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All this hadn't gone unheard however. Unknown to both men the microscopic Jenny was there and thanks to her VSC device she was recording everything that was being spoken. She hadn't revealed her presence just yet but she knew that she would have to do something or else there would be more giantesses as powerful as Jessica running around destroying everything. She knew that there wasn't enough blood in Tucker to be able to make too many of these giantesses but the less there were of them the better. The situation was dire enough as it was without having the giantesses becoming even bigger and more powerful.

The first thing Jenny thought that she needed to do was to deactivate the field that was preventing her from sending out word of what was happening. She could at least contact the Park Incorporated facility and tell them what was happening. Maybe they could unleash an attack that took down this facility and ended the rampaging giantesses. But her lack of size was a problem, everything was so enormous to her and she didn't risk growing any bigger at this point in time since it was likely that she would be caught. If she was caught then her hopes of alerting the others would go up in smoke. She didn't even know exactly where she was but the company would be able to track her VSC no matter how small she got.

There was one idea that she did have but it was extremely risky and there was no guarantee that it would work. She thought of actually shrinking herself far enough that she could actually enter the files that were present on Jarvis's computer. She had been told in the past that it was possible for her to actually enter a computer hard drive and access the files internally. But she had never tried it and there was even debate on whether it was possible or not. She figured that the files on Jarvis's hard drive were what was running the entire operation and how he was able to control many aspects of the situation. She didn't know that he was able to shrink the giantesses.

One other thing that put Jenny at a disadvantage was the fact that she wasn't very savvy with computer systems. That was more in the field of expertise for Agent Rogers, besides his ability to teleport he was a genius when it came to computers. If there was any information on the hard drive that would be of any use he would have been the one who have been able to find it.

At this moment in time finding a way to stop the giantesses wasn't Jenny's top goal. It was to deactivate the field that was preventing her from communicating to her fellow agents and higher ups. As soon as she had done this she would look into seeing if there was a way to stop the giantesses. But she didn't know exactly what she was looking for and with the amount of files that were on a hard drive she might be looking for the right information for hours upon hours. She would have to look at every file individually and hope to find the right one. But once again that was going to take time and time was something that she didn't have on her side.

She saw the two men seemingly leave the desk and Jenny made herself slightly larger and ran over to the computer that Jarvis had been using. It was far beyond any computer on Earth and was even advanced in comparison to the computers of Home. But the tiny woman was still able to get into the computer itself and there was a mess of wiring that seemed to get in her way. She did activate the light on her VSC so she could at least see where she was going. But she needed to find the hard drive before she could hope to find the information that she needed. She was having her doubts on whether this was a good idea but her determination kept her going. If she failed here then Home as she knew it would cease to exist, she found it funny how the entire planet had come under such threat twice in as many weeks. First there was Rammun and now there was this, she didn't know if they were connected or if it was just dumb luck.

Eventually Jenny did find the hard drive and she began to concentrate on making herself even smaller, smaller than she had ever been before and she just hoped that she would be able to get out of the situation in one piece. Lives depended on her and she wouldn't fail them. But as she shrank into the hard drive she entered a molecular level that no living being had ever reached. She had never shrunk this small before and she didn't even know if she would be able grow back up again but she was more than willing to take the risk.

Eventually she found herself in what seemed to be a world beyond imagination. Jenny couldn't see anything that was remotely familiar and she could see electrical sparks all around her, but when a few of them actually touched her she wasn't electrocuted. There wasn't even any discomfort, but she felt herself travelling at speeds that she thought that were impossible. The electrical beams seemed to allow her travel all the way through the hard drive as if she was flying. In this computerised dimension there was no matter and everything seemed to be digital in construct.

Another thing that Jenny was able to do was to link her VSC wirelessly to the hard drive itself. If she had done it outside of the hard drive the firewalls would have prevented her from getting through. But at this size she had already gotten past the firewalls and now had direct access to the hard drive itself.

Using her VSC she was able to go through the files on the computer. But she needed to visually look at each file to see if it had the information or command that she needed. But it was a slow process.

"Ok five files down," said Jenny as she examined the digital file that came up in front of her. It was a simple command for a system that was not important to her. She was seemingly floating in mid-air and the world around her was somewhat dark save for the light of the file. She didn't even know how she was breathing at that moment in time but at this point she didn't really care. All she wanted to do was to find the files and then use the information in whatever way that it was useful. "Two million five hundred thousand six hundred and eighty seven to go."

One advantage that Jenny had that she didn't realise was that time for her was moving much faster here than it did in the real world. What was seeming to be hours were just mere moments in the real world. At her pace she was moving as fast as a computer scan and although it would seem like hours maybe even days to her in real time it would probably only take her a few minutes.

