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Author's Chapter Notes:

Last chapter!

Report 8: Closing Thoughts and Relevant Notes

            My letter of termination came later than I was expecting by three days.  It was more than enough time for me to get everything packed up that I needed.  I was amused to discover that I truly am as capable a judge of causality as I thought when the head of my department Candice informed me, in gentler terms than my dear former coworker Mr. Philbin, of the exact reasons for my prompt expulsion from the company.

            Apparently, it was, in fact, my consistent refusal to listen to a single demand Techilogic made to infringe on the honesty of my study.  It was good to have the air cleared.

            I’ve moved apartments with a different name on the lease.  Nothing was said to me about it, but I’m beginning to feel I couldn’t remain there for much longer, in case Techilogic decided to kick some dirt up in my face.  I’m already making plans to leave the state within the month.  I have a feeling they’ll have some choice words and/or actions with me if I remain in their sights for much longer.

            And who’s to blame them, given the number of digital souvenirs I managed to procure from some of their secure files before leaving the building?  I have my fingers crossed that they don’t discover which places I had a look until I am well out of their easy reach.

            I could tell Techilogic was monitoring my work computer, but with a few sleights of hand and some aid from a technologically savvy acquaintance, their defenses were easy enough to circumvent.  None of it is spelled out, at least from the little I’ve managed to check out so far, but there are enough leads here that I’ve got my work cut out for me, and I’ve only had the time to thoroughly comb through a fraction of what I borrowed.

            Nothing of usable substance has yet cropped up with regards to the name Julia Mack.  The most relevant information I can find is nearly two decades old.  Someone by the name of Julia Mack, a teenager at the time, is a child of then-prominent lawyer team Gene and Barbara Mack.  I haven’t been able to find much to their names within the last decade, however.  Despite the lack of available information, the mere fact that this tidbit was so tricky to dig up seems to warrant further search in order to understand why it was buried so deeply.  It’s my hope that the additional files I borrowed from Techilogic will continue to provide answers to the questions Faith was posing to me.

            Let’s just say I have a great new hobby to keep my busy now that I’m not longer a 9 to 5 man.  It’s a good thing I always was such a fan of reading.

            I’d only just begun unpacking some of the materials and absorbing the disjointed information when I received an email on an alternate account that I’ve infrequently used up to this point, as Techilogic hasn’t been able to get a look at it like with my work account.

            It made for intriguing reading:          


Mr. Taylor,

            I’d seen your name on a few journal articles in the last few years and liked what I saw.  Now that you’re no longer a part of Techilogic, I gather you’ve got a little more free time to make use of.  I also gather that someone with the kind of integrity I want to believe you possess wouldn’t let a mission for justice drop just because money wasn’t coming in and the former employers wanted you out of the picture.  By the way, if you haven’t started moving yet, you should be, because Techilogic won’t give you much of a head start.

            Save yourself the time of wondering how I got your information and just take into consideration what I’ve got to suggest to you.  From what I know of who you’ve talked to for your “Shrink Act Files” project, you’ve barely scratched the surface.  And that’s putting it lightly.

            Take my advice and go back to the beginning.  The very beginning.  You likely don’t know where that is, so I’ll give you a hint.  If you want to get your hands on some interesting information, get yourself over to Avalon Valley.  It’s a small town out in Nevada near the mountains, and I’m guessing you haven’t heard much of it, because no one has for a very long time.  Techilogic is good at hushing people up when it needs to, but even the nation’s biggest corporation can’t throw a big enough blanket to hide an entire town if people know where to look.

            Even more relevant to your interests, I think, is the reason why they felt the need to cover Avalon up.  If you think covering a town up is hard, imagine what they had to do to cover up the reason to cover it up.  Or rather, her.  And believe me when I say there was a lot of her to cover.

            Happy trails, Mr. Taylor.  I’ll contact you again at a later date with great interest in whether or not you’ve decided to pursue this.  From what I can discern of your passion for uncovering the truth at all costs, though, I have hope that it will be a positive answer.

-Jack A.


            For all I know, the email is a scam, or even an elaborate hoax by Techilogic already to ruin me before I get a chance to sweep their secrets out from under the rug.  I know precisely who this person intends me to think he is, and confirming that it is indeed him could be a tremendous boon to my research, though until I know for sure, I will proceed cautiously and from a very safe distance.  Regardless, as this Jack A. stated, with all the time I now have on my hands, and presumably a need to stay on the move once Techilogic catches onto the information I borrowed from their files, it’s a project at least worth looking into.

            I could use a vacation after all of this anyway.

            Normally when I conduct studies like this, I conclude my reports with a summation of my professional opinion and reading of the source material.  Seeing as I, currently, will be the only reader of the material until such time that I can begin to make more sense of Techilogic’s files, though, I’ve decided no such thing will be necessary in this case.  Direct address of my reports will be limited, and instead used in my continued search for possibilities to aid certain of my sources in any way I can.  In lieu of a formal closing report, I’ve resolved to go a little more for the big picture here with a very simple idea cut down to its purest form.

            Techilogic is wrong.

            The PMRD is wrong.

            The Shrink Act is wrong.

            Further, all the work I’ve done before to fight for the ethical treatment of shrunken individuals was useless.  I was trying to play within the system, having not fully realized that Techilogic itself had constructed that system from its very own bricks and mortar.

            I can no longer work like that, and luckily, I have no interest in doing so.  I’ve seen just enough below the surface to know nobody’s playing by the rules they said they were at first, and if I’m going to have any kind of success, I’ve got to do the same.

            I’ve wondered for a long time what it would be like to work for myself.  When all this began, and I knew there was a strong possibility my efforts would see me removed from Techilogic, I fully believed I would soon be alone and researching for my own purposes.

            After what I’ve seen in this study, I know I still won’t know what it’s like to work for myself, because there are far more important things going on here, and as I see no one else making meaningful strides for these silenced individuals, I figure it might as well be me who gets the ball rolling.


Chapter End Notes:

...and that's the end of that!

I appreciate everyone who gave this experimental little venture a chance. It may or may not have been a welcome discovery for some of my readers to see that this story didn't contain my usual raunchy fetish-themed shenanigans, but I was really just trying to expand the world my stories take place in, and hope that this did the job. Expect the regularly scheduled juicy giantess action to resume in my next couple of stories.

I'm aware that there are a number of unanswered questions about the fate of certain characters here; those questions will get answers later on in A Little Blackmail 5, Julia, and Time-out 6 (the last of which is coming out within the next week). I may eventually do a follow-up to this story to show Howard's work once he's outside the employ of Techilogic, and that would help tie up loose ends as well. Please keep an eye out for my next story, which will be an invasion of Ackbar's Omega series, called Omega: Inheritance. It'll be a fun time.

As always, I so appreciate all the commentary I received for this tale, and would love to hear any final thoughts people have on it. Peace out, kids.

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