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Author's Chapter Notes:

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And so Janna started talking of earth, universities, science, all without thinking much of it. In turn, Rondria would educate Janna on matters of Saurn Seven, adding pieces to her mental map that had been only grey spots before. Contrary to what she had believed, Nostria did not border on the entirety of the Horasian Empire. There was the Margraviate of Havena at the coast but in between that and the Horasian heartland lay the Garethian Margraviate of Windhag. East of Havena lay the Kingdom of Albernia, Winhall Shire and the Landgraviates Honingen and Gratenstone, all Garethian.

This was where politics really got confusing and Janna was only able to understand and remember the gist of it.

“So, the Horasian Empire is made up of duchies and archduchies where the duke or the duchess is the boss.” She'd ask. “Then there is the Kingdom of Drôl, with it's own king, but part of the empire as well but still made up of dukedoms in and of itself. Those dukes, who do they answer to?”

“To the king of Drôl.” Rondria would reply. “Who in turn answers to the emperor, as does the king of the Hylailos Isles.”

“And why is Havena special again?”

“Havena came over from the Garethian Empire, which has a different structure of organisation. They kept their Garethian title, making it the only margraviate in the Horasian Empire.”

Every now and then Furio would shout: “More left!” or “More right”, orienting on landmarks he made out in the distance. Janna made sure to keep a quick pace. With Furio to guide her, she was able to cover a lot of ground very quickly. Again, she noted how remarkably fertile the land was. Most of the crops had already been brought in, if the Thorwalsh had bothered to plant any, but from time to time she'd spot a small house, a farm or running people. She flattened everything underfoot, man and structure alike, but did not waste too much time with it.

By the twelfth person she embedded into her footprint Rondria had gotten so used to it that she didn't even bother to watch any more and just kept talking.

“A margaviate is basically the same as a county or shire, originally just being a county that bordered on foreign lands. Not any more though. Today, it's just a title.”

Of course, all these structures had evolved over time which only made it more difficult to grasp the entire concept. A historian might be able to spot parallels to medieval society on earth, but a historian Janna was not.

“Alright.” She said, bracing herself for another onslaught of information. “Tell me about the Garethian empire.”

That one was even worse, easily five times as large as the Horasian Empire, headed by a child empress who Rondria swore was just a puppet to the higher interests of churches, trade-houses and nobles. It was composed of kingdoms, counties, shires, margraviates, landgraviates and of course two duchies, because, apparently, it wasn't complicated enough without them. Land- and margraviates had more power than mere counties, except where they hadn't, and were on par with the kingdoms except where they weren't. It was simply too much.

'I'll crush everyone and establish an order that is simple and efficient.' She thought, angrily scrunching a family of farmers before bulldozing their farm and homestead under her feet.

“And Andergast and Nostria are part of Gareth and Horas respectively?” She asked.

“No.” Rondria replied dutifully. “They are independent kingdoms, but protectorates of each empire.”

'Sure, just add another layer.'

“And protectorates are...”

“Paying a sum of their income in exchange for diplomatic protection. When they go to war we go too and the other way around.”

“But why don't you guys just go there and flatten them?” Janna asked. “I've spent a lot of time in Andergast. It's a shit hole.”

“Well, it is complicated.” Rondria sighed. “There's been a horrible war between Horas and Gareth and small territorial disputes ever since, driven by nobles on the both sides of the border. The churches and trade-houses are throwing in their weight to prevent another war however, and thus far have been quite successful. Andergast and Nostria are going to war against each other every few years, though that has calmed a little as well. But since they are far away and rather insignificant, we do not really care about them any more, protectorates or not.”

“I see.” Janna said, her head smoking.

Furio had her walk next to a huge lake, fed by the multitude of small streams and creeks that ran through Thorwal like so many veins of a body. On Scale of the tiny people, the lake was several kilometres long and wide at the farthest, which made Janna realize that a kilometre, to her, would be less than twenty metres by comparison. No wonder she could cover ground quickly once she knew where she was going. It narrowed dramatically towards it's northern end and at the tip was the village of Brattasö.

The lake provided fish and the forest next to the village, roughly the same size as the lake, wood and game. West and north were used for farming and livestock, making Brattasö a nice place to live with a great deal of variety on it's dinner tables.

