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Author's Chapter Notes:

Here is a bit more setup before we get into some action on the streets of New York.

Chapter 20 – He Just Can't Resist

It was about five thirty in the morning. Paige stood in front of the mirror in her bathroom looking at herself. “We're almost there.” she said. “Soon I'll be on a beach with twenty million in the bank.” After admiring herself for a few minutes, she walked out of the bathroom and headed into the kitchen, glancing down at the glass that was holding Davidson captive on the table as she walked by. A grin crossed her face, knowing that he was going to tell her everything, one way or another.

After a few minutes, she emerged from the kitchen and stood at the edge of the table, sipping a cup of  coffee. Davidson was awake and peered out the side of the glass up at her. He had fear in his eyes as her hand lowered and lifted the glass. Davidson took deep breaths, getting some fresh air into his lungs. He stood up and stared at her, speechless.
“So Ed.” she said. “You said know something that I need to know.”
“I....uhhh....I......” he stuttered.
Leaning over the table, she looked straight down at him with a piercing glare. “Were you lying to me?”
“No....I mean....uhhhh....I might have exaggerated a little.” he told her.
Shaking her head, she said “Exaggerated? So you expect me to believe anything you say now?”
“Wait!” he yelped. “Don't do anything crazy.”
Raising her torso back up, she glared down at him and asked “You told me you had information that would help me. So you made that up?”
Sipping her coffee, she waited for an answer, but Davidson didn't respond, he just looked up at her, not knowing what to say.
“So what do I do with you now?” she asked, staring down at him. “It seems that your usefulness has ended. Wouldn't you agree?”
Davidson knew that he was probably headed underneath her foot, just like she told him at the meeting with Wiley.

Taking another sip of coffee, her eyes widened as she watched him sprint for the edge of the table. She put her cup down and swopped her hand down to grab him, but Davidson was running as fast as his legs could carry him and her fingers just missed him. She chuckled at his sense of self preservation as he leaped off the opposite side of the table, plummeting what seem to be thirty feet to the floor. He landed on the edge of a throw rug, and incredibly, wasn't hurt, even though he landed hard. The carpet edge broke his fall enough to save him and he sprang to his feet. A loud thud sent a shiver down his spine, realizing that is was her bare foot landing the floor on the other side of the table. He saw the sofa a few hundred feet away at this scale and made a run for it. With his heart was pounding, he heard second thud, then a third as he ran for the safety of the sofa. A fourth, louder thud echoed behind him as her bare foot landed on the floor, now only a few feet behind him. He didn't want to look back, but couldn't help himself. He took a quick look to see the bottom of her right foot lowering down behind him. Paige was taking calculated steps as she watched his tiny frame running, all out towards the sofa. She had no intention of letting him make it, and wanted to time it perfectly so he would think he was going to make it, just before being crushed beneath her foot.

He heard the booming thud behind him from her footfall. He looked back again to see her giant toes, just  behind him. Still running, he glanced up again to see her bare legs, then her white robe and further up, he caught a last glimpse of her eyes as she watched him trying to escape. Paige bent her left knee and lifted her foot off the floor. Davidson had been running like mad and was out of breath. He screeched “No!” at seeing a shadow appear on the floor around him. Adrenaline kicked in and he sprinted, in last ditch effort to avoid being squashed. The shadow darkened as her foot came down toward him. It seemed hopeless as he looked up and saw the ball of her foot about to make contact. He dove just before her foot hit the floor, narrowly avoiding being crushed. He slid across the wood floor, coming to a stop just underneath the sofa. He turned over quickly and looked up to see he had made it.

“You lucky little prick!” she said down to him.
He sprang to his feet and ran, standing behind the leg of the sofa, keeping out of sight. Sucking in as much air as he could, he peered around the leg to see her bare feet on the floor, her right foot tapping slowly. “Alright Ed. You've bought yourself some time. I have to get going and I don't have time to chase you right now.”
She knew he was watching, so she tilted her foot up on the heel slightly so he could see the bottom of her foot. “I know you're watching Ed, so get a good look at where you're gong to end up when I get back later.”
He stared at her huge foot as it descended to the floor with a slapping thump. She stood still for a few seconds, then turned and walked off. He knew that unless he could find a way out of her condo, she would find him and step on him.

