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Ben took his time getting out of the elevator. His legs felt like jelly, both from the pressure of the juice that had rained down on him, and the fear he had fought to hold back on. Facing Amy had been like watching a tornado up close and personal. Large, beautiful, powerful, and a freaking force of nature. The only thing that had kept him on his feet while she stood over him was the incredible anger he felt when she had treated him like a mere toy. He was a human being, not a form of entertainment. So when the anger kicked in he was more than happy to allow that to replace fear. In the long term that might not have been such a good idea, but as of right now there was only one thing on his mind.

Walking as quickly as he could Ben made his way to the nurses office. It was one of the few rooms in the school that was built normal sized. Amy was too big to be affected by germs so she never got sick. Ben walked casually into the nurses office, the soles of his shoes were sticking to the floor from the juice. The two nurses looked up at him and had to do a double take. Ben's hair and clothes were plastered to his skin by the orange juice that had dried up completely. Nurse Hadel, the head nurse, walked up to Ben, not sure of what to make of his appearence. Nurse Hadel was somewhere in her mid thirsties. She was black and had always been kind to Ben whenever he had shown up after a run in with some less than kind individuals. Only Ben had never come in looking like this before.

"Oh my goodness," she breathed. "Ben what happened to you?"

"Just a little accident in the lunch room," he assured her.

"Are you alright son?" she asked.

"Nope." Then without another wird Ben dropped to his knees in front of the trash can and coughed out his whole lunch. The fear he had been bitting back on had finally caught up to him and now he was feeling the after effects of staring down (or up) an angry giantess. When he had vommited out everything in his stomach he cast her another reassuring smile. "Ok, now I am."

Nurse Hadel kneeled down next to him and shook her head. "Tsk tsk tsk. What have you been getting yourself into? What's going on?" She placed a hand on his forehead to check his tempurature, only to withdraw and find her hand covered in the sticky residue of Amy's orange.

"It's nothing, really," he persisted. "Amy was just playing one of her games with the cafateria. She used an orange, that's all."

Nurse Hadel shook her head. "That girl. I swear one of these days someone should give her a piece of their mind."

Ben managed a weak grin. "Yeah. And on that day hell will freeze over and we'll all have to skate to get to school."

"Then you better buy yourself a pair of skates young man because that day is coming soon," she said sternly. "Now go lie down while I call for somebody to pick you up. A little bed rest is just what you need right now."

Without a word of complaint Ben walked languidly over to one of the beds and collapsed right on. He didn't sleep of course. No one could have slept peaceflly after telling off Amy and still remaining in the same building as her. But he allowed his body to relax until his mom came to pick him up. Mrs Lyons was more than a head shorter than her son though the resemblence between the two could be found in Ben's nose and the color of his hair. She was slightly plump but still looked rather healthy for her age. Her reaction to Ben's appearence was much the same as the nurses.

"What the hell happened to you!" she exclaimed.

"It's a long story. I'll tell you about it later," he replied. his mom looked like she wanted to say more but decided that, whatever had happened, it could wait until he was feeling better. So she lined the passenger's seat with newspapers and he got in, not caring about whether or not they stuck to him. The ride home was short and silent, Ben had had a long day and was eagerly awaiting a hot shower and some sleep. As soon as the pulled into the driveway and stepped out of the car a special someone ran out to meet them.

Katelyn, Ben's eight year old sister, was small, energetic, and practically the cutest little thing Ben had ever seen. She ran over to him, not bothered by the juice covering Ben's body, and he scooped her up and placed her on his back.

She giggled. "Why are you so sticky?"

"It's orange juice, why aren't you wearing any?" he asked as he piggy backed her inside. Ben loved his little sister to no end, and Katelyn looked up to Ben without question like he was her own personal rock star.

"Nah ah," she said. "Orange juice isn't sticky."

"Oh yeah well," he jostled her once for fun. "This was freshly squeazed orange juice."

