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Chapter 6

The self appointed giant-slayers crowded the empress's throne hall. Dari noticed that they had divided up by rank and social status, knights and renowned warriors at the front, common sell swords and fortune seekers at the back. Five short but bulky brothers, called 'the dwarfs' by everyone else, had even brought their giant ballista into the hall.

Dari was disguised as a southerner. Black leather boots and brown britches, a fine white shirt under a black leather west and a hat, black as well, with an absurdly long feather tugged under a leather rim. She could speak the accent of the southerners well enough to fool anyone here.

"We can shoot a heavy spear a mile far.” Dari had heard the 'dwarfs' boast to some knight who had argued that the giants would spot them and lay waste to the apparatus before there would be any time to fire. The hall was enormous, the largest of it's kind built by mankind but it was not every day that common people were let inside, much less be allowed to lay eyes on the empress. Xaviera, empress of Gareth, was but a sickly girl of ten, having come to power unexpectedly when the rest of her family burned alive in their wheel house on their way to some holy place in the east. Surely, she just sat there as a token of legitimacy to her advisors who had divided the real power amongst themselves.

Dari saw them, standing besides the massive golden throne. There were honourable knights in shining decorated armour, wealthy fat men in expensive silks, a few mages in their robes and a representative of each of the twelve gods.

Praios was the highest of the gods and his high priest, holding the sceptre of the sun, looked grimly into the crowd. His thin lips twitched unkindly and his narrow eyes seemed to spot abomination where ever they looked.

A Rondra priestess was standing right next to him, proudly wearing a fierce lion on her chest and wielding a flame-edged sword as befitting a representative of the warrior goddess.

The other priests were clothed in embroidered robes bearing the symbols of their gods, only the Ingerim priest looked like a common black smith, though even more muscular.

"Silentium!" The Rondra priestess announced, spreading her arms wide. "Her royal highness has decreed that it be in the interest of the throne to slay the giants that are plaguing the empire of Gareth. Anyone who can prove to have slain a giant will receive their own weight in gold, thrice over!"

Dari chuckled at the sight of a very fat sell sword who slapped his large belly. If he was to kill one giant, she would have to kill at least four to make as much gold as him.

Three days ago giants had come out of the mountains and started to cause problems in the country side. Dari had always thought the old tales to be nothing but fables but apparently there was more truth to them than she knew. Word on the streets was that some mighty druid had died and some mighty ancient spell with him, allowing the giants to rise once again. But then again, others called them a punishment of the gods, or better yet nameless summonings of demon worshippers.

Dari didn't know which was true, only that nine meter tall beasts walked the lands, plundering and killing at their heart's content. To prove the word of the throne, a giant wooden scale had been erected and, accompanied by the cheering of the crowd, an enormous man walked onto one side while the other was being piled with gold until the scale was even.

"Ugo, Ugo, Ugo!" the crowd cheered. The brutal looking knight Sir Ugo Tannhaus had assumed the name Ugo Giantsbane as he was the first and only one so far who had been able to slay a giant. The taverns of the city were full of talk of his bravery. While sell swords attacked the giant from the front, Sir Hugo had ridden around the beast and driven his lance through it's knee from full gallop. The giant fell but fought on, killing anyone it could grasp.

Sir Ugo had then dismounted, ordered the other soldiers into the breach and slipped in while the beast was crushing the heads of two others. He pushed his two handed great sword through the giant's chin up into it's brains, killing it instantly.

When Dari would try her luck at a giant, she'd be more efficient, she thought. Slip in quickly and quietly and kill the beast with poison. Of course, a giant wouldn't fall to just any poison that would kill a common man. As an accomplished assassin, Dari's supplies of those were enormous but one had to have a more rare and potent brew to bring down a giant. She had brought the vial of Zorgan's Dread with her, a thick, black liquid.

Possession of such a substance was punishable by death but Dari wasn't scared at all. Most of the weapons she carried hidden about her person would earn her the flaying rack anyway. A jaw stabber, a gut ripper and the Mengbillar, a razor sharp, hollow dagger, made for injecting poison into an unsuspecting victim.

The substance had been terribly expensive as well, but Dari wasn't in this for the money. It was boredom and a taste for prestige. As of late she had rejected some very easy yet disproportionately lucrative contracts just for the reason of them being too boring. Without a sense of danger, even killing a man could be a dull experience.

A sense of unease tingled in Dari's neck. Someone was watching her. She could almost always tell when someone was watching her. She squeezed past another bulky, mail-clad sell sword and rushed to the side of the hall without drawing any attention.

"Is there a privy, some place here, where a young lady might squat down?" She approached a guardsman in flawless southern accent. Southerners always talked bluntly.

"Over there, there is." The lad pointed her to the other side of the hall. Giving him a thankful smile, she turned around to see if she could spot who was following her. There, amongst the crowd stood another one of the guardsmen, dimly staring at her, not paying the spectacle Sir Ugo made with his gold any mind. He looked in far worse condition than any of the other guards in the hall though. He didn't belong here.

As quickly as a shadow, Dari made her way to the other side of the hall, keeping a good deal of flesh in between herself and the stranger. How could she have been spotted so easily, and if the guard knew who she was, why wasn't he raising the alarm? She pretended to go into the privy but slipped behind another guard's back as soon as she was out of his field of vision. Without making so much as a sound she slipped through another door and found herself in a dimly lit corridor, used by servants to bring food and supplies to the main hall. They were empty now.

Already, she heard something move in front of the door and hopped into a corner so that the open door would conceal her. When the door was closed she saw him, dirty and ogrish looking, his small eyes darting into every corner. In a split second the jaw stabber was in her hand and she had stabbed him, lighting fast, in and out the soft spot under the jaw. Blood came rushing out of his wound and with a soft, gurgling squeal he went to his knees and died.

"Hm, most impressive." An amused voice spoke right behind her.

Instinctively, Dari spun around and thrust the blade up into the jaw of who ever was standing there. It was a man, an old one and he was clad in grey robes. The blade went in under his jaw but stopped as if it was unable to penetrate his skin. The two stared at each other for a moment and the man gave her a pitiful look. He was standing right were she had been before but there seemed to be no explanation as to how he had gotten there.

Dari tried again, drawing her blade about his neck, time and again, left, right, the old man's eyes only grew more pitiful and sad. Armatrutz, Dari knew, a spell that could make a mage's skin tougher than armour. She had killed mages before, of course, those were very interesting contracts. When trying to kill a mage, the best cause was to hit him unsuspectedly but of course in this case, the mage wasn't the prey. Dari was. Fear, as dark and poisonous as Zorgan's dread, crept down her spine.

Then suddenly the door opened, and guards came streaming in, overwhelming her, and the last thing Dari saw was a wooden club crashing down on her face. With a horrible 'crack' her world went dark.


It had taken hours, pushing herself out of the cold stone of the mountains. Nagash had been exhausted and hungry by the time she was done and when she had glanced back at the massive rock her body had stuck in she saw that she hadn't left a mark, as if she somehow had been one with the matter of the mountains. It was strange and scary to behold, a feeling that she was not used to.

Only faint memories remained of what she had once been, what the world had been. She dragged herself through the mountains and into the woods. No food for two days. When finally she had come upon a lonely hunting cabin she had acted as if she had done this a hundred times before.

Little humans dwelled in the cabin, skinning their day's game. With her last strength Nagash came upon them, the little hunters less than a sixth of her size. One actually managed to get his bow and quill fast enough to shoot an arrow at her but the insignificant sting in her skin was nothing against the empty pains in her stomach. She lifted the bowman with one hand and grabbed his head with the other. When she twisted it off the two others were already on the run.

Nagash's strides outlasted theirs easily and soon the male and the female were right in front of her. When she jumped over them, the man human rushed in front of the girl and drew a pathetic little blade. Nagash didn't even bother to take it off of him when she grabbed his torso and flung him back against the cabin where he crashed through the wall and was nowhere to be seen.

She had forgotten how much she enjoyed killing humans.

"Please don't kill me." The pathetic little human wept while Nagash towered over her. She had fallen to her knees and crept backwards.

Nagash followed her with slow, threatening steps: "What place is this? Answer quickly, before I crush your head!"

She spoke the human tongue well enough, according to her own judgement. Humans on the other hand were too stupid to learn the giants' tongue. None of the slaves had ever been able to acquire it and so the giants had started to learn in order to make their humans more useful.

"The green forest!" The girl was eager with terror.

Nagash exhaled angrily: "There are a thousand places you meagre little worms call green forest!"

Calling a place full of trees with green leaves and needles Green Forest was just the typical, exhausting human stupidity.

"Wha-...No, I..." The girl stammered while she bumped backwards against a stone and came to a halt, "It...It's Angergast. The Kingdom of King Aele by the graces of the gods, please...please don't..."

Andergast, Nagash thought while she forced the tiny head onto the stone that had blocked it's retreat. She had never heard of such a place.

"How much time has passed?" She inquired further and locked the girl's head on the stone with her bare foot.

"What?! I...I do not know, please..." The girl begged before Nagash's foot squashed her head against the stone.

Wiping her feet clean on the grass while she returned to the cabin, Nagash began to understand that the times had changed. She remembered barely how the earth had one day swallowed them all up. Somehow, it seemed, it had released them again.


"Ahh, what a pity." Dari heard a ruff, scratchy voice say when she woke up. "Did you have to smash her face in like that?! I like them pretty girls."

Her head was pounding and she couldn't breath through her nose. In fact, her face was a pounding mess too but it felt as if her nose was somewhere where her upper front teeth had been. She swallowed a mouth full of blood and teeth which almost made her gag.

"Pretty? Hehe!" Another voice said, nasal and high pitched and utterly unpleasant. "Down here, you fuck anything that has three holes."

"Or only two." A third voice added, chuckling; deep, hollow and dull.

Dari's right eye slowly adjusted to the light, her left eye was blind. She wasn't even sure if it was still in it's socket. The walls of the dungeons were grey and moist and covered in mildew. Weird apparatuses were standing around and a few tables had all manner of wooden and metallic objects on them. She was seated in a chair, she recognized, and chained to it by her hands and feet.

One of the guards who had overwhelmed her was kneeling in front of her, grinning a horribly toothless smile. His oily skin and hair were shining in the torch light but couldn't betray the fact that he was dirty all over. Dari was almost thankful that she couldn't smell.

Two more guards were standing in the back, regarding her, and it was easy to tell which voice belonged to whom. There was a short and slender one with a face that looked like a rat's and a tall, fat, flat faced one who had a horrible scar running about his temple where his head had probably once been smashed in.

"I think we can rape her few times before the fucking wizard gets here. We can't help it, there's no way out and nothing better to do?!" The closest guard argued. "Face or not, she has some nice little tits and I bet that cunt of hers is fairly decent too. She doesn't look like a common wench for once."

After fondling Dari's breasts with his dirty hands he made to slip his hands down her britches but the fat guard made a threatening step forward: "She is not to be harmed, master said, keep your hands off her."

"Oh, really?" The other guard answered before turning around to face the fat one. "But master Xardas isn't here, is he?! He wont even notice, he's like to kill her anyway."

"Yeah, let's take the bitch for a ride." The rat-looking one agreed and made his way towards Dari. "Bet I can shove my cock down her mouth and she wont even bite, hehe, 'bitch is missing most of her teeth."

"Oh, but master said she is dangerous." The fat guard warned. "He said she is likely to rip off your man parts. Root and stem, he said."

"She doesn't look very dangerous to me." The first guard said and took a step back.

The smaller guard conceded: "Yes, let's fuck her already!"

"Fine." The fat guard spat. "Have some fun. But I get her first!"

"No, I get her first!" The smallest of the guards protested. "Stiff was first the last time. It's my turn!"

"Shut your gub, Rat." Stiff, the ugly one with the oily skin replied. "Fatty went first last time."

"Ohh, she's awake." The fat one noticed, staining himself with his own spittle. "I like it when they squirm. I get first."

When Stiff and Rat began to object he grabbed them both by the neck and squeezed. That was argument enough for them to concede, afterwards.

They took Dari from the chair and pushed her to the ground and held her there. One was holding her arms behind about her chest while the others tore at her britches. Dari tried to struggle but she was too weak. They pulled her britches down and shoved her feet upwards to gain access to her woman hood. She saw that 'Fatty' had pulled out his erect member, tiny in comparison to the rest of his body. He leaned forward and fumbled forward in order to enter her, a task made more difficult by the fact that his belly was so large that he couldn't see his penis. Dari saw her chance.

Leaning forward, slow and way too heavy for his frame, the fat guard's neck became a vulnerable target. Instinctively and faster than he could fathom, Dari pushed his head side ways and a little upwards with her feet, just to the point where the neck was most likely to break. Three quick but powerful kicks against his temple and 'Fatty' sunk to the ground, dead.

"What the..." Stiff, holding her hands, began but Dari was already moving on. She lifted herself in his grip and acrobatically swung atop his shoulders. Surprised, the guard stood up and groped at her but with her britches down there wasn't much to hold on to.

She gave the approaching Rat a quick kick to the face that sent him stumbling backwards before she locked her legs around Stiff's neck and threw herself front over. The man came down with her but Dari twisted sideways with all her might so that she came to rest on top of him, breaking his neck with their combined bodyweight. His death rattle was a short and high pitched squeak. He was just like a pig, Dari thought before she turned to the last guard.

He had used his time to grab a wooden club but he wasn't wielding it at her. Instead he stood and looked at the limp, dead bodies of his comrades. The weapon shook in his hand. Dari jumped to the table with the torture equipment and got a cleaver, big and heavy, with a rusty edge.

"I yield!" The little man squealed and dropped his weapon. "Please don't kill me, I...I'm only a little servant, I'll make it up to you I swear!"

Dari used the time to pull her pants back up and cover her nakedness. Pure hate pulsed through her mind and what little eyesight remained to her was focused only on him. She stood over him and lifted the weapon over her head, ready to take his head off.

"Ohhh, master!" The guard pointed and gestured to where the chair stood. "Help me! Please, help your humble servant, I beg you!"

"I think I remember instructing you not to touch her." The mage's tired voice rang through the dungeon.

Dari spun around to see him step out of the darkness. He wore the same grey robes as before. Even though his mouth was showing a hint of amusement, his eyes were as sad, tired and a thousand miles away.

"Master!" The guard in front of her shrieked. "My deepest apologies! I...It wasn't my idea! It was them! I only went along so that they wouldn't beat me. Help me, please!"

Dari turned back towards the wizard who only cocked his head as if he wanted to see what she would do next. Then she let the cleaver sink.

"Thank you!" The small man began to cry. "Thank you!"

As fast as lightning Dari drew the cleaver through his neck, separating the head from his body. It hit the ground with a thud that was not unfamiliar to her.

"Weren't you going to be merciful?" The mage scolded her with his amused yet somehow sad voice and stepped a little closer.

"I was merciful." Dari spat and turned to face him, cleaver in hand. "A clean, painless death."

The mage lowered his gaze: "A common misconception. Being such a prominent assassin, I thought you would know..."

"If I am a prominent assassin I must have been doing it wrong." Dari argued, only buying time to find a way to escape him.

"Indeed." The wizard chuckled softly. "My experiments have shown, that the severed head of a man lives on for a surprisingly lengthy period of time. He cannot talk, of course, but he will react to being called and look about. Thus, astoundingly, I must conclude that obliterating the brain with a hammer is, ironically, a less painful method of inducing death; without the employment of arcane or alchemical means, of course."

"Those 'experiments' sound like they might get you in trouble with the Praios church." Dari said, contemplating if making a rush for the door or flinging the cleaver was the better option.

He shrugged in response: "What the sun doth not know, doth her no woe."

"Are you a black mage then?" Dari inquired to keep him talking. "You are wearing grey robes..."

"Anyone can don grey robes." He said giving her a tired look. "Now do you want to keep this up or will you fling that cleaver at me? You might just try rushing through the door as well, I shall not stop you."

Dari smelled a trap: "If you are going to kill me then do it already. See how long my head lives on to look about when you cut it off."

"Cutting it off will not improve the condition these fools have left said head in, I fear. More over, I require it connected to the other, well-trained rest of you." He stepped closer and Dari made a step back.

"I would gut you if you didn't hide behind that spell." Dari spat hatefully.

"Oh, no doubt." The mage said with a twist of his mouth. "Thus it may interest you that I am standing here, unprotected."

