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For the first time in the longest time anyone could remember the school was lively. Since Amy never got sick or injured this was one of those rare times when she didn't come to school. The other times being days when she just didn't feel like it, of course. Though those days were few since Amy loved coming in simply to be served by everyone around her.

The mood was exceptionally cheerful today, word had spread about her being under house arrest. No body had the whole story, though, and there were hundreds of rumors floating about. Each one more far fetched than the last.

"I heard they had to bring in tanks just to convince her to cooperate," one girl said to her friend.

"Someone told me it took ten giant tranquilizer darts to bring her down," a kid whispered.

"Apparently they've got missiles aimed directly at her house. If she tries to escape they'll blow her to bits," said a football player to his teammates. In fact, the same football player Amy bullied just two days ago.

No matter what they were saying everyone was in a good mood, maybe they'd finally have a decent break from Amy's oppressive shadow. The only people not discussing it were three, very tired, very worn out nerds. Ben, Mark, and Johnny hadn't gotten much sleep that night. Sleep eluded them as they had each spent the night in a restless sleep. As it was they spent the entire lunch not saying a word to each other. They just kept their eyes directed at the table as they listened in on what everyone was saying about Amy.

"All I know is," the football player, Kurt, continued. "They're just getting ready to take her away. My dad told me this himself, they've got a base somewhere and they're gonna take her away and do experiments or something. All I can say is it's about time they took care of the bitch. I hope she never comes back."

Ben gripped the lunch table with both hands, it was all he could do to keep from hitting the guy. But despite all of his anger he was afraid that what Kurt said could actually be true. The thought made his stomach turn, yet he didn't know why.

Why do I feel so concerned? He wondered. If anything she's treated me worse than anyone else simply by putting me in her mouth. So shouldn't I feel content she's getting what she deserves?

But then it came back to Ben, what Amy said in her room. 'I'm big and you're not, I'm a freak and you're not, I'm a monster and you're not!'. Those words kept coming back to him, they were most of the reason he couldn't sleep. She thinks she's Godzilla so she's playing the role, and she hates it. Whether she meant to or not Amy revealed a different side of herself yesterday, a side neither of them expected to ever see. And now, just as they were handed the opportunity to convince her to change, she's under house arrest.

"Hey," Kurt said out loud. "Maybe they'll film her getting blown up and they'll make a monster movie out of it. Hell I'd pay to see that."

This time Ben managed to actually rise to his feet, but a hand on his shoulder and a look from Mark was enough to get him to sit back down.

"We can't listen to them Ben," Johnny muttered. "They don't know shit about what's going on."

"Neither do we," Ben reminded him.

"All the more reason for us to keep cool," Mark asserted. "We don't know if this is temporary or not. For all we do know she could only have to serve like a few weeks of time before they let her go."

"Or they really could take her away. You remember what the Captain said?" Ben asked.

Johnny nodded. "It's all up to our town. What the hell does that mean?"

Just as they were talking a group of girls walked right by their table and overheard Johnny's question. One of them stopped and cast them all a questioning glance. Her name was Holly, she was a cheerleader, someone who never took notice of someone like them unless homework was involved. She was about five and a half feet tall, with long hair, and of Korean descent. Not necessarily a mean girl, she just usually didn't take notice of them.

"You guys didn't hear the news?" she asked.

Ben glance around at his friends before he shook his head. "What news?"

"There's going to be a town meeting next week to decide if Amy should be allowed to stay here or not." Holly explained.

Ben's eyebrows shot up at that news, this must be what Captain Thompson was talking about. Looking around at Mark and Johnny he could tell by their faces that they figured it out as well. Ben turned back to Holly.

"Where did you hear this from?"

Holly put her hands on her hips and smirked. "My dad's the Mayor, remember? He got a call last night explaining everything."

"If you still think we can do something about this Ben we only have a few days to do it then," Johnny said.

Ben nodded. "Thanks for the information Holly."

"No problem," she said. She looked around a bit, as if checking to see who was watching, before speaking to them in a lower voice. "You three were the one's she kidnapped, right? Is it true she tortured you?"

The three friends exchanged amused glances. If this is what it took to get a cheerleader to talk to them maybe they should have gone home with Amy a long time ago.

Mark leaned back in his chair and folded his hands behind his head. "It's not that she kidnapped us. It's more like she sent us an invitation we couldn't refuse."

Johnny chuckled at his remark. "All we did was play a quick game of tag and then talk," he explained.

