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Author's Chapter Notes:

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Chapter 7

The rusty, old chains rattled as they were dragged over the dry wood. The little pin that prevented the gearwheel from rolling backwards clicked with every next tooth. Giant white hands worked the mechanic until the naked witch was stretched out on the rack. She was breathing quickly and afraid but did not make a sound. The pale giant leaned over and impaled her with his red eyes. His head was bare of any hair but red runes were painted all over him, ancient and archaic, their meaning lost to but a few. The evening fell silent as they looked at each other. The giant's face was indecipherable but the young witch was increasingly terrified.

Other giants stood in a large circle around the stretching bank, observing their king interrogate the enemy. The bodies of the four unfortunate souls that had been interrogated before lay piled up next to the scene. Their bodies were stretched and torn, and some were missing limbs. When the young witch looked over to the pile, the giant grinned, showing a row of pearly white teeth, filed to dagger points.

"Tell me, where is Vengyr?" He whispered and the witch looked back at him.

Her face hardened. She didn't know. None of them knew. When she failed to reply he touched the mechanic suggestively. The device was made by humans, for humans. Only the gods knew how the giants got their hands on it. They had probably taken it from some dungeon they had raided. Slow but steadily, Albino started to pull. The witch's joints and tendons stretched. Effortlessly he worked the mechanic, far too strong for her soft and tender flesh.

A scream tore the silence apart. Still his hands worked, stretching her further and further. She might have twitched and wiggled in pain but the chains that held her were already too tight. Still further. Her shoulders jumped out of their sockets. Her screams filled the night. It didn't seem to cost the giant any effort to stretch her this far. A last click of the pin, and he stopped.

"You do not know, do you?" He asked with a sigh.

Frantically, she shook her head, the last movement she was still capable of.

"Edda!" He called and a huge giantess entered the circle. "You have captured her. She is yours. Do with her as you please."

She was taller than the male giants, but not quite as tall as the pale one. Heavy footed she stepped closer and looked at the witch with indifference. Albino turned to go but she addressed him with a voice that sounded like bones being ground into powder.

"She witch, king." She rasped. "She no slave. She die!"

"Oh..." Albino said without turning around but lifted his head as if he had temporarily forgotten about the matter "Well."

As the giants walked away, Edda towered over the little witch on the rack.

"Iron." The giantess whispered with a wicked smile and touched the shackles around the tiny, human wrists.

She stretched out her index finger and pressed it on the witch's lips. She shook her head and moaned in protest but soon Edda had pried her little mouth open and forced a finger down into her throat. The witch twitched and twisted on her chains as she fought the asphyxiation. Edda smiled with a morbid fascination on her face. She liked killing and she was good at it.

She was well fed and heavy, even for a giantess, having feasted tirelessly on the helpless refugees on the roads of Andergast. Edda the Child-eater. Edda the Ogre. Those were the notorious names the humans had given her. And she had earned them.

When her victim neared death, she withdrew her finger and allowed it to breath again. The witch's lips were bloody and she was missing one of her front teeth. Edda's smile grew wider and she gave the stretching rack a closer look. It was a massive, solid thing. She worked the chains some more until the witch's knees and hips were uncoupled. Endless screaming filled the night, but there was no one near to care.

Edda positioned herself over the rack, her behind a meter high above the witch's head. The screaming ceased abruptly when she let herself fall. A crack was heard from the stretching bank, hurting under the giantess weight. The witch was still alive, even after the second time around. Her head bloodied and pressed flat, sideways, her eyes bulging from their sockets, only her flapping tongue foretold that she was still trying to breath.

After the third fall, the wood gave in, cracking and splintering to bits, just like the witch that had been tied upon it. But Edda didn't stop. Giggling girlishly every time her butt came down and produced another squelching sound.


Janna woke with a pounding headache. It had been day for a long time, by the looks of it. She had slept in her clothes for some reason but was pleased to find that at least she had gotten her boots off. She forced herself upwards and regretted it a moment later as the space ship rocked left and right before her eyes and her stomach turned. She was going to lay down again but it was too late. Hastily she stumbled out of her bed and ran, half falling, towards the edge of the ship where she wretched onto the ground below. The smell was sour, like an abandoned bottle of week-old beer.

The inside of the ship explained that. Empty bottles of Jake's beer were lying around, the case overturned and abandoned. A Petri dish was on the table, filled with beer too, and tiny puddles of what could only be vomit around it. Laura was sleeping nakedly on her belly with her legs spread, allowing Janna an intimate glimpse. On one of the chairs there was a tiny person, flat as paper, crushed beyond recognition. That was when she noticed a thread, bound to the chair, and when she followed it, all came back to her at once:

"Babe, are you here?" Janna had called into the space craft as she made her way up where the ship had broken in two. 'Babe', that was an odd expression she had never used before. It had just slipped off her tongue along with the rest of the words and Janna couldn't really tell why. Her surprise for Laura, she held tightly in her grip, not letting this tiny giant get away or be killed by some freak little alien that could vanish into thin air.

"Yeah, I'm here!" Laura called back, much too loud.

When Janna reached the top, she could only see shadows inside. The fire that burned in the usual spot had been neglected to the point where it only served to add a slightly stronger contrast to the few shapes that she could make out. She tossed a few trees that were piled up nearby into the fire and gazed into the ship as the shapes and spectres became forms with colours.

Laura was naked, sitting at a table, with four and a half empty bottles of beer in front of her. She looked drunk, tired and bored. This was not the state Janna had hoped to find her in.

"How have you been?" Janna asked concerned.

"Bored." Laura answered and raised the half empty bottle to her lips. "Lonely."

"You're not that lonely, I see." Janna commented when she noticed a tiny person move on the table.

"Oh, ya." Laura smiled drunkenly. "This is, uh, Birsel, my tiny fuck slave. She's helping me out, since there is no fucking cock to be had on this planet."

"Isn't that nice of her?" She added sarcastically and took another long drag from her bottle. "I would kill for a cigarette right now."

"I see you found Jake's beer." Janna noted with a sigh and came closer to the table.

"Yap." Laura burped and reached beneath her stool, producing a fresh bottle and tossing it over to Janna.

"Carefull!" Janna warned and almost had to leap forward to catch it. "We only have that one case!"

"Ya, whatever, it's not like it's precious." Laura shrugged and drank.

Janna twisted the bottle open and took a sip. The smell was somewhat odd, yet the shape of the bottle and the logo on it promised a taste that would pleasantly remind her of home. When the foul liquid touched her tongue however, she grimaced and spat it out.

"Hahaha, yap!" Laura giggled hysterically. "Jake's an idiot. It's official!"

Of course. Janna turned the bottle and saw that the beer had turned years ago. She knew that bad beer wouldn't exactly turn into poison but time had made it stale and foul of taste. Nonetheless, she took another swig and forced it down her throat, the pleasant numbness spreading in her head soon after.

"I haven't had any dinner." Laura said, smiling like a madman. "Shit's kickin' in real good."

"So I see." Janna sighed and sat down at the table, opposite side of her friend. "I brought you some."

When she had heard the shouting beneath her boots her initial reaction was to crush the first tiny raider she could spy in the dimly lit forest. Others scrambled to get away so she bent down, picking them up as fast as she could, stuffing their helpless forms into her pockets to play with where the light was better. Then, she had almost not believed her eyes, a Barbie-sized giantess had stumbled from in between the trees and stared up at her in complete and utter terror. Whenever the beast had struggled, Janna had squeezed it's torso while she hurried back to show Laura.

She put the giantess on the table into Laura's view, deliberately so as though it was a usual thing one found every day, whilst she fumbled in her pockets for the seven raiders she had been able to catch.

"The fuck?!" Laura gasped, her mouth gaping.

The giantess sat on the table, visibly scared out of her mind while Janna assembled the other captives.