"As if..." Dari began but he already walked up to the nearest table, took up an axe laid his bare wrist onto the wood. Then he looked her square in the remaining eye. From deep within her, a scream escaped when the axe came crashing down on his very own wrist. He held the stump up and regarded it with some interest, blood gushing out with every beat of his heart.

"You see?" He said, not showing the slightest indication of pain. "You can go ahead and kill me. Although, I am sad to say that would mean I cannot be here to see if you ever make it out of this dungeon. The fat one's flesh will feed you for about two weeks alone, but water is terribly scarce down here."

Dari rushed for the door and pulled at the handle. It cracked and squeaked but it opened. Gleefully she almost ran through it before she stopped herself in the last instant.

Behind the door was nothing but a wall.


The little human Nagash had thrown right through his cabin wall was dead. She helped herself to some cold roasted meat and some carrots and potatoes she found. When she had eaten, she took some hides the hunters had prepared for transportation and went to make some primitive clothing to cover herself with. It was barely enough for a loin cloth and a sheet that she wrapped around her chest to keep her breasts from bouncing when she ran, but she was used to wearing clothes like that. It was all a giantess needed.

Her hands had their difficulty working the fine material. What to humans was sturdy, hard, raw leather was rather thin and delicate to her. But she got the job done well enough to have something to cover herself with until she had made some human slaves. For all their stupidity, humans made excellent slaves. They talked and were crafty and could make and build the most astounding and sophisticated things, yet their bodies were tiny and fragile so they didn't need much food and could be put into order most easily.

Until Nagash found a male giant or even a clan to join, the humans had other uses too, although they sometimes broke during the act. It wasn't too bad, there were always some more.

Humans could be dangerous though too. When they were clad in shining armour, it was best to avoid them, Nagash's mother had taught her and shown her a captive human knight. The metal suit crumbled easily when Nagash stepped on him just to see if he would be able to take her weight but she understood that they were better fighters and less likely to run away. Killing running humans was as easy as trampling pigs, although mother had always been mad when Nagash had killed the latter.

"Animals are for eating, humans are for work." She had always said, but somehow Nagash was never scolded for killing humans. The ones who were good at making clothes or cooking were protected of course, but those who looked after animals or cleaned up were never missed when Nagash killed them out of boredom. Her mother did it too, she had noticed early, sometimes for being in her path, sometimes for talking, sometimes for doing nothing at all. The ones she took during the night never lived to tell the tale and when Nagash was old enough she took them too when she felt like it.

Slaves were not too hard to come by. Most villages and farms were protected poorly and made for easy prey. Nagash had joined a few raids on villages and once she had even attacked a farm all by herself. The old father and his three sons had tried to fight her with pitch forks for all the good it did them and the females had run into the woods. Hunting them down was one of the most fun things Nagash had ever experienced.

The old, slow mother had turned around and tried to waste Nagash's time to allow the daughters to escape but the giantess had made short work of her. Then, Nagash had tracked down the group of sisters, stalked them until they slept and captured all of them at once. The youngest had been a sweet little morsel but the others were older, about Nagash's age. Deeply in the comfortable lonliness of the woods, they had helped her to explore that thing between her legs. Thenceforth, she always got a little tingly in there when she played with the slaves.

Male giants were very rare and were also called 'ogres'. They didn't stay with a single clan for long but strolled the world, hunting and making slaves to impress a clan of females who would then have him for as long as they saw fit. For protection of their children, the clans lived far away from the humans to avoid becoming a target for their revenge raids and humans came into contact with ogres much more often than with female giants.

That all had been before 'Albino' had made himself king of the giants and organized them to be able to stand against human armies. While Nagash grew and became a woman, the land was laying in ashes and no male giants came to mate with her. Humans were growing scarce as well. Then some day, it must have been the day of a big battle, the sky had turned purple and the earth had swallowed them right up.

The next thing Nagash knew was that she was somehow stuck inside a rock and had to push herself out. She could have taken the girl for a slave, she reckoned, but she wouldn't be staying here for long. The girl would have only slowed her down. Grudgingly she packed as many supplies as she could and made her way into the forest. She followed a beat track she hoped would take her to the next bigger settlement, from there she would try to obtain information about others of her kind in the area and try to join up with them.

Somewhere, there had to be giants in Andergast. She couldn't be the only one to have escaped what ever had banished her into the stone.


"All those tools." The wizard pondered "Yet nothing crushes a spirit as quickly as a wall behind a door. You are right, there is no way out of this room."

He lifted his severed hand to his stump and closed his good hand around the cut. After a second he removed it and arm and wrist were one again.

"I can do the same with your face, if you will let me." He offered.

Dari was inclined. Something deep within her screamed for her to let him do it. The stern look she tried to give herself hurt on her broken face.

"I don't care about good looks." She spat, though on the inside she cried for having lost them.

"Of course you do." The mage said tiredly. "They are what has made you the most successful of your kind in Gareth. No need to be offended, my lady. I only mean to say, good looks accompany your deadly skill perfectly. Who might suspect and innocent girl of doing the things that you have done?"

He was right but Dari wasn't going to give in.

"I'm not a lady." She said stubbornly and ground what remained of her teeth.

"Oh, but you have been many times before." He knew. "And you can be anytime again, if you want."

He was right again. For many a contract Dari had disguised herself as a high-born. There was no easier opportunity for a hit on a noble man than those silly masked-balls that the Garethians held, copying a fancy Horasian custom.

"But not as long as you look like this." The wizard added and produced a huge, stained piece of glass that had been treated with quicksilver on the back.

Dari looked at her reflection and tears welled up in her remaining eye, which thankfully blurred her vision. It was horrible. Her face was caved in about where her nose had been, the blind eye had been smashed out of it's socket and stuck somewhere too far on the left, staring into an awkward direction. Her smile, once bright and beautiful and enough to win the charms of any man would send children crying for their mothers now. The rest was green, blue, swollen and bloody. The bruises would heal, and flesh would grow over the cuts, but even though, she was a monster. And an easily recognizable one at that.

"My lady," The mage began apologetically, "I fear my time is scarce. I can restore your face to it's old beauty and get you out of this dungeon but I am afraid I can only do so if you concede to do something for me in return."

"Anything." Dari mumbled and sank to the ground against the wall.

The mage made a step towards her and cocked his head again: "My apologies, little bird, I'm afraid I did not hear..."

"Anything!" She screamed and her voice echoed from the walls of the dungeon.

"Take my hand." He offered and when Dari looked up she found that he was suddenly standing right above her. When she recoiled he smiled at her reassuringly and stretched out his palm only more insisting. Despairing, Dari took it.

It felt as if someone had yanked her upright through a windy canal. She was sitting in a comfortable feather bed with red sheets in a warmly lit room. The walls were black marble and an expensive carpet was laying in front of a burning hearth. A small table was standing in the middle of the room, a scale and a sand clock on it and there were drawers and shelves full of books in the corners, besides other fine pieces of furniture.

She felt rested and strangely at ease, although she had never seen this place before. Immediately, her fingers rushed to her face and felt for the mess that it was. It was gone. Her nose, her eye, her teeth, everything was in place. The bruises were gone too. A small mirror hung by the door and she rushed to it, looking at her dusty reflection. It was as if she'd never been hit at all.

The mage was nowhere to be seen. She was naked, she realized, but a selection of garments had been laid out on a nearby drawer. She skipped through them and found that all were expensive dresses or robes of one sort or the other. When she opened a mighty cabinet, she found more garments, all about her size, as if they had been made to befit her. At the bottom of a stack of gowns she found a red, silken shirt and black leather britches and vest. She donned those eagerly and opened a drawer to look for some shoes.

She found a pair of sturdy black leather boots that fit her perfectly and beneath them a belt that had all her previous equipment on it, nicely concealed in leather sheaths. After putting on the belt she drew the foldable jaw stabber and quietly opened the door. Candles lit a narrow hallway that didn't seem to have any other doors. Quietly, she snuck along towards a larger room that was brightly lit by chandeliers in the shape of five pointed stars.

The room was round and had another exit that seemingly led outside into the early morning. The walls were covered by huge shelves, easily five meters high and stuffed over and over with dusty books and scrolls. She was tempted to go outside but a huge old tome on a lectern caught her attention. It seemed old and ponderous, yet somehow she felt curiously drawn to it.

She flipped it open and began to read. 'These are the records of Xardas,' it read on the first page. Dari flipped through a couple of pages that told of Xardas's life at the mages college of Betana, an institution of the white guild. There were three guilds of mages. The black guild, that was open to most anything in the name of progress but often lost itself in occultism, necromancy, mental illness and demon worship, the grey guild, that was the biggest, apolitical and not trying to overachieve in anything, and the white guild, that was very strict, pious and militaristic. With the Praios church's inquisition the white guild aimed to rid the world of anything unworldly and was thus in constant struggle with it's own existence.

Xardas's records spoke of his experiences at the academy, how he hated being limited by the elder magici and how he started experiments of his own. Dari flipped a few pages and found that he had also tried the grey and the black guild after apparently having escaped the inquisition only barely, but was gravely disappointed with them as well. Then there were pages upon pages of his own work, some of which seemed to come straight out of a nightmare. Some pictures froze the blood in Dari's veins and then she saw that Xardas had done exactly that with a poor subject of his in an attempt to reanimate him after thawing him up again. Apparently, it had failed.

Besides Betana, Dari didn't recognize any of the cities' names that were mentioned here and there. Sometimes there seemed to be old versions of names used today, but there was no way to be sure. Some numbers indicated years but Dari didn't even know what year this one was. It was only something historians and astrologers cared about. Something told her that Xardas's life span had exceeded that of any mortal person greatly.

The few times Xardas had been able to experiment on giants Dari read especially closely. Their physiology seemed similar to that of mankind, only larger. This would come in handy if Dari met a giant at some point. Besides the experiments, historical events were mentioned here and there, most of which Dari had never heard of either.

The purpose of Xardas's doings seemed to be to gain more knowledge, power and ability, but there was no hint as for what he would use those.

Then there was a picture of a fierce looking man with a birds nest in his felted beard and animals of the forest all around him. The sky above him was in thunder.

'The druid Vengyr at the battle of Iron forest,' it read beneath the picture. On the page next to it Dari read: 'According to Hesindeus II the battle went on for three days and two nights. One can only imagine the slaughter. Although he makes no record of total lives lost, it seems that even the number of slain notability exceeds his will to remember. On nightfall of the third day, Vengyr assembled the druids on the mountain of stars. The specifics of their ritual remain a mystery and require further study. The purple colour of the sky suggest an origin in blood magic, the essence of druidic rituality. When hearing emperor Hal claim that Albino could not be destroyed by mortal means, Vengyr left the hall mumbling something about a prison. I must change my disguise when I go to the meetings. People have noted the odd, old man scrubbing the floor every time they are holding council.'

'The giants are gone. Just like that,' it read on the next page, 'Swallowed up by the earth, they say. Vengyr what have you done? Who gave you such power? The old fool will not talk to me and hides in the forest. The white guild found me but wasn't able to put up much of a fight. It seems, for all their piety, I have exceeded their power greatly. I will erect a tower and conduct my studies where I am undisturbed. I must find out what Vengyr did.'

'Vengyr will not show himself to me,' it continued, 'I have put several of his kin to the question but none of them knew where he is. One only told me they were seeking refuge in Andergast. Let's see what the faith's mindless zealots have to say about that. I must find Vengyr. The more I study, the more it seems I am never going to find out what he did. Does he even realize what he has done?'

Then there were endless more gruesome experiments and fruitless torture of people whom Xardas believed to be affiliated with Vengyr before the scripture turned towards more ponderous subjects such as other-worlds, demons and meditation. With every new page, Dari understood less and less and she skipped forward to see if there was anything else of interest further on. Suddenly the writing became erratic:

'Something has shattered the foundations of the world. Something big. The druids have called a gathering somewhere in Andergast. If only I knew where...'

'Giants! Giants have risen again! That can only mean Vengyr the old fool has gotten himself killed. Or worse. His secret must not have died with him. There is a way to extract it from his bones, I know it. I must get to work. I need someone to find Vengyr for me while I work on the formula. I think I have found the right person. I only needs get her to help me...'

"Is that polite, to read someone's records when they are not finished?" The mage's voice called calmly. Dari spun around. He had donned dark purple robes that were covered in runes and glyphs and he looked at her from the entrance to the hallway in his sad, old, tired way.

"I'm sorry, I only..." Dari began but he interrupted her.

"Do you still want to kill me?" He asked and motioned to the knife that Dari had absentmindedly put besides the huge book.

Dari looked at it in embarrassment.

"No." She conceded and hid it back on her belt. "Are...are you Xardas?"

Their eyes locked for a while and suddenly Dari knew.


Nagash saw the settlement through the trees. Closer and closer she moved, as silently as she could, always on the look out for anyone who might spot her. Oddly, there was no sound coming from the houses, and when she edged closer she saw that the village lay in ruins.

More than that, it had been obliterated. What she had seen through the woods were only a few last wooden walls, remained standing. The forest had already began to reclaim the human structures but beneath the young ferns Nagash could see shattered wooden planks, torn earth and here and there large numbers of bones. There must be a war raging, she concluded and inspected a few bones closer. It was hard to say how they died because ravens, foxes, wolves and vermin had torn the bodies apart.

Suddenly her nose picked up the sent of smoke and humans. Then she saw it. On the other side of the village a fire burned and meat was roasting. Keeping as low a profile as she could she moved towards it, curious, and hungry again. Someone had made camp in an oval shaped hollow that looked a bit like an enormous footprint, surrounded by bushes of thorn.

Nobody seemed to notice her approach and when she peered over the brush. Nagash saw two human figures. One was a little female, bound by her hands and feet, the other was what her mothers had warned her about. A man in a shiny metal shirt, glittering in the light. He wore a metal hat as well and his long spear was laying next to him. He was apparently eating roasted meat and didn't pay much attention to his surroundings. The girl, however, noticed the giant head, looking down at her and she began to squirm and mumble. Only then did Nagash see that she had been gagged. The man gave her a quick punch in the ribs to shut her up.

Nagash heard her mother's voice in her head: "When you see humans in shining shirts, run! Don't you try and mess with them alone!"

But technically this was only one human, plus his shirt wasn't actually that shiny and Nagash remembered how the knight had crumbled beneath her weight when she had trod on him too. Still she didn't want to be stabbed with that spear. A wound might fester and slow her down enough to make her easy prey for other humans.

The human girl just wouldn't shut up. Nagash pushed herself through the bushes at once, the tiny pricks incapable of punching through her skin, leapt into the air and aimed for the shiny man. He didn't even have time to turn around.

Her feet forced him to the ground and landed square on his upper and lower back. Her weight went right through his tiny frame and a number of cracks told the tale of broken bones. She carefully stepped off of him to see if he was going to put up any more resistance. Blood had squirted out of his mouth and stained the grass next to the head. He was squirming and frantically trying to speak, one hand reaching feebly towards the spear. Nagash stepped on the weapon and broke it in half.

While the girl looked at her in terror, the giantess turned around and sat down square on the broken man, putting an end to his annoying noises. Every now and then she felt a dying twitch underneath her rump while she helped herself to the goat roast that was smouldering over the fire.


With the picture of Vengyr in her pocket Dari stood at the gates of Andergast. Xardas had torn the page right out of his records and told her to find his corpse that was supposed to be somewhere in these lands. He had then taken her hand, and after another wooshing sensation they had been standing somewhere in deep forest. He had pointed her towards the city and teleported away, to 'work on the formula' or what ever that meant.

It was beyond Dari why she had been picked for this mission. She was good at tracking people, yes, but that didn't go for super powerful druids who had gone missing for the last who knows how many hundred years. Besides, her talents lay really more with the living target than with the dead one. Xardas had given her a necklace as well, a silver pentagram on a string of leather, and indicated that she better not try get rid of it. Once she had found the body, she was to call him through the amulet. Dari didn't care or dare to question if and how that was supposed to work. Mages were always weird, but this one was a special case of his own.

Looking at her clothes she regretted not having donned one of the dresses that had been laid out for her. With such a dress it would have been easy to get passed the gate but not when she looked like a burglar. Her leather clothes were good for fighting and travelling and staying undetected by night but in daylight, they made her look suspicious.

A sheer endless row of wagons was seeking entrance into the city but it seemed the guards didn't let any more refugees in, causing a good deal of trouble with the farmers who tried to take their goods to market.

