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  As Jessica looked up she looked into a very human face. She saw that she was staring at another giantess but this one was much taller than her and a lot slimmer. She was wearing a brown costume that Jessica seemed to recognise as being one of her old costumes that was still hanging up somewhere in her apartment. The giantess looked young, no older than eighteen and was much slimmer than Jessica and didn’t have her curves. The giantess was easily two hundred feet tall with long white hair and brown eyes. Although Jessica had never seen this giantess before she thought that she recognised her from somewhere but she couldn’t think of where. She definitely looked familiar but she didn’t know where she had seen her before. This left her confused for a moment and she stood there looking up at the simulated giantess for a few moments.

  “I’ve seen you somewhere before,” said Jessica still trying to think of where she had seen the giantess before. She definitely would have remembered seeing someone who towered above her like this. She recognised something in the face as well but once again she couldn’t place it.

  “Agent Snape your objective is to defeat the opponent with minimum damage to civilian property,” said a computerised voice. There was no emotion at all in the voice but it did not come from the giantess. It came from the advanced speaker system that surrounded the training room. “The sessions begins now.”

  As soon as the computer had said this the giantess began to move and went to punch down at Jessica but the blow had been slow and Jessica was able to jump back out of the way. It was not the first time she had faced an opponent who had the size advantage over her but she was still trying to recognise who this giantess was. She knew that this had come out of Tucker’s mind so it must have been someone they had seen recently but she still couldn’t think of where she had seen her.

  The giantess moved forwards towards Jessica without saying a word and she tried to use her long legs and height advantage to kick Jessica. For Jessica again the kick had been slow and she was able to grab it with some ease. She was amazed to see how much longer this leg was in comparison to her own but for now she couldn’t really think about that. She needed to take down this giantess without either killing her or causing too much damage to the surrounding area. The second part would be difficult since both women were extremely large but Jessica had completed exercises like this before and she thought that she should be able to pass this one with some effort.

  “Didn’t anyone ever tell you that size isn’t everything?” asked Jessica as she still had a grasp on the leg of this giantess. She had no response but she didn’t really expect to. “You’re pretty clever Tucker trying to make me fight someone bigger than me.”

  With one twist of the leg the giantess came crashing down to the ground. The fall caused a small tremor but Jessica was still in complete control. The giantess had fallen onto her stomach and Jessica moved her grip onto the giantess’s extremely large foot. So far the street had suffered minor damage due to the fall but the buildings around them had not received any damage so that was a big plus for her. A couple of the cars on the ground were crushed by the fall and others had their alarms blazing but other than that everything was still intact. But Jessica’s session wasn’t over yet. She still needed to fully incapacitate the giantess without killing her. If she did kill her although the session would be a success in her mind it would be a failure.

  She let go of the giantess’s leg and stepped towards her head. Since the walk was only two hundred foot it only took Jessica a moment and the giantess went to get up but with one mighty punch to the face Jessica seemingly knocked out her larger opponent and she stood tall over her. She expected the giantess to be stronger but instead the session had seemed to be too easy. She looked around know that Tucker could see her and she even turned her back to the giantess.

  “I thought you said that this would be a challenge for me,” said Jessica with her hands on her hips. “You disappoint me Tucker Martel.”

  Jessica was so focused on speaking to Tucker that she didn’t notice the eyes of the giantess open once again and she began to grow larger. As she slowly rose back to her feet she continued to grow taller and taller and at first Jessica didn’t notice but when the giantess more than doubled in height Jessica finally took notice to what was happening.  She turned around and watched the giantess continue to grow and she stood there in amazement. She took a few steps back as she watched the giantess grow taller and taller right in front of her. She gasped in both amazement and dread with what she was seeing.