About fifteen minutes later, he heard her spike heels hitting the floor as she emerged from her bedroom. She walked over to the sofa and stood beside it. “When I get back, I'm going to find you Ed.” she said. He swallowed at seeing her foot tilt on the spike of her sling back pump, then lower back to the floor. She walked towards the door after a moment or two, then stood with her hand on the handle for a few seconds, before opening it and closing it behind her. Davidson leaned against the foot of the sofa and slid down to the floor. He put his hand on his forehead and shook his head. “What am I going to do?” he said to himself. “How did I get here? She going to fucking step on me!”
He lowered his head and blubbered in his hands as his fate started to sink in.

Back in the Hotel suite, Deborah was sitting on the bed with her back against the headboard, reading from a tablet with Carlos asleep pillow beside her. She got up to go the the bathroom and returned a few minutes later to see that he was gone from the surface of the pillow. Scanning with her eyes, she saw him standing at the edge of the bed, so she tookseveral slow steps, coming to a standing stop beside it. Carlos was staring at her legs, then his eyes followed up her giant body, finally craning his neck and locking eyes with her. She had her hands on her hips and said “You're finally awake.”
“Uhhh.....yeah” he answered. “I was just wondering where you were?”
“I had to go to the bathroom.” she said. “Did you sleep well?”
“Yeah.” he replied.

He looked over at the table beside the bed and noticed the bottles of nail polish sitting on the top. “I went through a lot of trouble to get those.” she said, seeing him look over at them.
“What do you mean? What happened?” he asked.
“It's not important sweetie.” she replied. “When I got back here last night, you were already passed out. You woke up for a few seconds, but fell asleep again.”
“I was really tired.” he said.
“I know sweetie. It's okay.” she said, lowering down to her knees so her face was opposite him. “You've been through a lot.”
Carlos was feeling a little bad that she had gone out just to get the nail polish and said “I can fix the polish now, if you want.”
“You don't have to do that.” she replied, shaking her head a little and batting her eyes at him.
The expected response took no time at all. “I want to.” he stated wit conviction.
“Are you sure?” she asked. “I don't want you to feel like you have to.”
“No. I want to.” he told her.
“Okay. As long as you're sure.” she said. “Don't be afraid. Tell me no sweetheart.”
“I'm not afraid of you Deborah!” he said loudly, trying to assert himself a little.
“That's not what I meant Carlos.” she said. “I meant that you don't have to paint my toes, but if you really want to, I'm fine with it.”
“Sorry.” he told her. “I'm just feeling a little....you know.”
“That's okay sweetie. I understand.” she replied, then she reached over to the table and took the bottles in her fingertips and deposited them on the bed in front of him.

Carlos looked at the bottles and then up at her face, saying “So what color?”
“I'll leave it up to you to choose a color.” she said.
In front of him were three colors – a medium purple, a deep red and dark blue – and one was clear. He shook his head and said “Clear coat too?”
“If you're going to do something, do it right I always say.” she replied, tapping his shoulder with the tip of her index finger.
He took the top of one of the bottles in his hands and said “How about purple?”
“Sure.” she replied. “Whatever you want sweetie.”
“So how do we do this then?” he asked.
“Well first, I need to remove the old polish for you. I don't want you breathing in fumes from the remover.”
“It's okay, I'll do it.” he said. “If it gets too bad, I'll let you do it.”
“Okay.” Deborah replied. “I guess the best place will be the sofa over there. Let me get a towel and the remover. The hotel has these great little pads for removing nail polish.”
She wrapped her fingers around his torso and lifted him up and lowered him down to the floor beside her knee. She stood up to her full height and looked down at him standing beside her left foot with his face staring straight up at her.
“I'll meet you over at the sofa.” she said, lifting her foot and moving it directly over him as she stepped towards the bathroom, making sure that he got a really good look at the sole of her foot. Carlos watched her walk off to the bathroom, her footsteps made dull thuds on the wood floor as she strode. Her five-foot-ten frame was quite a site from his diminished vantage point.