She laughed when he bounced her about, sticking his tounge out at him playfully. Mrs Lyons stood back and watched them with a small smile on her face. Then she walked over and removed Katelyn from Ben's shoulders. "Alright sweetheart I think Ben has been through enough. Now go change your clothes and get to your homework."

"Okay mom," was all she said as she dashed out of the room.

Ben smiled as he shook his head. "She's home early."

"They had a half day at school today," his mother replied. "Her teachers sent home a letter with her today. She's really starting to get a handle on her work. They said she'll probably pull ahead of all of the other students in her class."

Ben sighed as he looked back at where she had left the room. "That's our Katelyn. Always pulling ahead, no matter how badly it looks."

Mrs Lyons said nothing as she was lost in her own thoughts. Snapping out of it, she wiped her eyes. "You better go take a shower and lie down for a while. I'll make dinner in a little bit."

Ben just nodded and assended the stairs to the bathroom. The warm water was a blessing for both his skin, and his tensed up muscles. He stood under the water for the longest time, just soaking up all of the good feelings running through him. When he was done he quickly toweled off and went to his room to relax. Not for the first time he began to wonder what was in store for him now that he had personally angered the most dangerous person he knew. Just as his imagination began to take a turn for the scary his phone beeped. It was a txt from Mark. 'Get online. We have to talk.'

So Ben logged onto his computer, went on Skype, and found Mark and Johnny waiting for him.

"Dude! That was the most badass thing I've ever seen!" Mark exclaimed.

"Fuck yeah man," Johnny agreed. "I never thought I'd see the day where Amy is left speechless by someone before. You shut her up in front of everybody!"

"Oh my God," Ben said as he rubbed at his eyes. "Great. Not only have I pissed her off, I've royally pissed her off."

"Completely," Johnny said nodding.

"So how've you been man? We heard you left early. Did she hurt you?" Mark asked.

"No, I'm alright. I just needed a shower and some rest. My stomach couldn't take all of that for very long. I threw up in the nurses office."

"Ouch," Johnny said.

Ben nodded. "What about Amy? Did she take it out on anyone?"

Mark shook his head. "No. She was pretty sulky the rest of the day but, surprisingly, she kept to herself."

"She did, however, stomp her foot again pretty hard when she had heard that you left early," Johnny interjected.

"Fucking perfect," Ben sighed. "At least she's leaving everyone else alone."

"All because you've painted a target on your own back. That's pretty ballsy of you man. You're going to be a school legend," Mark said.

Johnny nodded. "Right before you become a school martyr."

"I think I'm going to be sick again," Ben groaned. 

"Hey man, you get some rest. We've got your back tomorrow," Mark assured him.

"Hell yeah Ben! We've stuck by you for this long and we aren't about to bail on you yet," Johnny exclaimed. 

Ben smiled at them before giving them some form of half assed salut. "You guys are better than The Avengers." And with that Ben signed off and proceeded to collapse on his inviting bed.

When he awoke he found himself in school, a completely abandoned school. The gigantic building looked as if it had been left to rot more than 100 years ago. The plaster walls were cracked and crumpling, and the floor was littered with debris from the decaying ceiling.

"Hello!" he called out. "Anyone?" There was no response. The school sounded as empty as it looked. Ben began to wonder around, looking for any sign of anyone having been here recently. but wherever he looked, whether cafateria or library, he couldn't find a sign of anyone ever being here. Hallway after hallway only ended with him walking in circles.

"Is there anyone even here?" he said mainly to himself. "Is there anyone even here!" his voice echoed from wall to wall, shaking loose some dust and pebbles. He grunted in frustration and turned to walk the other way. Amy was standing right behind him. She was dressed like Nancy Wilson from the 1950's Attack of the 50ft Woman, and she was shorter than him.