  By the time the giantess had stopped growing she was six hundred feet tall and Jessica was only knee height in comparison to her. Only on a very few occasions had she ever felt so small in her long life and she didn’t know exactly what she was going to do. The giantess was now truly a colossus and she had her eyes on Jessica and Jessica alone. She had a look of determination as she looked down at the smaller giantess in front of her and Jessica knew that she was in big trouble. The giantess was now taller than most of the buildings around her but not as tall as the mighty skyscrapers. Either way she was one of the largest people that Jessica had ever seen and she was just glad that this was all a simulation rather than actually going toe to toe with a real giantess.

  “Ok I admit that is impressive Tucker,” said Jessica as she continued to back away and formulate a plan. Previously although the giantess had the size advantage she had the strength advantage. Now with the giantess undergoing this growth spurt the strength advantage had definitely gone to her. “Maybe we can just talk about this before we do anything rash.”

  The giantess responded with a mighty kick that sent Jessica flying to the ground. The blow had winded Jessica as she scraped along the ground at a frightening speed. If it had been a real blow then Jessica would most likely have suffered from several broken rips but thankfully this was not the case. When she was kicked the giantess’s foot was almost as large as Jessica’s entire body so the blow had struck her all over and caused damage everywhere.

  The training room monitored how much damage Jessica would have received if it were a real kick and it deduced that although she would be injured she would not be out of the fight just yet. But if she didn’t come up with a plan soon the giantess would easily overpower her and she would fail the session. If it was real life failure of the session would actually result in her dying.

  Jessica began to cough as she slowly stood back up but she could see the giantess coming towards her. The only thing that Jessica could think about doing was making a hasty retreat so that she could gather her thoughts. When the giantess did reach her only a few short moments later she lifted her foot up into the air and tried to stomp down on Jessica. For once Jessica did actually have a size advantage over the giantess but for once it was the opposite. Now that Jessica was the much smaller one she was able roll out of the way of the stomp and she quickly moved herself behind a nearby skyscraper before the giantess even knew what was happening.

  Jessica made sure that she was absolutely silent as she felt the ground tremor every time the giantess made a single step. She tried not to panic as she tried to think of a way that she could actually defeat this giantess. She would have to rely on her brains rather than her brawn but even so she didn’t think that she would get out of this one. Although she couldn’t see the giantess she knew that she was most likely looking for her and from the strength of the tremors she knew that she was close.

  In truth the giantess was looking behind all the tall buildings trying to find Jessica. Jessica had been able to move so quickly that the giantess hadn’t had time to see exactly where she went. All the tall buildings had also blocked her view but it would only be a matter of time before Jessica was found.

  Inside the control room Tucker and Gloria could see Jessica on the screen hiding away from the giantess. Tucker seemed to be happy with himself that he had actually created a decent session for Jessica. He knew that it would have been good to watch and so far he had not been disappointed, ever since he first saw Jessica he imagined her fighting a giant monster or another giant person. It might have only been a simulation but it seemed real to him, in his mind he was thankful that he didn’t have to worry about Jessica sustaining an injury. If this had all been real he would never have created something like this and he would feel an unimaginable amount of guilt each time Jessica received an injury.

  But much like Jessica he recognised the giantess but he had no idea where he had seen her before. At first he thought that she was a character that he had seen in a popular TV show but the face was all wrong and the hairstyle was completely different. He had decided that she would have a growth spurt if she was originally defeated but he had never specified exactly what height she was supposed to be but seeing her in scale to Jessica, something about it was oddly familiar to him. Even the costume she was wearing seemed to be cemented in his mind, he didn’t know that it was one of Jessica’s old uniforms and he had never seen it before.

  “You’ve done a very good job Mr Martel,” said Gloria as she watched the screen. “She’s faced giant opponents in simulations before but nothing like this. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Agent Snape actually retreat during a session.”

  “Well I like to keep the girl on her toes,” replied Tucker with confidence in his voice. “I just hope she doesn’t hold this against me at a later date.”

  “I doubt it, Agent Snape isn’t the type to hold a grudge. That is unless you mention something bad about her appearance. But I think that’s all women in general.”

  “On Earth we have a little saying that ‘Hell Hath No Fury Than A Woman Scorned’.”