"Form circle!" An older raider commanded and his minions huddled to his side.

"Ha, don't you just love it when your food employs defensive tactics?" Janna laughed and sipped on her beer.

Oddly, the giantess scrambled to her feet and huddled to the tinier beings, awkwardly trying to integrate into their formation.

"She's huge!" Laura exclaimed, having found her voice again.

"Yap." Janna smiled. "That's the newest shit this weird world has come up with. Apparently, these used to be the giants here, before we came around."

"How did you...what...why...." Laura stuttered, not taking her eyes off the creature.

Janna noticed that one of the tiny humans tried time and again to blend in with raiders but they continued to block her off. Janna recognized her red shirt and leather clothing.

"Well, what the fuck." She said, astounded. "Check this out. So, first I was sitting by some castle, eating and stuff, then one of these approach me, thinking I was like a big version of them or some shit, telling me all about his king 'Albino' and that the 'giants' wanted to take over the world."

Laura looked up, confusion and amusement mixing on her face.

"Then we go to find that super druid that made you beat me. He's still alive, by the way, I have him here. He's not much of a talker any more though."

She retrieved Vengyr from her pocket and put him on the table as well.

"Is it safe to bring him here?", Laura asked, concerned.

"It's kay, look, he's all squashed." Janna explained. "I need to know more about this stuff though, and the giants want him real bad, so...couldn't really leave him out there."

"And then?" Laura inquired, raising an eyebrow at the fantastic story Janna was unfolding.

"Then," Janna paused to add weight to her words, "We met this little bitch."

She pointed at the tiny girl in leather, who froze at the finger pointed at her.


Dari had clung to the giant boot for dear life. There was a brass buckle, holding three leather straps at the side that offered her grip and protection enough from the endless count of trees the giantess marched through. At some point there was shouting below and the giant foot lifted higher than before. The next thing she knew was that she was tucked in a prison of cloth with people whose voices she had never heard before. She would have been thrown off by the stomp, she figured, and captured while she was passed out.

After that, this. A giant iron table and a goddess on two ends of it. Dari didn't dare to move but stroked the amulet in her fists and called for Xardas under her breath. But the wizard didn't show.

The giantesses were talking to each other in an alien tongue Dari couldn't understand. Diplomacy, she thought, there had to be a way to talk herself out of this mess.

From the others on the table there was no help to be expected. They were just morsels, playthings for the giant beings, picked up along the way to be used and consumed like the starving children did with bugs and strays in the streets of Gareth. She tried to tackle the problem that way and asked herself what a bug might do to convince a Garethian street girl from filling her empty belly with it. Gold, of course, if a bug was ever able to produce it, but that wouldn't serve here. If they wanted gold, there would be mountains of it lying around or they would have demanded it by now. By the looks of the temple or what ever it was, they were more interested in iron than gold.

"You." The clothed behemoth suddenly addressed Dari in the common tongue.

Dari froze. This couldn't be good.

"I wanted to kill you after you slew my giant. How did you get away?" The giantess' thunderous voice washed over them all on the table.

Vengyr was there, only meters away from Dari. If only Xardas showed up and teleported them all out of here. The mountain of a girl genuinely looked as though she expected an answer.

"I poisoned your giant!" Dari exclaimed with a shaking voice. "After that, I got lucky! I clung to your boot until I was shaken off and you caught me!"

The best lies always had a little truth in them, although 'getting lucky' was not exactly the most detailed or plausible explanation since the giantess had basically levelled the entire hill in her rage.

"She is a real fighter that one." One goddess explained to the other while never lifting her gaze, "Pricked my finger to get free. Speaking of which, I think we two still have unfinished business, little one."

Dari was defenceless when the tree trunk sized fingers came for her this time.

"Punishment." The goddess in clothes announced and Dari was yanked upwards by her vest. Before she could attempt to slip out, she had already been carried over to one of the enormous brown bottles and dropped inside. At last notice she shot her arms out and managed to cling to the round, slippery edge of brown glass, futilely trying to pull herself up. Thunderous giggles shook her and the giantess extended an index finger above her and pushed her down.

Dari slipped and fell for a terrible second before splashing into the horribly reeking ale. Where many people would have drowned, she was easily able to keep herself above the water, or rather beer, even with her clothes on but there was no conceivable way out of here. The four giant eyes that watched her through the glass were horribly distorted as if this was a nightmare. 'Wake up!', Dari thought, and would have cried if it had helped.

"Please!" She pleaded and her voice echoed inside the bottle. "Let me out!"

"I believe your beer is demanding to be drunk." The naked giantess remarked, using the common tongue to mock.

A giant hand clasped the bottle and lifted it up, effortlessly, and tilted it towards a cavernous maw. Inside, Dari was still paddling, hoping that the giantess couldn't manage to drink all of the beer. The level was falling, and Dari along with it, as gulp after gulp of beer passed the goddess's lips and down into her belly where death and digestion awaited.

Dari tried clinging to the glass, but it was wet and slippery and didn't provide any hold. When she was in the neck of the bottle it went quickly, a loud wooshing sound and she was inside the giantess's maw. She couldn't breath, being swirled around in beer, but it didn't matter much for she knew all it took now was a single swallow and she would be gone.

Out of her mind, Dari reached for everything, anything to hold on to. She managed to get ahold on the edge of a tooth a few times, but the current created by the impossibly large tongue beneath her was too strong and she slipped away. Still, she refused to give up.


The girl in her mouth just wouldn't grow tired. The amount of resistance she put up, her will to stay alive, was remarkable. It would be a shame just to swallow this one, Janna found, and pushed the struggling thing against the roof of her mouth before sending the beer down into her belly without it.

"I think I'll make her my little fuck slave." Janna laughed after spitting the girl back onto the table.

"I could have mine here train her, if you like." Laura offered promiscuously. "She's really good. I had put her back into my village already, but somehow I got horny again."

She stroked her tiny slave's head with her finger before lifting her up and beneath the table, giving Janna a challenging look.

"Is this turning into some kind of lesbo session?" Janna asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Perhaps...'babe'." Laura winked and flashed her tongue over her shiny white teeth for a split second.

They had kissed before, drunk, at parties, but only ever to attract the attention of the boys. Yet somehow, now, Janna felt like kissing her for real, as she sat there with her smooth, brown skin, so cute and petite. She washed the thought out of her head with a new bottle of beer. It was as Laura said, there was no god damn cock to be had here. It was as though they were in prison, together.

"Anyway." Janna continued her initial story. "So I'm walking home and run into these little guys who have the Barbie doll here as a cherry on top."

"So, you mean to tell me," Laura began, one hand still beneath the table, "there is a bunch of Kens and Barbies running around out there, trying to take over the world?"

"Pretty much." Janna shrugged and drank.

"Will we let them?" Laura asked smilingly after a while.

"Well, I thought...", Janna began and made herself comfortable on the chair, "The tinies could make food and what not while the giants watch over them. We can't be everywhere at all times. We would sit as goddess emperors somewhere, having our every need tended to by tiny and tinier little things."


Only a madman would go south. Are they like me? No. It all made sense now. Nagash cowered on the cold, iron surface next to her puny little allies. Dexter was with them and Daisy too, plus a handful of others. They all looked pale and afraid.

The stranger girl, a beautiful, fit little thing, lay where the behemoth had spat her out, curled into a ball, her clothes wet from ale and spittle. They had not yet killed anyone on the table but they would eventually, if Nagash was any judge.

"Can you speak?" A question thundered, unmistakably directed at someone on the table.

When Nagash saw that everyone's eyes were upon her, she opened her mouth to speak, but couldn't, settling for a shaky nod instead. It was the naked one who had spoken to her, a mountain of a girl just like the other but a little smaller, with darker skin, black hair and softer features.

"Do it then." The impossibly huge being commanded.

