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Chapter 7 – Roles, and the players.

“What?” she heard from below. Carlos was looking up at her.
“Oh sweetie. You're awake.” she said.
“What did you say?” he asked again, still feeling somewhat groggy.
“Oh nothing.” she said.

Seeing her thumb raised beside him, he quickly realized that he was lying in her hand. He felt butterflies hit his stomach, thinking he may not have thought this through.  He had put himself in the palm of her hand, both figuratively and literally. It started to sink in that she was now in total control of him. Bringing her thumb down to his side, she carefully caressed her arm and shoulder. Carlos could see that her thumbnail was as big, if not bigger than his head. It was as if he went into survival mode, fearing for his life. She started to shake and looked up at her with the fear of God in his eyes. He held up his hands as if to ward her off.

“Carlos, what's gotten into you?” she asked, sounding quite concerned.
He said nothing. He just stared up her as if he was expecting her to do something that was not so nice.  “I'm going to put you down.” she said as she lowered her hand to pillow and tilting it. He rolled down the pillow and onto the mattress. Getting to his feet, he looked at Deborah's huge legs in front of him. Slowly, he looked skyward so see her face. Her sheer size astounded him, causing him to stumble and fall down. Looking back up at her, he was feeling quite small and vulnerable. She had the opposite reaction and was feeling quite gigantic looking down at him.

He held his hands up and crouched down, as if she was going to harm him. Deborah frowned at him,  wondering what was going on. “What are you doing?” she asked. “Are you okay?”
Even though she was kneeling on the mattress, she realized that she must have looked pretty gigantic. She carefully lay down on her side so she would be a little less intimidating. “Carlos, you're freaking me out. Stop looking at me like that!” she said in a strong tone.

He backed up, putting his hands to his ears. She quickly lowered her head and whispered “I'm sorry sweetie. I didn't realize how big I must look. Please calm down. I'm not going to hurt you.”
He put his hands over his eyes and started to weep. The sheer amount of emotions he had experienced in a single day had stressed him to the breaking point. Deborah's heart was about to melt as she saw her little man break down in front of her. She slid her hand behind him and cupped her palm around his back. “I feel so helpless sweetie.” she said. “You're shaking.”

After a few seconds, he fell backwards into her hand, his eyes still covered. Deborah watched him with tears welling up in her eyes. Finally lowering his hands, he looked up and blubbered “I don't know what happening to me. I think we might have gone too far.” She stroked the top of his head with her thumb as he continued the blurt out what he was feeling. “Carlos, everything is okay. You're okay. It's just a lot to take in all at once.”

He pulled her thumb down to his chest and hugged it. “When you held me up over your head and looked up at me, I felt so sure I wanted to be smaller.” he told her.
Gently stroking his chest with the pad of her thumb, she asked “And now you're not so sure?”
“I don't know Deborah.” he replied. “You were holding me up high, and I looked down at you. You looked so big and so beautiful.”
Sighing gently, she shook her head and said “Oh you little sweetheart. I wish I could make you feel better.”
“It's just......” he started to say, looking down.
“Just what?” she prodded him.
“I mean I trust you.....” he continued. “But I'm scared. That's all. There, I said it. I'm scared.”
Her long fingers curled around his torso and she lifted him to her mouth. Placing a kiss on his head, she lowered him back down to the mattress and uncurled her fingers. She looked down at him and said “Look at me Carlos.”
He stood with slumped shoulders and his head down. The tip of her index finger came into view and she put it under his chin, lifting his head. Looking right into his eyes, she said “I don't care how big I look, I will never, ever do anything to harm you. I did what I did because I thought that's what you wanted. I know I asked you if you were sure, but in hindsight...”
With his chin resting on the tip if her finger, he just stared up at her, feeling totally helpless and insignificant. Even though she was trying to make him feel better, lifting his chin with her finger accentuated her dominance and power over him. It made him feel even smaller that his eight inch height.

Lowering her finger and releasing his chin, she stroked his chest and said “Tell me what I can do sweetie. I feel so powerless, like I can't do anything to help you.” Carlos looked up at her and said “You feel powerless? Are you kidding? You have no idea how insignificant I feel.”
Leaning her head down, she spoke quietly “You have touched me in so many ways. I have never felt like this with anyone. If that's not significant, I don't know what is.”