  “I’ll have to remember that one.” She thought that it was funny that the people on Earth would have a saying like that but she knew what a woman could do if they were scorned. It was probably one of the truest statements she had heard for a long time.

  Tucker and Gloria weren’t the only ones who were watching Jessica on the screen. Agent Daniels had also taken an interest with what was happening. He had been impressed when he saw Jessica take down an opponent who was larger than her. He stood there with a cold stare when he looked at the screen. His focus had not left the screen at all and he didn’t think there was any way that Jessica would be able to complete the session. The giantess seemed to be too big for even her handle and he just waited to see what Jessica’s next move was.

  Inside the training room Jessica was still hiding behind the skyscraper but she knew that the giantess was very close. She had felt the tremors grow stronger with each footstep and she considered trying to hide behind another building but that would leave her out in the open for a brief time. She only needed to be spotted for just a moment to be captured by the giantess, since she was now so much bigger and stronger than Jessica a direct confrontation would be very one sided. Jessica needed to catch the giantess unaware and use every skill in her impressive arsenal to simply pass the session.

 After a few moments the giantess was standing right next to the building that Jessica was hiding behind. She couldn’t see her target through the building itself but as she made her way around it she expected to see Jessica standing behind it. But when she was able to wrap her head around the building she discovered that Jessica was gone. She scratched her head for a moment as she tried to think where Jessica had gotten to.

  She didn’t know that Jessica had made her way around the building was now behind the giantess. Using all her size and strength she tackled the back of the giantess’s leg and she focused all her power on the knee joint. Since she was attacking from behind and had the element of surprise she thought that she would be able to take the giantess down. As she dived into the knee joint she grabbed a hold of it as well, the joint was roughly at Jessica’s eye level and she pushed down with as much power that was left inside her body.

  Much to her delight she saw that her plan was seemingly working as the giantess began to go down but unfortunately not in the way that she had wanted. Instead of completely falling down to the ground the giantess only went down to her one knee and Jessica had to let go of the joint so that her hands weren’t crushed by the weight of the giantess. She took several steps back as she saw the giantess turn her head towards her. She tried to make an apologetic smile but the giantess simply reached over and grabbed Jessica’s right leg. Jessica was powerless as the huge hand grabbed her leg and lifted her up into the air. The giantess stood up to her full height and raised her arm up so that she could dangle Jessica upside down but still be at her eye level.

  Jessica seemed to be powerless as the giantess stared at her and gave her an evil grin. Jessica tried to think of some way think of a way that she could free herself but from her perspective things looked very bleak. She had been captured by an opponent that was much larger and stronger than her and she was several hundred feet off the ground. Even with her size the fall would cause a theoretical injury. She imagined that the giantess would just drop her or even begin to swing her around. Or maybe would use her strength to crush Jessica’s foot, but as those thoughts flew through her head she knew that she couldn’t allow that to happen. All of her years of training in the gym would have to pay off or else Jessica was going to fail the session.

  Although Jessica was dangling upside down by one leg she was able to pull herself up and strike the finger of the giantess. The effort had been difficult for Jessica since her enormous breasts did get in the way and she was lucky that they were so firm that they didn’t fall into her face while she was upside down. The action was lightning fast and took what was left of Jessica’s strength as she struck the finger as hard as she could. Almost instantly the giantess winced in pain and she released her grip around Jessica’s leg. But before she fell Jessica was able to grab the giantess’s hand and with all her agility she was able to swing herself right into the face of the giantess.

  As Jessica clung onto the giantess’s face she began to stagger back and almost instantly she tried to grab Jessica in an attempt to get her off her face. The giantess couldn’t see anything as Jessica punched both her eyes as she used her other arm and legs to keep a firm grasp on the giantess’s face. As Tucker watched from inside the control room Jessica’s actions reminded him of a facehugger from the Alien film franchise and he thought about telling her about it when everything was finished.

