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The two giantesses stared at each other for a few moments and didn't mutter a single word. Jessica was in disbelief that Tamsin was now the exact same height as her and looked to also have the strength level. Jessica didn't even know truly how strong her own strength was and she could only fathom that Tamsin's strength was at the same level. She didn't know whether to be impressed or terrified at the sight at this giantess. The first time that they had fought Jessica was definitely the superior of the two, but now that the playing field had been evened it wouldn't be a forgone conclusion who would win.

"So you finally decided to show up," said Tamsin with an evil smile on her face. "I was getting tired of killing your friends."

"And you will pay for every one you have killed. They weren't just some faceless people, they had families and you've taken their loved ones away." She was determined that Tamsin be brought to justice for these crimes and she knew that the most that the evil giantess would get was a whole life sentence. On Home there was no death penalty. "You're so filled with hatred, why? Why do you hate so much?"

"Why because of you!" She took a step closer towards Jessica and her rage was beginning to increase. "You think that you're so much better than everyone else because you were so much bigger than them. But now you're not the only giant woman on Home, now there are thousands and soon there will be more as big and strong as us thanks to that pathetic little man of yours."

"What you mean Tucker?" Jessica was shocked herself and she was almost heartbroken that Tucker was definitely involved in this even though in her mind it was most likely unintentional.

"Oh is that what you call him? You could say that I have a small part of him flowing through my veins. Like you his DNA has strengthened me further than I dared imagine." The two giantesses were getting closer and closer to each other with each passing moment. "Just a bit of his blood injected in me turned me from that giant weakling you fought into this juggernaut that you see before you. I guess even pathetic aliens like him have some uses but when we're done with him you might get a body to bury."

"Y-you monster." Jessica began to clench her fist in anger as she thought about Tucker being used like this. She knew how much he feared needles and she could only imagine the terror that he must have felt when he was having the blood drawn out of him. The way that Tamsin had been talking about him made it seem like he was nothing to her, that he was nothing more than a tool that could be discarded when it had served its use. But by now each giantess was only within arm's reach of each other and Jessica's own rage was bubbling over. "You won't harm anyone else." With that Jessica unleashed a powerful punch that struck Tamsin in the cheek. This caused her to stagger back a few steps as she actually felt the impact. The other giantesses would have been knocked out or even killed at this point but Tamsin was still standing but it had definitely loosened a few teeth in her gums. But rather than becoming angry straight away Tamsin seemed to smile as she knew that she had a fight on her hands. "In the name of the free people of Home I Agent Jessica Snape hereby place you under arrest for murder, attempted murder and the damage of both public and federal property. You will be tried by the full extent of the law which is the right of all. Do you have anything to say to this?" This was something that she had learned from her very earliest days as an Agent. Although there were full police forces on Home an Agent was allowed to place someone under arrest if they had committed a crime.

"Oh you are in for it now you overgrown bitch."

Tamsin responded by also punching Jessica in the cheek but the damage was more severe for the gentle giantess. She already had a catalogue of injuries all over her body that had yet to heal and it put her at a severe disadvantage. The only way that Jessica could see herself defeating her opponent was that she used her experience as a giantess. Tamsin had only been a giantess for a few hours where Jessica had been for two centuries. She had trained extensively in taking on opponents that were equal to her size and even bigger. But at least then there was always a switch off switch where this was real life and if she failed she would die.

In the facility with Tamsin gone Agent Rogers went back to the computer and continued to hack into it. All the giantesses might be gone but he knew that Jarvis would most likely have other defences to try and prevent him from hacking the computer. He still had Jenny in the area as she stepped out of the ear of the dead giantess. She grew herself up to her maximum size but even then she was only a speck in comparison to this giantess. Jenny did feel sad that the giantess was dead but she knew that she wasn't a saint and if it hadn't of been for her interference the giantess would have crushed Agent Rogers without so much as giving it a second thought.

Two minutes after she had known that Tamsin had left she could hear what seemed to be clasps of thunder at first. But it took her a few more moments to realise that it was actually Jessica and Tamsin battling outside. A part of her would have loved to go up to the surface and watch this smack down take place but she still had work here to do. She didn't know exactly what she was going to do. Shrinking into the computer again was an option but it was Agent Rogers who was the computer expert and when he finally hacked into the computer he would be able to find the protocol a lot quicker than her.

