellow walls offered nothing as a clue...

The warm air around him, was so soothing and comfortable,.... he felt safe, but he had no idea where he was...

He stepped away from the bed, walking on the balls of his feet, he quietly tip-toed closer to the door. The bars were at least an inch thick and the latch that fastened the door, was locked tightly.

He knelt down next to the circular wall and reached through the narrow space between two bars; grabbing the yellow curtain, he pulled up on the skirt and raised the bottom edge up so that he could see out from underneath of it,...

The sight of a much brighter light, somewhere beyond the wall, cast a brilliant glair across the distant floor far below, the larger room outside was carpeted in a dark green sea of plush carpeting.

He listened intently for any sign of movement or motion; constantly expecting someone to suddenly appear,... and catch him off-guard, his hands were shaking uncontrollably.

Pulling the curtain up higher, he lowered his head to try and see more of the outside world. The huge room outside of his round cell, slowly came into view,...

Looking straight down, across the green carpeting that spread out a hundred feet below, he saw a pair of large black shoes sitting next to the wall; a pair of tall leather boots with the thigh-high suede leather,... they lay crumpled next to a closed door, a little further away, slightly over shadowed by an enormous book case, he saw a leather whip hanging from a hook.

Unable to see beyond that, Tom decided to get up and go to the other side of the round room. He quickly made his way around the bed and over to the opposite side,...

Squatting down, while raising up the lower edge of the curtain,... his eye's widened with wonder as he took in the sight of an enormous bed,...

... the covers were pulled back, and a large, mountainous figure, broke the flat surface, forming a higher hilly skyline, directly above the flat plateau of the enormous mattress... A sleeping giantess.

He could plainly see her, sleeping with her back turned toward him. Dropping the curtain and standing back up, he glanced all around the circular room. He suddenly realized where he was,... He must be inside some type of cage; trapped inside of her bedroom!

Chapter End Notes:

Max and Zena Maxwell are up next,... long overdue.  Sorry for the long wait, I've had so many distractions here lately I've really had to push to get time to work on this,... hopefully, I'll get some extra time here in the coming weeks.  Thanks for reading, and please review! ;`)

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