A few seconds later, he heard her ask “Are you coming?”
Still in a bit of a trance from her lifting her foot over his head, he looked over to his right to see her walk past the bed towards the sofa. He loved the sound her bare feet made on the floor as she walked, amplified at his eight inch stature. Shaking his head, he started walking over to her, turning the corner of the bed to see her sitting on the sofa. When he was about three of four feet away, Deborah stretched her long legs and crossed her feet at the ankles on the floor. Carlos stopped dead. Her left foot was crossed over the right, which raised the tips of her toes quite a bit above his height. He just stared at her large, bare soles, not moving at all. Flexing her long toes back and forth, snapping him out of his stare, she asked “Are you okay sweetie?”
“Uhhhh.....uhhhh....yeah.” he stuttered, trying to hide his excitement.
“Are you going to just stand there?” she asked.

Taking a few steps, he continued walking toward her, stopping a little less that a foot away from the sole of her right foot. He looked to his left at the towel on the floor, which had the nail polish bottles and the pads of remover, then up past her toes at her face and asked “Are you going to put your feet down?”
Looking down at him for a few seconds, she finally uncrossed her legs and placed her feet down flat on the towel.
“I know you did that on purpose Deborah.” he said up to her as he got on his knees in front of her left foot.
“Did what?” she asked.
He just shook his head and reached for the pad with the nail polish remover and started with her big toe.

Deborah sat back against the sofa and put her hands behind her head and watched him. Every so often, he would look away shielding himself from the fumes.
“Are the fumes bothering you sweetie?” she asked.
“It's okay.” he replied, looking up at her face.
She sighed gently, continuing to watch him remove the polish from her toes. Another few minutes passed before he was done with both her feet. Dropping the pad on the towel, he rubbed his hands, then got up and tried to unscrew the nail polish bottle. Deborah held back a chuckle, watching him try to open it, letting him try for a little while before asking if he needed help.
“You're just going to let me keep trying, aren't you?” he asked.
Shrugging her square shoulders, she said “I didn't think you needed help.”
Picking up the bottle with both hands, he got up, walked in between her feet, up to the front edge of the sofa and held the bottle up.

Bending over, she took the bottle in her fingers, loosened the brush, then lowered it back do to him. “Thanks” he said, then returned to the front of her left foot. He unscrewed the brush and lifted it with both hands from the bottle, dabbing it on the sides of the bottle so he had just the right amount of polish. He carefully brushed the purple nail polish onto her big toenail, and once he was done, stood up and looked at his work. “That looks amazing.” he said up to her. She flexed her toe to get a look and agreed, saying “Dark colors are my favorite sweetie, but I like it even more that you're down there brushing it on. It's very sexy.”
He shook his little head, got back on his knees and dipped the brush back in the bottle. Continued with her second and third toes, he dipped once more before finishing the first coat on her fourth and pinky.

“I'm really sorry about all this Carlos.” Deborah said as he moved onto her right foot. 
“All what?” he asked, not looking up.
“Everything.” she replied. “I should have never gotten you involved.”
“It's too late for that now.” he said, not looking up. “It is what it is.”
“I know sweetie, but I've taken advantage of you.” she said.
Looking up at her face, he replied “I know you did, but that's behind us now. You just need to promise me that you'll find a way to get that antidote. I don't think I could live like this, being at your feet the rest of my life.”
“I promise sweetie.” she told him. “I'll get you back to normal.”

Continuing to brush the nail polish on her toenails, there was an uneasy silence. Carlos had a feeling that she already had something planned. He was right. Deborah was highly trained, and didn't make mistakes. There was always an objective, and she would achieve it, no matter what. She sat still, watching him, not saying anything. After the polish had dried, he lifted up the bottle of clear coat and asked “Clear?”
“Of course.” she replied, lowering her hand down to loosen the brush for him.
He spent another fifteen minutes putting on two coats of clear, letting it dry to a stunning shine. “All done.” he said, looking up at her from his knees.
She had a surprised look on her face seeing her toes. “Wow.” she said. “They're perfect.”
Looking at her, he gazed at her beautiful eyes, her beautiful lips, her delicately chiseled features and said “You're perfect.”
Shaking her head, she said “Stop. You're going to make me blush.”
“I mean it Deborah.” he told her, getting to his feet. “Everything about you is perfect.”
“Okay sweetie.” she replied. “I get it.”