Nagash's lips were shaking.

"I...I..." She stammered. "I..."

"Are you scared?" The behemoth asked with a mocking smile. "Why, you are as little to us as you are big to your little companions. They don't seem to fear you now?"

That was true, the Spear Brothers and Sisters had huddled up right beside her, even those who did not trust or like her. The two enormities starring them down were infinitely more scary. The naked one extended a hand and let it hover over their protective circle.

"Do you mind if I eat one of your friends?" She asked, letting her face show that Nagash's opinion didn't matter.

No, Nagash thought, only Daisy. Please don't eat Daisy. The humans looked up at her all, pleading expressions on their little faces, even Dexter's. Now it would show, if he was right to put his trust in her. But on the other hand, it didn't matter. Nagash wouldn't be able to stop the behemoth from what she was about to do.

When Nagash failed to respond the giantess asked: "Do you mind if I eat you?"

Nagash's mouth dried. She'd rather the giantess not eat any of the Spear Brothers, but the least she wanted was to be eaten herself, as she had done with so many humans. It was terrible to feel like food and Nagash decided not to eat humans ever again, or at least not to toy with them before eating. She nodded her head vigorously.

Her tormentor laughed: "Relax, I'm not gonna eat you, you're way to big to swallow."

"You can put her on a big stick and roast her." A human male's voice behind Nagash bellowed. "Then when she's nice and crispy, sprinkle some salt on the beast, and let us little people go. There's no meat on us, you'll only end up getting our scrawny little bones stuck in between your teeth! You might even get a belly ache, the way I see it. I've had the shits this whole summer! Must have been the-"

The sound that Dexter's fist made when it came crashing on the talkers face was sickening. The brother who had wanted to deny Nagash another bowl of potatoes earlier, had stood up from their circle to speak before Dexter had knocked him down.

"She's one of us now!" Dexter screamed at him. "And you're not going to rat her out!"

The man spat a mouth full of blood and broken teeth at Dexter's feet.

"Seems like there is disorder in your ranks." The clothed giantess noted with a smile. "Let me help you punish him."

"Fuck off!" Dexter spat at her defiantly after a second. "If you must eat one, let it be me!"

He put himself protectively over the brother who had just defied him.

"No!" A spear sister called and stood up herself. "We need our leader. Eat me instead, let the others go!"

"That's all very touching." The colossal, young woman intervened. "But my friend here is going to have to eat all of you. I ate the better part of an entire village's population today, seven of you are barely half a mouth full. She's going to eat all of you, save for your giant friend here."

Resignation spread amongst the Spear Brothers like a fever and they all looked to the ground or into the distance, or stared at Nagash with envy and hostility. Daisy gave Nagash a look that spoke of farewell.

"Might we have some of that ale then, before we die?" Dexter asked hopefully. "If I cannot go down fighting, I'd sooner go with a belly full of ale!"


That was the last thing Janna remembered though.

"Did we end up killing all the others?" She asked the tiny giantess sitting on her lap. The other end of the thread was bound around the young woman's neck. She thought about the crushed person on the other chair, the chair that had been hers the night before.

"I don't remember, mistress." The giantess spoke, holding her own head with a frown. "You made us drink so much. You were enjoying yourselves. I believe you took some of the raiders outside. That was when you tasked me to clean your boots. They are clean, mistress, I cleaned them all night, see. You said, you'd sit on me if I don't clean them, but I did! Please don't sit on me!"

Sitting on the tiny girl would be fun no doubt but Janna would put that off until she felt better. The boots, Janna saw, were clean indeed.

"What's up?" Laura yawned from her bed. "Urgh, what the fuck did we do yesterday?"

"Drinking games, apparently." Janna answered.

"One of my worse ideas." Laura admitted and stretched. "Well, you wanna go outside and see if they've prepared our breakfast?"

"Breakfast?" Janna asked perplexed. "Who, where?"

"My village, you ungrateful shmuck." Laura said with a laugh. "I told you it was good for something. Don't you remember?"

Janna could only shake her head and raise a brow.

"Well." Laura continued. "That raider captain guy named Dexter, he asked about my village and stuff and he promised that he could get them to have a breakfast big enough for both of us by the time we woke up. Which is now, if I'm not still dreaming."

"You actually bought that?" Janna asked perplexed. "He's probably out of Andergast by now."

"Nah, he cares real much for his 'Spear brothers', including the Barbie doll on your lap and that other kid you had clean your boots." Laura explained.

"Where's..." Janna began and looked around on the floor.

"I told her to hide in a niche." The giantess admitted fearfully. "We were afraid one of you might step on her without even noticing. She is so tiny you see, even amongst her own kind. Come out Daisy, your mistress wants you!"

Tiny feet slapped on the iron floor but were nowhere near large or heavy enough to make a sound. Daisy was tiny and Janna might have overlooked and crushed her, just as the tiny giantess had said. It took those short and slender legs awfully long to come up into shouting range.

"I am here, mistress, I serve at your pleasure!" Daisy squeaked.

Standing in front of Janna's toes she looked even tinier.

"Nagash." Laura commanded. "See that you clean this place up a bit."

Laura crawled out of her bed and strode towards the edge of the ship, naked as she was. Suddenly, the tiny giantess jumped from Janna's lap, slid down her legs and fished Daisy off the floor right before one of Laura's careless bare feet slammed down right where Daisy had stood. That tiny thing was going to get herself underfoot pretty soon, Janna judged.

She was confused about all of this, her hung-over mind not quite able to wrap around it yet. Some food would help, probably. Janna begrudged Laura that she could remember and that she didn't feel as bad as herself. She looked down. The tiny giantess Nagash was struggling to lift an empty bottle of beer. Laura had climbed outside.

"Daisy, come here." Janna commanded and the tiny girl scurried over to her massive bare feet.

"Yes, mistress?" She squeaked fearfully.

Janna raised one of her feet off the ground and moved it over her, cruelly slow, until she couldn't see the girl any more. After a few moments the girl rushed to the side, running for her life.

"Did I allow you to move?" Janna asked coldly and flexed her toes. "Stand still and let me crush you."

Something so tiny and fragile would not last long, Janna had decided, so all the better to enjoy killing her before she ended up squished accidentally by Laura or herself. Killing things might help clear her head. The girl didn't stop, so Janna planted her other foot in her way.

"Mistress." Nagash began and took a careful step forward raising her hands in a soothing motion. "There is no need to crush the little girl, she's has done everything you asked."

"I have no use for her." Janna shrugged while she watched Daisy running the other way. "Get back to work."

"But Mistress." Nagash pleaded hesitantly. "Daisy is skilled in healing, she will do well in your village."

The tiny giantess came creeping towards Janna, slowly and carefully, and visibly determined.

"I don't give two fucks about Laura's village." Janna spat and raised a foot to bury Daisy under it.

Janna's breaths grew shallow and she felt herself becoming aroused. She always got a little itchy when she power-played but now in her hungover state, the feeling was more demanding than usual. She'd make a nice little smear of the tiny girl and then see what next. The fact that Nagash seemed to try to talk her out of it made it only more exciting. She blocked the tiny girl's path yet again and when she cowered and looked about where to go next, Janna buried her under her toes, feeling her squirm. A little squirming always made it better.

Janna flushed and her hand shot in between her thighs almost involuntarily. A tiny, living, thinking girl, slave to her smothering toes. She wriggled them on top of her prey while she touched herself and gasped.

"Lick." She commanded. Daisy's tiny tongue could barely be felt on Janna's skin, but that was not what mattered. She slipped her hand inside her jeans and caressed herself. It felt good. She was going to have it now, and all little Daisy could do was to suffer it. She released the girl from under her toes and snatched her up, ripping her clothes off before tossing her onto Laura's bed. Wriggling out of her Jeans, Janna followed.