Being Thorwalsh, the villagers would also take part in raids. There was no way around that. Their plunder would add to the already remarkable diversity in the village and thralls would make the hard work of fishing, farming and hunting easier for the indigenous population.

“Have either of you ever been to this place?” Janna asked downwards.

Rondria shook her head, Furio showed no reaction.

“This is a prosperous village, and no small one either!” He called up instead. “Judging by the houses, it might have as many as four hundred inhabitants! Don't let too many escape!”

It might as well been General Scalia saying that, Janna thought, only Furio's voice was not so scratchy and there were no solemn pauses in between his words. In terms of sounding grim however, Furio was spot on. He didn't like this but would sooner not ignore an order he had received. Mage or not, as part of he army, he was a soldier, clearly. Perhaps Scalia had been like him once, before the reality of war caught up with him.

A few rowing boats floated on the lake with fishermen wrestling at nets or relaxing at their fishing rods. They were not relaxing any more though, and neither was the rest of the village.

Carrying over water, Janna could hear their voices: “Run, hide!” She could hear. “Axes! Spears! Bows! A monster is come to attack us!”

And a monster she was indeed. Or at least she would be to them. According to Furio, she had already covered half the ground towards Thorwal and as much as she wanted to, she would not waste much time playing with this village.

“Children too young to fight, hide in the forest!” A roaring voice commanded over the tumult. “Everyone else arm themselves and form up now!”

“Janna, wait and let them form up!” Furio called to her at once. “That way you can get them all without them fleeing!”

“But the children are getting away.” She lamented playfully, though if truth be told, she didn't care either way about it.

Once more, Furio said nothing. Perhaps he wanted the children to get away. Perhaps he thought they'd die on their own, thus not requiring Janna's attention.

“As you wish.” She added and halted a few steps from the village.

There were several hundred people indeed and Janna was getting horny wit anticipation. The little twitches and struggles of her panties' prisoners had kept her fire going all the way, ever so slightly. By now the build-up was critical and wanted out.

Where the Horasian army had marched at her in neat rows and formations, their pikes forming almost perfect squares, this was a large blob of armed flesh, more a heap than a formation. It was arrow-shaped, sort of, but in too directions at once, forwards and backwards at the same time. If they charged, it would start in the centre and spread to the sides from there, making a wedge of sorts. Janna didn't know if such an order of battle was effective but it certainly did not require a lot of drill.

A man stepped forward from the crowd, tall and bearded and, to her surprise, smiling. The mob quieted down to allow him to speak: “Go on! There's nothing here for you! We sent your sisters on their way before you as well! Granted, they were a lot smaller than you, but they were three! We did not fear them, and we do not fear you! Do we?!” He turned to the crowd and they cheered, shouted and cursed at Janna on queue. “You won't take our food! You won't take our children, or our women! Our women are with us, armed and ready to die for our freedom, our people and our god!”

Of course the show wouldn't be complete without another round of cheering.

“My sisters?” Janna asked intrigued. “Did giantesses come and pester your village?”

“Aye!” The man shouted back. “But they didn't get what they came for and neither will you! Granted, you're big, but we're almost three hundred and you're only one!”

“Which way did the giantesses go?” She continued asking.

Catching three giantesses the size of Nagash would be fun.

“Where ever you fucking monsters go!” He spat. “Go on! You will not get what you came here for! Only death!”

“You think I came here to steal your food?” She grinned at him from above. “Maybe to eat some of your women and children? No, little jarl, I am here to flatten each and every one of you.”

He was not smiling any more. With two steps, Janna was over him, bringing her foot down on his head. He squelched and crumbled like nothing under her weight, but she twisted her foot on him a few times as tough he was a discarded cigarette, just to make more of a mess of him.

There was maybe a second during which she allowed the first rows of villagers to see what had happened to their jarl before she wandered right into the middle of them. It had a little of stomping grapes in a vat, the way it had used to be done before production of food became so clinical on earth. Yet it were not fruit beneath her feet now, but people. The general majority of them still seemed to stick to the idea of attacking her. It was hard to see with both her feet rhythmically stomping up and down, left, right, left, right, each one producing another wet squishing sound.