Oblivious to what was happening Jarvis was getting ready to inform Tamsin about the change in the situation at hand. He had promised to make her as big and strong as Jessica and he was more than willing to keep his end of the bargain. He did have some worries about making her even bigger and stronger but he was always a man of his word and he felt that the fail safes that he had installed would be enough to keep her under his control.

Jarvis didn't mind using her as his test subject because if she were to die from the sudden inclusion of Human DNA into her system he would know that it wasn't safe for him to use on the rest of the giantesses. But he thought that if they were all as big and strong as Jessica he would be completely unstoppable. He had seen on the screen how Jessica was able to take down so many of his giantesses that it surprised even him. He couldn't imagine the strength that she was wielding and the fact that she hadn't killed a single one of his troops was beyond belief for him. He almost thought that she was truly unstoppable but he knew that despite her fantastic size and strength that even she had limits but she was still going far beyond any of his expectations.

Jarvis found Tamsin sitting down deep within the facility. Since Tucker had been taken away to be tested she didn't have a use and for the moment was actually having some food. But now that she was so big eating felt a lot different to her. The food that she was eating was more for her body and didn't focus on taste. Much of the food tasted bland but it did meet the requirements that her new body needed.

When she had agreed to this operation she had wanted to be as big as Jessica and to take her down herself. But that dream seemed to have vanished by then and she felt that she was useless. She hadn't cared much about destroying the military targets and being above everyone else. She had joined solely to take down Jessica and it seemed that would never happen.

She still felt the embarrassment that Jessica had been able to overpower her so easily. When she had been in the sleeper hold she was completely powerless to escape and she would have fallen unconscious if the other giantesses hadn't of gotten involved. Her hand still hurt from when she punched Jessica, she hadn't broken any bones but it still ached.

She was surprised to see Jarvis walk up to her along with a couple of other people. They were mainly scientists as well but there was one there who was simply an assistant. Jarvis had no fear that Tamsin would actually harm him since he had fail safes in place that prevented her from hurting him. If she did cause him any physical damage she would feel it as well along with all the other giantesses. She knew this so for now she would do as she was told but in truth she didn't particularly like being told what to do. She was the one who was used to being in charge but for the moment she didn't mind following the orders of Jarvis as long as she got what she wanted.

"What do you want?" asked Tamsin with a somewhat disappointed look upon her face. She took a bite out of the food that she had in her hand. It looked much like a wrap but it was very bland and had no flavour.

"I want to hold my end of the bargain my dear," replied Jarvis as he looked up to Tamsin. He kept a relative distance away from her but that was more for his own safety above anything else. Even minor movements could possibly harm him if she accidentally knocked him while moving. "I believe that I've actually discovered the means of making you as big and strong as Agent Snape."

"You have?" This instantly got her attention and she put down what she was eating and looked directly at Jarvis. Her attention was one hundred percent on him right now and everything else around her didn't seem to matter. "Can you really make me as big and strong as her?"

"In theory yes, we have discovered what made Agent Snape bigger and I believe that it could work for you as well. But as I said this is a theory and there is no one hundred percent guarantee that it will work. The tests that we have run do look promising but of course using it on someone like us can have much different results than the tests completed on animals. It looks promising but as I said there is no guarantee."

"I don't care if there is a one in a million chance of it working. I am more than willing to try anything to take high and mighty bitch down a few pegs." She leaned towards Jarvis and placed her hands down flat on the ground besides him. "Do this to me and I will follow you to the ends of the universe."

"I am more than certain that you will and if it is successful there is one place in particular that I want you to go. But that all depends on the success of this test of course. But for the moment we just need to wait until we get enough of the sample from Mr Martel before we add it to your system and then we'll see what happens."

"What that little runt is the key to Jessica's growth." She was completely shocked to learn that it was Tucker that had caused Jessica to grow. She had expected it to be exposure to a chemical or the Jones serum kicking in again causing her to go up another stage. But to hear that it was Tucker who was responsible completely caught her by surprise. "But how?"

"That will all be explained soon." He had a smile on his face as he saw how much Tamsin was bent on revenge. He had never known someone get so worked up over something that he felt so petty. If Jessica had somehow harmed her or even ruined her career he would understand her need for revenge. But for something as basic as defeating her in a pageant and the fact that she didn't like her personality was beyond him. But he didn't really care about that, all he knew was that he had a loyal soldier who would do anything he asked if he gave her what she wanted.