Daisy bounced a few times on the mattress and lost her bearing, when she caught herself and tried to hide beneath Laura's sheets, Janna was almost above her.

"Come here, little worm." Janna teased. "Your mistress wants to fuck you."

She drew the sheets aside and towered over her prey, victoriously. She was breathing heavily, enjoying every moment of it. Daisy was on her back, staring up at her, terror in her eyes. All pity or sympathy Janna might have felt was crushed beneath all her lechery. Her panties were soaking wet at the bottom, and she slipped out of them as well.

She put the girl on Laura's pillow and bestrode it. Daisy was so tiny and forlorn in between her massive thighs. Janna's crotch was covered in short pubes from lack of shaving but she didn't mind it at all. She used to do it because all the girls did, and now, there was no one around but Laura, and no college boy who could be turned away by it.

She lowered herself slowly onto the tiny girl, covering her in her wet hair before burying her under her labia. She shifted back and forth a few times and enjoyed the feeling of the helpless tiny thing, slave to her sex, her lust and her desire.

Her fingers helped Daisy slip inside her and then she bucked her hips into the pillow violently. This was what she had craved, this was what she had needed, she thought. There was to be no mercy.


Nagash chewed her fingers nervously. The mistress was going to kill Daisy for her pleasure. Crushing Daisy would have been easy for Nagash but for such an enormous being as Janna it would be a mere triviality and the mistress showed no sign of restraint whilst she rode the giant pillow and moaned. A sweet little thing such as Daisy should not die in such a way, Nagash decided. If anyone was to fuck her flat, it should be Nagash herself.

The plan was not the most cunning one, but Nagash had nothing else to come up with. She climbed onto the bed, behind the violently bucking hips and threw herself at them, kicking and screaming. The mistress spun around, never stopping her grinding, seized Nagash by the throat and glared into her eyes. There was naught but hunger and horniness in those eyes, and Nagash wondered if she might have looked the same whilst she pleased herself on Dexter.

"Please, mistress, let me-" Nagash began before she was yanked around and it was her, pinned on the pillow, the panting behemoth above her.

The weight of the giant woman was enough to force the air from Nagash's lungs and when Janna started to grind on her, she could feel her rips bend. The coarse hair that dragged over Nagash's faces was covered in Janna's juices already and the sweet smell of her sex bulldozed over everything else.

She was used, as she herself had used so many others, in a way that could be deadly, as Nagash well knew. It was all but for the soft pillow beneath her, that kept the titaness from grinding her bones to breakage.

The giantess let out a cry of relief as her motions grew harder yet. Nagash could only imagine what it was like for Daisy though, deep inside Janna's cunt. She tried to plead with her mistress but was only able to mutter a few gurgles that not even she herself could understand.

When Janna leaned backwards and started to scream with every thrust, Nagash knew that it would be over soon. Then Janna lifted herself off of her, her slit hovering just above Nagash's face, and fingered herself violently and quickly, drawing drops of her juices splashing down. It went on for a good fifteen seconds, until parts of what had been Daisy came out, flying, and the giantess wheezed and fell over backwards, burying Nagash under her butt.

When the giantess finally unmounted her, Nagash was covered in her juices and little bits of mangled corpse.

"Clean all this up and turn the pillow." Janna commanded and slipped into her underpants. She gave Nagash a last, deprecating look, before she turned around and left.


Dari dwelled in the shadows of a wood shed as the terrible, naked goddess towered over Lauraville and greeted them with a menacing grin.

They had worked all night and she was tired. After the drunken behemoths had left them in the village, the first task was to keep Foreman the foreman, a tall, stocky man with antagonizing demeanour, from binding them to posts to be eaten along with the rest of the food, come the morrow.

He had understood the task 'breakfast' well enough, yet, instead of letting Dexter the raider take charge of the villagers as commanded, he wanted to take it upon himself.

They had stood side by side, Dexter, another raider called Oleg, a naked girl called Birsel, and Dari. The rest of the raiding party was dead, or presumed so. It had been hazy and confusing when the goddesses made them drink from a giant glass dish, while they ate, tortured or crushed people if they felt they weren't drinking enough. Dari was not quite sure how she made it out of there, but she was very glad that she did.

When Foreman gave the command to seize them it had been Dexter though who struck down the first man comming forward with a drunkenly lunging punch that had smashed the man's jaw. Afterwards the villagers were more cautious and encircled them, moving in slowly, waiting for their moment. But Dari wasn't going to have herself offered as a sacrifice by some stupid peasants.

She fainted an attack at one man, then jumped left, hid a washing woman square in the face with an elbow and jumped onto Foreman, locking his head in her arms before he knew what was happening. She gave the villagers a cold hearted look before twisting Foreman's head until his neck broke. Next, one of the officers, as she later learned, had attacked her. Dari blinded him with a quick stab at his eyes with her left hand, before she kicked him in the balls, leaving him wheezing and begging for mercy at her feet.

After that, the villagers had agreed to work with Dexter on the task, lest they all be killed once the giantess came the next morning.

"I know a killer, when I see one." Dexter had approached Dari soon after. "That was fine work. Couldn't have done it better myself."

There was not only admiration in him though. He was cautious of her, as though he knew what threat she posed to them all.

"I don't know how you ended up in the big one's clutches, and I don't care." He pointed out to her. "I trust you will not try to kill me or any of my men?"

"Oleg is the last of your men." Dari had responded and asked herself what it was about the Spear Brothers that made them stick so tight.

"I still have Daisy and the giantess to worry about." Dexter said with a certain sadness about his lost brothers. "They are mine too. And I trust you wont run either?"

It was alien to Dari how he could know that. There were no horses in the village, but she still might have tried to make it out of here on foot if it wasn't for her mission.

"I must-" Dari was about to lie before he bid her silence.

"I do not care." Dexter said with a smile. "A man has to do, what a man has to do. You wont run, that's all I know and need to know. But you will understand that I must put you to work right now."

"I can shoot a bow." Dari offered but he declined again.

"We will go hunt some special prey." He said and bid her follow him grabbing the best weapons they could find.

He had every able body arm themselves and assemble at the cross roads. They looked confused, holding their hunting bows, wooden sticks, pitchforks, sickles and kitchen knives.

"Shouldn't we be hunting right now, or gathering?" A younger villager asked and the crowd murmured approval.

"And what would we hunt in the dark, huh? And how many apple trees do you think we'd find." Dexter countered.

Only the fittest, Dexter wanted in his company, which in the end was about three dozen strong.

"You can't mean for us to flee!" A man with arms as thick as Dari's upper legs grumbled. "The goddess forbids it. She will eat our families as a punishment!"

"We're not going to flee!" Dexter addressed him. "We will come back with all the food we need. And more."

Dari had been as sceptical as the villagers for the hours Dexter had them run through the forest like hunted animals. A few times they had to stop and convince villagers that refused to go on, but Oleg, an ogrish looking Bornlander, always set them straight. The Bornlands where in the far north east of the continent, Dari knew. Ruled by a family of tyrants and sadists, this land bred a hardy people. Oleg seldom spoke, but when he did he rolled his R's and stretched his syllables like there was no tomorrow.

Then, Dexter bid them halt.

"Hush now, everyone." He commanded, softly but sternly. "We are about to stumble upon a camp of refugees. We will take them by surprise and subdue them, anyone who wishes to resist will be killed. When it's done, we take them and their wagons back to the village. We should arrive in the early morning, still enough time to prepare everything."

And so it happened.

The camp had been there for a time, new refugees arriving and keeping it up while others left. They were fleeing southwards all, even those who lived north of Lauraville. There was nothing further north, only a mountain range first, and then the steppe, then mountains again and an icy desert.