The city had grown too big for it's old walls so people had settled outside the gates and the road side shops now tried to press the last coin or valuable possession from the refugees. They were fleeing from the giants, Dari overheard the father of no less than twelve daughters argue with a butcher who offered him his house outside the walls in exchange for six of the girls whom he eyed pruriently.

"You pig headed fool!" The father bellowed. "We will not settle for anything outside the walls! When the giants come, you here are all dead! And if you keep looking at my daughters like that I will gut you with your own cleaver!"

Just as he made ready to punch the butcher in the face he found said cleaver buried deeply in between his eyes. The daughters screamed horribly and a bit of a brawl ensued, the butcher hacking at people with his cleaver, while desperate refugees already started to plunder his shop.

Most of the guards keeping the gate and trying to get the merchants and farmers through the refugees rushed to arrest the butcher and appease the struggling crowd. The two remaining guards at the gate had their trouble keeping back the people who tried to push in.

Dari pushed herself through the masses and slipped one of the guards a silver. He was so dumbfounded by the generous bribe that he let five more people pass the gate with her. The purse that Xardas had given her didn't contain any coppers and Dari was in no mood to haggle over change.

The streets of Andergast lay before her. Andergast, of all places. The Horasians in the mid-southern-west liked to joke about how backwards and primitive the Garethians were. And the Garethians liked to say the same about Andergast and Nostria. The only thing was, in Andergast and Nostria it was undeniably true.

Here it was said that some villages still had so called seers who could read the future out of bones, did human sacrifice and the such like. It was a thorn in the eye of the large churches of the Twelve, Praios in particular, that were undertaking an effort to carry their rule into even the farthest corner of the kingdom. It must have been a tedious effort, for Andergast was covered in thick, ancient forest for the most part. The capital of the same name was a city worth mentioning, but beyond that there was not much else, just forest, hunters, gatherers, peasants and the important production of stoneoak wood.

Where the Empires of Gareth and Horas had entered a period of modernization, Andergast and Nostria had stayed the same. Somehow new ideas, inventions and changes didn't make it to these lands, either because it's people were too dull to understand them, or too stuck up to accept them. The truth was probably a mixture of both.

Frustrated and unsure what to do, Dari went ahead and looked for a tavern to pick up on the latest gossip. Maybe someone had a hint for her.


Nagash noticed the girl still staring at her in terror and disbelief. The giantess disapproved. Surely, such tiny and defenceless creatures did understand their place in the world. She had been the captive of the shiny man and now she was the captive of Nagash. Whether she'd serve as slave or viand was still open to decision.

Human meat tasted well enough, Nagash found, but her mother had not liked the taste of them.

"And eating humans will make you smaller." She had insisted but Nagash found that hard to believe. No one she knew had ever turned into a pig from eating pork either. The little thing probably wasn't any good for work. She was not very tall and scrawny as bone. That meant she didn't have much meat either. Maybe Nagash would have to fatten her for a while.

She offered the human a small bit of goat roast while the lifting the lion's share of what was left to her own mouth. The girl did not so much as look at the food.

"Mhhh!" Nagash grunted in displeasure and shook the meat in her hands. It didn't produce the desired effect. Raising an eyebrow she changed hands, now offering the larger part to the tiny thing. Still, it wouldn't comply.

That made Nagash angry and she ate all of the meat before lifting herself of the broken man beneath her. He was dead for good by now, his life pressed out of him by her unforgiving weight. She lifted his corpse up and flung it into the bushes. She kept his helmet though and moulded it into a drinking cup with her hands. The metal parts on the shiny men really weren't that sturdy after all.

"If you don't do what I say, I must punish you." Nagash proclaimed firmly. The tiny human didn't seem to understand. Nagash grabbed her by the neck and dragged her a few steps until she found a nice field stone. She lifted the little thing and was about to smash it's head against the rock when she decided otherwise. Such punishment could easily kill her only servant and she didn't want to do that just yet. She dragged the struggling girl back to the fire shoved her face into the glowing coals.

By now they weren't too hot any more but the girl still screamed like a dying pig. Nagash didn't make it last very long. Afterwards the human's face was covered in ashes and burned pretty badly on one side. And it was crying.

"There, there." Nagash cooed and pushed the tiny face into the grass, roughly rubbing it around to make it clean again. Then she left the girl alone with her pains, much of her burned skin rubbed raw. New slaves always needed a little time to be broken in, especially when there were no old slaves around to help them.

Going through the supplies that had been stacked at the other side of the fire she found a wine skin and eagerly filled it's content into the helmet. The remaining sweat of it's old possessor could not have spoiled the cheap, sour vintage but Nagash was glad to have something to drink at all.

"Who destroyed this village?" She asked the crying girl next to her she had reached for the broken spear to cut the bonds and gag. The girl suffered a few minor cuts but that didn't seem to stop her to frantically crawling away as soon as Nagash released her. Displeased, she stood up and went after her, pushing the tiny thing to the ground with her foot as soon as she was upon her.

"Now I must punish you again." She said and went for the rock this time. The three times she smashed the tiny skull against the rock had been almost gentle but still the human girl was bleeding from the head and very disoriented.

"Who destroyed this village?" Nagash asked again but still didn't receive a reply.

She dragged the little human back to the fire and shoved it's face into the coals again, longer this time, not showing any sign of stopping.

"Giants!" Nagash understood in between the agonizing screams and stopped the torture.

"When? Where did they go?" She inquired hastily and shook the girl to get it out of her more quickly.

The human didn't answer but only continued to scream incoherently. Nagash took one tiny arm and twisted it until it broke, then some more until a broken bone poked through the flesh.

"I don't know, I'm not from this village!" The girl cried in terror as soon as she had found her words.

"Were they ogres, or like me?" Nagash pressed on impatiently and smashed a tiny leg with her fist.

"No!" The girl screamed towards the sky, arousing Nagash's fury even more.

"What does that mean, 'no'?" She yelled while tearing at the shattered leg until it began to come off. "Where did they go?"

"South! South!" The tiny girl cried feverishly but suddenly fell silent and went limp.

Nagash cursed herself. Her quick temper had gotten the better of her again and another opportunity to make a slave was lost. The human was still breathing but rendered useless now. She tore the arm off completely and impaled the rest of the girl on the stick the goat had been on to roast her over the fire. Nibbling on the raw, skinny arm while she waited, Nagash reflected on how many humans she had wasted today.

A tall human did not reach Nagash's knee so one alone didn't pose a very high threat at any given time. Ten of them however, armed with spears, might have a chance, though be it a little one, of taking her down. A hundred of them, or humans on horseback...Nagash would have to find the other giants and hope that they would take her in.


Talk of giants was omnipresent in the shabby tavern that Dari had started her search in. She booked room and board with the middle aged, grumpy but honest tavern keep, sat down on one of the long benches, that were barely more than planks on empty barrels and regarded the mushy grey stew and stale ale. The shady creatures in the taproom gave her uncomforting glances while eating, drinking, playing dice and picking at their rotten teeth with knives.

"Hello there, sweet child." One drunkard had approached her sloppily. "You and I would make a perfect match, don't you think?"

"Piss off, grandfather." She spat at him but he advanced further to grope at her.

"Yah! Piss off, you filthy, stinking pig-head!" The tavern keep bellowed and rushed towards him with a wooden spoon. She smacked the drunkard on the head with it and drove him towards a bench by the entrance where he fell down and soiled himself.

"Don't worry child." She assured Dari as she made her way back towards the bar. "Any of these rats try to touch you, I'll give 'em the spoon till they wince."

"Merry, Merry, can I have another cup?" Another man slurred from a dark niche. He leaned into the light and Dari saw him for the first time. His eyes were glassy and he was clearly drunk but he seemed not to entirely belong here. He wore a coat of arms but the symbol on it was covered in his own vomit. His hair was filthy and his grey beard grew unrestrained.

"Not until you pay up for the last five, Gunther." The tavern keep responded, visibly annoyed.

"I am a man of our king!" He hollerred loudly, for everyone to hear. "King Aele! The best king we ever had!"

The keep said the last sentence in chorus with him and rolled her eyes.

"That's right." He added with a gushy gesture and looked rather confused.

"Give him one." Dari said after short consideration and flipped Merry another coin. The stout woman bit it and shrugged, turning around to pour another cup of the cheap ale.

"Most generous, mhhhmh-my lady." Gunther mumbled and bowed down before he stumbled back into his niche. Dari left her stew, took her cup and went over to him, sitting down on the opposite side of the table.

"Would you care for some company, Sir?" She said sweetly and licked her lips just discretely enough to not come across like a whore. Gunther looked as though he couldn't believe his luck.

"A man of the king's guard never drinks alone!" He proclaimed proudly, betraying the fact that he most obviously had been drinking alone these past few days.

"Oh, you're a man of the king's guard?" Dari said, giving him an admiring look.

"Yes!" He started eagerly but became very sad a second later. "I mean...I was. I could not bear our good king's death, I'm afraid. I will drink myself to an early end to see him again."

"The king died?" Dari blurted out perplexed and knew immediately that she had outed herself as a foreigner.

A few heads in the tavern turned towards them but Gunther went right on: "Yes, but I still wear his colours with pride."

He noticed the puke on his coat of arms and began to scrub it off with his bare hands.

"He was killed by giants in the massacre of Ludwig's keep." He continued and his voice grew raw, "I saw it. They took him, the monsters took him. And then...they destroyed the entire keep! Afterwards I vanished into the forest with all the others. I should have stayed. I should have tried to save him!"

He gave up on cleaning his old lord's colours and started to sob.

"There, there." Dari said comforting and took his dirty, big hand in her clean, delicate one. She was becoming annoyed and asked herself if he was worth her time and ale. She took a sip and looked at the pattern of cracks on the wall.

"That damned Vengyr." Gunther muttered under his tears and gripped her hand tightly. Dari listened up.

"What did you say?" She asked demandingly, forgetting about the masquerade.

"Vengyr, the druid." Gunther half glowered and half sobbed before taking a swallow from his cup.

"I know." Dari pressed on impatiently, trying to keep her voice down. "What about him, do you blame him for your King's death?"

"Of course I do!" He answered as though it was obvious. "Good King Aele would never have gone to kill giants if it wasn't for Vengyr. He came into the throne room and struck us all with magic before he made his demands and flew away, that treacherous coward!"

"Was he in the battle at that Ludwig's place?" Dari pressed on, leaning so far over the table that her necklace fell out of her cleavage.

"Many deny it but I am sure that he was!" Gunther proclaimed and rose from his seat. "I saw the ravens fly!"

He sunk back down and stared into his cup for a moment before something seemed to disturb him.

"Why do you want to know all this? Are you in with him?" He inquired, looking at her strangely as though he wasn't so sure of her friendliness any more.

"No." Dari said and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "It's just a thrilling tale, that's all."

In a quick motion she covered his mouth with her left hand and slipped the jaw stabber under his chin. His eyes widened for a moment but no sound escaped his mouth. Softly, she put his head to rest on the table while dark, red blood pooled out of his throat and trickled down to the floor. She wiped the blade on his coat of arms, concealed it again and made her way to leave the tavern.

"Did he fall asleep for once, the old story teller?" Merry asked with a motherly smile as Dari passed her. "You're such a sweet child, having listened to him. He's so lonely these days."

In the early autumn afternoon the sun was still shining warmly and the people in the streets looked much friendlier than any of those in the tavern. Dari entered a nearby stable where very capable horses were attended to by a tall and slender lad.

"Oi!" He said by way of greeting, his freckled cheeks moving into a crooked teeth smile. "You don't have a horse. What can I do for you?"

"I want to buy one." Dari said and returned the smile.

"Well, you are wrong here." The boy said apologetically. "These horses don't belong to me, you see. I only take care of them, for a copper a day."

"That's a high price." Dari noted and gave the steeds a closer inspection.

"Yeah, but I'm good to them, you see." He explained. "They only get the best grains, a daily scrubbing, I see after their hoofs and even ride them out if it's a longer time."

"Are you sure you can't just let one of those horses escape?" Dari asked, letting a gold coin travel through her fingers suggestively.

The boy looked at the cash and scratched the back of his head: "I guess, I could. But I might get in trouble..."

"Any trouble that's not worth a coin of gold?" Dari asked further, giving him a wink. "Besides, if you become my friend, I might let you play with me for a while."

She licked her lips seductively and moved towards him. Already, there was a pretty impressive bulge growing under his linen britches that seemed to incapacitate him to reply, although his face said that he did still not entirely agree with her suggestion.

Like a loyal dog he came along when Dari grabbed his cock and pulled him deeper in to the long, damp stables. She pushed him against a wooden wall and kissed him passionately. He had good teeth and was handsome enough for Dari not to feel any disgust of it, but he was at least five years the younger of her.

When she looked at his face again, his doubts seemed to have melted away and he eagerly released his manhood from his trousers. Dari looked at his impressing organ and back to his face. Their eyes locked and the boy looked happy. When the pointy blade entered his belly, however, he looked surprised. He glanced down at it, where blood ran down his flat stomach, along his shaft and dripped down the tip of his manhood. He did not scream or make a sound, other than a soft moan when she had stabbed him. He looked back into her eyes with a sad expression that said only that he didn't understand.

Dari gave him a last apologetic smile before she released the mechanism on the blade that made it fan out, entangling itself in his bowels. She twisted and pulled it out, taking a step to the side to avoid getting hit by blood and organs that splashed onto the floor. While she walked back to take one of the horses, she heard him go to his knees before falling face first into the mess.

"A fuck for a horse, are you kidding me?!" She mumbled while she mounted a trusty white steed and galloped out of the stables.


Laura stood above her village and grinned. Whenever she was observing them, her tiny population worked as if their lives depended on it. Well, technically, that was true.

'Who doesn't work, gets squished,' was the directive she had put out.

They had build Lauraville from scratch, just twenty meters next to the spaceship under Laura's supervision. She had taken people from villages she had visited and put them here to produce food for her. It was too late in the year, to plant anything, so almost all of their produce was meat from hunting and keeping animals, as well as collecting berries, fruit, nuts and mushrooms in the woods.

In the beginning, Laura had simply trampled a large clearing into the forest and told her first subjects to start building. Tools she had taken from existing villages as well. It was circular shaped and had a big crossroads in the middle where the four main roads met, each barely wide enough for Laura to walk on. When she came through to check on them, the people scurried aside. If someone wasn't quick enough, they more often than not ended up squished beneath her toes.

The village had a foreman and five executives who were in charge and responsible for the entire operation. Only families were allowed in the village to prevent people from running away. If someone was missing either because they had run away or because Laura had made them go missing, it was to the executives to have the rest of the family seized and presented to Laura on her next visit. Not many people tried to run and any who did doomed their loved ones to Laura's mercy.

When new workers were brought in, the executives divided the able one's with sufficient family from the others whom Laura ate or played with. She usually just took them into the forest and crushed them.

It was a nice pass time until she and Janna would head south. The girls were still hesitant to start the unpleasant journey. Here, they had a roof over their head, beds, the equipment. Still, the day of their departure came closer and closer for with every day it became more difficult to find food.

Janna had made a sport of wiping out a villages population after she had filled her belly with as many of it's inhabitants as she required. Escaping tinies had spread the tale of the gargantuan goddess that crushed people for her amusement, and caused a major emigration from the kingdom. Of course, any refugees they came upon, were made short work of as well.

They had to go farther and farther to find populated villages, as more and more were left completely or mostly abandoned by it's inhabitants. There were bands of plunderers roaming around but the small groups who were often on horseback dispersed quickly as soon as they heard the giant girls coming and were bothersome to hunt down.

Lauraville wasn't big enough yet to produce enough food to feed Laura. She had also decreed, that the population have enough to eat, not too much, just enough to keep them strong and able workers. Janna had eyed the village hungrily a few times, but Laura had forbidden her to come near it.

Standing in the middle of the cross roads, Laura could smell the bacon being made in the smoke house. She was naked and let the warm sun caress her body while she observed the busy world below. Without a razor or wax, her pubes had started to grow back. There were no men here who could refuse to go down on her because of that, but she still kind of wanted them gone.

The foreman of Lauraville cautiously approached her. Laura had not killed anyone so far, at least none that she knew of, but she understood that he liked to be careful. She bent down and plucked him up, carefully depositing him in the palm of her hand so that they could talk.

"Goddess!" He began and knelt. "There are no criminals, no escapees and none without family. The production of cured meat is up by another fifth and we have put the workers you gave us yesterday to good use."

"So who am I going to crush today?" She asked with a smile.