They seemed to be swarming in all directions at once, the lot of them doused in blood within seconds. A few bodies had burst and popped open under Janna's sole, squirting it out onto their fellow villagers. It did not take very long to turn the whole formation into porridge, only half crushed people remaining and maybe five fleeing in terror. They had had bows and arrows, but if any shots had been fired, Janna was unaware of them.

It took her only a few steps to herd the five fleeing people, four women and a young man, together to cower in front of her feet, begging for their lives. She loved it when they did that. It made this feeling of might and power that she had grown to find so erotic much stronger and it pushed her over the edge so much that she needed to touch herself.

Rondria and Furio had been transfixed on the killing below and paid little attention to Janna's face. Whilst she herded the survivors Furio commanded her to smash the houses and trample part of the forest, to get a few of the children at least, per chance. It was genocide, but that only registered in a corner of Janna's mind. She closed her fist around the little mages, jammed it into the pocket of her jeans and opened it. With them relatively out of harm's way she slid a hand down her pants, encouraged the tiny people before her to beg louder for their pathetic little lives and used her panties' slaves roughly, to stimulate herself.

Every minute or so, whenever she desired, she crushed another Thorwalsh into the ground beneath her while masturbating with the flimsy little Horasians. Relief came quickly that time. And it was good.

Afterwards she took out the mages again and started laying waste to the houses. They were built from strong, solid wood with thick walls, good roofs and some even boasted foundations of solid stone but it was all nothing against her. Like a giant, twelve thousand ton bulldozer she flattened the entire village within a minute or two and all that was left was rubble. She marched a few times up and down through the forest afterwards as Furio wanted but she couldn't tell whether she crushed something alive or not.

The people in their boats on the lake were watching, horrified, blank expressions on their faces. Janna could have waded into the water and gotten them too, alas she did not want to continue her journey with wet feet. She picked up fists full of debris and threw it at them, until all of them were dead.

“One village down, how many left?” She addressed Furio after moving on.

He seemed even darker than before but Janna did not know whether this was because of the slaughter or because of that other thing. Horasian society certainly seemed a little prude.

“There are many more, but only two before we reach Thorwal.” He said in emotionless, reporting tone. “First Trollshovel, directly in your path, and then Serske, on the coast.”

She could see the coast and sea from here already, just a hint of it in the distance. It was exciting. The end of the continent. The end of their world. She wondered if there were any other continents on this planet. Back on earth, looking at pictures some passing probe had taken, it certainly looked that way. The tiny people on this continent did not seem to care about that as much. They had their hands full as it was, with all the different empires, kingdoms, duchies, margraviates and all that.

“Trollshovel?” She asked. “That's a funny name, isn't it?”

“Many names of places up here come from old tongues.” Rondria explained on hand. “The Thorwalsh had their own tongue before they accepted the Garehtian one, though they are still writing in their old, archaic runes.”

“That doesn't make any sense.” Janna said perplexed. “How can they accept a new tongue but keep their old writing?”

“You best ask them that.” Rondria replied shrugging. “Perhaps it is why there is no noteworthy Thorwalsh literature?”

“So, they're stupid then.” Janna cackled. “Good of us to wipe them out, huh?”

Her panties were soaking wet now and the three little men seemed in great discomfort, sliding around, trying to squirm this way or that. She didn't take the trouble to take them out though.

“Troll was Thorwalsh for giant, the same way ogre is for the central western tongues.” Furio threw in grimly. “Hovel means either hut, domicile or village.”

“So, giant village? What, are we going to meet giants there?”

There was another forest north of Brattasö and Furio had her walk straight through it.

“I do not expect so.” He replied. “It is supposed to be just a name. The jarl of Brattasö spoke of giantesses though. They might have come out of Andergast and washed up here. If we meet them I think we should let them be on their way. They serve our purpose well, so long as they are doing their mischief in Thorwal and Thorwal only.”

“No can do.” Janna laughed in reply. “If I find those little buggers I want to take them with me.”

“Take them with you? To what end?” Rondria asked, a hint of worry in her voice. Clearly, she didn't cherish the idea of travelling along side three regular sized giantesses at all.

Janna laughed again: “Don't worry, I just want to have some fun with them. Smushing you little people is great but I like to have some variety.”

Both her tiny charges exchanged an uneasy glance.

Chapter End Notes:

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