The refugees were as good fighters as the inhabitants of Lauraville, but none of them stood a chance against Dexter, Oleg or Dari. They encircled the camp, feathered the sentries with arrows and before anyone could even think of running, Dari slit a few throats with a carving knife and Oleg cracked skulls with his two-handed, wooden hammer, while Dexter called out that no one was to move if they wanted to live.

This way, suffering not a single loss, less then forty villagers from Lauraville caught ten dozen refugees. They were simply too demoralized by the sudden attack to offer any resistance.

"We want you no harm.“ Dexter explained to them after he had climbed onto a particularly large wagon. “We will take you all to a safe place. No harm will come to you there, if you behave yourself. We will take the wagons with us and any equipment you have.“

They bound scores of men, women and children to the wagons, which were filled with every thing the refugees had possessed. There was tons of food like fruit, vegetables and cured meat, bread, wheat and barley. They had cows, pigs and field horses as well as chickens in cages. But then there were also tools, tents, some furniture, kettles, pots, buckets of all sizes and, last but not least, salt.

They all behaved themselves, some even looked relieved as though they believed what Dexter had told them. The one who tried to run away, Dari struck down with an arrow through the neck and afterwards everyone stayed put.

With a few minor instances of wagons getting stuck or wheels breaking, they made it back to Lauraville by sunrise.

"How is my tiny village doing?“ The naked titaness Laura, whom some referred to as goddess, boomed.

"We are well!“ Dexter proclaimed loudly.

The giant's breakfast had been laid out at the edge of the village where Dexter had some villagers prepare a suitably big clearing from the trodden down trees. Laura looked pleased.

“Nice work, tiny man.“ She acknowledged him, sat down and lifted a tub of mashed fruit, cut with saw dust for more mass, to her lip. Dexter said she would not notice the saw dust in it and they could save some food for other days. He was right.

"Delicious!“ She proclaimed after emptying it at once.

She ate two carts of cured meat and a basket of bread before she raised an eyebrow at the villagers.

"Has my village grown since yesterday?“ She asked, incredulous.

"Yes, mistress!“ Dexter answered. "At your pleasure, we have taken in one hundred refugees, fleeing from the unruly land, seeking your protection!“

Laura seemed even more pleased with that: "I trust my foreman has looked them over according to the common rules? Where is he?“

"Mistress...“ Dexter began as though it pained him to say it. "The old foreman is dead. I killed him when he tried to kill me. I do not know as to why though.“

The goddess raised an eyebrow again: "So you are my new foreman?“

"I serve at your pleasure, mistress.“ He proclaimed sternly, although Dari could see his head shining with sweat in the sunlight. "If you wish me to continue in this duty, so it shall be.“

Laura shrugged for a response and took another cart of meat. Beneath the genuine meat items from various animals both wild and domestic, there were hacked off limbs, severed heads and quartered torsos. About a hundred refugees were now villagers, but the rest of the ten dozen they had once been, had been butchered like animals.

Dari couldn't remember cutting so many throats in such a short time ever before, but she did it all the same. These people didn't matter to her. She cut their throats with her carving knife and Oleg hacked them to pieces with his cleaver. After seeing a Spear Brother being chewed alive in Laura's mouth, it had not really shocked her and even the villagers didn't look too troubled. They had seen worse probably, at the hands of their goddess.

Laura didn't allow horses for fear of villagers using them to escape so they had bound them all up for her to be devoured alive. It was quite an awe inspiring sight to see her do so, although the animal's screams when it was crushed up by her jaw were nothing but terrifying.

"Anyone without family?“ Laura asked. "Any escapees, criminals?“

Dari's blood froze. She didn't have family. If Dexter was true to his knew task he might just have her brought forth and she would go down Laura's gullet just like that cart of turnips just had. Or worse.

"None, mistress!“ Dexter lied and Dari's heart started beating again.

"Is there anything I can do for you?“ Laura seemed more pleased by the minute while she snatched a peasant boy off the ground and dangled him in front of her face with a grin.

"Besides more workers as we can always make use of...“ Dexter explained, eyeing the dangling boy painfully. "The newly arrived hundred need housing, great mistress. Therefore I ask humbly that the giantess Nagash might be put here with us to help with the construction.“

Dari was impressed. Dexter had adopted to his new role quickly, without losing sight of saving those dear to him.

"Also, I might ask for my spear sister Daisy who is skilled in the healing arts.“ He continued. "Having your humble servants' injuries and illnesses treated professionally will further increase our productivity to your pleasure.“

Laura seemed impressed as well: "Alright, I'll bring them to you, once I have eaten.“

The boy vanished in her gargantuan mouth with that, never to be seen again. Nobody had acted on his screams for help, no one had headed his cries for mercy. There were over three hundred souls in Lauraville now and they all stood before her, powerless.

The foot falls of the larger giantess shook the earth. She had undressed to her small clothes and sat down beside Laura hungrily eyeing the wagons of food and villagers alike. She didn't seem to have stomached the night of drinking as good as any of them but something told Dari that wasn't the only reason for her exhaustion.

They started talking in that alien tongue of theirs, that sounded weird to the ear and rather difficult. Dari couldn't make sense of any of the words and she watched them eat and enjoy the pleasant day that it was. Her mind rested a bit, sensing that the most dangerous part was over for a while, but with relaxation, exhaustion crept into her limbs.

Vengyr was in the ship. She had seen him, had been so close to him. But Xardas hadn't shown. It was the iron, it had to be the iron, one of the few weaknesses of the magically enabled. Dari would have to bring Vengyr away from here, how far, she didn't know. probably not too far, Xardas was powerful. The hardest part though, would be to get the smashed druid out of that giant iron thing. It was taller then any mountain Dari had ever seen. But then again, she had never seen that many mountains. Climbing was not an option, she saw that much when the giantesses had brought her here.

Apart from the new foreman, the newcomers and the breakfast, the girl named Birsel was often talked about by the villagers. The whore monger, Dari had overheard some villagers call her. From what she understood, Birsel was in charge of training and providing female slaves to Laura, to be used for sexual pleasure. The difference in size could only mean bizarre and infinitely cruel practices. But Birsel had been with them in the ship at some point, which meant that Dari could too, if she was one of the sex slaves. Then it was to escape the giantess, find Vengyr, rescue him and take him away from here. Easy.

Dari sighed deeply and rubbed her eyes. The word was that the girls would be chosen by Birsel herself for the task. Dari didn't know if the whore monger had even started yet, though. Wait and see, she thought. Until such time, she would have to ask Dexter for an occupation. Who didn't work got squished, so the villagers had let her known early on.

Nine villagers perished to Janna's hunger before she was done. She just picked them randomly from the onlookers and threw them into her maw along with anything else she meant to eat at each time. Whether to add a certain edge to her food or just out of cruelty, Dari didn't know. They were pulped up with turnips, bread or meat, and swallowed without a hint of pity. Each time though, Laura looked considerately displeased, yet held her tongue all the same. Janna looked in no state to be messed with.

Also, Janna's appetite seemed to be much larger than Laura's. Hungrily, she stuffed her belly with horses, carts of food and the occasional villager. It felt a little weird, like a sacrificial ceremony to some goddess that had suddenly become material. Dari was surprised there weren't any clergy around.

Dari could have slept then and there but she dared not. Instead, she snuck around where groups of villagers stood talking, trying to listen in on their conversations and learn about their state of mind. As expected, the sudden transition of power didn't sit so well with people. If one foreman could go, why not two, so they whispered suggestively. The villagers resented what they had done to the refugees and the refugees resented what had been done to them.

There was something bad brewing. Dexter had changed the rules and now it seemed, some people would abandon them altogether. He needed help. Dari feared that she, Dexter and Oleg would soon be facing off against a mob of a hundred villagers. She moved close to Dexter and whispered as much into his ear. He nodded as though he had expected it all along.