There were so many countermeasures preventing Jarvis's computer from being hacked that any normal person wouldn't be able to dream of being able crack into it. Agent Rogers was extremely gifted when it came to computers and machines. This was not part of the Jones Serum but rather his own natural talent and it was one reason why he joined Park Incorporated in the first place. He thought that he would be able to get in given the time but he couldn't be distracted any further.

Unfortunately distractions were something that he was going to have in bulk. More or less as soon as the giantesses had failed Jarvis's robotic weaponry had been called in and they were coming in in their squadrons. There would be too many for him and Jenny to handle by themselves so all he could do was continue on and hope that when he broke into the computer that he would also find a way to shut down all the robots. The sound of the battle between Jessica and Tamsin outside was also distracting him.

When the first robots came they began to target Agent Rogers, it would only take them moments to lock onto him and when they would fire there was almost no possibility of them missing. Their targeting systems were extremely advanced and since they were designed by Jarvis himself it was very unlikely that they would fail.

The robots themselves used hover hardware so that they could float up above the ground and it made them more agile and harder to be shot down. These machines were not given humanoid forms but instead ones that more resembled insects that could be discovered all over Home. Each one was armed to the teeth with the latest weaponry on offer and their metal shells were extreme strong and resident to the environment around them. They were also hard to take down since they also had self-repair software that meant if a machine was still operational it could gather metal so that it could repair itself. This was something that had not been seen in robotics before.

Just before the first robot had finished targeting Agent Rogers an energy bullet went straight through the touch metallic shell and struck at one of the vital components inside the robot itself. This caused it to shut down immediately and it fell to the ground in a heap. It almost seemed like it had come out of nowhere.

The culprit of this was Agent Lee who had been able to make it back to the other agents. She had Tucker with him who had somewhat snapped back to reality and was at least walking under his own power. He was both shocked and amazed to see the robots flying above him but they had not seemed to notice him and were instead closing in around Agent Rogers. He was continually typing away trying to get into the computer but it was still taking him a long time to actually get in.

Agent Lee's superhuman abilities were coming into play as she continued to shoot at the robots and each time they hit their mark in taking down each of them. Her bullets were striking the robots' Achilles heel and it would have been practically impossible for a normal person to make these shots but Agent Lee was no ordinary individual. She only had to picture where she wanted the bullet to go and it would strike there. It was something that was extremely handy at times especially at moments like this.

Despite the fact that Agent Lee seemed to be shooting down these robots left, right and centre there seemed to be swarms of them closing in on their position. It was almost like fighting a swarm of wasps, it didn't seem to matter how many were destroyed, there was always another to take its place.

Worse still was that Agent Lee was beginning to run out of ammo. She had a small amount left and she didn't have enough to take down the entire swarm. It would not be long before she ran out of bullets completely and he would more or less be completely defenceless against these things. Like the other agents she did have hand to hand combat training as well but against these numbers it didn't seem to matter.

But as fate would have it, as it seemed like their struggle was desperate Agent Rogers's efforts seemed to finally pay off as he officially broke into the computer of Jarvis after everything that he had been through. There was a sigh of relief but he still had to find the protocols that would stop the giantesses and these robots. He knew that the giantesses were probably the primary protocol that he wanted to find but he also really wanted to find the robot switch off protocol first so that at least the agents would be relatively safe in here. For the moment Agent Lee was keeping them at bay but she couldn't hold out for too much longer before she ran out of ammo.

To Agent Rogers it almost felt like he was one with the computer as he went through the files to try and find the right ones that he needed. It was easier for him to go through the computer than it was for Jenny because he actually knew what he was looking for and his gift with computers made it much easier for him.

Even though things were seemingly going well he knew that he didn't have long to look before the robots overwhelmed Agent Lee and he would have to leave the computer for some time so that he could escape from their fire. Although he could keep teleporting away he suspected that the robots also had sophisticated artificial intelligence and that they would be able to adapt to his teleportation abilities. The only reason they had not adapted to Agent Lee was because there was not too much they could do against her superhuman accuracy abilities. All they could do with that was try and overwhelm her with their numbers.

Agent Lee was on the verge of running out of bullets when the robots started to drop like flies out of the sky and they fell onto the ground. They had all begun to drop at the same time and it was obvious to her that Agent Rogers had at least completed part of his task. The robots were shutting down and soon there would be no one left to be able to face them. There were most likely some guards remaining but against the superpowered agents they didn't stand much of a chance. The only thing that could possibly stop the agents now was if some of the giantesses returned. They were all still out in the field attacking their targets but the agents hoped that would soon be a thing of the past.