Holly gave them a puzzled look. "Are you guys for real?" she asked, wondering if Amy scared them so badly they lost their minds.

Ben just shook his head and smiled. "That's pretty much exactly what we did. I know she likes to act like a bully but she's not the monster she wants everyone to think of her as."

Holly didn't know how to respond to that. She gave them a look that changed from disbelief, to a hint of respect, back to disbelief. She shook her head with a sigh.

"You guys are weird." She held up her hands in defeat. "Alright, fine, I get it. It was pretty bad over there and you don't want to talk about it. No one would, it's fine. And thanks for the help with the homework earlier today Johnny."

"Remember Pascal's Triangle and you should be ready for the test," he called out to her as she walked away. When he turned back to his friends he had a grin on his face, and they were shaking their heads.

"Don't even go there man," Ben warned.

"Come on, why not?" Johnny asked, his grin never fading.

"You're a nerd, do the math. Comic book reader plus cheerleader equals undefined number, like dividing by zero," Mark explained.

Johnny just crossed his arms and muttered something incoherent about 'kill joys'. Ben and Mark burst out into a laugh which Johnny, eventually, joined in on. After about a minute their laughter died down and things became serious once more.

"We still don't know what we're going to do," Johnny reminded him.

"I know," Ben said, his hands folded in front of his face in a position of thought. Then he looked up at them. "We?"

Mark nodded. "You think there's something worth seeing in that girl. Well maybe yesterday we saw it too."

Johnny nodded as well. "It's going to take a hell of a lot of work to bring it out, but I think it's worth a try."

Ben relaxed a bit as they said this. "Then it's settled. Now all we need is a plan."

Ben went to bed that night still trying to come up with one.


When Amy opened her eyes it was morning, and she was standing in the middle of the town.

It was a bright, sunny day, the kind of day she would have loved to just stop and enjoy. Unfortunately she kept getting interrupted by the honking cars at her feet. Looking down she saw four huge lines of backed up traffic completely blocked off by her bare feet. On of the drivers stuck his head out of the window and looked up at her.

"Hey Missy!" he called out. "Move it along! I've gotta get my kids to a softball and a karate lesson!"

In response Amy lifted her foot up, unblocking his way.

"Thank you!" he yelled, still a little annoyed.

That is until Amy brought her foot down right on top of the car.

It smashed easily under the weight of her whole leg, occupants and all. Amy could hear their screams from up above, yet somehow they didn't phase her as they should have. If anything the screams excited her, they drove her to do it again. So she lifted her other foot up and brought it down on a mini van. She wasn't sure how many were inside, only that she could feel them explode under the sole of her foot. Lightning shot up her leg as the ecstatic thrill coursed through her. She wanted more. She needed more. Something else she noticed was that, after she crushed those vehicles she grew a little. Not a lot, maybe ten feet at the most, yet it made her feel amazing. She felt indestructible, like a true Goddess.

And so Amy continued on her rampage, crowds of innocents running about at her feet, where they belonged. Lifting her foot up, she tried to get as many as she could under her sole. The feeling of so many people exploding under her bare sole was incredible. And each time she grew a little more, and each time she was able to crush a few more. It went on like this for hours, crushing, smashing, devouring, and destroying anything in sight.

By now she stood at least 5,000ft tall, her toes dwarfed the buildings themselves. By now she couldn't stop, it was too much fun. The feeling of buildings grinding to dust beneath her toes made her want to orgasm, it was that good. From somewhere ahead in the distance the sound of jets could be heard approaching. Amy spotted them easily, despite the fact that they could land on her finger tip. Two F-16's flew straight at Amy and each launched a tomahawk missile, point black, right at her chest.

The missiles exploded on impact, leaving a huge plume of black smoke that completely obstructed the damage from everyone's view.

That is until Amy blew the smoke away in one breath. She brushed the smoke and ash from her chest, laughing at how the missiles tickled her breasts. They couldn't stop her, no one could stand up to her might, she was invincible. The whole world was her play thing, and everyone was only meant to kneel at her feet.

When Amy opened her eyes again she was back in her room, and it was still night. She didn't make any sudden movements so as not to disturb the soldier on night watch duty. She could see their tiny lights over on the platform at the far side of the room. Instead she pretended to still be asleep and gently rolled over so that she was facing the wall. The tears filled her eyes almost as soon as she turned over, just like they always did whenever she had that dream.

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