Then, without a warning, Janna stood up to her full height, stretched and lifted a foot to stomp Dexter and anyone around him, including Dari, into the ground. It had happened so quickly and unexpectedly, that they all could only gasp before it was brought down. It stopped three meters above their heads, as quickly as it had started. The wind it carried could be felt on the ground below.

Dari looked around. They all cowered on the ground, some had tears in their eyes and it started to smell of piss. She was cowering herself, she noticed, like all the other worms. If only she hadn't been so damned tired. Janna removed her bare sole from above them and gave them an icy look.

"Pathetic.“ She announced before turning around to go. Her thundering foot steps could be felt in the ground.

"Never mind her.“ Laura said, seemingly perplexed herself. "She didn't sleep so well.“

"Mistress!” Dexter jumped in for the opportunity, still as pale as morning snow. "I must humbly beg again for my companions, Nagash and Daisy. Also, with your leave, I want to start the construction of a smithy, bowyery, tannery, weavery and coopery.

"What do you need those for?“ Laura asked, raising an eyebrow.

"What the refugees so forthcomingly brought with them does not suffice, mistress.“ Dexter explained. "Mostly, our tools need repair, the bows new strings and arrows. We need sturdy leathers and pelts for the hunters. Some of their garments are reduced to rags and the cold slows them down and makes them prone to illness.“

"What, uh...“ Laura actually seemed a little embarrassed. "What does a coopery do?“

"Barrels, mistress.“ Dexter went on, happily. "You saw yourself that the vessels we serve you, are inferior. We need large and sturdy ones that do not break to your merest touch.“

That was true, Dari thought. Quite a few times the tub, barrel, basket or cart the food had been served with, broke because of the giantesses' clumsiness. They were just too big for their little world.

Laura looked at the tiny Dexter with admiration and praise.

"You know, when you said you killed my foreman, the thought of crushing you crossed my mind.“ She said, a hint mischief flashing up in her brown eyes.

"I'm glad, you didn't.“ Dexter replied, lacking his solemn tone of earlier.

And with that, the naked goddess took her leave of them.


Nagash had to take a while to collect herself. The shock of how mistress Janna had used her drowned out the sorrow she felt over the loss of Daisy. It had been stupid anyway, she decided, to like the girl. Humans were humans. Humans were weak.

Out of here, she thought when she was able to stand without trembling. The thread around her neck didn't look very tough but it proved stronger than anything Nagash had ever had in her hands. It wouldn't budge and the knot could not be opened either. Perhaps a human's tiny hands might be able to help her. The irony made her gnash her teeth in frustration. Yes, a human might have actually had a chance at opening it, but the only human within reach was crushed to bits all over the place.

It was useless. If she wanted to live, Nagash would have to adapt to her new role. She was a human now, she realized, a tiny, helpless little slave, cleaning up for the larger creatures and be used for pleasure whenever they desired. There was no doubt in her mind that Janna would do it again.

In lack of any better idea and afraid of punishment, Nagash went to her task. She flipped the enormous pillow with some difficulty and collected what ever of Daisy she could find. Then she tried managing the huge brown bottles, dragging them over to the box and putting them inside. It was tedious work, that left her sweating. She had only stored three bottles away when Janna returned from outside.

"You are slow.“ She said, matter of factly and kicked Nagash as though she were some stray dog.

Nagash felt anger well up inside her, but she could do naught but whimper softly in frustration.

Janna just rested on her bed after that, relaxing while Nagash moved the bottles as quietly as she could. Cleaning the place up would take all day, and then Laura and Janna would get it all dirty again.

When Laura came and told her she would help Dexter build houses, Nagash was actually glad. She had never built houses, but after the night before, Dexter was someone she trusted. She suddenly felt very bad for having used him. After losing Daisy, he seemed like the last friend she had. She prayed that he was not going to avenge himself.

Janna disagreed with taking Nagash away from cleaning the floor though, and the too imposing titanesses had a short but fierce exchange of words in their alien tongue.

Afterwards, Laura looked grumpy but took the other end of the thread off the chair all the same.

When asked where Daisy was, all Nagash could do was shake her head, to which Laura sighed and took Nagash outside.

Laura bound the threat to the heaviest stone oak she could find lying around, and put it down where Dexter directed her to. The raider seemed to have assumed leadership of the village and was ordering humans around, managing leftovers from the feast that they had provided, whilst others were already preparing the construction of houses.

"Your Daisy is gone and I have to clean up yesterdays mess so you can have her.“ Laura informed him darkly and nodded over to Nagash. "I hope you appreciate that and don't let her escape.“

"No worries, mistress!“ Dexter called back obediently.

He seemed exchanged after what had happened the night before, but then again, Nagash was too. She was no longer the free, fearsome beast she had been. She was afraid, and tiny, and now she would take orders from humans to help them build shelter for themselves. Nagash resented every bit of it.

"One more thing.“ Laura said, as coldly as a northern breeze. "Janna gets twenty of you people in exchange for the giantess.“

Her words washed over every villager like the black pest. Eyes widened, throats went dry and hearts dropped to the floor, builders stood frozen with what they were carrying in hand, saws went as silent as did hammers, shovels and axes. A girl dropped a basket of apples and the birds sung their early autumn song in the back ground as though to mock them.

"O...of course.“ Dexter stammered and started to look around.

"Don't bother.“ Laura said annoyed and started snatching people up at random, starting with the unfortunate apple dropper.

People ran for their homes, tried to hide under wagons or called out for their loved ones. Laura didn't seem to care.

"Wait mistress!“ Dexter urged her. "Let me select the weakest and least useful for you, and their families so there be less harm done to our productivity!“

Nagash could feel the resentment growing among the villagers. It was cold hearted, yes, but they should thank him all the same, for he did it to their good. She didn't fail to notice though, that he hadn't offered himself up as he had yesterday.

There was much wailing, crying and pleading when the chosen were carried off. The people who had their loved ones returned to them however, rejoiced and hearted each other, and were full of praise and thanks for their new leader. Dexter had arranged it so, that no one in the village was left lacking family and would thus be sacrificed, as Nagash learned later.

"It's good to have you back.“ Dexter said bitterly when he approached her. The villagers eyed them both cautiously. Nagash didn't say a word.

"You will help with the construction of houses.“ He continued, moving in even closer and bidding her to bend down.

"We must stick together now.“ He whispered into her ear when she did. "There's trouble brewing in the village. I need you on my side. We only have each other now, Oleg, you and me. Let us play along for the time being until we can make our escape and come out on top. Can I count on you, sister?“

Nagash chewed her lip before she nodded.

She opened her mouth to speak but he cut her short: "We will talk later. Have you eaten? I'll have them bring you some food, you look exhausted.“

"I didn't sleep.“ Nagash said finally and rose back up, letting her eyes travel over the hundreds of villagers who were still watching them.

"Neither have I.“ Dexter responded and turned it into an announcement. "I know many of you are tired, but there is much work to be done. To compensate for yesterday, every family will get an extra ration of food from the leftovers.“

That seemed to earn him some respect with some people, while others looked as bitter as before.

"There's corpse flesh amongst the meat and saw dust in the most of the fruit!“ An older builder with singular teeth, a bent back and arms as thick as a child's torso spat.

There was agreement amongst villagers. Too much agreement.

In the Spear Brothers, Dexter might have drawn his axe and dealt a scar for the provocation, but that would not serve here. Instead he turned to Nagash and nodded over at the man suggestively. Nagash understood.

With three tired strides she was over the man, grabbed him by one stiff arm and yanked him upwards. His bent back crackled and gnashed and he cried out in pain. She looked over to Dexter who looked back for a few seconds until nodding again, and Nagash set the man down. He whimpered on the ground before her but kept his mouth shut otherwise as did everyone else, for now.