The two female agents came to where Agent Rogers was sitting, Jenny was in the hand of Agent Lee and they were thankful that the army of robots had been stopped. But they knew that they were not out of the woods just yet and that there was still danger lurking just around the corner. Tucker also came along with them, not just for the protection but also so he could find out what would be happening next.

"You did it Peter," said Jenny with some happiness in her voice. She was probably the most relieved out of all three of them since she had been the one that had been at the facility for the longest."

"Not quite yet," replied Agent Rogers as he continued to try and locate the protocol that he was looking for. "Those wannabe Jessica's are still out there causing untold havoc everywhere on Home. But there is one thing that you lovely ladies could do for me. I've found where our not too gracious host has gone and I think he would more than like it if you both paid him a visit."

"What about you?" She was concerned for him but it did seem that the greatest danger had passed but she still thought that there was some danger.

"Don't worry about me. If anyone who isn't above six foot eight comes by here I can take care of them myself. But as long as Jarvis is around he could give us a rather nasty surprise. It's best to make sure he is taken into custody." Suddenly the facility began to shake for a moment as if there was an earthquake. The tremor only lasted for a few seconds before subsiding.

"What was that?" asked Agent Lee.

"Would you believe it if I told you that we're missing the battle of the century? No well to put it lightly the queen bitch is taking on our own giant heroine in a battle that if it were a pay per view we'd make billions. But you all saw what she was like during the briefing, I don't care how tough Jessica is she won't last long in her condition. If she were one hundred percent I'd say that she would most likely beat the crap out of this wannabe. But right now I'm not so sure, I think she might off bitten off more than even she can chew." He brought up a map on his VSC quickly so that the other two agents could see it. The map was of the facility itself and it showed a specific room deep within the facility. "Jarvis is in this safe room here, after I've found the protocol to stop these giant women I think I should be able to find the system that'll unlock the entrance. Then you should have no problem going in and showing him what happens when he commits acts of terror." They heard another loud thud indicating another vicious blow from the battle taking place outside. "And I think I should be getting a move on before we lose another friend."

"Jessica's out there fighting that crazed bitch?" asked Tucker. He was afraid for Jessica, after everything that had happened today he really didn't want to lose her. "You guys' gotta help her."

"She can take care of herself. What's important is that as long as Tamsin's out there she's not here trying to kill each and every one of us." He paused for a moment so that he could think of his next words. "Ok you ladies go and find Jarvis, Tucker you're staying with me, you can keep lookout while I finish my work here. You may not be superpowered like us but you're still a remarkable individual." For one more moment Agent Rogers looked at the two women. "Take him down by the book, it is what Barnes would have wanted. We have lost too many of our brothers and sisters today and by our actions no more will be lost. Our fellow agents are not just our work colleagues, they are our friends, our families. Barnes might not have been the easiest guy to get along with but he was still a good man at heart. We will honour his memory from now until the end of our days."

This hit the fact home to Jenny and Agent Lee that their fellow Agent Barnes had lost his life today and ultimately it was Jarvis who was responsible for this. He was the one who had created these giantesses and then upgraded Tamsin to the point where her size and strength equalled that of Jessica. They understood that killing Jarvis wouldn't bring any justice for what he had done, the only way for him to truly be punished for his actions were to arrest Jarvis and his conspirators and try them to the full extent of the law. The agents couldn't judge him but they could still arrest him and insure that no one else would be harmed by his goals. One other thing that did also happen was Tucker was given a small handgun like weapon. He had never fired a real gun in his life but the triggering mechanism was much like the guns on Earth so at least he could understand that.

The two women began to move away as Agent Rogers still tried to find the protocol that he hoped would stop the giantesses. There was no guarantee that there even was a protocol but the agents knew that Jarvis wasn't stupid enough to create such an army without being able to control them. He was too careful in that manner but now things seemed to be turning against him. His giantesses were still wreaking havoc on Home but his headquarters were practically under the control of the agents and his most powerful soldier was battling against a being who was just as powerful as her. Agent Rogers didn't know who was winning the battle outside but he hoped that he could shrink Tamsin before Jessica was killed. He didn't even know that in her new more powerful form if Jessica could even be killed, but if anyone could do it, it would most likely be Tamsin.