All labour in the village stopped for a second after her words washed over the roofs of the houses like distant thunder. The foreman looked at her frightened for a moment before he replied: "The construction of the second smoke house could go quicker. Perhaps we should replace the builders?"

"Good idea." Laura grinned and moved him back towards the ground. "Have them and their families rounded up and brought to me immediately. Good work by the way, this village seems to really become something."

The population of the village was about three to four hundred people already, Laura had been informed.

It took them only two minutes to bring the people in question before her. There were twelve builders and their families, most of whom were already working in one profession or the other as well. They knew their fate and cried, faught and pleaded, but the good people of Lauraville understood the rules. When Laura wanted to crush someone, there was nothing that could stop her from that. Any attempt to reason with her usually only resulted in more people ending up under foot.

But Laura didn't feel like killing perfectly good workers.

"Calm down, I wont step on you." She told them, which calmed some down, while others were evidently convinced she would sit on them or send them down her gullet instead. It was only when she told them to get tools that their minds seemed to settle a bit.

She carefully stepped out of the village and laid down next to it, the workers and their tools following suit. Delicately, she picked them up and deposited them on her belly were they stood insecurely, moving up and down with every breath she took.

"Cut this hair.", Laura commanded and pointed at her pubes. Eagerly, they went to work and began to shorten the wiry hair with axes, saws and sickles. It brought Laura a tingling sensation on her Venus and she enjoyed watching them.

"Get it as short as you can.", She instructed them. It seemed to work easily enough on her mons Veneris but farther down, they would be endanger of falling off. She thought about having them use ropes to go down there but the first had seemingly already started to climb down, holding onto what ever there was. The sensation of tiny people, working for their lives, climbing around her labia made her oddly wet.

She put her head down, closed her eyes and relaxed. It had been too long since her last orgasm when she had taken the girls from that village with her and even they had been no real substitute for a decent fuck. At times, Laura caught herself even giving Janna lascivious looks. She was big and beautiful and strong. Laura let a finger circle around the nipple of her left breast while the other hand edged closer and closer to her loins.

Then the tiny people moved up to her belly again. When she raised her head to see what was going on a tiny builder came running across her belly and in between her breasts.

"Goddess!" He addressed her and knelt, completely dwarfed by her tits. "We are finished! These good people hope you are thrilled with the result."

Laura let her fingers travel in between her legs and felt that they had done an excellent job. Still, she was somewhat disappointed that it was over already. She considered sending them down there again to please her before she decided to have her arm pits done first. She grabbed her breasts and started to push them together giving the tiny builder only barely enough time to escape. Laughing, she imagined how Janna would crush people in her enormous cleavage, which made her privates tingle again.

Laura did her best not to giggle the entire time the poor tinies were working on her armpits. When the tickling became too worse she used her hand to catch those who had fallen off during her laughter and put them back on her belly. Luckily, they didn't take too long. By then Laura had already thought of another way in which they could serve her hygiene.

She released all of the workers except for six females whom she hand picked because they had the tallest and most slender frames. They were to strip naked on her hand, before she told them what she actually wanted of them.

"You will clean my teeth." She told them. "I can get the surface clean easily enough, but I need you to clean the space in between, understood?"

All of them nodded but none looked too happy about the task. Everyone of them knew or had even witnessed first hand how Laura had eaten people; put them in her mouth and crushed them to paste in between her molars. Surely, there would be body parts in between them. Plus there was a real possibility of getting eaten on the job.

Laura lifted her palm up to her mouth and let the naked, little females step onto her tongue. Moving in her mouth was never easy for the tinies, Laura knew, and it was most certainly a very uncomfortable environment in which to work in. But the girls went to work just as eagerly as before and Laura had to force herself not to disturb them with her tongue all the time. She carefully sat down and tried to while away her time, observing the foreman and two of his executives instructing the builders who were now back at work on the new smoke house.

She also saw a group of hunters, leaving the village for game, some wood cutters making planks, a young woman feeding her babe; it was all so harmonious and peaceful. While she became a little dozy in the sunlight, she wondered if she'd be able to run a kingdom. She should get a kingdom of her own, she thought. All it took to get one, was crush some king.


"Help me!" Birsel cried out. A moment ago she had been pulling at a severed leg that was stuck in between Goddess Laura's molars, the next her own leg was stuck in between two of the massive teeth. The giantess had evidently laid down again and dozed off, her head sideways and mouth lightly opened, snoring softly.

"Are you mad?" The woman who came to her rescue whispered and tugged Birsel's leg free. "The goddess is sleeping. If you wake her up, she might swallow us all!"

Someone screamed at the back of the cavernous maw and a sudden jerk of the whale sized tongue told them that this someone had been swallowed indeed. The Goddess Laura could swallow people whole without a problem. With a horrible feeling in her gut, Birsel went back to work trying to distract herself from thinking what it might be like to be digested alive. The goddess had not even noticed. She just slumbered on innocently.

Birsel hated every bit of this task. She was a weaver actually, secretly making clothes and cloths from their families house in Lauraville. Weaving was not a profession the gargantuan goddess had decreed and thus it had to be done in the shadows. Even Foreman the foreman understood the need for clothes and cloths, and turned a blind eye to their activities.

But here she was, Birsel thought, picking the monstrous teeth that so often crushed people in between them. It was unbearably humid and warm and soon enough they had to climb to get other places clean. With Laura's head sideways it was almost impossible but none of the remaining five dared waking her. Birsel was covered in spittle that soon began to burn on her skin. They were slowly dissolving which made it horribly apparent that they were naught but food for the goddess.

Somehow they managed to climb up to the places out of reach without falling or arousing some reflex to swallow. While the burning on Birsel's skin became closer and closer to unbearable they scrubbed and scrubbed, double checked every corner thrice, not daring to leave the goddess mouth for fear of making her angry when she woke up. The burning and itching got worse and worse and drove Birsel sheer mad. She stopped and looked around at the others who desperately looked for other places to clean, and took a break.

"Work, or I'll report you to the foreman!" The woman who had saved her earlier hissed, polishing the perfectly clean teeth with her bare hands. Birsel looked at her for a moment before she snapped. She got up on the slippery surface and strode towards the exit where Laura's lips were opened just a bit to leave air and light in.

"Come back!" The woman hissed after her but Birsel didn't so much as turn around.

When she was at the exit, the world shook. The goddess was awaking. Quickly Birsel jumped out onto the soft grass, just before the giant lips closed behind her. The mouth moved and Birsel heard the whale sized tongue swirl around everything inside in an avalanche of saliva. And then Laura swallowed it all.


Laura awoke, blinking, and wondered how it came that she was laying on the ground. She sat back up slowly while her mind did a quick reboot to remember what it was she was doing. A tiny naked girl in front of her gave her the clue she needed. After stretching and yawning extensively, she lowered herself on her stomach and looked at the naked girl.

"Hey little thing." She whispered kindly. "Did you guys finish my teeth while I slept?"

She ran her tongue over her teeth and found that they had never felt so clean before.

"Yes, goddess!" The tiny girl squeaked, visibly afraid.

"Where are the other five?" Laura inquired with a warm smile. "I have a reward for you."

Actually, she was just going to get herself off with them, but there was no point in telling them that yet. She moved her face over the little girl and smiled wickedly.

"You swallowed them all, goddess!" The girl squeaked and shrank down under her gaze. Laura felt disappointed. Using them as sex slaves would have been the perfect ending to it. She could still do it with this one though. One tiny girl didn't seem even remotely enough. On the other hand, with only one little slave Laura could establish a much more intimate setting.

"Oh, oops!" She commented casually. "Well, that's a pity. Guess only you will get a reward today. And you'll get all of it for yourself. Lucky you!"

She gingerly picked up her tiny toy and strode into the direction of the space ship.


The inside of the goddess' temple was grey and disproportionately wast. Birsel was on some kind of platform with a soft surface that on second glance seemed to be some giant bed. She knew, nothing good was going to come out of this. The predatory way in which the goddess had looked at her had foretold some evil turn side of the reward she was promised. A few days off work, an extra ration of food or being allowed to return to her chores unharmed; anything Birsel would have preferred over this. She shuddered and looked what Laura was about to do.

The giantess sat down on the bed spread legged and looked down on her. Birsel's eyes travelled up from the cavernous, young womanhood over a flat, smooth belly, mountainous breasts to an awe inspiring face that wore a mischievous grin.

"You know you weren't really getting a reward, don't you?" Laura teased and giggled.

Birsel shook her head, trembling. She had to concentrate on keeping her knees straight, lest she might fall to the ground, so afraid was she. Laura spread her wet, sticky labia and inserted a finger into herself. She drew it out again and it was glistening with her juices. Her eyes never left Birsel while she licked it off suggestively. Birsel always felt insignificant when the goddess stood over the village but right now she felt like less than a bug.

The naked behemoth leaned forward and crawled towards her, slowly and threateningly. Birsel looked around to but saw that there was no way off the bed. Laura would easily catch her anyway. Despaired, she broke down and cried, looking at the titaness that towered over her like a mountain.

"Aww, are you afraid, little one? Don't want to be smushed?" Laura teased, smiling. "Look, I'll break your neck before I flatten you so it won't hurt. Would you like that?"

Birsel shook her head and cried out as loudly as she could: "I don't want to be flattened, I want to live! I want to live, Goddess, please!"

"Well, if you don't want me to crush you," Laura began, breathing heavily from touching herself, "you owe me something, isn't that right?"

Birsel wiped her tears from her face and stood up, bracing herself for what ever was coming.

"Here is the deal." Laura offered and reclined, spreading her thighs. "You get one chance to get me off. If you fail, I will do it myself and use you as lubricant. Understood?"


The swath in the forest was a weird thing. It lead south, so maybe it had been left by the giants Nagash wanted to find but it seemed unnecessarily big even for their stature. The mightiest trees, the kind not even a giant could hope to bring down alone, had been pushed over, sometimes been smashed to pieces and then left there. What was the point of beating a path to a depopulated village, Nagash didn't understand. They had to be many though, or prosperous enough to be able to spare the time it took to make such a track.

It didn't look as if this track had been used twice though. Actually, there weren't even any foot steps to be found which made Nagash cautious. Horses had come through here recently though, but giants were too big and heavy for those. She decided to go besides the track and look out for possible dangers or anything weird.

Her supplies had run out. What she had taken from the hunting cabin had not been little but the shiny man had only carried a mouldy loaf of bread, an apple and a little hard cheese. The skinny girl had tasted stale and boring. In lack of any more wine and something to carry it in, Nagash had discarded her steel helmet cup as well.

Suddenly, once again, she smelled a fire burning. She froze, smelled and listened. From further down, the wind carried human voices to her and the smell of horses. A group of riders had made camp in the middle of the track. They looked a lot like the shiny man Nagash had crushed the day before, but these were at least eighteen of them. They must have posted scouts up and down the track she concluded from the fact that there were four horses too many. Why she hadn't been spotted, Nagash couldn't tell.

Amongst the humans' equipment were all kinds of things that looked as though they had stolen them from somewhere, and food as well, though be it just a bunch of turnips, carrots and beets.

"Haha, these refugees are easy targets. This is the time!" A voice said behind Nagash and made her freeze again "If we keep this up we'll be rich by winter."

"Pah!" Another, more mature voice spat. "The buggers never have anything worth stealing. Just turnips and pots. No gold, no spices, no silk. I don't know why Dexter brought us here. It's easy enough, true, but the yield is piss."

"Maybe we should try and raid that giant's village?!" The first voice suggested. "There's got to be something there for giant monsters to protect it, right? probably diamonds..."

"Piss on that." The other voice replied dismissively. "I'm not gettin' any closer to that place. We're like to have ourselves killed anyway, camping in the open like that. Dexter is a fool."

Nagash turned around, slowly. Two humans with spears had come out of the undergrowth and sat down on a fallen branch, observing the beat track, backs turned to her, completely oblivious to her presence. They passed a canteen in between them and took little, delicate sips, hissing every time the alcohol passed their throats.

"That's strong stuff." The left one said to his companion and gave him the bottle.

Nagash didn't dare to move. If either of these men sounded the alarm she'd be in big trouble. With horses, they had a good chance of catching up to her and twenty spears were not unlikely to stand a chance against her. She'd have to dispose of the scouts, quickly and quietly. She was pretty lucky that they hadn't seen her already.

"How come Dexter is the boss anyway?" The younger man on guard duty slurred.

"He killed the old one." The other said with a shrug. "He told him he was fucking fed up with him and then smashed his head in, right in the open. He's a good fighter, Dexter, I'll give him that."

The men were ten meters in front of Nagash which wasn't really much to her. But in the dense forest it was difficult for her to move quietly, mostly because the trees had leaves and low hanging branches here and she stood eleven meters tall. When she took a step forward the sound of twigs and branches crushing underneath her foot had the men spin around.

"Alarm!" The older one cried and the younger one fumbled for his hunting horn before giving it a long blow. Commotion could be heard from the camp where everyone rushed to their horses. Nagash didn't know what to do. The two sentries had picked up their spears and pointed them at her, but she could see that they were just as afraid as she was.

She turned and ran, as quickly as the forest allowed her to. Already, riders were approaching. Right in front of her one of them entered the brush and raised his lance at her but he had no time left to accelerate his horse. Nagash smashed into them with her knee, knocking the rider off his horse and bringing his mount down on top of him. She felt a sharp pain in her thigh were the lance had hurt her. The wound wasn't too big but extremely painful, the tip of the spear having broken off and remaining stuck inside.

They knew where she was. Next to her on the beaten track they were able to ride much faster and tried to flank her from the left. A rider came straight at her, with speed this time, raising his lance. Nagash let him come but threw herself against a tree just before he was able to hit her. The momentum of her body shattered all the branches and a lot of them came off. One of them was thick and straight and just to Nagash's liking.

She picked it up and when she rider approached a second time she stepped to the side, avoiding the thrust only narrowly and swinging her wooden club at her attacker with force. The mighty branch hit the raider with such force that it blew him right off his horse. His broken body rested on some roots, trying to lift itself but evidently unable to.

"No, no!" He screamed when Nagash raised the club a second time and brought it down on him, crushing his head under the unforgiving wood. When she turned back around a spear came flying at her and hit her in the chest. She pulled it out and moved on, but noticed that more and more riders were upon her now.

In a desperate move she broke through the brush with a sidestep, back onto the beat track, smashing three riders and their horses in a single mighty blow with her branch. Another spear that came flying only hit her weapon and remained stuck in the wood without doing any harm.

Unhindered by trees, Nagash was much quicker as well, but the horses were quick as well. Arrows hissed over her head and a few found their way into her back, where they did little more than annoy her. Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in her left foot. For a second, her world went black and she stumbled over a fallen tree and fell.

A spear was sticking out of the tendon at the back of the heel and hurt horribly. It felt as though her foot was somehow locked when she tried to get up, as if she couldn't use it any more. She tried to remove the spear, but as soon as she touched it, she blacked and fell down again. She was breathing heavily from the run when the riders surrounded her.

She still had her branch though. Standing on her knees, she waved it around, threateningly, keeping them at bay.

"Oi!" A man with stubbly grey hair said behind the spear wall. "Aren't you a big fucking wench?!"

Nagash had no notion of what that meant: "I have nothing you want, human!"

"Oh, my bad!" The man mocked. "You're just passing through, eh?! Well, my lady, my deepest apologies for wasting your time!"

This man was speaking in riddles, Nagash thought and decided to kill him if she got the chance.

"Come closer, and I'll smash your head in, you tiny little worm!" She threatened and waved her branch.

"Dexter, she killed Sly and Black Pete." A woman who came running on foot reported between breaths. "Big Foot, Nopants and Deaf Hans are looking pretty bad. Might be, they don't make it."

"And what makes you think you can stroll through our forest and kill my men?" Dexter addressed Nagash. His sly smile had died away.

"Come near me and I'll kill some more, human!" She growled at him just before someone threw a spear into her back making her cry out in pain.

"Halt!" Dexter commanded again and looked scolding at his riders.

"Where are you going?" He asked her and sounded pretty honest about it all of the sudden.

"South!" Nagash said through her teeth.

"South?" Dexter sounded surprised. "Why, don't you know what south of here lies? There's giants there."

"I am a giant, you stupid little human." Nagash hissed at him.

Dexter looked confused: "Well, of course, but the one's south are bigger than you. A lot bigger!"

The giantess was offended. She was one of the tallest of her kind, and this meagre little worm would not get to question her size. Grunting, she got up, although the pain almost blinded her again. Defiantly, she towered over the humans on their horses, the branch in her hand, ready to smash anyone who dared to come at her. Some horses cried out in fear and reared.