They gave Nagash more food than she could eat and her belly was entirely full for once and she started feeling better. She made a point of sucking the flesh off a severed leg. It tasted stale compared to the cured meat items but she did it to install some more fear in the little villagers. With the bigger giantesses gone, it helped her feel on top of the food chain again, maybe she would even get to vent some of her frustrations on some unruly, little humans.

Her first task was demolition. A small hut, right in the centre of the village was to be torn down and a smithy build in it's place. This didn't sit well with the young couple inhabiting the place however, and Nagash almost thought she would be required to hurt somebody again. Her sheer presence, towering over the protesters and their domicile, was enough though to silence them and they had to watch as Nagash dismantled it.

Afterwards she spent most of her time carrying wood and stones and putting them where the builders told her to. What easily required the strength of four humans to lift, she was able to lift almost effortlessly and then lift it much higher, inspiring Dexter to command the construction of two or more story houses as they were found in human cities. With Nagash for a crane and an army of villagers as helping hands, the construction made huge progress in a very short time.

There were even only three incidents. The first one was a builder, directing a huge wooden beam carried by Nagash, and the giantess just couldn't resist but to accidently push him over the edge of the roof he was standing on. He broke a leg and was carried away without consequences.

Next, without Nagash's doing, a boy missed with an axe and lost two fingers. He cried horribly and even Nagash felt a little bad for him.

Lastly, as Nagash was getting bored and more tired yet, she killed a scrawny girl of fourteen. The poor thing had been carrying water, struggling with the heavy bucket and had decided to cross by Nagash rather than to make the longer route around the next house.

Nagash had been standing still, lifting yet another beam to the builders when one of them bid her to wait for him to widen a fit. As though shifting to stand more comfortably, she pushed the girl to the ground with her left foot and trod down, all in one motion, purposefully putting as much weight on the foot as she could. The buckets fell to the floor, the water spilled and the girl's cry was cut short before the cracking of her bones made everyone stop what they were doing.

There was no pavement in the village but the ground was trampled pretty hard, still the girl sank in a bit with Nagash's weight on top of her.

"Oh no, I am sorry!“ Nagash exclaimed, trying to sound as genuine as she could.

Villagers raced to her and tried to help, but they could only watch as the smashed, scrawny little thing gargled blood for a minute before she died. She could have survived, Nagash judged, but her torso had been caught side ways, very unfavourably, beneath Nagash's foot, and her rips that broke like twigs under the giantess's weight ripped through her lungs, leaving her no chance. Nagash had to suppress a grin.

When Dexter heard of it though, he was not pleased. He believed her accident story, officially, but something told Nagash that the old raider was cunning enough to smell the falsehood. In any case, it didn't matter. She was too important for the villagers to punish her because she had accidentally killed a little girl. She was the only giantess they had and they had many little girls.


Janna was feeling vengeful.

Her pride was hurt because Laura had proven that that stupid village of hers was actually useful to have. She was sitting at the edge of the ship, dangling her legs, while Laura groaned and cursed, cleaning up yesterdays mess. That wasn't punishment enough though.

Twenty of Laura's precious villagers belonged to Janna now, and she would make their deaths as pointless as she could. She would have to go and find some more food today at some point, she knew, but she still had time for a little play.

"Hey there.“ She cooed, loud enough for Laura to hear every word.

The villagers didn't answer. They had tried to run deeper into the ship first but Janna had patiently put them back beside her on the floor until they were tired enough not to try it again. Now they huddled there, staring up at her. She couldn't hide a grin.

"Let's play a game!“ She suggested excitedly. "You get to ask me a riddle and I get to ask you one.“

Janna could tell, Laura knew where she was getting with this. The villagers however seemed at a loss.

"What is...-“ The youngest villager, a little, sickly looking boy began before Janna cut him off.

"Ah, ah, ah.“ She grinned. "We haven't determined the catch yet.“

She lifted a villager at random, a wife of someone, by the looks of it, and lifted a butt cheek off the floor.

"If you can't solve my riddle or I can solve yours,“ She began, putting the screaming and struggling woman beneath her, "I do this.“

The steel didn't budge an inch. Janna's butt, as she sat down, distributed itself as it usually did, regardless of the puny, little human creature in the way. The woman was pinned first as it rolled over her and when the pressure became too much, Janna felt a pop. The villagers had heard it too and started begging for mercy.

"It's just a game.“ Janna giggled innocently. "Riddle me well and you shall live. You start.“

They remained as silent and unmoving as blocks of salt. Except for one. A dodderer stepped forward, as quickly as his old bones allowed him to. Janna looked on with curious fascination. The old man either took his time or was just too old and fragile to move any quicker. She had half a mind to bulldoze him flat and move on, when he started to speak.

“What two things,“ He said with throaty voice, "can you never eat to break your fast.“

Janna was dumbfounded for a moment before she started to think. It was a stupid riddle. It could be anything obviously. Iron and toenails, battle tanks and excrement, McDonald's and Wendy's, pussy and poison...she was curious though as to what the answer was.

The old man actually allowed himself a smile.

"Lunch and supper!“ He said, giving her no more time to think. Janna wondered if the old man even understood what he was talking about or what was at stake for them. For now though, he was the only one willing to play, and Janna felt challenged. There would still be plenty of time to crush him once he had failed to solve her riddle.

"You didn't give me enough time. I was about to say that.“ She pouted and reached for another villager.

She had grabbed the sickly looking boy she had cut off earlier and found that he was little more than a kid. A sting of guilt pierced the back of her head like a needle.

"So big and yet afraid to loose to a little dwarf like me?” The old man said softly.

Janna put the boy back down and glared at the old man. This was meant to regain her pride, not lose it. Flattening him now though, would just prove his point. None of the villagers would live to tell of it, but Laura was still within earshot.

"Riddle me this, grandpa.“ She spat at him. "When I buy it, I do not need it, but when I need, it I cannot buy it.“

The old man took a rest before he responded: "A coffin!“

Janna's mouth twisted and some villager woman actually escaped a cheer. When Janna was about to angrily single her out, the old man posed his next riddle: "Some day, two fathers and two sons went fishing. When they caught three fish, each of them had one for dinner. How was this possible?”

Because they bought one on the market, Janna was about to say when the right answer came to her: "Because the one father is the other father's son!“

The smile on the old man's face died.

Victoriously, Janna lifted the woman out of the crowd and pinned her next to the red splotch that was left of her last victim.

"You can't safe them all, old man.“ She said apologetically and lowered herself. This one didn't pop but was squashed outwards by Janna's weight.

"Poor thing.” She commented casually with a shrug while she thought about her next riddle.

Playing riddles had been short sighted, she saw now, she just didn't know too many of them. It didn't matter though, she felt better and it was time to play something else anyway.

"Hey grandpa.“ She asked cruelly. "What is old, with brittle bones and goes squish when I sit on it?”

The old man looked up to her in confusion before it dawned on him and fear crept into his wrinkled face.

"I...uh, I...uh.“ He stammered and Janna pushed herself off the ground and to the side, landing on top of him with a crash. His old bones were brittle indeed and there was significantly little resistance when her rump scrunched him into a stain.

That sent the villagers running though, as Janna had come down right next to them. She scrambled on all fourths and started battering them around, like a cat that played with a bunch of baby mice. She swatted a running cripple like a cock roach and pinned a group of three under her crotch, spreading her legs wider and wider until her pussy lips had squashed them all flat.

The rest she drove to a pile infront of her until they were tired of running again.

"Thirteen left.“ She counted and laughed into their haunted faces.

"You nameless-worshipping demon!“ Someone screamed at her from the pile.

"Huh?“ Janna asked involuntarily, cocking her head. "Who is nameless?“

"There used to be thirteen gods.“ Laura explained in English from the table, audibly annoyed, scrubbing the floor. "One of them went full devil mode and so now there's only twelve. Twelve is a lucky number, thirteen is an unlucky one.“

"I guess they're unlucky then.“ Janna laughed but Laura only sighed.