  After being struck in both her eyes by Jessica the giantess bent down in pain and as she was bent down Jessica grabbed hold of her hair and used it to drop to the ground from a much safer height. The giantess was blinded for the moment and she was still bent over as she rubbed her eyes so that they would recover faster. Once again Jessica moved behind the giantess and tackled the back of her knee causing the giantess to once again fall down on one knee but this time Jessica had a plan.

  The giantess was completely stunned and Jessica picked up a couple of nearby cars that so far had not been damaged by the skirmish and she walked up to the giantess’s face. Now it was much lower and only slightly above Jessica’s level but it was still within her reach. As if she was holding a pair of knuckle dusters Jessica began to strike the giantess multiple times in the face. Under normal circumstances Jessica’s blows would have little effect on the giantess but with the fact that she was smashing two cars into the giantess’s face caused a moderate amount of damage. The cars were crushed by the impact but rather than stop Jessica kept striking knowing that she wouldn’t have another opportunity. Each strike was lightning fast and had all of Jessica’s fantastic size and strength behind and the giantess was powerless to resist.

  After about several seconds of repeated blows to the face Jessica had to stop so that she could catch her breath and she could see numerous bruises on the face of the giantess and there were some trickles of blood dripping from one of her cheeks. Jessica expected the giantess to stand back up to her full height and overpower her but instead the giantess fell forward and she had to jump out of the way or else she would have been crushed. There was a large tremor when the giantess hit the ground and the ground itself began to crack and several nearby windows shattered. Jessica only just had enough energy left to actually jump out of the way and as she saw the unconscious body of the giantess she panted for air.

  Although the giantess had seemingly been defeated Jessica couldn’t help but feel a sense of guilt. She knew that the giantess was only a simulation but she felt as if she had just beaten down a very good friend and the guilt that she was feeling made her shed a tear. She still recognised the giantess but she had no idea where it was from. It was definitely not someone that she knew or even someone she had seen recently. To her knowledge she had very rarely met anyone who was so young and still had white hair and she thought that there wasn’t a chance that Tucker could have seen anything like that. He had only been on Home for a couple of weeks so it was very unlikely that he would have seen anyone like this giantess. She knew that Tucker could have just imagined the giantess’s size but something inside Jessica told her that the scales had been right. This meant that if this giantess was a real person she would have been this size and Jessica thought that would be impossible without her knowledge. As far as she knew she was the biggest person on Home and no one else had ever gotten close.

  As Jessica continued to look at the giantess she saw her begin to glow and at first she feared that the giantess was going to experience another growth spurt. It had been difficult for Jessica to fight her when she had been six hundred feet tall but if she grew again she knew that she didn’t stand a chance. It would almost be like a normal person trying to fight someone who was one hundred feet tall. It had been a mini miracle that she had been able to defeat this giantess and even she knew that she wouldn’t be able to defeat her this time round.

  But instead of growing again the giantess began to fade away, as Jessica looked around she could see all the skyscrapers and other buildings also begin to fade away. She soon realised that the simulation was shutting down and that meant that she had either successfully completed the session of if she had failed. From everything that had happened she guessed that she had succeeded but it didn’t make her feel any less guilty.

  Within seconds the room was completely empty again and Jessica breathed a sigh of relief. She was glad the session was over and it had pushed her more than she had expected but that was good in a way. It meant that she was pushing herself more and becoming more and more competent with her size and abilities. She had been this size for a good two centuries so she had already gained much experience with being a giantess but it also made her more aware of her limits. But for the first few moments she still looked at the ground where the giantess had been laid down and it took her an additional few moments to snap back to reality.

  “Congratulations Agent Snape,” said the computerised voice. It seemingly came out of nowhere and caught her by surprise. “You have defeated the target with only causing minor damage to the city around you. The fact that you did not kill the target will also gain you some additional marks.” Jessica lifted her head and looked towards the room’s exit and she could see the door opening. “Your session has been completed, you may leave when ready. Please report to Doctor Wallace if you have any enquiries.”