In the medi-lab of the facility Tucker was going through what he considered to be his own personal hell. Not only was there another needle in his arm that was almost sending him into a complete panic but they were also drawing more blood from his body. For the moment he was only having a pint taken out of him, he didn't know if everything went to plan that Jarvis was planning to draw every last drop of blood out of his system so that he could strengthen his soldiers further. He had read in the files just how much Jessica's strength had increased after her spurt. She wasn't proportionately stronger but her strength had increased several fold. She had been strong before but now in her new form her old one seemed to be no stronger than a ninety pound skinny woman. She was strong enough to life several times her own body weight.

Jarvis imagined what it would be like if each of his giantesses had the same strength. There would be no force on Home, maybe even the galaxy that would be able to stop them. His plans were not of conquest but of spreading knowledge to everyone whether they wanted it or not. He didn't particularly care what the other races of beings did with the technology he gave them. He knew that some would use it to prosper while others would use it to destroy each other like the first race of people that Home came into contact with. It was almost like giving a child a gun.

By this stage Tucker had stopped speaking and he knew that nothing he could do or say would be able to get him out of this situation. His own psyche was breaking down little by little and it wouldn't be too long until he was completely broken. The woman that he had looked to for protection ever since he came to Home seemed to have abandoned him and he was all alone in this inhospitable place. He was beginning to wander if it had of been better if he had of been delusional that night he jumped into Jessica's bag. He thought that the fall would have been much quicker than this if Jessica had simply been a figment of his imagination.

Only a few hours ago he was happier than he had ever been in his life. He was experiencing things that no human being had ever experienced. He was in a relationship with one of the most beautiful and kind hearted people that he had ever met and even though there was a one hundred and forty four foot height difference between them it didn't get in the way of their love. He felt that it was true love even though they had only been together as a couple for less than two weeks. He had never felt so strongly for a woman who wasn't family in his life. He wanted to grow old with her and spend his last moments with her by his side. Deep down Tucker knew that when he died of old age that Jessica would still look young, even if he lived for another half a century to her she would have only aged a full year.

The needle that was in Tucker's arm continued to draw blood out of him. The fear that the poor man was experiencing was like nothing that he had ever experienced in his life. He had been afraid of needles almost his entire life and he was already close to his breaking point. He didn't know why they needed his blood but he knew that it wouldn't bold well for either Jessica or the people of Home.

In the world that made up Jarvis's hard drive Jenny was still going through the files one by one and the process seemed to be taking a lifetime. To her she had already spent several hours going through each file one by one and so far she had not found what she was looking for. There were several important pieces of information that she discovered including files on many of the women who had become giantesses. Many of them had lengthy criminal records and were definitely people that she didn't want to meet in a dark alley.

Even when Jenny had been searching for what seemed to be a full day she was surprised to find that she didn't feel tired at all. She didn't whether it was because she was in the hard drive or that she was so small. But with everything that was at stake she couldn't stop for a moment.

Eventually she did come across something that was very interesting to her. She discovered the systems that operated the field that prevented her from transmitting anything from her VSC. She hadn't found the actual command to shut it down but now she knew that she was on the right path and she decided to search more in those files until she had actually found command file that she was looking for.

One thing that Jenny also had a minor consideration of was to use the serum on herself. It was a silly little fantasy in her head and she thought that it would be able to restore her to a more normal size. She did know all the advantages of being small but once in a while she wished that she was normal size. She thought that at her largest size of three inches ingesting the serum would increase her height back up to around six feet if it went on proportion. But there was a good chance that wasn't the case and she would carry on growing until she was Jessica's former height. This was all a little fantasy that she played in her head and she wasn't seriously considering taking the serum herself.

In her mind this was also the longest that she had ever stayed this small. All the other times when she shrank anywhere near this level she would only remain that way for a few minutes before growing back to her full size. But she knew that she was pushing herself further than she had ever pushed herself before but with all the lives that were at stake Jenny didn't mind this at all. She knew the risks when she had first become an agent and she wouldn't rest until everyone was safe.

Many times Jenny thought that she found the right file but each time was a let-down until she found what she was looking for. She discovered the command file that was keeping the field up. It was a sophisticated piece of technology that was powerful even by the standards of Home. She could see just how intelligent Jarvis really was if he had actually designed this field by himself. It seemed that only signals of a specific frequency could penetrate the field and all others were blocked. This included the frequency that the VSC operated on but now that the file was discovered Jenny could actually get to work. From where she was she was able to reactivate the file but rather than switching the field on she was switching it off instead.

It only took a few moments for the field to power down and she thought that she would be able to transmit outside the facility. But instead she still couldn't seem to get through, she could even see the frequency radiating out of her VSC device and yet she thought that she still couldn't get through. But when Jenny noticed just how slow the waves were going she realised that time for her had sped up. Not only would the waves be too faint for anyone to actually see but they also moved faster than anyone could possibly hope to see.