"Woa, woa, woa!" Dexter raised his arms calmingly. "There's no need to stand up there! Get down, or I'll have them throw spears at you again!"

"If I throw this stick at you we both die!" Nagash offered. It was not certain, but very likely. The branch was easily seven meters long and very thick, it's weight alone could probably crush the tiny man to death.

"There is no need for that!" Dexter said. "Hear my words and choose wisely. I'll let you go if you help me mitigate my losses."

"How?" Nagash asked and used the branch as a crutch.

"Join us!" He explained. "We're The Spear Brothers, you see. Free men and women who don't want to be ruled by a dead king's incapable widow. We take what we want, we do what we want. It's a good life, but if you want to go after our next raid, I will let you go, I swear it."

"Are you going south?" Nagash asked truculently.

"Only a mad man would go south!" He urged. "We're only here to avoid a bigger raiding party that was chasing us. With you by our side, we can smash them into oblivion!"

"Dexter, you can't be serious." The woman on foot whispered a little too loudly but he didn't pay her any mind. He just looked up at Nagash who considered his proposal carefully. A human raiding party was not exactly the company she was looking for. On the other hand, there would be food, company and action. She'd get to crush more people, maybe even take some slaves. Ultimately, it seemed to be the only way out of this situation. Taking orders from a human would be difficult though, but this one seemed pretty capable. And of course, she had heard how he had become the boss.


A friendly guard had pointed Dari into the direction of Andrafall, from where she was to ask the locals for further instructions on how to get to Ludwig's keep. People shouted at her that she was going the wrong way, that there were giants and that it was dangerous. She knew all that already. She had filled the Mengbillar with Zorgan's Dread just in case a giant would surprise her somehow. She thought it very unlikely though. They were supposed to be around nine meters tall, too big and clumsy to sneak up on someone like her. Or so she hoped.

The stolen steed was swift and patient but had refused to ride down the refugee that had stepped in Dari's path. He had screamed at her like a mad man that she was going the wrong way and that one hundred meter tall monsters dwelled where she was going. Peasants always exaggerated things, especially in these hinterlands.

The further she rode, the fewer people she encountered. Early on the second day, after spending the night in an abandoned shack she had continued on and regretted not bringing any provisions with her. A family of fleeing bakers charged her a silver for half a loaf of bread. Faced with such blatant insolence her hand had travelled to her knife. The baker and his wife had four little children but normally that did not concern Dari much. Killing children came easy to her, though she was never proud of it. Many a rich man needed this or that bastard of his to disappear, or a problematic pregnancy to be terminated. Thus, Dari had murdered children of all ages, even infants and unborn ones, and never felt much about it.

This was different though. Just about to draw the blade out of it's sheath and right through the fool's neck, her eyes had met those of their youngest son. His face was as pale as snow and snot ran out of his little nose but his eyes were as green as emeralds. Suddenly she felt as though she had known him for a life time. He was so innocent and sweet, she couldn't possibly kill this child. And just as she had thought it, her anger had withered away. Gracefully, she paid up and wished them farewell.

She thought about this incident for the rest of her journey to Andrafall. There, so she planned, she would buy some provisions and other things she might need for searching Vengyr. She'd also need to learn where Ludwig's keep was.

Around noon she came upon a village that had been entirely destroyed. It hadn't been burned but no wall stood straight as if someone had torn the buildings down and then smashed them to pieces. If anything, this could only have been the work of giants, Dari guessed. They would have had to have been many though, as this village looked rather big. Something terrible had happened here.

She noticed a peculiar person, cowering by some kind of pond, measuring it with string. Dari rode closer.

"Hey there, fella!" She greeted him but he didn't look up. He was a strange man, rather short and thin, with dark blonde hair, green britches and shirt and a brown coat, matching his rucksack. He had all kinds of strange brass and glass apparatuses about his person but didn't wear any weapon. Dari could just kill him and take his fancy things, she thought, curious about what they might do.

"Impossible." The man mumbled and fingered with a bit of parchment and a stick of coal, hastily scribbling numbers, crossing them out and writing them again.

"What's impossible?" Dari inquired in an attempt to get his attention.

"The size!" The man squeaked and took the string again, putting the lead weight on one end of the pond and measuring the length of it by nots on the string. Then he scribbled again. Dari was annoyed and disappointed. He was just a madman, probably some rich man's son.

"Is it still far to Andrafall?", She asked him and hoped for the best.

"Andrafall?" He repeated and seemed to think "Why, this is Andrafall. Yes!"

Dari's heart sank a bit. She had been looking forward to a meal, some provisions a sleeping bag and a tent.

"What happened here?" She already guessed the answer but she wanted to hear it for sure.

"Giants." The weird man answered. "Giantesses to be exact. Yes! Two of them. Yes. And this one was about one hundred meters tall. Mh!"

"How can you tell that from measuring two puddles of water?" Dari asked dismissively.

"A footprint. Yes!" He answered and pointed to the smaller pond. "That is the heel, and this is the rest of the boot. And then there are the eyewitness accounts. Yes."

"You mean to tell me," Dari asked, raising an eyebrow, "a bunch of peasants told you a story about giants and now you take two shallow pits in the ground for an imprint of a boot the size of a barn?"

"Well," The man mumbled. "I take them as evidence. See."

He reached into the brown water and fumbled for something, when he took it out again his hand was full of shattered bones. Human bones.

"So what, bones in a pond." Dari criticised, not entirely sure why she was even bothering with him. "That doesn't prove anything."

"It's only evidence for my hypothesis." The man argued. "It is not fully established yet. I seek to prove the existence of said giants. Such would very much please his royal magnificence Horasio III. Yes!"

Horasians, Dari thought, they were always a bit weird.

"Do you know how I can get to Ludwig's keep?" She asked uncomfortably.

"Ludwig's keep, why, yes!" He blurted out. "Splendid! I'm going there myself. I can offer you to accompany me, young lady!"

Dari somehow felt strongly opposed to that idea but consented anyway. She had a job to do. The weird man gathered his things and went to get his horse, a brown hack that was old but calm tempered.

"My name is Lionel Logue, adventurer, discoverer and scientist by the pleasure of his royal magnificence Horasio III, at your service!" He made an awkward bow on his weedy horse and drew his woollen cap.

"I am Sina Stonecutter." Dari lied. "It's a...pleasure to make your acquaintance."

"The pleasure is mine, yes!" Lionel said amused and suddenly seemed to enjoy riding very much.

He went on and on about his adventures that had apparently taken him to the tops of the remotest mountains and the tropical islands of the south, places that Dari only knew from stories and tales. For a man who had seen so much of the world he seemed remarkably fanciful and alien to common sense, as if he had been living in an entirely different world.

Suddenly, he jumped off his horse and ran towards the woods like a mad man, completely forgetting about his horse which came patiently trotting behind him.

"Look at this!" He shouted and pointed at another pair of ponds, not entirely different to the ones they had seen before. A group of trees looked as if they had been squashed aside around it.

"Look at the way the trees broke!" He urged Dari when she came closer. "Coincidence? Ha! I think not! Yes!"

Forgetting about their destination, he went to measure this example as well, taking his sweet time all while Dari was getting annoyed. She considered forcing him to move on at knife point but worried that he wouldn't understand something as simple and logical as a death threat. Without him, finding Ludwig's keep would take a great deal longer.


Janna had searched more than half a day before finding a populated village to sate her hunger. A farm she had found earlier had only served as an appetizer to keep her going. The farmer, his wife and their seven children as well as 4 pigs, a cow and an ox had found their way into her belly but of course she needed more. Much more. The few refugees she found along the way didn't help much either.

What she had found now was a small village next to a wooden stronghold. It was basically just a collection of houses next to a small hill with a palisade around it and a wooden bergfried on top. It was even smaller and less sophisticated than Ludwig's keep had been before she crushed it. They all ran, as soon as they saw her, but not into the forest where they might have had a chance of escaping, but into the dubious protection of their keep.

If Janna would sit down on the thing that was half the size of a shoebox, She'd crush them all at once. The idea was tempting but she was hungry and had to eat.

Bows were given to peasants, she saw, and they readied to shoot arrows at her. She gave them a mild smile and waited patiently out of range until the last one had made it into the keep, although the bergfried seemed to become lightly overcrowded by then.

She wore jeans and t-shirt, so arrows wouldn't really be able to bother her. Her boots that had ended the lives of thousands in the past few days were stained with dirt from endless walking and crushing things. After She and Laura had wiped Andrafall off the face of the earth, Janna had kind of taken up the habit of smashing and flattening everything and everyone in a village, even when she had had enough to eat. Killing them brought her some peculiar sense of satisfaction, as if she was punishing them for bringing her to this place. Of course, her being sucked into another dimension was probably not the fault of some peasants in a remote village in Andergast but that didn't change the way she felt about crushing them.

Janna went to the village first, devouring what few animals she could find out in the open, in the name of diversifying her diet a little bit. Pigs and horses and cows tasted nice enough but somehow didn't have that special taste she liked so much about eating little people. She ripped the roofs off some of the houses and looked for more food. A shelf of bread or a basket of cabbage were not wasted but it was bothersome to pick up such tiny objects one at a time. She randomly squashed a house beneath her boot and enjoyed the feeling of the petty little structure crumbling beneath her.

A boy came running out of a house next to it and looked at her in terror before attempting to flee. Janna smiled evilly and put her foot down in his path, flattening half another house under the heel. He turned and ran the other way, only to find his way blocked by a massive wall of leather again.

"Awww." Janna cooed with a broad smile. "Is the big girl being mean to you? Are you being picked on? I'm such a meanie!"

He attempted another direction, now going straight for one of the bigger houses. Janna stomped down on it with enough force to send him off his feet.

"Oh no, you don't." She grinned and bit her lip. The boy broke down on the ground and looked up at her, pleadingly.

"Awww, whats the matter? Don't want to be squished, sweetie?" She added and let the sole of her boot hover over him.

He picked himself up again and ran out of the menacing shadow. Janna stomped down again as soon as he was out of danger and he fell once more. Half crawling, half running he reached the house that her heel had damaged and slipped inside, out of view.

"Oh no, where did you go?" Janna teased and lifted her foot above the house next to his hiding place.

"Did you go in this one?" She trod the house flat with a single stomp. "Or that one?"

Another house in the vicinity was obliterated.

"Ah, I know." She continued and slowly lowered foot on his hiding place. "Must be this one."

She was so immeasurably powerful to the tiny people. The damaged structure creaked as she applied some pressure onto it and started to give in even easier than the undamaged ones.

"Better run out little bug.", She teased, "Big meanie is going to squash your little house."

When he stepped outside again, the house behind him collapsed helplessly under Janna's weight.

"There you are." Janna cooed and gave him an almost motherly smile. "Where will you hide now little guy? It's all squished and squashed around here."

He dropped to his knees and started pleading with her again. Janna loved it when they did that before she crushed them. It made her feel empowered even more.

"Don't worry, I understand." She told him although she wasn't able to make out his words. "I'll put you out of your misery."

When he learned that that meant getting crushed under her sole he started to shake his head vigorously but Janna ignored his pleas and pinned him to the ground underneath her boot. She relished the feeling of resistance for a second and gently touched herself before she trod down.

After giving him a little twist, the boy was nothing more than a smear.


The woman who had objected was tasked with removing arrows and spear heads from Nagash's body. Nagash told her to remove the one in her foot last, because she knew it was going to be painful and likely to rouse her anger. The other raiders watched her suspiciously and some made no secret of their hatred for her. Dexter didn't look too pleased either, knowing his raiding party was not fully in with his idea of having their very own war beast. They didn't have shackles or anything sturdy to bind Nagash except for a few ropes, but they didn't attempt to use them on her. If she tried to run there would be an escalation and blood would spill. Hers and theirs. But she couldn't run with that spear in her heel, anyway.

While the woman removed the arrows from Nagash's back and sewed the larger wounds shut she thought about what she would do. These humans would make excellent slaves to bring to the giantesses' tribe as a gift. She could smash Dexter to bits, become their leader and lead them south. They wouldn't accept her if she did it now, she knew. She'd have to wait.

They had given her a bowl of watery mashed potatoes. It might have filled a human, to Nagash it was barely anything. She was hungry again. The humans had buried their dead comrades and there seemed to be no other meat on the menu. The three wounded ones were off limits too, though they looked as though they'd likely not make it. One had not waken up yet, another was lamed and a third one had a shattered arm.

"More." Nagash demanded and shoved her bowl into the arms of a skinny, young raider. The lad ran immediately but an older comrade moved in front of the kettle.

"One helping per brother." He said sternly, looking her square in the eye.

"I'm six times your size, maggot!" She spat before thinking. "And I'm not your brother!"

"Yes! You are just a treacherous monster that kills our brothers!" He countered and his hand reached for his spear. A few voices around sounded their agreement and the phrase.

"Let's kill her!" Was uttered somewhere.

"Enough!" Dexter commanded sharply and the camp fell silent. "Giants have a quick temper and a big appetite, everybody knows that, so don't offend her for Praios' sake and give her another fucking bowl! Otherwise, take it up with me, personally!"

Grumpily, the older brother stepped aside.

"Umm..." The tiny woman who was treating Nagash begged for attention. "I am going to remove the last one now, hold still please."

She was a pretty little thing with blonde hair, and looked far too innocent for this group of dogs.

"What's your name?" Nagash asked her before offering her ankle to be treated.

"They call me Daisy." The girl said and gave the giantess an insecure look.

Nagash smiled.

"I squash daisies under my feet all the time." She whispered and the girl went pale. "Hurt me and I will squash you too."

Daisy swallowed hard and went to work with her delicate, shaking fingers. The threat worked wonders and the tip of the spear came out almost painlessly. It would be fun to play with such a puny little, helpless thing, Nagash thought.

Her food arrived and she wolfed it down at once. It was still not enough but to her surprise, Daisy asked the young boy to bring her own helping to Nagash as well, stating that she wasn't hungry any more. Nagash was nowhere near full, but it would keep the hunger pains away for at least a little while.

She stood up and stretched, finding that she could move her foot much better now and almost without any pain. Enjoying the early evening, a few Spear Brothers had gathered around the fire and drank, nattering with one another. The three women of the group, both except for Daisy looking like fighters as well, took the kettle and wooden bowls and walked over to a shallow ditch to wash them. Nagash followed them, most eyes of the camp still on her.

While the women looked on in confusion, Nagash knealt at the bank of the small stream, lowered her face towards the water and drank. She caught a glimpse of her own reflection for a moment and understood why the humans feared her this much. Her hair was like bears fur, only longer, a heap of nots that made her look wild, tiny twigs and leaves entwined in it from her hike through the woods. Hunger had hardened her facial features as well and the exertions had made her body lean and strong. She'd have to prove that she was friendly towards those that were of use to her, like Daisy was with her skill in treating wounds.

"Let me help you." Nagash offered and took the huge bronze kettle Daisy had been struggling with, in to her own hands. The other women looked rather displeased.

"You don't have to." The little girl began. "It's alright."

Nagash submerged the kettle under the stream and scrubbed it good while the others looked on.

"Thank you." Daisy whispered after a short while and was first to start cleaning bowls again. "I hate that heavy thing."

"Piss off, we don't want you here. This is women's work!" One of the other women hissed.

Nagash turned towards her and lifted her leathern loin cloth.

"I am a woman too." She remarked with a smirk.

Daisy swallowed hard at the sight of the huge sex, knowing full well that she would fit inside.

"What are you doing waving your cunt around!" The other woman whispered with a scolding tone. "It's worse enough with so many wifeless men already!"

Nagash knew that many female humans, most being smaller than their male counterparts, had to endure a lot of harassment in their live times. Giantesses being taller than ogres and about as strong, had much less to fear and acted more dominant on the males.

"If one of these dogs give you any trouble, just come to me." Nagash offered with a reassuring smile. "I will sort them out."

"Dexter will sort them out." The woman corrected, but her expression softened a little.

"Dexter..." Daisy blurted out and cringed. The woman next to her put her hand on the younger one's shoulder and patted her softly. Daisy was fighting back tears.

"When?" The other woman asked concerned and had completely forgotten about the dish washing.

"The day before yesterday." Daisy said, sniffing hard before she caught herself, washed her face and went back to scrubbing. The other women looked to the ground awkwardly before they continued as well. Nagash looked at them in confusion.

