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I sat down in relief. Tina still stood over my prism. She smiled and said. "I'm gonna keep you hidden from the kids so it will be more of a surprise when in introduce you."

"How are you gonna do it?" I ask. "I mean I know I'm small but the cage isn't."

"There's a setting on your cage that allows me to make it seem vacant. Once I turn it on they won't see you or your house. Are you ready?" I nodded my head. She hit some buttons on the blue roof. Then an orange, digital curtain fell over the glass around the cage. Tina a donned a weird pair of glasses that looked holographic and blue. "These will let me see you and your gear." She explained. "Now you just need to stay in here and everything will be fine." Tina stood up, walked over to her desk and took off the glasses.

"Oh I almost forgot to tell you a few things." Tina said. "All of these kids have gone through puberty already so if they act a little...sexual that's why." She pulled up some holopapers and started to grade them.

"How have they gone through that already?" I asked in shock.

"Nature is one weird part of life. The time for puberty is standard across the galaxy. You humans are about 16 or so when you start, we are 8 or younger. That's just how nature works."

"So how many kids do you teach?"

"20 Babylonians, all girls."

"All girls? How?" I asked.

"Babylonians are a majority female race. We only have about two thousand males. All other Babylonians are female." I looked around Tina's room of the first time. It had posters all around the room. Metal desks with chairs hooked on were in neat rows. A loud ring ripped through the air. Tina looked up. "Brace yourself, here they come." I looked at the metal door and waited for the kids to burst in. The door opened and the kids filed in a few at a time. Most were talking gibberish.

"There are too many for the translator to translate." Said Miry, who was stand next to me. "If you choose a kid or two, I can have the translator pick them out." I looked around trying to find a kids that looked like they knew a lot. A blond haired girl walked towards a deck near my tank. Her hair was long, it was complemented by her sea blue eyes. She walked with a purpose, and had an almost unhealthily looking pale skin, and here tits were large. They were easily the size of softballs.

"Lock on her." I said pointing to the girl. The glass on the side of the tank facing the room suddenly lit up with some display. A blue, rotating circle surrounded the girls head. She sat down at the desk, and was quickly surrounded by several other girls. I glanced over to Miry and see nodded blue circles appeared around the other girls' heads too.

"Hey nerd." Said a girl that had a small build and short red hair. "You got that homework done for us?" The blond sat still for a few seconds, her eyes were filled with calculations. She unzipped her backpack and pulled out a few round discs that the other girls swiped out of her hands. "Thanks bitch. Guess I won't ruin you today." The three girls that were standing laughed and walked over to their desks. As another loud ring tore the air into pieces I couldn't help but feel sorry for the blond girl. Tina stood up and walked to the front of the class.

"Alright, class." She said. "As you know we are talking about less intelligent species. Today we are going to talk about a very exciting species called humans." Her arm became in cased in an orange cylinder. She hit some buttons and a holographic human appeared on the desk in front of her. The girl that now had a holo human on her desk jumped when it flashed into existence. "This is a human." Tina continued. "They are a very odd race. They only started a few thousand or so years ago, yet they have advanced faster than any known species. Basically if we had started at the same time as the humans, we would just now be entering the medieval era. Witch was a time period roughly 700 years ago on Babylon. They also spawn very quickly. It only takes about four and a half months for a human baby to be born. Does anyone know how long it takes here?" Several hands shot up. "Rachel." The blond that sat near my cage lowered her hand and said.

"It depends on the girl, but most are pregnant one year." Tina smiled.

"Correct. That means, in the course of one Babylonian year, a human female can have at most three kids. Now that's if she only carries one child per pregnant period. Humans can carry up to three children at once, so she could have a max of nine kids in the course of one Babylonian year." The kids were looking at each other in disbelief. Tina continued. "Humans are very intelligent, and they are fast to spawn. Does anyone think this could be a problem in the future?" A few kids rose their hands. "Monica. Tell they class why you think this could be a problem." The short red head that had bullied Rachel earlier said.

"They could surpass us in numbers and tech, and then they might try to take over the galaxy. Like the Gorx." She looked proud at her answer.

"Ok. We've heard that some think that they could be violent. Does anyone think they could be an ally?" Rachel and several other raised their hands. "Suzy, explain." A girl with long brown hair about two chairs in front of Rachel spoke up.

"If they are a strong people then we could use their advanced tech to help defend Babylon and our ways." Tina observed and smiled

"Good. Now I have a surprise for you guys. Rachel, could you bring the tank over here and put it on this stool?" Rachel stood up picked the terrarium and carried it over the front of the class. She gently dropped it on the stool, and returned to her seat. "Don't shout, or scream, or freak out. Just relax he won't hurt you I promise." She tapped the blue roof and the orange curtain rose up and I was revealed to the class.

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