Tucker stood close to Agent Rogers and he continued to look around for any signs of guards coming towards their position. He had been through a lot recently and he himself was close to collapsing after all the trauma that he had been through over the last few hours. He had somewhat snapped out of his shock when he was rescued by Agent Lee but he had yet to fully recover. He could still feel where the needles had gone into his arms and he hated the fact that it had happened to him. For as long as he could remember he had hated needles and had been terrified of them. He had been thinking about Jessica the whole time and although he had been ripped away from her he had still been hoping that she would come bursting through to save him. He had feared that she had been killed when the giantesses had been attacking her just before he was kidnapped by Tamsin. He was completely thrilled to hear that she was alive but now he knew that she was once again fighting for not only her life but also for everyone on Home.

Agent Lee carried Jenny as they both went towards Jarvis's panic room. They were wary of any guards that might try and attack them. But they were both capable of defending themselves if the worse came to the worse. For Jenny despite her lack of size she wasn't defenceless, no matter what size she was she retained her normal strength. This meant that attempting to crush her was very difficult, if a normal person tried to step on her she could actually use her strength to stop them. Someone of Jessica's size however was a different story, they would easily be able to crush her since her strength wasn't above her normal strength when she had been full size.

The ground around them was littered with robots that had been deactivated. With the amount of robots they were seeing on the ground the two women were surprised that Jarvis didn't attack the city with them. They were confused with why he would use the giantesses if he had this robot army instead. The truth was that the giantesses were more effective than the robots and also because Jarvis wanted to prove the point that his idea of an army of giants rather than having the super powered agents. It wasn't ideal for him that they were all giant women but unfortunately the serum that he was using only worked on women and he couldn't find a way around it.

The facility now seemed to be eerily empty as most of the remaining people had fled. There were still some of Jarvis's inner circle with him in his panic room but many of the others had decided to take their chances by escaping. The only noise that could really be heard was of the battle outside between Jessica and Tamsin. They didn't know who was winning but they thought it wouldn't last too much longer because they assumed that when Agent Rogers discovered the protocol that stopped the giantesses Tamsin would be incapacitated. They only hoped that he would find the protocol soon before it was too late.

Eventually they came up to a door that was extremely thick and was made out of a metal that was thought to be the strongest known to Home. It was known to be able to withstand explosions just short of being considered a nuclear bomb. The metal itself was also very rare and expensive so it wasn't available to anyone. Home security forces even considered having their vehicles made out of the metal but due to its price the idea was dropped since other metals that were also very strong was just a fraction of the price. Making one vehicle made out of this metal would take more than half the overall budget away. At one point Park Incorporated were even asked to test the metal and they had some of their strongest agents including Jessica to try and crush it. None of them were able to make a dent in it and even with Jessica's new size and strength it would be unlikely that she could even damage the metal much less destroy it.

Blasting through door wasn't going to be an option and it was sealed so there were no small cracks for Jenny to shrink herself and trek through. On the side there was a keypad and it was possible that someone like Agent Rogers would be able to break into it and get it to open the door. Unfortunately Agent Lee and Jenny were not as tech savvy as he was and for this they would need help. They did consider just destroying but there was no guarantee that it would even open the door. For all they knew it meant that the people inside would be trapped with no way of getting out. They only had one option as Agent Lee opened up communications back to Agent Rogers. He was still at the computer and he was still searching for the giantess protocol. He was a little surprised to hear them trying to communicate with him but he didn't ignore them.

"Yo ladies what's up?" asked Agent Rogers as he was still searching through the computer. He knew that he was very close to finding the protocol and he wanted to use it as soon as possible and end the nightmare.

"The doors sealed shut and we can't get it open," replied Agent Lee. She didn't mind mentioning her limitations. She knew that other agents would probably be able to open the door, but they couldn't. "Any chance you can open it up from your end?"

"One moment." He had kept the systems up as well that controlled the door controls of the panic room. With just a few keystrokes the two female agents noticed that the door itself unlocked itself. "Ok that should do it, now take Jarvis down and tell him and whoever else is in there that they have nice beds in jail for them."

Inside the panic room itself Jarvis and the others heard the door unlock. Most of them began to panic but Jarvis remained as calm as he could, he still had his handheld device and tried to lock the door again through that. Unfortunately for him the agents had already opened the door so it couldn't lock itself automatically. The people inside were not defenceless however since many of them also carried their own weaponry. There was only one way into the room and they thought that if any of the agents tried to get in they would be shot immediately.

The first thing they saw actually enter the panic room wasn't an agent but instead what looked to be a grenade. No one had enough time to properly react until it exploded but rather than an explosion there was a burst of light that blinded everyone inside.