"What?" She asked after a moment of silence. "What happened the day before yesterday."

"Shhhhh!" One of the older women made. "We don't talk about it! It's Dexter's...thing. He has done it with everyone of us. If you want to be a part of this group you'll have to give him a go between your legs."

Nagash found that funny and had to suppress a giggle: "You mean he'll come for me too?"

The idea of being taken by a human seemed absurd to her. Still, finally being with a man had something intriguing. Maybe she'd give him a chance and not try to crush him if he dared to come for her tonight.

"The other men know about it." Daisy said sternly. "If he doesn't do it with every one of us, he looks weak. He told me so."

"That's his way of saying that he is sorry." One of the other women reassured her before turning to Nagash, "If he comes for you, you have nothing to fear. With that monstrous twat of yours, you're not even like to feel him."

In a moments notice Nagash had grabbed the woman by the neck and thrust her into the ditch, holding her face under the water, smirking vengefully at the little twitches and the bubbles of air that popped at the surface.

"Stop, stop!" Daisy cried and rushed into the shallow waters, feebly trying to lift Nagash's hand. The soft, little hands on her own had a remarkably calming effect on Nagash and she released the woman from being drowned. She realized that she had killed this woman, like the others before her, in her blind murderous frenzy, if the tiny beauty hadn't intervened.

"Don't talk to her like that!" Daisy instructed the coughing female. "You heard what Dexter said!"

The woman looked as angry as helpless. Her hand went to the axe on her belt but when she regarded Nagash, towering over her even on her knees, she let go. She and the other one picked up the bowls and scurried away, leaving Daisy and the kettle behind.

The little girl looked terribly insecure, torn in between going after the others and staying. Nagash became aroused by the little one's delicate features but somehow she began to like her for her character as well. It was weird, feeling this way towards a human.

"Did you..." Daisy began hesitantly. "Did you mean what you said?"

"About crushing you?" Nagash asked and realized that saying it had been stupid. Daisy was no threat to her and feared her anyway. The ones who were still giving her hateful looks were those whom she had to teach to fear her.

"N-no" Daisy stammered softly. "About the men. Will you really keep them off me?"

"Who is giving you trouble?" Nagash inquired and leaned close so that Daisy could whisper directly into her hear.

"No one, Dexter would hack their...things off if they tried to." She said uncomfortably. "It's just...they look at me all the time. A little touch here and there, a comment, pestering me, following me to watch me make water...some day one of them will force himself on me. Someone other than Dexter."

"I wont let that happen." Nagash assured her sternly and cracked her knuckles. "And if Dexter means to come for you again, I will rip off his man parts and shove them down his throat."

"No, no, he's not that bad." Daisy warded off. "It's like he says, he has to do it, or the men don't respect him any more. And he's really sorry for it. I am thankful to him, actually, I..."

Her voice broke and the words caught in her throat. Tears welled up in her eyes again which she desperately tried to hide from the rest of the camp. She obviously couldn't lie to herself any more. Nagash felt strangely touched by little Daisy's hardship. She extended a hand and caressed the dirty golden hair with her fingers, as gently and delicately as she could.

"Thank you." Daisy said with a much stronger voice after she had gathered herself up again. "Let's go to the others. It will look suspicious if we stand here all this time, doing nothing."

"What are they drinking?" Nagash asked, nodding over to the men by the fire.

"Boron's Tears." Daisy answered. "We got a few boxes of it recently, they are drinking it to pass the time. It's very strong..."

"Let's join them." Nagash suggested and stood, amicably looking down on the little girl. She didn't know of any giants that had ever managed to produce alcohol but that didn't mean they disliked it. Wine, Ale and Liquor were among the highest valued goods amongst their people.

All conversations died when Nagash approached the fire. She helped herself to a bottle of Boron's Tears but no one would make and room for her. To gain some respect, she almost sat down on one of the men, causing him to scramble to the side and make room for her. All eyes were watching, no mouth said a word. After futilely fumbling with the bottle for a while Nagash gave it to the man she had almost buried under her rump. He looked at the others in confusion before slowly uncorking the thing and giving it back to her.

She offered it to Daisy whose refusals echoed much too loudly in the quiet group: "No, no, no, no, it's too strong for me, I will lose myself!"

Many an intoxicated mind listened up visibly in the pleasant caress of the sun that would settle soon.

"Come on, Daisy!" A drunk brother from the other side of the fire called fearlessly. "Drink with us!"

"Yah!" A few others chimed in and Nagash felt the tension loosen up a little. Following an impulse she pushed against the girl's back with her left hand and shoved the bottle into her face with the other.

"I will, urgh!" Daisy was able to say before Nagash poured the stinking liquid into her. After a few seconds, the girl started to cough and the green alcohol sprayed to the sides accompanied by thunderous laughter. The drops that landed in the fire produced a blue flame and a hiss. Nagash poured the rest of the substance down her own throat in one go. It burned horribly and tasted almost worse but one bottle was so tiny compared to her. Not a soul objected, when she took the next and had it opened by the man next to her, who in turn was much more forthcoming this time around. It felt strange but not impossible to be bonding with such small creatures. And Boron's Tears helped.

The two pouting washing women sat behind Dexter who was drinking as well, shooting the giantess nervous glances every now and then. After the third bottle, Nagash began to feel a little light headed and got cautious. Crushing one of the humans in a drunken stupor was something she wanted to avoid. She also noticed that some of the brothers abstained from the substance, looking at her hatefully, their weapons close by. She was having fun, she noticed, listening to the conversations the humans had and hoped that the night wouldn't turn ugly. Still, she went for a fourth bottle of snaps.

"With her," an extremely drunken brother said after a while, standing up swaying and gesturing towards Nagash, "I say we can crush the Howling Wolves and go raiding at our hearts desire! Who do they think they are, messing with the Spear Brothers?!"

"Yah!" The crowd cheered again and the drunkard went on: "Let us raise our cups to those fallen today, but also to our new bro- uh, - sister...may she smash our enemies to bits, while we take the spoils, hahaha!"

"To the giantess!" and, "To the monster!", and, "To the fallen!", they drank, some considerably more cheerful than others.

"To our new spear sister!" Daisy screamed cutely, suffering from a terrible case of the hiccups.

"Heh, giant!" A drunken brother addressed Nagash with his tongue hanging out, looking like a dullard. "How many men have you killed?"

Nagash had to think for a moment. Back when she had been with her clan she hadn't really counted the humans she broke.

"Counting only the ones who put up a fight?" She answered answered. "I'd say about a dozen."

"That's weak." He answered sloppily. "Even Oldbones has as many as you!"

Oldbones was exactly what his name promised, a grey haired, bony, skeleton of a man, resting on the hilt of his antiquated axe, sleeping.

"Well, let's see how the count stands after the next fight." Nagash proclaimed, accepting the challenge.

"Yes. But how many brothers will you have on that list by then?" One of the distrusting, sober brothers asked.

The happy atmosphere froze all of the sudden, as if a cold wind had come through. Nobody said a word while Nagash wrestled to find an answer that would reassure them. The speaker looked her square in the eye, his dark eyes filled with vengeful hatred. With every heartbeat, the situation grew more awkward, as the right words just wouldn't come.

"I will have you on my list if you don't start drinking already, you grumpy, old bugger!" A slurring, young, female voice called into the quiet. Everyone burst into laughter. Daisy beamed up at Nagash, her cheeks flushed red, clumsily sipping from a wooden cup. The drunken, tiny girl had jumped into the breach and washed the awkwardness away.

"Thank you." Nagash mouthed to her and padded the little human on the head.

"No but, really." Another brother addressed Dexter, taking a sip from his cup. "We all know each other. How will we make sure, she doesn't kill any of us by fault?"

"You are right." Dexter agreed. "That is a problem."

He turned to Nagash and began to explain: "We don't wear any colours, you see, and we keep our coats mixed. That way we sow confusion in disorganized ranks. It only works because every one of us knows every other brother's face by heart."

"It's not a problem!" Daisy jumped in and totteringly got to her feet. "I can sit on her shoulders and tell her who to smash!"

"That could work." Dexter said after a while, scratching the grey stubbles on his chin. "Looks like we've finally found some use for you in a fight, huh? Hehe!"

"Giantess!" Daisy said in a commanding tone and pointed at Dexter. "Smash him!"

Nagash looked between her and Dexter in confusion.

"It was a jape, you big fool!" Daisy laughed and had seemingly forgotten about the giantess's temperament. But instead of crushing the life out of the little girl, Nagash felt her lips bend into a smile.

"Get some rest, brothers!" One of the sober raiders called after a while. "We all need to be able to ride tomorrow."

The drunkards protested but Dexter settled the issue: "He's right! Go to sleep. Tomorrow we return west with our giantess!"

He raised his wooden cup to Nagash who was on her sixth bottle by then. Those raiders who had drunk of the substance raised their cups and bottles in unison. Those who were still awake, that was. A few had already fallen back and slumbered deeply. Nagash drained the bottle at once and turned to Daisy who was getting up.

"I, umm, I need to," The girl stammered tipsily and stumbled towards the forest to make water. Nagash had half a mind to follow but thought better of it. One drunkard stood up and dreamily went after Daisy as if he was walking on clouds. Nagash put her hand on his shoulders and gently pushed him back down again. He got the message and made himself comfortable on the grass.

Most of the others went to sleep were they had sat. Some had sleeping bags, some had blankets, others had nothing at all. Nagash put herself down away from the group. She couldn't rule out that some of the raiders were up to something and this way, she had a chance of hearing them come. She'd try not to sleep, she told herself, but the harder she tried the more tired she seemed to become. When she was on the brink of slumber she felt a pair of tiny hands on her belly.

Looking up, she saw that it was only Daisy, crawling up on her, eyes already closed, curling into a ball and falling asleep almost instantly. The alcohol had worked hard on the poor little thing. Nagash covered her with a hand and before she knew it, she drifted into a comfortable slumber herself.

She dreamed of the girls she had chased in the woods. Sleeping by a rock wall, they had cornered themselves, giving her all the time in the world to play with them. She devoured the smallest one first and towered over the others when her womanly parts suddenly demanded to be touched. She had known these urges before, but in the clan with the other giantesses around, she had never acted on them.

Once, Nagash had pretended to be asleep and then watched her mother take a little human into her bed, pressing it's little face in between her massive thighs until her breathing became erratic and a short, high pitched squeal of pleasure escaped her lips. Then her mother had snapped the slave's neck and tossed him aside like a used rag.

Curiously, Nagash ripped the clothes off the girls' bodies, studying their privates intently before using the first in the fashion her mother had. The power she felt, was amazing. Insatiably, she had dragged the girl along her snatch until the tiny head slipped inside of her and she had thrust the girl in and out of herself until the tiny thing had drowned in her juices. Breathing heavily and shaking in the legs, Nagash licked the body clean before throwing it into the woods.

The remaining sister had seen everything and begged Nagash to stop. Somehow, her feeble little pleas turned Nagash on even more, and she was far from done yet. She forced the human's legs apart and licked her down there and when Nagash finally pushed the girl's little mouth to her own sex, it knew what it was supposed to do.

It was different but undeniably pleasurable as well. She had that last girl for hours, forcing her to take her to that point time and again. When alas, Nagash felt it was time to return to her clan, she had put the exhausted little human on the trunk of a fallen tree and bestrode it, just like a human would sit on a horse. Then she rode it, slowly at first, relishing the feeling of the tiny thing breaking under her sex with every grind. She had left the girl there, mercifully dead after half an hour of getting crushed flat by her love making.

When Nagash looked behind in her dream, the girl had Daisy's face, somehow.


Birsel was clinging to Laura's folds with both hands, licking and sucking at the fleshy nob the goddess had pointed out to her. Laura was moaning and twitching and Birsel held on for dear live. Sometimes, massive fingers came, ready to pinch her in between them and rub her all over the place, but they cringed and moved back when Birsel intensified her efforts.

She was sweating, thirsty and exhausted but knew she could not let off lest Laura would crush her. When the gargantuan body reared up and a scream escaped Laura's lips, Birsel knew that she had accomplished what she set out to do. It was scary to witness the sheer force that came from the goddess gargantuan body in the heat of lust. After coming up, Laura's back fell down on the bed again and the tiny girl was thrown off the enormous, throbbing sex and landed hard on the queer surface where she bounced a few times. The gargantuan legs on either side of her where shaking in delight, sending vibrations through the bed that slowly woke Birsel up. Her world spinning, she was still catching her bearings when Laura sat up and looked down on her.

"Nice job, little one." The giantess said, considerably out of breath, and picked Birsel up in between her fingers. Huge brown eyes mustered her for a moment before a pitiful smile crept on cruel, gargantuan lips.

"I'd take you back to the village, but I'm too lazy. You're getting squished. Sorry..."

Birsel felt the massive digits moving closer together and panicked. They would crush her if Laura didn't stop. Her heart pounded as if it was going to rip out of her chest.

"Wait!" She cried out hastily, before Laura could force the air out of her lungs. "If you kill me, you'll have to kill my family as well!"

The goddess seemed amused by the argument but her thumb and index finger stopped pushing for a second.

"I'll smush them tomorrow, don't worry." she cooed and started to really crush Birsel in between her fingers.

"But...we're...weavers!" Birsel was able to croak before she had no air left.

"Weavers?" Laura asked with a raise of an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

"No...clothes!" Birsel said, barely audible even to herself. The fingers released her a bit and Birsel drew in as much air as she could.

"We're the only weavers in Lauraville, goddess!" She explained so hastily that the words almost tumbled atop of each other when they spilled out of her mouth. "If you kill us, the people will have no clothes!"

The blood in Birsel's veins froze as Laura seemed to think for a moment. She started sweating uncontrollably and shook violently from time to time without being able to stop it.

"But they already have clothes." Laura argued against that, yet seemed to have become a little uncertain.

"Clothes wear and tear, especially during hard labour!" Birsel continued eagerly. "Without us, the people have to make their clothes themselves and will be less productive!"

Birsel looked deeply into Laura's eyes, not pleadingly, but trying to look reasonable, while every fibre of her body hoped that she would be spared.

"Not bad." Laura admitted after a period of consideration. "So, I guess, I'm not squishing you then, huh?"

Upon hearing these words Birsel's world spun again and she felt luckier than ever before. Tears welled up in her eyes and her body stopped twitching.

"But actually." Laura said while her smile reappeared. "I can go find some new weavers tomorrow. Surely there's a few in every village, right? How do you want it, fingers still? I kinda feel like making you join your co-workers..."

Birsel was lifted towards the goddess's mouth while she twitched and cried.

"No! Not in there again, please!" She begged.

"Oh, you don't like it in my mouth?" Laura purred. "Why, that's where everyone puts there food, no?"

"I'm not food!" Birsel whined but the giantess only grinned.

"Yes, you are." She said and dragged the entire length of her whale sized tongue over Birsel's body. "Mhhh. A tasty little morsel, you are."

"Oh!" Laura added with a cock of her brows. "Do you think your friends are still alive in me? Tell them I'm kinda sorry for swallowing them. Even though I'm really not. Oh my gosh, if they're still alive they hear everything I say, don't they?!"

"Little people!" She called, cutely looking at the ceiling. "Are you alive, little people?"

She turned her eyes back to the girl in her hand and faked disappointment. "Meh, I think they're gone already. Don't be sad, maybe you'll all end up in the same turd. Better than nothing, right?"

Birsel couldn't really follow the conversation any more. All she knew was that Laura toyed with her. It was something the giantess had done with villagers before and Birsel knew how it ended. She liked to bully people before she killed them. Desperately, Birsel started grasping for straws.

"Didn't you like the way I pleasured you, goddess?" She pleaded, deciding that staying alive was preferable to keeping her dignity. "Didn't you enjoy my service? Wouldn't you like to feel it again?"


After Lionel Logue had finally measured and catalogued the foot print, which included making a precise drawing of it, he and Dari were on their way again. They had shared some of Lionel's provisions which oddly contained mostly expensive blue cheese, white bred and red wine.

As it turned out, the adventurer, discoverer and scientist was marvellously equipped for Dari's purposes. He had a rain proof tent, a sleeping bag, dried mushrooms for staying awake and a special pipe stuffing of Mibeltube for going to sleep again. Dari guessed that excessive use of the last two explained most of his awkward behaviour. Although he carried all those expensive things about his person, he did not carry a weapon. He'd be almost too easy to kill, Dari thought, but of course she couldn't let him go after all this. Who knew what long term consequences her affiliation with Xardas would have. The fewer witnesses, the better. She hadn't killed Gunther and the stable boy without reason, even though she had gone soft on the bakers and their kids.