When Ben saw her he jumped, partly from shock at her being there, partly at shock from her being normal sized, and partly from how revealing tha outfit looked on her. He studied her head to toe. She looked just like she did when she was a giantess, only she didn't move a muscle. She only stared deep into his eyes as if they were all she could see.

"Amy," he breathed after a while. "What the hell is going on here? What the fuck happened to the school......And for that matter, what the fuck happened to you?"

Every muscle in Amy's divine face tensed up, as if she was trying to keep herself from talking by force. It didn't work.

"YOU HAPPENED!" Her voice sounded as loud as it did when she was a giantess. The shock waves hit Ben like a train and sent him flying backwards. He landed on his ass and slid a couple more feet before stopping.

"Ow," was all he could say. He looked up at Amy, who was slowly starting to grow. Ben watched in both awe and horror as Amy began to return to her true height. Somewhere amidst all of the confusion his mind figured out that it would be a bad idea to stick around when she grew to full height. So Ben scrambled to his feet and sprinted as fast as he could. He headed for the nearest elevator without so much as a glance back, all the while the mighty Amy continued to grow behind him.

Just as he was closing in on the elevator Amy's bare foot landed right in front of him. Thinking fast on his feet Ben turned around to run the other way, despite knowing how futile it was. In only a second Ben came face to face with her right foot. Despite the danger he was in Ben couldn't help but admire the beauty of her feet, pale, bare, and huge. Even so he kept on running, dashing right through her legs and hoping to manuever her away from the elevator. But with only one step Amy pinned Ben to the floor with her toes. The weight upon him was incredible, he couldn't even scream because he lacked the air necessary for it. Amy kept her toes pressed against him for the longest time possible. Then she lifted her foot and allowed Ben some air. He rolled onto his back, chocking and gasping for breath.

And so he laid there, broken and helpless before her towering form.

"A-Amy," he breathed with all he had left. "Please. You're not a killer."

Amy didn't respond, she just continued to look down on him. Then, with one shrug of her massive shoulders, the white sheet she wore slid right off of her body. And so she stood there, naked and divine as any mythological goddess as ever a mortal could behold.

Ben was struck speechless by what he saw before him, in fact he wept openly at the sight of her perfect form. Then Amy slowly raised her bare foot over his broken, and dying body.

"Worship me," she commanded in a powerful voice. She lowered her foot down ontop of his dying form. His body exploded beneath the soft skin of her sole like a tomato.

Ben woke up from his dream screaming and erect as an oak tree. He needed a few minutes to calm down. When he finally did he noticed the hard on he was sporting. I've never felt such a strange combination of fear and titillation. He sighed. Well if I'm going to die tomorrow I might as well enjoy any happiness I can afford.......I am going to be doing a lot of masterbating tonight aren't I. And with that lonely thought Ben collapsed back onto his bed and stared up at the ceiling until dinner was called for.


Amy laid down on her bed looking up at the ceiling, like she always does when she's bored. Only this time her mind was too occupied to be bored. She kept picturing Ben in her fingers, showing no fear as he looked deep into her eyes. Even more impressive was the level of rage hidden behind those eyes after she sprayed him with orange juice.

The thought made her shudder. No one had ever looked at her like that before, had gotten angry at her like that before. Yet as much as it scared her she could not stop thinking about it. It scared her yet made her feel.....different. He looked at her as he would have anyone else at his size if they humiliated him as badly. For that brief moment Amy had felt just like everybody else again.

But with that image came the images of everyone watching her while that happened. That, more than anything else, made her cringe. She would not allow them to see her as weak. Not anymore.

She had to do something about Ben, something that would give everyone a big reminder of why it's dangerous to mess with her. But what?

Wanting to relax more Amy kicked off her boots and began to massage her tired bare feet. When she was done and settling back into her reclining position against her bed it hit her. She knew exectly what she could do.

Feeling excited she ran over the detail several times in her head, wondeing if she could really do it. When her mind was made up she sat up triumphantly and proceeded to pull out her tablet and choose a book from her extensive library.

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