He felt her big toe slide between his legs and lift him up slightly. “Stop it!” he yelped, putting his hands on the top of her foot and lifting himself off. I'm trying to tell you how I feel and you're making fun of me!”
“I'm not making fun of you, but I am curious sweetie.” she said. “What is it about my feet that you like so much?”
“I don't know.” he said, shrugging her little shoulders. “Haven't we been though this already?”
“We've talked about it in bits and pieces.” she said. “I just want you to tell me how you feel.”
“That's what I was trying to do!” he said in a sarcastic tone. “How do you think I feel? I feel small!”
“I get that part Carlos.” she replied. “But I want you to tell me a little more so I can really understand.”
Turning the tables on her, he looked up at her face and said “How does it make you feel? You're always asking me. What about you?”

Deborah was a little surprised at his question, but she had no problem indulging him. “Well, let me see.” she said, looking off into the distance. “There's a feeling of power that comes naturally with you being eight inches tall.” she told him. “But your size is only part of it.”
“Okay.” he said, looking up at her.
“The part that makes me feel really powerful - is the fact that you have to rely on me for pretty well everything.” she told him. “The smaller you get, the more control I strip away from you.”
Her foot lifted slightly and she brushed his erection with the tips of her toes. “Easy sweetie.” she said down to him. “Unless you want to get smaller.”

He looked down at his rock hard erection, then back up at her. How she was able to articulate what she knew he was feeling was simply incredible. She was the most astonishingly perceptive woman he had ever met.
“So now you know how I feel sweetie.” she said. “What about you?”
“Deborah, I don't even know where to begin.” he told her.
“It is only my physical size that turns you on?” she asked.
“Well yeah.” he said. “But it's.....”
“It's what.” she prodded him.
He looked down at her glistening toenails that he had just painted, then back up at her face. “You make me.....” he started to say.
“Make you what sweetie?” she said.
“You make me feel safe.” he said.

Smiling slightly, she lifted her foot on it's heel and raised her toes to just below his chin. “I'm so happy to hear you say that sweetie. That's what I was going for.”
“Really?” he asked.
“Of course.” she replied, just touching his little face with her toes. “I have been waiting for you to accept that you are completely under my control.”
He felt his heart beating like mad. She was right - he was totally under her control. “I....I don't know how you do it.” he stuttered.
“It's easy sweetie.” she said. “Did you notice that I raised my foot slightly while we were talking?”
“Yes.” he replied, looking past the tips of her toes at her face.
“Well, it's subtle, but I made my foot the focal point in your field of vision. You had to look over my toes to see me, so just that made you feel smaller.” she said.
“I can't believe it.” he said. “You're right. I didn't notice that, but you're right. That did make me feel smaller!”
“Well it would be even more effective if you were on your knees.” she said.

Carlos didn't even know why, but he dropped to his knees, just like she expected him to and was now looking up at her toes. Sliding her heel closer to him, his head tilted back as the ball of her foot hovered directly over him. “Now how do you feel?” she asked. “Did you just go from feeling safe to feeling vulnerable?”
“Yyy......yes.” he replied.
Lowering her foot down so he had to crouch under it, she continued to demonstrate just how much she was in control. Her sole made contact with his small frame, forcing him to lie down. She gently covered him with her supple sole and pinned him under it for a second or two, then lifted it. Moving her foot and putting it down beside him, she waited until he looked up at her, then said “Now you went from vulnerable to knowing that you'll always be just a step away from being squashed.”

