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Timing's kind of a funny thing when you think about it. Had these soldiers arrived a few minutes earlier so many things could have gone differently. Ben wouldn't have spent all of his time under Amy's feet, Mark wouldn't have almost suffocated inside of her breasts, and Johnny wouldn't have been sat on by her. If the soldiers had arrived even earlier they might not have had to go running all around her room for her amusement. Hell, if they had shown up during school immediately after Amy almost ate Ben the three of them wouldn't even be here at all.

It didn't happen that way, though. As it is Ben, Johnny, and Mark stood on the bed of a giantess, staring down the length of several RPG rocket launchers. None of them even dared to move as another elevator full of soldiers lined up on the platform, all just as heavily armed. Amy moved her mouth but no words would come out. At last she was finally able to speak in a very small voice. "W-w-who are you?"

"Sergeant Todd Philips," he replied. "This afternoon, from 3:00 to 4:30pm, the local authorities received dozens of anonymous calls detailing incidents caused by you. These incidents ranged from things like dangling students from great heights, forcing students into labor, threatening to drop them into a toilet, jabbing at them with a pencil, ect." With each act the Sergeant listed Amy's face grew more and more pale, as if everything she had ever done was now all coming back to her. If Sergeant Philips noticed he gave no indication of it as he continued.

"Altogether these events take place over your entire four years of high school. The reason these events have been brought to the attention of the authorities today is due to a repeated report. According to more than a dozen anonymous witnesses, today at 2:30pm, you abducted an entire school bus full of students and demanded that three of them come with you. Their names are Benjamin Lyons, John Rice, and Marcus Fisher."

At the mention of his name Mark gave the soldiers a small wave that was meant to be friendly. Never taking his eyes off of the soldiers, Johnny reached over and slapped the back of Mark's head. Sergeant Philips took note of this.

"I assume these young men to be the one's you've kidnapped and are holding captive," he said. "Follow my instructions slowly and to the letter and no one will be harmed. You are to take the boys into your hands, carry them over to the platform, and deliver them gently and unharmed into my custody."

It was clear from the way he spoke that he expected Amy to comply. Amy knew that because she used that same tone herself when telling others how to serve her during study hall, only this man was scarier. His features were like iron, tough, cold, and razor sharp. Amy had the suspicion that, even without the armed troops standing behind him, he would have looked just as intimidating. So, very slowly, Amy lowered her hand and allowed Ben, Mark, and Johnny to climb on. She was extremely careful to make no sudden movements as she stood up, and walked lightly over to the platform. The carpet helped dull the vibrations made from her bare feet. Then she held her finger tips up to the railing so that they could walk off of her hand safely onto the platform. Sergeant Philips nodded at the three boys and turned back to address Amy.

"I'm going to be escorting these young men off the premises. Once we leave you may feel free to go about your usual business. These men," he said indicating to his troops. "are simply here to observe you. So long as you make no attempts to leave the building they will not harm you in anyway. You are to remain under house arrest until further notice. Good night Ms. Jackson."

He inclined his head to her in a very passive good bye. Then he turned to Ben, Johnny, and Mark and held his arm out towards the elevator to indicate that they go first. Just as they turned towards the elevator Amy blurted out "Ben!"

She froze with her hands up immediately after the soldiers raised their guns to point at her. Sergeant Philips never even blinked and held his hand up to signal his troops to lower their weapons. Amy blushed with embarrassment. "I uh . . ." she swallowed. "Thank you for . . . f-for almost listening."

Ben gave her one last reassuring smile. "We'll get this straightened out, somehow." Then Sergeant Philips lead them into the elevator and they descended. Once the doors had closed Amy released a long breath and collapsed onto her bed.

Once they were on the ground the elevator doors opened and all three of their jaws dropped to the ground. Military tents were set up and scattered all over Amy's front yard. Troops everywhere walked about, lounged around, talked, laughed, and drove jeeps to and from different areas of the massive camp they had set up. Ben wasn't sure how much man power it took to keep a giantess on lock down, but this was definitely over doing it. Sergeant Philips walked right past them without a second glance.