The road through the forest made a turn and suddenly a wind came up, carrying the most foul stench, Dari had ever smelled. Her horse reared and backed off, while she wretched out Lionel's provisions to the side.

"Ah, yes. The odor of corpses." Lionel said amused. "Most, heh, unpleasant!"

He offered her a mask of perfumed linen and Dari donned it without hesitation. She was used to the sewers of Gareth, which were arguably one of the worst smelling places in the world, but never had her nose been so offended as here. The odor of death and decay was excruciating. Lionel didn't seem to mind at all, neither did his horse.

Corpses, or what was left of them, were everywhere. Where in Andrafall, passers by had taken care of most of the bodies, the battlefield of Ludwig's keep was an open graveyard. The small village by the keep was abandoned but seemed still somewhat intact, the keep itself was reduced to nothing more than a pile of stones.

The centre of the battlefield had been just at the bottom of the hill, as evidenced by the density of crushed bodies. She looked at the drawn picture of Vengyr at the battle of Iron forest. Finding a single specific corpse here, would take weeks at the least, if he was left identifiable at all; only one body in ten seemed to be. She showed the picture to Lionel with the weird hope that he might just stumble over what she was looking for.

"How many giants were here?" She asked the discoverer, "Do you know? One hundred?"

"Two." Lionel said. "According to eyewitness accounts. Yes."

"Two hundred giants?!" Dari asked aghast. Surely, the crown's efforts of getting the giant-problem under control were not sufficient then.

"No. Mh. Mh." Lionel corrected. "Only two. Two point zero giants. Giantesses, to be exact. Yes."

"But giants are only nine to eleven meters tall, how could only two of them have killed so many people?" Dari countered.

"According to my hypothesis," Lionel argued and swelled his chest, "there is a new species of giant at work here. I call them Gigantus Horasius Loguae. Yes."

Someone as mighty as this Vengyr person would likely have fought at the centre of the battlefield, Dari reasoned and began her search there while Lionel went up to the keep in order to take some more measurements.

The bodies here looked as though they had been squashed multiple times. For most it was barely possible to say if they had been humanoid. To identify Vengyr, Dari went mostly by clothing but on some bodies not even that would serve. It was disgusting and frustrating work and the perfume in the mask gave her a headache.

Suddenly, the hair on Dari's neck stood up as it so often did when danger was looming. She looked around but saw nothing other than the thousands of ravens that feasted here and whose cawing and flapping of wings drowned out most other sounds. Her steed, that she bad bound to a post by the bottom of the hill was freaking out because of the smell anyway. She rattled some of the bodies to see if they would move. There had been horrible stories of undead people in Xardas's book. However, the dead seemed to remain dead after all.

"Hey!" Lionel suddenly called down at her from the top of the hill. He was very enthusiastic about something and waving at her like the madman that he was.

"Hey!" He repeated with a little hop. "I found your dead man! He is alive!"


Janna had used her spare time these last few days to experiment and research a bit more on the tiny population. They were quite nutritious. About two to three hundred per day should be enough for a healthy calorie level, Janna had calculated, and of course, Laura and her tried to eat other things as well. Laura's attempt to solve the food problem permanently by enslaving an entire village to non-stop food production was ill conceived and more like home gardening than industrial food production. When Janna started for food in the morning, she often gave Laura's village a glance from afar, thinking how much time she would save by eating it's people instead of going to find another village. It also had the appeal of the forbidden.

When Janna had seen a group of hunters scurry through the woods by the space ship two days earlier, she had felt like a little girl. They could only have been Laura's precious little workers. The five men had all hidden in the same bush, making them easy prey for her. Laura stood at the edge of the ship, enjoying the morning sun and would know what was going on when Janna suddenly started stomping the ground. Instead, Janna had turned her back to the hiding hunters, and plopped her butt right down on top of their hiding place. The satisfaction she felt when all manner of things were crushed under her behind had been a bright start in the day. She acted as if something had been in her boot before she moved on, leaving the tiny men deeply embedded in the imprint of her butt. It made her chuckle to think about it.

The sound of more houses getting flattened beneath her feet sent more tiny people fleeing from their homes. They had speculated, with all the people and the lord in the keep, the village would be largely ignored. They were wrong. Countless had already been trodden flat along with their homes.

"Come out, you little people." Janna teased. "It is annihilation time."

She had learned to love these games. They made her unbelievably wet in the loins and after she had put a community under foot she'd usually find a nice, quiet spot and finger herself to the memory. The morbid fascination of near absolute power over hundreds of beings that were, at the end of the day, just like her was unbelievable. They had simply picked shorter straws than her. Much shorter.

She chased a running woman that was carrying something with the tip of her boot for a moment before crushing her. After she withdrew her foot she let it settle on some grandfather that was crawling slowly over the ground. The thick soles of her boots let only a slight resistance be felt when Janna trod on some unfortunate person, yet she loved doing it with them. Squashing people barefoot had it's merits as well, a more intensive feeling for one, but the heavy foot wear allowed Janna to squash anything and anyone completely without concern weapons, sharp edges or splinters.

A young couple was next to fall victim to Janna's feet. When she stomped down on them the boy shoved his beloved aside sending her falling and rolling over the ground while he was crushed to paste under Janna's weight. When the girl looked up, she only saw the giant foot, resting on top of her lover. In a fit of madness she ran to it and beat the brown leather with her puny little hands. Janna lifted her foot to let the girl see what had become of her boyfriend before joining them as one for eternity. Rhythmically stomping up and down, house after house fell victim to Janna's feet until the village was reduced to splinters and tramped earth.

"Lunch break." She announced and turned her attention to the people in the bergfried.

They had arranged bowmen with fire arrows on top of the tower. Not a bad move indeed, because Janna's hair and t-shirt could be set alight if enough arrows hit a single spot. She moved into arrow range face first and when the first volley of arrows soared towards her, she blew as hard as she could. The wind she created simply blew the arrows aside and even put out the fire on some of them.

"Again! Draw!" Janna heard, faintly from the top of the tower "Loose!"

Another volley of arrows was met by her blowing and all but a single one failed to hit her. A petty little sting in her upper lip told Janna that she had been hit. She pinched the tiny wooden splinter in between her fingernails and drew it out. It hadn't penetrated deep at all, it's kinetic energy just no match for the sheer size of her.

"Draw!" It rang softly from the bergfried.

"Shoot me one more time and I crush you all." Janna threatened from above.

"Loose!" Came the defiant command after who ever was in charge had processed what the giantess had said.

Not a single arrow left the battlements.

Janna smiled and moved closer, ready to fill her belly. As she loomed over them, the archers tried to get inside the tower and squeezed towards the narrow stairway down. Apparently though, the inside of the stronghold was already packed quite tightly. She reached right into the hustle and filled her mouth with the puny little things. Naked, they tasted better, but usually Janna was too impatient and ate them along with anything they had on them. When she ate soldiers or knights, sometimes a tiny sword or a spear would sting her gums or tongue, an immediate death sentence for anyone or anything unfortunate enough to be in her mouth. Like fish bones, she would sometimes spit out bent swords or mangled pieces of armour.

As half as big as a shoe box, the tower was quite big and an impressive accomplishment for the little people. But what was enough to repell brigands and plunderers was nothing more than a tightly packed lunch box to Janna. Soon, the top floor was void of any people, only a lucky few having made it inside. When she held the lord of the hold fast in between her fingers, Janna considered talking to him for a second, but dismissed the idea soon enough and made him join his minions. His chain mail produced a gnashing sound when he was ground to paste in between her molars.

Before tearing into the building, Janna put a handful of earth in front of the main gate to prevent any smart people from escaping, finally putting them all, one hundred percent, at her mercy. Whilst she was still indulging in the thought, a voice behind her made her cringe: "Hey, you!"

It was male and far too strong for any of the little people to have uttered it. A pinch of fear crept into Janna's chest when she spun around and looked for the talker. There he stood, at the other end of the wasteland that she had turned the village into. He was smaller than a ken doll, but almost as handsome in a strange, crude sort of way.

His body was as defined as Ken's but wore many a scar, speaking of hardship. His head was covered in coarse knots of red hair and his young face spoke of youth and vitality. Janna didn't know what to make of him. He was barely clothed and unarmed and probably didn't pose a greater threat to her than a normal sized rat. Yet he stood there, looking at her with his deep, blue eyes under somewhat savage, red eyebrows, as if he had just spoken to an ally.

"What are you doing?" He addressed Janna in a scolding tone "We're supposed to look for Vengyr, don't you know? Albino said so!"

Janna was perplexed. Not only was this comparative giant the largest worldly being she had come across so far, but he had come out of nowhere, apparently thought to be of one kind with her and spoke a bunch of nonsense. The name Vengyr had rang a bell though, but she couldn't quite remember where she had heard it before. She just stared at him, unsure what to say or do.

"Are you as dim as you are big, woman?!" He urged her. "Come, help me look for the druid!"

The druid! Janna remembered now, late king Aele had said the name right before the druid had turned Laura into a zombie. But she had crushed him.

"I didn't know any giantess could grow this large." He pondered while walking closer to her. Reflexively, Janna shrunk back.

"Don't fear me, you big idiot!" The boyish giant said in a reassuring tone. "Can you speak?"

"Yes." Janna said matter of factly and began to try and wrap her mind around what was happening.

"Good." The boy said slowly as if he was talking to a child. "I am Hagar. Albino, our king, has ordered us to find the druid Vengyr, so that we can destroy him for banning us into the mountains at the battle of iron forest. Do you understand?"

Janna barely understood a single word.

"I think he's dead." She said. "I crushed him at Ludwig's Keep."

"Are you sure it is him?" He asked, raising a red eyebrow. "We will have to go there and see. Albino says, Vengyr is weak but alive. I don't think one could crush to death a being as mighty as he, not even you."

"Who is Albino?" Janna asked concerned still trying to make sense of things.

I am Albino, evil, witch finder.

"Why, Albino, our king." The boy said as if he couldn't believe that Janna never heard of him.

"What do you mean, 'our king'?" Janna asked, slightly objecting. "King of what?"

"Of the giants!" The boy said as if it was as obvious as clear sky. "That means, he is your king too! Now take me to that place to look for the druid!"

Even on her knees, Janna towered over the young giant like a tree. To her, he was about the size the little people would be to him, even larger in fact. He couldn't make her do anything, but he seemed too young and naive to understand that.

Still, Janna was inclined to engage in this new development. If there were more like him, they would have the potential to make for some sturdier toys and might be able to help Laura and her to solve their food problem. She decided to play along for the moment.

"As you wish." She gave in and lowered her head in submission. "Let me just finish here, and I will lead you there."

"Finish what?" the boy asked with a hint of disapproval.

"My meal." Janna said and gave him a wicked smile.


Birsel collapsed as soon as Laura dropped her gently in the centre of the village. The giantess had made her do it twice again before she seemed satisfied. With each turn, Birsel learned more about her new profession. She was tasked, now, to teach others as well. A new profession in Lauraville's economics: Getting the giant, young goddess off. Laura had lifted Foreman the foreman to her face and instructed him. Of course, every one in the village could hear her words.

They all stood and looked at Birsel's naked form, shivering on the dirty ground. Some looked as though they felt for her, others looked disaproving, even spiteful. When Foreman was dropped by her side he didn't give her anything to cover herself with. He didn't even look down at her.

"I am to assign you any female worker that you require." He said in his cold, offical tone and the usual cock of his nose. "I would like to remind you though, that the provision of food be of paramount importance. Any labourer you withdraw from that endeavour might have a negative impact on the village's productivity and will thus endanger us all. So I...beg you...to practise moderation."

With that he stepped off, stiff-legged as ever.

"Child!" Birsel heard her mother's voice behind her and a blanket was wrapped around her shoulders. Her elder brother Alrik, the builder, carried her back to their home. Laura had returned to her giant iron dome and all the people gathered at the side of the street to look at her. She could see them whisper and exchange shocked glances. The girls of Birsel's age, tried to hide their faces from her. Birsel faught back a tear. She had survived the unthinkable and now this. She'd make them all pay. Anyone of them who looked at her spitefully now, anyone of them who didn't help her, she'd condemn them or their daughters to Laura's cunt. A warm and moist grave for the slimy little serpents they were.


Dari climbed over the ruins of what had once been a gate. Some of the stones had been pushed deep into the ground as if something heavy had sat atop of them and the wood had cracked of it. There were no corpses to be seen here, but the stench of the battlefield was omnipresent. Eagerly she climbed, jumped and ran towards were Lionel Logue had stood. Then she saw him, right in the middle of one of the two half moon shaped swales, kneeling down by a man. It was Vengyr, Dari noticed at first glance.

He was partially pushed into the ground, like the stones, but his beard and clothing were unmistakeable. And he was alive, Lionel had been right, but only barely so. Spittle ran down his chin as he attempted to talk, his belly had burst and spilled part of his guts into the dirt and his broken frame did not seem to permit him much movement any more. Dried blood was everywhere about him, on his clothes, his beard and on his skin. His eyes twitched around in violent confusion. The ravens seemed to be drawn to him like flies, but they did not peck at him as they would at any other man. They seemed to grieve for him.

"What do we do?" Lionel asked with wide eyes.

"I don't know." Dari answered, and that was true. She put the man's guts back into his flattened body the way they should be and searched Lionel's backpack for needle and yarn. She had extensive, forbidden knowledge of anatomy but she had only ever learned and used it in order to make people die quicker and quieter, never to keep them alive. Suddenly, the strange sense of danger was there again. She ignored it and went to work, to sew the broken druid shut. The way he was crushed, it seemed to be a miracle that he was alive. But then again, normal rules of living and dying might not apply to someone this fancy. She wondered if she would get a passage in Xardas's history book for this, but her role was probably too mundane. Sewing up a body for healing didn't compete well with trying to communicate with arch-demons. Lionel stood by, absolutely helpless. It seemed that among all those things he was educated in, was not a single useful skill.

When she was done stitching, Dari fumbled for the amulet.

"Let's see if this works." She mumbled and wondered about what to say in order to call for Xardas.

Suddenly, a skinny, blood stained hand grabbed her wrist. It was Vengyr. He stared at the amulet in utter terror before shifting his eyes to look into hers.

"No!" He whispered, barely audible, which seemed to cost him all the strength he had left. Dari froze and looked back. This was what she had come here for. Xardas had sent her. She shouldn't hesitate! If she didn't deliver, Xardas would kill her. Or worse. He was capable of worse, far worse, Dari knew. But calling him now would mean to send Vengyr into this hell instead of her.

"Better you than me." Dari whispered and tore the amulet loose from her throat. The tingling in her neck became almost unbearable as she noticed something else. Thousands of ravens took off into the sky at once, the flapping of their wings making for an ear deafening orchestra of black. Their sheer mass even blocked out the sun for a second. Only then did Dari notice tremors in the ground. She looked at Vengyr in hopes of finding an explanation and saw that his eyes had now widened even more.

"Hide!" He coughed, before falling unconscious in Dari's arms.


Janna had to walk slowly to let the boy-giant keep up with her. He seemed to be very excited about Janna's size and power, thinking that she was on his side. The ease with which she had turned a holdfast full of people into her dinner had impressed him deeply. He went on and on about how they would win the war this time and make the druids and witches pay. Apparently, the druids and witches had once cast a mighty spell that had banned the the 'giants', as the boy called his species, into the earth, putting an end to a long and gruesome war with mankind.

Killing druids and witches was something that Janna could very well support but the boy's plans for Janna helping them to subdue the humans might turn out differently than he thought. In the end, they'd cry and beg for mercy just like the villagers had that now filled Janna's belly. When she had eaten enough she had buried the rest of them alive, crushing the wooden keep as flat as a pancake under her butt. She had half a mind to try what Hagar thought about her sitting on top of him. Hagar, that was the boys name, sounding old and archaic, much too awe inspiring for such a green little boy.

Janna had refused to tell him her name, when he had asked, for she knew that it would sound odd to him and might reveal that she was not at all one of his kind. He called her 'Glutton' instead, for the way she had eaten all those villagers.