With everyone disorientated the two agents entered the panic room, the flash grenade had been something that Agent Lee had been able to lift from one of the unconscious guards and she thought that it would have come in handy. She was right there and with just a few swift moves she knocked out people left right and centre. She made sure that each of her blows were strong and precisely on the mark to knock these people out. The main objective was still Jarvis but it didn't mean that they should die.

The last man remaining was Jarvis himself and as his sight returned he saw that he was face to face with Agent Lee with Jenny sitting on her shoulder. She gave him a little wave and this was like adding insult to injury. It wasn't his body that was hurting but his very being, with being face to face with these agents he realised that his plans were finally falling at the waist side. He still had his giantesses in the field but he thought that it would not be too long before they were put out of commission.

"In the name of the free people of Home I Agent Sarah Lee hereby place you under arrest for murder, attempted murder, acts of terrorism and conspiracy to commit murder. You will be tried by the full extent of the law which is the right of all. Do you have anything to say to this?"

"It cannot end like this," replied Jarvis with some disbelief in his voice. He didn't think that his plans could fail at all. "I was going to usher in a new and greater era for Home and the galaxy. You can't end it here, I was going to make everything better."

The next thing Jarvis knew he was struck in the face so hard that it knocked him unconscious. It wasn't Agent Lee who had struck him but Jenny herself, she had leaped from the larger agent's shoulder and struck him. Before she could fall Agent Lee held out her hand caught the tiny woman.

Unknown to both agents by knocking out Jarvis all the giantess on Home were knocked unconscious. One of the protocols that Jarvis had installed meant that any harm he came into was transferred to the other giantesses, each one also fell unconscious and if seemed that the nightmare was finally over. Better still only a few moments later Agent Rogers finally discovered the protocol that would shrink the giantesses. He did notice that it was set to shrinking them infinitely but after only a few keystrokes he could make them stop shrinking at two inches. He would have preferred to have them at full size but two inches was as big as he could make them.

One other thing that Agent Rogers did do before initiating the shrinking process was to make sure that it was selected for all the giantesses and not just the single giantess. With a few more keystrokes and the activation of the actual protocol itself all the giantesses around Home began to shrink in size. They were all also unconscious at the time but with them shrinking it seemed that their threat was over.

Almost immediately after the process was complete Agent Rogers opened up his communications with Park Incorporated Headquarters where he could see General Walters. He was being projected by a hologram in the headquarters themselves and General Walters was not alone. A few other agents had been able to make their way back to the Headquarters, most were battered and bruised and many would need medical attention but they were thankful to be alive. Other agents on Home were not so lucky, unfortunately Agent Barnes had not been the only one to lose his life.

"General Walters this is Agent Peter Rogers," said Agent Rogers. "The mission has been a success, the army of giant women have been neutralised and I have just received word that Jarvis himself has been arrested alive. All giantesses have been shrunk to two inches in size, I'd say that it would be good sport to round them up and see which Agent can get the most." He laughed for a moment as he was thankful that the nightmare was over. "We'll finish off here and return to H.Q." He became a little sad as he thought about the next thing he was about to say. "We will return the body of Agent Barnes so that he can receive a decent burial, he was a good agent and above all a friend. May he find peace wherever he is now."

Agent Rogers ended the transmission and he felt happy that Jarvis's plans had failed and that hopefully Home could recover from the giantess attacks. Tucker was standing right next to him and he seemed more than happy that the other giantesses were gone, he thought having one giantess would be enough for Home.

"You did it mate," said Tucker with a smile on his face. There were a few unconscious giantesses not too far away from they were and he saw that they had shrunk down to two inches in height. The one that was dead did not shrink unfortunately. Suddenly they felt another tremor that was not a natural occurrence. He could still feel the thunderous blows coming from the outside and a shiver began to run down his spine when he realised that there was only one conclusion. It meant that the battle between Jessica and Tamsin was still going on. "They're still fighting? But I thought you said that you shrank them all those giants down to size?"

"I did," replied Agent Rogers with some confusion. He began to scroll down all the names of the giantesses on the computer and he noticed that one came up as an error. Much to the horror of both men the name was Tamsin Atkinson. He tried to activate the system again and the computer stated that the process couldn't be completed 'Unknown Error'. "Oh crap this is bad."

"What is it?" Tucker had become very concerned at this moment in time. He didn't know exactly what was happening.

"Whatever caused Tamsin to be bigger and stronger than the other giant women also seemed to disable whatever Jarvis had put in her system to keep her under his control. I keep trying but the protocol just won't shrink her."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that we have no way of shrinking Tamsin."

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