  As Jessica slowly walked out of the training room her body ached after such an effort. She didn’t realise just how tiring the session had been until she stepped towards the open door. She had to give Tucker credit where it was due. The session had been more than a test for her and she would have to give him a little surprise for making her work so hard. One thing that she would definitely need when she got back to her apartment was a bath. She had been sweating and she didn’t want to think about what her uniform smelled like after everything that she had done that day and it had only just gotten to lunchtime. She did have a few other activities to complete before she could go home but at least she could now go for something to eat.

  Inside the control room Gloria had been impressed with the session that Tucker had devised for Jessica. It wasn’t the first time that they had created simulations where Jessica was pitted against an enemy that was equal to her size, but this was definitely the most difficult that the gentle giantess had ever undertaken. It was a nice twist to have the enemy grow again during the session and it had definitely taken Jessica by surprise and that was good. In the field an agent didn’t fully know what they would be up against and if they had unexpected events like this take place in training sessions it would help them even further when they were in the field. Tucker himself was happy that Jessica had found his session so difficult, he had promised her a decent challenge and that’s exactly what he had given her. He could have made the session impossibly hard for her but he felt that wasn’t fair for her. She had been so kind to him ever since he had come to Home and the last thing he wanted to do was to disappoint her.

  The person most impressed with Jessica’s performance was Agent Daniels. He had watched everything in silence and he had been watching everything that had been happening. He had seen Jessica’s size, strength, intelligence and athletic skills and he had never seen such a perfect physical specimen. Never had he seen someone who was so big and strong and yet so quick and agile, this was a trait that was very rare in a person. If a person concentrated on strength then they would lose speed and agility and vice versa. This was not the case in Jessica’s case, she was at the peak of physical fitness and if she had of been normal size she would be a perfect Olympian.

  Although Agent Daniel’s body was also very powerful it seemed that it was not as perfect as Jessica’s He had accessed the memories that he needed so that he would know his limits. Although his strength was probably on par with Jessica’s he could not move as quickly or as gracefully as she could. The only thing that he had going for him was that his healing abilities were more advanced than hers but that was one thing that he could take with him. That was one advantage that this entity had, whenever it possessed a person it could transfer a certain talent from one person to another. The only problem it had was that it couldn’t hold onto a talent for too long. If it couldn’t plant it into a person in enough time then it would lose it. But for what it had planned it would not have to worry about the time limit. He would have several hours but for what it was about to do it would only need an hour at the most. Another problem it had was that it wasn’t able possess another person immediately after possessing a host. It needed an hour before the process could be repeated but already it had been over an hour.

  “She’s perfect,” he said very quietly.

  Agent Daniels slowly began to step towards Tucker, he had also been listening to Tucker’s conversation with Gloria and he knew that he was close to Jessica. It didn’t matter if he anyone saw what was happening, what he had planned would seem to go unnoticed and when people would start to suspect anything it would already be too late. As he walked towards Tucker he didn’t seem to stop for anything. He even knocked into a scientist walking by and knocked him off his feet. Rather than apologise and help the man up Agent Daniels just kept walking towards Tucker and so far the human had not spotted him.

  It only took a few moments for Agent Daniels to reach Tucker and he did not waste any time in placing his hand on Tucker’s shoulder. Tucker immediately stopped his conversation and turned his head to look at Agent Daniels but an invisible force seemed to transfer from his body and directly into Tucker’s. The entire event only took a fraction of a second and everything that was Tucker seemed to be stored away and replaced by this new entity.

  Almost immediately after the process had been completed Agent Daniels fell to the ground and Gloria quickly went to his aid in shock. Many of the other scientists around them tried to come to Agent Daniels’s aid and a few of them actually had medical training. The only person who was unfazed with everything that was happening was Tucker himself. He knew that Agent Daniels wasn’t dead and he just calmly turned around from the carnage and began to walk towards the door. He wanted to leave as quickly as possible in case anyone figured out what had happened and he wanted to get back to Jessica. Already his memories were being accessed and the entity knew that he had picked the perfect tool for the next stage of his plan. Not only did he have access to Jessica but he seemed to be someone that she also cared about and that meant the plan was going to be easier than the entity expected.

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