“It's just the way I feel.” he said. “I bet I would even fit under your foot.”
Exhaling loudly, she shook her head and said “So that's it. We're back on the subject of my feet again?”
He just shrugged is shoulders. She thought for a second and said “This is coming from what I did in the shower, isn't it?” she asked. “I should have never done that. I don't even know why I did. Forcing you down to kiss my foot was such a terrible thing to do.”

Deborah looked down at him and saw that he had become aroused. She knew right away what this was all about. Feeling like she had just been played, she tapped her finger on the mattress and asked “Carlos  sweetie. Are you playing with me?”
He looked up at her and replied “No.”
“I can't believe it.” she said. “How could I be so stupid! You played me like a cheap violin!”
“No. No. I......I......might have embellished a bit, but I....uhhhh......” he stuttered, realizing she had nailed him. “Don't be mad at me.”
Deborah lay her head down on the pillow to get closer to him. She licked her lips and said “If you needed me to control you and dominate you, all you had to do was ask.”
“So you're uhh......not mad?” he asked her sheepishly.
“It's incredibly flattering what you did, so no, I'm not mad.” she replied, looking into his eyes. “Just don't be shy to ask me for what you want. I'm very open minded.”
“Where did you come from?” he blurted out.
“Long Island.” she replied with a chuckle.
“That's not what I meant.” he said.
Laughing at his reaction, she stroked him with her hand and said “I know that's not what you meant.”

“Don't make me feel more embarrassed that I already do.” he said, holding his head down.
Looking at him for a few seconds, she asked “Do you ever have any fun Carlos?”
“What?” he asked.
“Fun. You know. Laughing, enjoying life.” she said sarcastically. “I think you need to have some fun.”
“I guess...I mean I don't usually do anything fun.” he answered.
“No kidding.” she replied.
“So what kind of fun?” he asked.
“Well.” she said, her eyes widening. “How about I.” she said putting her hand on her chest. “play the giant woman, and you” she said pointing down at him. “Play the scared little man about to be stepped on? How does that sound?”
Poor little Carlos just stood there with his mouth hanging open. She was his dream woman. She had every quality that made her simply incredible.

Sitting up on the bed, she readjusted herself and sat with her knees bent. Carlos looked up at her and asked “So, now what?” He was very excited, anticipating what she was going to do.
“Why don't you go down to the end of the bed.” she said.
“Okay.” he said, walking past her feet on the mattress. Turning around, he yelled “It this far enough?”

Extending her leg, she placed her foot on it's heel in front of him and tilted her head to get a good look at his height compared to her foot. The top of his head was just below the base of her toes. She slid her foot even closer, so he was only an inch away from it. “You're right Carlos, my foot is longer that you are tall.” she said.
“Now I know why you are so self-conscious about your big feet!” he shouted at her jokingly.
She leaned back on her elbows, looking at him slyly. “Carlos.” she said. “Poking fun at the size of my foot is not very smart for a guy of your stature. That kind of talk could be dangerous.”
“You're still playing around, right? He asked her, wanting to be sure.
Exhaling, then raising her eyebrows, she flexed her toes and said “A little guy like you that thinks he can just make fun of my foot, might just end up underneath it.”

Carlos wasn't totally sure whether she was playing, but he figured he would just go with it. He dropped to he knees and said “Deborah, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make fun. You're not going to step on me are you?”
Not answering, she bent her knee and put her foot back down on the mattress. “Come here.” she said, motioning with her index finger. He walked back up the bed until she said “That's far enough.”
She put her foot in front of him and raised it slightly. “Kneel.” she commanded. Carlos' heart was pounding as he dropped to his knees. “Kiss my big toe.” she told him. He leaned in and pecked the tip of her toe. Deborah flexed her toes up, and said “No. That's not what I wanted. I want you to kiss the underside of my toe. I want you to know your place.” she commanded.
She lowered her toe down over his head. He craned his neck and kissed the pad if her toe. “That's better.” she said in a domineering voice. “A little man need to know his place.”
She pushed him over with her toe onto his back and slid her foot over him. She lowered it down on top of him, pinning him underneath it. Her tips of her big and second toes were just below his chin.

