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Nick plopped back into the acids of Amy’s tiny little stomach, along with the rest of the girl’s lunch. From the outside, you would never have guessed that she would have such an appetite. She was exceptionally skinny, yet ate with a passion that bordered on the insane.

            Nick crawled over a mostly liquefied chunk of bread, the stomach acids splashing up onto him as he did so. “Damn it!” he shouted as he tried to shake the vile liquid off, but only managing to splash more on. There was a slight tingling sensation radiating through his body now. “Can’t I just get digested already?”

            And by some twist of fate that has not been seen in this story for some nineteen thousand words or so, fate actually did something helpful. For at that very moment, a tiny hole opened in the bottom of Amy’s stomach, allowing the more dissolved contents to flow freely to the second stage of their journey.

            Nick was far too large and solid to fit normally, but he was not about to let that stop him. With an eager smile, he dove headfirst into the opening, wiggling his body until he forced himself through.

            “Ha!” he yelled triumphantly as his back legs followed him, and the opening closed up. “Finally!”

            There was something about this new passage that Nick found oddly suffocating. Maybe it was the way the wet walls pressed so strongly against his body, or perhaps it was the slight odor that surrounded him. Then again, it might be the fact that he left all traces of oxygen behind him when he dove into her intestines.

            He couldn’t be sure, but he felt like the walls were actually pumping out more slimy gunk  to coat his body. “Gross,” he said as his face slid over a particularly thick and nasty glob of the stuff. But hey, at least the burning sensation had stopped.

            Down he slithered, making his way through her digestive tract like a worm would make its way through the earth, blindly being pushed forward. The walls hugged him like a loving cocoon that wanted to smother him.

            The journey could be described as the most boring rollercoaster ever invented. There was a lot of movement, a couple flips, some twists and turns, sudden jerks, and even a plunge or two, but damn it was slow.

            This part of Nick’s Journey took a solid 2 hours to complete. 2 hours of nothing but the rhythmic beating of the giant’s heart to keep his company.

            But the worst part of it wasn’t anything you would expect. No, it wasn’t the complete lack of life sustaining oxygen, and it was not the anaconda like press of the walls. It wasn’t the disgusting liquid, nor was it the insane levels of darkness. No, the worst part of it was the itch on Nick’s nose, which he just could not scratch.

            Two hours of digestional fun later, Nick was pushed out of the giant’s small intestine, his body pressed trough another, but slightly tighter, hole, plopping him out into a new, slightly larger tunnel.

            “Oh yes!” Nick yelled as he frantically scratched his nose with his newly freed arms. The feeling of having an itch finally scratched after such a long time borders on orgasmic.

            But, like most good things in life, Nick’s moment of bliss had to come to an end. His journey was not yet done. A low gurgle rumbled through the cavern, followed by a squelching that seemed to come from all around him.

            Like a monster crawling out of a swamp, the noise grew in volume until it was ringing in the little bug’s ears.

            Finally the oozing sound ended, but a new trouble began. The walls around the tiny chamber collapsed, again gripping the fly in their slick, lubricated walls, pushing him steadily forward.

            “Oh, not again,” Nick said as his arms were pinned at his side.

            This ride was calmer than the last. The rollercoaster that was Amy’s small intestine had ended, and her mostly straightforward large intestine stretched out before Nick. It was looser than the other, and thankfully most of the not so pleasant liquids of the previous trek seemed to have vanished. It did have a certain odor to it though.

            Nick gave a long sniff, and was surprised when air filled his lungs. Well, if you would call it air.

            “Smells… interesting,” Nick said, not fully able to place the scent. It was an odd mix, not entirely bad. Like if you combined a fresh glass of orange juice, an apple pie baking in the oven, and stake cooking on the grill, then pored on a heaping helping of Neil’s sweat until the it completely overpowered everything else in the dish.

            “It smells like justice!” Nick exclaimed triumphantly. “Wait, that’s not right. I think these fumes are going to my head.”

            The rest of Nick’s large intestine trip was rather uninteresting. Just more of the same thing, really. Flabby walls to his right, slick walls to his left, and the growing stench that seemed to permeate the entire track.

            About two hours later, the tunnel opened up before Nick, allowing him to drop into a crevice below. He hit, face first, into something hard, yet oddly squishy. It was almost like a thick mud, only much more smelly.

             “Oh,” Nick said after a second. “I think I know where I am.” He gave a knowing grin, then leaned back against one of the pulsating walls, stretching out on the warm ground. He put two of his hands behind his head, and closed his eyes. “At least I’m almost done.”


Chapter End Notes:

So, this is officialy the longest story i have posted! Yay! Also the most read, and the most reviewed!


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