"Follow me," he said. So they followed the Sergeant through a small maze of tents straight to the center of the camp. They arrived at a large tent with two guards posted outside. they had been right in the middle of a conversation but snapped to attention and saluted as the Sergeant approached. He returned their salute before indicating to the three boys behind him. "These three are coming with me."

The guards made no move as Sergeant Philips walked through the tent flaps. After a moment of hesitation Ben, Johnny, and Mark followed him inside and the guards conversation picked up once more. The Sergeant stopped and saluted before a man sitting with his feet propped up on a desk while reading a book. The man looked to be somewhere in his early forties with dark hair that was showing only the slightest touches of grey. He was tall, taller than Ben was, and powerfully built. He waited a few seconds, probably to finish the page, before closing the book, standing up, and returning the Sergeant’s salute.

"Captain Thompson, as ordered I brought the three captives," Sergeant Philips said. His tone was formal, yet not the rigid and emotionless voice anyone would assume all soldiers spoke in.

Captain Thompson merely nodded to the man as he swept his gaze up and down each one of them, taking in every detail. "Thank you Sergeant Philips, that'll be all for tonight."

The Sergeant straightened up and saluted him once more. "Sir," he replied before turning around and walking out of the tent. the Captain's face softened up. "I'm sorry I can't offer you a seat so I'll try to make this quick."

"That's okay uh . . . sir," Ben replied, not really sure if 'Sir' was an appropriate way to address a military officer. But Captain Thompson only smiled.

"Very well then, could you tell me everything that happened starting from when you left school?" he asked.

Ben cleared his throat nervously. He hoped that by toning down the story the Captain would believe that all of this was unnecessary. "After we were dismissed from school the three of us went straight to our bus. The buses started pulling out after only a few minutes but, once it was our turn, it stopped moving. All Amy did was just pick the bus up and ask us to come home with her. So we agreed, climbed onto her hand, and she set the bus down and let it go. After she took us to her house she just wanted to uh . . . you know, have a little fun."

"What kind of fun?" the Captain asked.

Then Johnny stepped in. "Just games like tag and hide and go seek. She thought it would be funny if she were chasing us like in those giant monster movies. So we played along until we got tired and uh . . ."

"And uh, we started talking and that's when you guys showed up," Mark finished.

"So we weren't really kidnapped, just uh . . . invited, I guess." Ben hoped that the Captain bought it. But when he swept his gaze over the three of them Ben knew, not suspected, but knew he could tell what they were doing.

He smiled genuinely at them. "Well I'm glad to hear that she didn't hurt you in anyway." He stood up from his chair. "Thank you boys, you've been a big help. Oh, and you left those on the bus before you left." He pointed to a corner of the tent where their backpacks were laid. The Captain checked his wrist watch. "It's just about dinner time and, considering all of the homework time you missed, I thought it was only fair to leave a few extra notes in there for you. Math was never my best subject but History I did well in when I was in high school."

Ben, Mark, and Johnny looked between each other, not sure of what to make of that. None the less they smiled. "Thank you sir," they said roughly at the same time.

"Uh . . . sir?" Ben asked as an after thought. "What's going to happen to Amy?"

The Captain pondered that for a moment. "I guess," he said at last. "That all depends on your town." Before Ben could ask anymore questions Captain Thompson waved his hand. "You three best get home quickly, wouldn't want your mothers to worry."

"Yes sir," Johnny said.

"Thank you sir," Mark replied.

Captain Thompson only nodded, his attention already turning back to his book. They collected their school bags and were just about to leave.

"Lyons," the Captain called.

Ben froze in his tracks at the mention of his last name. He turned back to face him "Sir?"

"Your last name is Lyons correct?" "Uh, yes sir."

"Good," was all Captain Thompson said. "Just wanted to make sure I had it correct for my report. Good night boys."

And with that they exited the tent and didn't stop walking until they were out of that makeshift military camp. But Ben stopped to take one last look at Amy's house.

Timing's kind of a funny thing when you about it. Had the soldiers arrived earlier today none of this would have happened. Ben wouldn't have gotten to be at Amy's feet, she wouldn't have appologized, and the three of them never would have seen the depressed and vulnerable girl hidden beneath her surface.

"What can you do man?" Mark asked, trying to be reassuring.

"I don't know," Ben replied. "But I've got to do something."

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