When finally, Ludiwg's keep was in sight, Janna was still listening eagerly to the tiny giant beside her. His ongoings about how the world would look once humanity was enslaved and the giants ruled everything were pointless but very insightful. Albino's vision for the future of the giants saw fit, that they move into the human system of feudalism and take the place of the nobility. Hagar hoped to become a lord of some sort for finding Vengyr. The idea promised not a just but possibly functional future for everyone, without too much war and all that and enough to eat for the bigger species. This sparked an idea of Janna's very own. If she could use the giants to enslave humanity at large, She and Laura might have enough to eat without going for days on end. She'd just have to replace Albino with Laura and herself. A vision of a gargantuan throne, carved into a mountain, with humans and giants tending to her every need, grew in Janna's mind.

When they approached the keep, thousands of ravens took off into the sky. The smell of death and decay was very unpleasant and Janna wished nothing more than to leave as quickly as possible.

"You did this?" Hagar asked with a hand covering his mouth nodding at the carnage at their feet. Upon Janna's nodding he only looked around in admiration.

She found the druid immediately, right were he had been, but not in the horrible state her butt had left him in. There was a lot of blood, but no guts, she saw. He still looked rather dead when she took him in between her fingers, all limp and crushed, but a little bit of warmth still radiating from his body told her that he was not.

"You're right, he is alive." She remarked in amazement.

"Did you destroy this keep too?" Hagar asked and laboriously climbed to the top of the hill.

Before Janna could utter a response, a tiny human in green and brown attire strode towards her from behind a stone.


"Stay here, you damned fool!" Dari had hissed but Lionel was just too excited.

"They're real! I'm right! His magnificence will be so pleased!" He had muttered on and on as they hid behind the boulder Dari had dragged him behind.

He was right though. His hypothesis seemed true. Dari had only caught a glimpse of the gargantuan monster that towered above them but she knew, getting seen by it would be their end. If it was one of the two that committed the massacres of Andrafall and Ludwig's Keep not being seen by it was the only feasible course of action. Lionel, though, didn't seem to understand the concept of staying alive.

"I'll talk to her. Yes!" He had said with wide eyes and looked like a little boy that was having cake for the first time in his life. A moment later, he was gone.

"Dear marvellously gigantic giantess!" Dari could hear him holler. "My name is Lionel Logue, adventurer, discoverer and scientist by the pleasure of his royal magnificence Horasio III and I am here to discover you!"

Dari couldn't help it. She had to look. Carefully, she peeked around the corner and saw. Lionel was standing there, his arms spread wide and even from behind Dari could tell that he had a massive grin on his face. Then she saw the other. If there were any gods they should have never let something grow so big. Or perhaps this was a god, Dari couldn't know. She only knew that if this thing wanted to kill her, there'd be virtually no way out. Dari was quick, she could run fast, jump big distances and avoid most anything. But this giantess could simply lay waste to the entire hill they were standing on.

"Are you a druid?" Her voice washed over the mountain like thunder. It shook every single one of Dari's bones to the marrow. The tingling in her neck was gone as if her instinct that had warned her so many times had given up on her for ignoring it so foolishly this time. Or maybe it was already too late for her.

Opposite Lionel, she saw what could only be a regular sized giant climbing the hill. He looked young and inexperienced but also quick and strong. He was massive and frightening on his own, clothed in dirty furs and impossibly huge. Still, he paled in comparison to the female, but the behemoth of a woman didn't seem to pay him any mind.

"Albino never lies." He said when he was at the top. "Give him to me."

The giantess chose to ignore him completely and still looked at the human, demanding an answer.

"I am not a druid, dearest titaness!" Lionel said insecurely, eyeing the ogre suspiciously.

"You're worthless, then." She answered and in the blink of an eye she snatched the tiny man off the ground. She gave his screaming form a look from each side before lazily tossing him into her cavernous maw. If she hadn't lost her food before, Dari might have wretched when the gargantuan maw made a move and squelched the man to a pulp. The monster's face twisted in disgust and a moment later she spat the mashed body into the distance. Parts of what had been Lionel and his equipment rained down all around Dari's hiding spot.

She couldn't hold it any more. She pulled back into cover and gagged in revulsion, but nothing but spittle and bile ran to the ground. Then Dari heard the giantess mutter something about blue cheese before the male giant called for silence. He sniffed at the air as though picking up some peculiar scent. Dari's heart missed a beat.

"There are more humans here." He announced and took a few steps towards Dari's hiding spot.

"Isn't it Vengyr you are smelling?" The titaness asked from above while the giant came uncomfortably close to Dari's stone.

"No." She heard him answer and saw giant hands, large enough to crush her head in, grab the edge of the boulder she was hiding behind. She could see his face from below, drawing in the air through his nostrils, before he looked down. Hearing him come closer, Dari had looked for a way out but didn't find any. Instead, she had pulled the vial of Zorgan's dread from her pockets and filled the Mengbillar to the full. Her eyes met the young giant's for a second before the dagger spun through the air and sliced through the centre of his left eye.

He reared back and screamed in pain before furiously coming back after her. His vision impaired it was easy to avoid his initial grasp and Dari sprinted what she could, away from him, towards the path off the hill. She knew, if the larger one came after her, no stone would be big enough to protect her.

The giant rushed after her, stumbling clumsily, still holding his bleeding eye. Still, he was quicker than her by far in the long run, for his long legs allowed him to get over obstacles much faster. Dari shifted left and right, slipped through gaps that he wouldn't fit through, successfully avoiding him for the moment.

The poison was already showing it's first effects. He was getting slower and even more clumsy. With every step he took he seemed to be less and less stable, until finally, a child could have avoided his ill-aimed strikes. He collapsed to his knees and started gasping, then he fell to the ground and drew his final three breaths.

"Not bad." The thunderous voice of the giantess washed over her and almost made her heart stop. She was standing right above Dari and looked rather displeased.

"But I wanted to keep this one, you know?"

She extended her fingers to pick Dari up.

"No!" Dari screamed and slashed the gut-ripper into the skin of the thumb that was large enough to squish her like a fly. The blade went in but when Dari tried to pull it back out with the blades fanned, the weapon broke and remained stuck. Still, the giantess seemed to have felt it.

"Ouch! You little shit! I will hurt you for this!" She roared and tried to pinch Dari against the ground. The massive digits only picked up a bunch of earth because the girl had slipped aside at the last moment. A huge hand, easily four meters high, slammed into Dari's way, blocking her way like a wall.

"You know, if I wanted to swat you I would have done it by now. I want to rip your little limbs out before I digest you alive." The giantess said with a vengeful smile while her fingers came at Dari again.

Dari had never felt so powerless. Like a little bug on a cobble street, she crawled from cover to cover while gargantuan fingers clawed after her. Tears filled her eyes over her helplessness and in a moment of total devastation, Dari felt herself being pushed to the ground.

"Got you.", The giantess proclaimed triumphantly and lifted Dari to her enormous face. Dari tried desperately to get to her jaw-stabber but the massive digits crushed her flat in between them. Giant blue eyes inspected her all over. Then, while the giantess freed Dari's right arm to rip it off, there was an opportunity. With lighting speed Dari drew the jaw-stabber and thrust the razor sharp blade into the giantess's skin.

"Ah!" Came the immediate response and Dari felt that she was falling. She fell, and fell, soon past the point where the giantess might have caught her. A peculiar sense of dying befell her as she rushed towards the death bringing ground.

So, that was it, she thought. The most accomplished assassin of her time, not executed in a city, not tortured to death in a dungeon, not crushed by a giant monster, but dropped out of thin air and smashed to bits on the ever closing ground. A rather unbefitting end, she felt, oddly disappointed. She noted that she still had the amulet in her left hand, having simply forgotten about it in shock. A sad smile crept on her lips at the thought of what her death meant for Xardas's plans. Or if it mattered at all.

Then, for a moment, she could even see the wizard, top down as she was, falling to his death with her. Then he covered her eyes with his hands and the falling stopped.

As gently as if she had fallen out of her bed, Dari landed on a pillow of grass. She immediately knew that she was somewhere else.

The air smelled of evening, damp moss and trees. She was lying on the ground, face down, the fear still aching in her limbs. Painfully, she got up and caught her bearings. They were standing in the forest on a little hill that gave limited view of Ludwig's keep in the distance. The giantess was furious about Dari's escape and seemed determined to flatten everything that was even remotely above ground level, which would inevitably include the horses at some point.

Xardas stood under a nearby tree and looked on, as sad and tired as ever.

"Did you know that this would happen?" Dari asked him and stepped to his side.
"No." He admitted. "But it's the last piece of the jigsaw I have been working to solve since I left you. The space and time continuum is failing. The world is going to end."

"How?" Dari demanded to know.

He seemed surprised and turned towards her: "How? Why, is the assassin now concerned about the well being of the world?"

"It's my world too, isn't it?!" Dari countered but knew that she would probably barely understand what came next.

"Fair enough." He inclined his head. "You see, I have been fearing this for a long time now. Vengyr, the fool, has meddled with dark forces to accomplish what he did to the giants in the battle of iron forest. This has ripped a whole into our dimension, hence the gargantuan monster that pledged to...rip you apart and digest you alive, was it?"

"But they are here now, what are you going to do about it?" Dari asked concerned.

"Oh, they have to go, sooner rather than later." Xardas said with a tired shrug. "I don't know how much time we have exactly. The whole has been torn, and it is ever growing, I'm afraid. But killing the mega giants will not serve to stitch it up. We have to ban them back to where they came from."

"And how will you do that?" Dari asked, turning towards the old sorcerer while she already guessed his answer.

He sighed but a little smile crept on his thin, cracked lips: "I will need time. And Vengyr."

Dari had dreaded this coming. The giantess had Vengyr, she saw it, and getting close to that behemoth again, was the thing Dari wanted least in the world.

"She has crushed your horse and that of your unfortunate companion." Xardas remarked. "But it should be easy for you to follow her footsteps. They're pretty big. Call me through the amulet when you have the druid."

Curse words twisted on Dari's tongue and she fought hard not to speak them out loud.

"Oh, one more thing." Xardas added after he had walked a few steps away from Dari. "Don't die. And watch out, she is coming this way."

"Wait!" Dari called but a moment too late as with a 'woosh', the wizard had already disappeared.

"Why don't you help me with this?" She whispered into forest but the only answer were the giantess foot steps, quickly drawing closer to where Dari stood.


Nagash awoke from her dream in a state of unbearable arousal. Before she was fully at her senses, she had slipped a finger inside herself and gently caressed the inside of her woman hood. Her eyes travelled to Daisy who was still slumbering innocently on her chest, moving up and down ever faster with Nagash's quickening breaths. She wanted it, but she couldn't go through with it.

She dropped the girl on the ground as gently as she could. Even with clothes on the tiny, innocent thing looked so sweet that Nagash had hard time holding herself back. She wanted to know what Daisy felt like. Just once. She looked over to the rest of the band of raiders and saw that those who hadn't drunk were still sitting at the fire, dozing, talking quietly or holding nocturnal vigil in silence.

It wasn't late yet, the moon had barely risen and the last rays of sunlight still dipped the top of the tree line in a warm light. Acting as though she was turning in her sleep, Nagash tugged her breasts free and rolled over the tiny girl, burrying her under her chest. No one could blame her. She was sleeping, after all. Nagash's right breast covered Daisy's face completely and it wasn't long before the girl started twitching. The giantess didn't move, resting on top the little human with all the weight of her chest, slowly smothering Daisy to death.

Daisy was awake now and she scratched and clawed at Nagash's body but the feeble struggles only made it better. When the squirming grew weaker, Nagash rolled onto her back again, still acting the sleeper. She felt little Daisy crawl away from her, but like a child reaching for something to hug in the night, Nagash pulled her in again.

"No." Daisy squeaked softly before Nagash's tits rolled over her again. The giantess couldn't help but smile as the tiny human started struggling for air again. It was all nice foreplay, but couldn't hope to satisfy. Frustrated, Nagash rolled back and let her tiny friend go. It was hard to stay still and try to sleep after that. She considered going into the woods as though to make water and get herself off, but that wasn't the same. Still, it was all she could do if she wanted to get any sleep.

She got up, slowly, and rubbed her eyes, acted surprised to see Daisy back, cowering at the fire and made her way into the woods. She found a neat little place, sat down and began to touch herself. Thinking of Daisy served well, but it was slightly disappointing. Again and again the image in her mind slipped and she wound herself asking, what she was doing with a bunch of humans at night in a forest, rubbing herself off. That was when she noticed a face among the leaves.

Visibly shaking, but undeniably aroused, Dexter stepped out of the bushes. He couldn't have had a better timing. Without a second thought, Nagash grabbed him by the hip and pulled him over to her. As well as her giant hands could, she helped to undress him and soon his erect, tiny human cock stood up straight before her in the evening. It was about was long as the tip of her index finger, quite a size for a human.

He got up and tried to move the giantess's legs apart. Nagash didn't know much about the human way of love making, and so she let him have his go. She had to help him part her legs, for his arms, though undeniably strong, couldn't hope to lift them. Laying on her back, Nagash found that he looked pathetic with his tiny little cock before her comparatively monstrous woman hood. Still, she didn't intervene. The women had been right, she thought, Dexter did take every girl in his band.

He didn't fill her, at all, and lying passively on her back, she found his humping and pounding more humorous than stimulating. She let her finger circle around her loveknob so not to entirely lose the mood. Dexter didn't seem too satisfied either. Fed up, Nagsah got off her back and pushed the tiny man to the ground. She knelt before, or rather above him and saw that his member was losing size and rigidity. She lowered her mouth, drew out her long, fleshy tongue and gave it a lick. Within a heart beat, it stood straight up again.

Again and again, Nagash licked over Dexter's cock before she drew all his manhood, bone and stones, into her mouth and sucked gently. A squeal of pleasure erupted from the Spear Brother's mouth and echoed from the nearby trees. Nagash enjoyed it as well, strangely. When she stopped sucking, he looked at her with wide eyes which grew fearfull as she lowered her hips onto his. His face grew painfull as her weight settled on top of him but when she stopped he urged her to keep going. She could feel him much better now, her tiny pathetic man with his diminuitive little cock inside her.

Pain and pleasure seemed to go through him simultaneously as she started to move back and forth on him. Quicker and quicker Nagash ground herself on his hips as the pleasure started to spread in her loins. When she started to move up and down on him he tried to push her away but she took his arms in her hands and pushed them against the cold ground. Little whimpers of pain now came, every time Nagash's hips crashed gently onto the human's pelvis. She couldn't over do this lest she cripple the little man. She got off him and sucked at his manhood again which seemingly suited him much better. It wasn't long before he grunted and shot his pathetic little load onto her tongue.

After Nagash had Swallowed his seed, Dexter scrambled to his feet and collect his clothes, visibly satisfied.

"You're not finished." She whispered and took his arm into her hand. She gave him a disappointed look. Of course, the rules of this game didn't include any obligation on his part to get her off, but Nagash wanted it, needed it and would have it, whether he consented or not. She couldn't risk to hurt him though, especially not now. She leaned back and spread her legs, drawing him closer to her woman hood. He came, half being pulled, half walking on his own curiosity. Gingerly, Nagash inserted his arm into her self, showing him how to do it before he move it on his own.

The other arm came in as well and Nagash felt the pleasureable feeling build up again. Her breathing quickened while he massaged her and her hips moved gently back and forth. Almost insecurely, she grabbed his neck from behind and pushed him facefirst onto her clitoris. He didn't mind first but tried to pull back soon after. She didn't let him. As her breaths became heavier she pushed his face all over it, stimulating herself towards climax. He protested and faught and his arms left her most inner spot.

"Wait, you selfish, little prick." Nagash said and pushed him head first into her vulva. It had a sense of heavenly justice to the way his protests were muffled inside her. She arched her back and pushed him deeper, drawing him out again, shoving him in again, letting him know with every time that he was not her leader, not her boss, but just a toy to her, a tool to fulfil her desires. The few times his face left her folds he drew in breaths like a drowning man and didn't waste any more time protesting.

Nagash masturbated until she came right on top of him and held him inside her for a while longer. His body twitched and spasmed, adding a nice edge to her post orgasm. The thought of drowning him in there crossed her mind but he was too important for her plan with the raiders. He was the one who held the lot together, he was the one whom they all followed. For now.

When she let go of him, he frantically struggled free and coughed up two mouths full of the slime he was covered in. He gave her the look of a beaten dog, gathered up his things and made back to the camp, his cock tugged between his legs. Nagash smiled victoriously. He could never let anyone know about this, lest the other men would lose all respect for him. Perhaps, upon occasion, Nagash would use him again.

That was when she noticed the tremors in the ground.


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