"Janna, could you go outside please and let me clean this shit in peace?“ She said, antagonized.

"Don't worry, I'm almost done.“ Janna responded with a smirk.

"Hey little ones.“ She addressed the pile before her. "There is only one god and that is me. To show me your devotion I only need you all to stay right were you are.“

The pile started to dissolve. People tried to disentangle themselves from each other, and what before had given them some tiny sense of comfort was becoming their death trap. Any one who got out was only able to crawl a few feet before Janna's butt settled on top of them. Janna couldn't help but giggle. Thirteen sighs, thirteen cries for mercy were drowned out one by one as she lowered herself. It wasn't long before the weaker people started breaking.

After her full weight was on them there was still some twitching, so she leaned left and right, back and forth to flatten them all equally. Then she lifted herself and fell down again. And again. And again, until all the pile was even with the ground.

"Don't forget this spot.“ Janna teased and pointed to the massacre.

Laura looked at her emptily and shrugged: "Why are we friends? I completely forgot why we're friends.“

"Because someone has to remind you that these are not worth anything.“ Janna shot back and pointed at the carnage.

"Gosh, I have your precious little friends all over my butt.“ She added arrogantly while making her way out.


Laura flared her nostrils. She had never known her friend to be this way. Back in the beginning, Janna had tried to protect the tiny people from Laura's playfulness and now she didn't even restrain from torturing Laura, though be it in a non-physical way.

Laura didn't care about the twenty villagers other than the loss of work force for her tiny village. To think that Janna meant to hurt her though...

Hurt. Janna had never hurt anything, why would she be so monstrous right now. It didn't make any sense.

Her head full of worries, she found scrubbing the floor too bothersome. The tiny puke and body stains, spilled beer and empty bottles had been the least of it anyway. Janna's massacre wasn't too bad either, the worst part was just the common dirt on the floor that they carried in from outside.

Janna's shapely butt had really made mush of the tiny people. She cleaned the worst of it and called her work done. If Janna protested she'd just tell her to fuck off. Laura wasn't going to suffer because Janna couldn't handle a night of drinking.

To her surprise, she found Janna sitting outside, by the village, squatting and hugging her knees.

Assuming the worst, Laura rushed over to her but before she could say anything, Janna opened her mouth.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean that.“ She said without turning around.

Janna hadn't harmed a single villager, just observing them from above as they laboured off like ants. Laura slowed her pace until she stood beside her.

"They are using the giantess for a crane.“ Janna pointed out, and indeed they did. There were already two new completed structures and three in the middle of being built. It was a different style of architecture too, moving away from the longhouses Laura had seen before and going towards more sophisticated half-timber structures, that were higher and much less crude to look upon.

"So much can happen if you don't crush everyone you can get your hands on.“ Laura said and sat down cross-legged beside Janna.

There had probably been many capable people who could have accomplished great things among those, she and especially Janna had tread down, sat upon or eaten.

"Yeah, but whatever.“ Janna shrugged and Laura couldn't help but agree.

"Where's my little fuck slave?!“ Laura called out over the village and soon enough Birsel emerged from one of the houses, three young girls in tow.

"I'm here, mistress!“ She called fearfully when she was in reach.

"Are those your...students?“ Laura chuckled and pointed at the girls. They looked terrified. Laura wondered how Birsel had gone about teaching the girls how to please giant goddesses. They looked good though, pretty little things. A brunette, a red head and a blonde.

"Come closer, my little darlings.“ Laura urged them motherly. "I don't bite.“

That drew a chuckle from Janna. Birsel let the girls before her and shoved them forward gently.

"Show me the goods.“ Laura comaded and Birsel had the girls slip out of their dresses. They were skinny but healthy, and undeniably beautiful.

“Good.“ Laura smiled. "Are they ready yet? Give me a demonstration. I'll have the red head.“

Laura untangled her legs and spread them, exposing her woman hood to the better part of the village. She had never bothered to don any clothes today, as she oft did not, and her pussy was still as clean shaven as yesterday. The tiny, fire-haired girl looked at Birsel for help, but wasn't like to recieve any. She stumbled frightened towards Laura's crotch until the pink, fleshy lips towered over her. Janna was shifting uneasily but Laura didn't pay her any mind.

"Go ahead.“ Laura urged with a friendly smile. "I promise I wont squash you with it.“

The tiniest of hands reached out and touched her. Then the girl seemed to remember her lessons, and moved in head first, starting to do all her tiny frame would allow her to. A gasp escaped Laura's lips and she felt her sex moisten. Her hips slid forward just a tiny inch, involuntarily, pushing the terrified girl to the ground. Laura leaned back just enough and used her hands to open herself.

"Go on. Inside with you.“ She commanded.

The red head tried, really, but as much as she fought, struggled, climbed and crawled, she wasn't able to make it. It was pleasurable to Laura all the same, but left her wanting inside. It would have been easy to her just to give the girl a push, but she didn't. Instead she decided to play a little cruel.

"Get inside or I stuff you so deep in the there, you will never be able to get out.“ She threatened, almost panting.

Then, suddenly, there was another hand. A giant hand, and a long arm, giving the poor little thing a gentle push and slipping into Laura's folds behind it. Laura's eyes met Janna's for a long moment before the bigger girl leaned over her to kiss. Their lips met softly at first, before Janna pushed Laura back and invaded her mouth with her tongue.

All the while, Janna was fingering her gently, pushing the struggling, petite sex slave around in Laura's cunt, leaving Laura breathless in ecstasy, no mind left to heed right or wrong. Janna moved up and looked down at her while she locked her arm before her hips and started thrusting gently. Laura could feel her, not only the fingers inside her, not only the hand kneading her breast, not only the tongue that licked salty sweat of her neck when Janna leaned in, but Janna as a whole, her strength, her warmth, her power, her might.

A girlish cry escaped Laura's lips when Janna thrust deeper. Her legs started shuddering, her eyes bulged and her breaths only came in shallow panting that left her light head spinning and the world turning. After a short while, Janna moved position and Laura saw briefly how she reached into the village. She showed the tiny naked brunette to Laura and grinned maliciously before she pinned the thing to Laura's naked sex and smothered it with her panty-covered own.

Rhythmically, they ground their hips together. Laura could feel everything, the tiny, drowning thing inside her, the slave girl in between them being smothered and crushed, and Janna's hot, moist lips underneath the fabric of her panties. They fucked harder and faster until the brunette was only a skid mark on Janna's crotch.

When Laura arched her back and cried out, her pussy clamping down on the girl inside her, Janna rushed her head in between her legs and started to suck on her clitoris until Laura could only kick and beat the earth around her in uncontrollable climax.

She was laying on her back, panting, looking into the sky, when Janna moved up from in between her legs, twisting her lips into a smile, as cute as a button. Then they kissed again. Janna's tongue tasted of sex, but then there was something else.

Kicking and struggling weakly, the red haired girl passed from Janna's into Laura's mouth.

Laura giggled and let the girl travel over her tongue, licking Janna's saliva off of her. Then she kissed Janna again, passionately, and let the tiny thing travel back in between their lips.

Janna stretched out her tongue with the girl on it. She was laying, coated in saliva, too weak to do anything but extend one hand pleadingly towards Laura. Then Janna drew her back in and moved the girl onto her molars. She kept her mouth open to let Laura watch while her teeth first crushed the girl flat until half of her was squirting out to the side and then chomped down on the rest of her until she was nothing but a pulpy mess.

They both looked to the village at the same time. All labour had stopped and they all just gaped at them with pale faces.

"Get back to work you little bugs.“ Laura laughed at them. "If I catch anyone sleeping outside by nightfall, I'll let Janna play with you for a while.”

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