Carlos was trembling, not so much from her putting him underneath her foot, but more from him realizing that he belonged to her. Sliding himself over beside her arch, he put his arm on the top of her foot and kissed the side of her big toe. “Deborah, I'm yours.” he said, sitting up. “I'm completely yours.”
“I know sweetie.” she said, rubbing him with the side of her toe. “You've been mine for a while, you just needed to accept it.”
Still shaking a bit, he looked up helplessly at her face and asked “So what now?”
“Now we need to get the antidote so we can get you back to your normal size, but there's a catch.” she said.
“Catch? What c...c...catch?” he stammered.
“Remember when I told you I would keep you safe?” she asked.
He nodded, not saying anything.
“I have a place that I need to put you, so you will be safe.”
“What place?” he asked.
Deborah got up off the sofa and walked over to the table, rummaged in her bag for a few seconds, then returned holding a silver-colored tube on a chain, much the same as the chain you would see holding dog tags. “I wear this around my neck, but you're a little too big to fit inside it right now.” she told him.
Carlos felt his knees go weak knowing what was in store. “You want to put me in there?” he said, seeing that the tube had holes for air, but was quite small. “I'll bounce around like crazy hanging around your neck!”
“No you won't” she said, slipping the chain over her head. She let it dangle against her sports bra, then looked down at him as she inserted the tube into the bra and placed it snugly between her breasts.
“So you want to make me shrink down to what? Two inches tall?” he asked.
“Not unless you want me to.” she said. “I've already told you I would never do anything you didn't want me to.”
“Like I have a choice.” he said.
“You can stay the size you are now sweetie.” she said “It's just going to be a lot more difficult for me to keep you safe. Right now, smaller is better.”
“Well, I guess I uhhh....” he said, knowing that she was manipulating him again.
“Listen Carlos, you need to trust me.” she said. “Lord knows I've damaged your trust, but we need to get past that.”
He thought about it for a few seconds, then looked up at her and said “I trust you. Just be careful.”
“I'm so happy to hear you say that.” she said. “Now you need to stay calm and relax.”
“Okay.” he replied. “What are you going to do?”

Deborah reached down with her right hand and took his tiny left hand between her thumb and index finger, lifting his arm over his head. “Wait.” he said, already trying to pull his hand from her finger tips. Without a word, her left hand lowered. He put his hand behind his back, trying to stop her from getting  hold of his right hand, but she lifted him slightly, stretching his left arm. He flailed around a bit, but is was only seconds before his tiny hand was captured between her left thumb and index finger. She took his left hand and put it beside his right, then adjusted her grip, holding both of his wrists between her right fingertips. With his arms held up, he stared up at her as he his tiny feet left the surface of the towel. Dangling from her fingers, he looked down at the towel as it got farther away.  

Raising him up in front of her face, she gazed into his eyes. “I changed my mind!” he told her.
“I promised I wouldn't do anything you didn't want.” she replied seductively. “But are you telling me you don't like being helpless like this?”
Her tongue caressed his tiny, erect manhood, causing him to wiggle around, trying to avoid her.  
“Stop fighting it Carlos.” she told him. “You know you want to be smaller.”
“Deborah, please.” his voice fluttered. “I'm scared.”
“Don't be scared sweetie.” she said as her hand raised above her head. He was short of breath as her mouth opened and she lowered his feet inside. His calves slid down her tongue and he struggled to get free, but she sucked on his legs, pulling him farther into her mouth. “Deborah! Don't make me smaller! I changed my mind!” he yelped. Her lips stretched as she smiled at his plea. She had no intention of letting him stay at his current size. He struggled, putting his hands on her upper lip, trying to push himself out of her mouth, but she used the tip of her finger to push the top of his head and he slid in up to his chest. He lay on her tongue as her bright white teeth clamped down slightly, holding him in place. He stared up with fear in his eyes seeing her large hazel eyes shift down. Her lips stretched again as she smiled. “Don't do it! Please!” he yelped again.

Try as he might, he could not stop her tongue from snaking between his legs, then sliding underneath his butt, lifting him and pinning him to the roof of her mouth. The walls of her cheeks closeed in around him as she sucked on his lower body. Carlos tried to resist her, but it was no use. The warmth and slight roughness of her tongue felt just incredible. He knew she was about to take fifty percent of his size from him, and he couldn't do a damn thing to stop her. Her soft tongue increased it's speed and forcefulness and she pounded his helpless little body repeatedly against the roof of her mouth. Carlos screamed out “Deborah!” and he felt burning in his arms. His legs were spread out with his calves atop her molars as he started to wince in pain and shake.

Unclamping her teeth, she pinched his head between her thumb and index finger, pulled him out and held him up in front of her face as he started to get smaller. Carlos, grimacing in pain, stared at her growing eyes. This was not like the other times he had shrank. He felt so much more helpless this time, dangling from the tips of her fingers with her watching him slowly shrink. After he reached about four inches in length, he passed out. She lowered her hand and carefully lay his tiny body down on the sofa cushion beside her and sat back. She squeezed her thighs together and licked her lips, thinking about how helpless he looked, dwindling away right before her eyes. He was halfway there, she thought to herself glancing back down at him.

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