Jenny realised that at the size that she was in would almost be impossible for her to communicate with someone since the speed difference between herself and whoever she spoke to was too great. It would take too long for them to respond to her and even when they picked up her messages she would be speaking so quickly that it would be impossible for them to understand her.

Jenny's only option was to increase her size until she re-entered the normal plain of existence where time for her would balance once again. She concentrated as much as she could and within mere moments she found herself growing again. It took Jenny only a few seconds to grow out of the world of the hard drive and back into the real world. Although her size was still minute it was still large enough for her to communicate with the outside world. She only hoped that it wasn't too late.

Quickly she pressed a series of buttons on her VSC and began to talk into it. The settings were that she was transmitting on the emergency frequency that all agents and higher ups would pick up. She only hoped that there were agents left out there who would be able to pick up her distress signal.

"This is Agent Liddell with an emergency broadcast to all agents that can hear me," said Jenny. Her voice was quite loud but she had made sure that she was still small enough so no one around her could hear her. "I have discovered the base of operation for what is going on around Home. A man named Jarvis is behind all this and he won't stop until we are all dead. Worse still he has Tucker Martel here as a hostage and I fear if we can't help him soon he will surely die. I discovered that there are fail safes that Jarvis has installed to keep his army in check and we can use it to our advantage. I am transmitting my co-ordinates to you right now, please hurry."

After she had finished speaking she had also set the message to repeat itself until the agents arrived to deal with the situation. But she had no idea if there was even anyone left to respond to her message. She didn't know if they were all killed or if there was even enough agents left to initiate a full scale assault. The situation was dire all over Home and it wasn't certain that there would be enough agents left to save what was left. All she could do was hope that soon someone would respond.

Away from all of this Jarvis was getting ready to inject Tamsin with Tucker's blood. Before all this plan had been carried out he had been able to create syringes with needles long and strong enough to pierce the skin of the giantesses. This was so he could inject them with anything that he felt that they needed. The vial that would contain the blood was still relatively small so it could still be operated by a normal size person.

Enough blood had been drawn from Tucker's body for Jarvis's test. Tucker still had enough blood in his body to still function normally but if this test was successful Jarvis would pump more blood out of his body so that more giantesses could be upgraded. The only mercy that he would receive would be that they killed him before they drew the blood out so that he wouldn't die slowly.

For this test Tamsin was in a large empty part of the facility that was specifically set aside for enormous size tests. This was where Jarvis tested the serum on his volunteers although only the women ever reacted positively to the injections. The ceiling here was especially high and there were vents that could be used to pump the area with gas if a test subject ever were to get out of control.

For the moment Tamsin was sitting down with her arm on the ground so that one of the scientists could reach it. Unlike Tucker she didn't fear the needle or even what would happen to her. All she cared about was becoming as big and strong as Jessica and she wouldn't take anything else. She was excited by the prospect of actually being able to take down Jessica and she hoped that she wouldn't be disappointed again.

Jarvis was also there so that he could watch what was happening. He was keenly interested with the results of this test but even if Tamsin did grow again he would still want to run further tests so that he could see if there were any side effects. Since the conditions were different to Jessica's experience he didn't know exactly how the reaction would truly effect Tamsin until he saw the results for himself.

"Are you sure that you want to go through with this?" asked Jarvis. He was behind a thick pane of glass that protected both himself and the couple of scientists who were with him. He used a PA system to speak to Tamsin since technically he was in another room. It was the observation deck of the testing area. "After you have gone through with this there is no turning back."

"Yes I'm sure," replied Tamsin responding immediately to the question. She had never been so sure of anything in her life. "Make me as big and strong as that bitch and I will handle the rest."

Jarvis nodded towards the scientist who was right next to Tamsin and he began to inject Tucker's blood into the giantess. It took a few moments for the entire pint of blood to be injected and as soon as it was finished the scientist took the syringe away and went into the observation deck.

Tamsin could feel the effects almost instantly as Tucker's DNA mixed with the serum that was already in her system. Quickly she stood up and she could feel her body becoming ore energised by the moment. She felt like she could take on an entire army and not even feel any of her injuries. The wave after wave of pleasure was almost too much for her to handle and almost straight away she began to feel pain.

She screamed at the top of her lungs and fell down to her knees. Her heart rate was increasing drastically and her muscles seemed to become weak. But then she felt them begin to expand under her skin as they grew and the rest of her body began to stretch as well. The experience was both exciting and terrifying for her at the same time. She had never experienced pain like this before but her hatred for Jessica was what kept her conscious and she knew that after all this pain that she would finally have the strength that she needed to kill Jessica.

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