Carlos was dumbfounded. He felt her press down on him. The feeling of the sole of her bare foot on his body was electrifying.  With him firmly pinned, she reached over to her night table and picked up her phone, then started flipping through the icons. “Who are you calling?” he asked.
“Nobody silly.” she replied as she held the phone up and said “Smile.” She touched the screen to focus on his face, then touched the camera icon, snapping off a picture. Laughing, she said “Oh that's good.”
“Show me!” he yelped. Turning the phone around, she placed the screen above him. He saw himself with a stunned look on his face, with Deborah's dark burgundy painted toes just under his chin.
She flipped the phone over and took more more pictures from different angles, then said “Come on sweetie, put your heart into it. Can't you at least appear to be scared.” as she flipped through the pictures.
“I'm uuuuhhhhh.......trying.” he gasped. Deborah hadn't realized that she had put her arm on her knee and that increased the weight on him. She looked down and said “Oh sorry. Was I pressing down too hard?”
“Kind of.” he replied, feeling it easier to breathe. “Be careful. You scared me.”

Not even looking at him, she replied “Isn't that the point? To be scared?”
“I guess....I mean....I don't know.” he tried to get the words out.
Deborah didn't have a malicious bone in her body, but she was really good at role playing. She knew exactly what buttons to push. Lowering the phone, she looked down at her foot. “You don't know?” she asked. “You don't know that your helpless? Or you're wondering how much pressure I can exert on that little body of yours?”
“Deborah.....what are you doing?” he asked, his voice fluttering. He was getting legitimately frightened.
“Carlos, Carlos, Carlos.” she replied with a sigh. “I have to be honest. I was doing this for you, but I'm starting to like having such control over you. Five years I put up with your shit. Five years. Now look at you.” She chuckled, then continued “Under my foot where you belong.”

Before he could say anything, her phone started to buzz in her hand.
“Hello?” Deborah said, answering her phone.
The voice on the other end asked “Ryder?”
“Yes.” she replied, knowing it was Captiain Morris.
“There's been a development in the Bosati case.”
“Oh.” she replied.
“Who's that?” Carlos asked. He saw her toes pass over his face as she slid her foot forward. With his head underneath her toes, she pressed down slightly, silencing him.
“Okay.” she said. “What happened?”
“I'll brief you when you get down here. Have you heard from Munoz?” Morris asked. “I can't get a hold of him.”
“Ummmm...he's here with me.” she replied.
“Oh. Okay.” Morris said, sounding a little suspicious. “I need you both down at his Central Park West house, as fast as you can get here.”
“Okay. You got it.” she replied, then she touched the screen, ending the call. She looked down to see his left arm were protruding from the side of her foot, his little fist shaking. Lifting her foot off of him, she got up from the bed and said “I have to go.” She darted into her closet and put on some jeans. Coming back to the bed she sat down and put on some socks. “There's been a development in the Bosati case.” she said to him.
“I can't just stay here!” he shouted. “You told him I was here!”
Standing up, she turned and looked down at him and said “You're not going anywhere.”
She turned around to leave. H yelled up at her “Wait!”
Stopping, she rolled her eyes and turned back. “You're not coming with me Carlos?”
“I know, I just......” he said.
“What?” she asked impatiently, glaring down at him. “I have to get going.”
“What you said before. Where I belong.” he told her. “And just before with your foot.”

Deborah shrugged her shoulders and chuckled a bit, then crouched down and crossed her arms on the bed. She looked down at him and said “I was playing sweetie. It was an act.”
“Okay. It was a little scary, that's all. I thought you were serious.” he answered.
Shaking her head at his answer, she smiled then said “That's the whole point. You were supposed to be scared.” she said. “What's the point of being completely dominated if you're not scared?”
Carlos couldn't say anything.
“Now don't get into any trouble.” she said. “I'll be back as soon as I can.”
“What are you going to tell Morris?” her asked.
“Don't worry about it. I'll figure something out.” she said as she walked out the bedroom. “I'll be back soon.” her voice trailed off and then her heard the door close.
Carlos flopped down on the bed and held his head in his hands. “Oh my God I love her!” he shouted at the top of his lungs.

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