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"I don't know if I trust him... Actually, I know that I don't," her grandmother, Rayven, said, "but if I had the choice, I'd do it."

"I don't think it's a good idea," Autumn said. "It sounds too risky."

Of course, Chryssie's mother would say that. She was always the sensible risk-averse one. At least, that's how she had become in adulthood. Chryssie was living proof that her mother had had a wild side.

"I want to do it," Chryssie said to her mother. "It'll help make the neighborhood - even the city - safer for everyone."

"You don't care about that," Autumn said, truthfully.

"I do," Rayven said. "The fewer exploitative men off the streets, the better. They've been hurting girls for thousands of years. It's about time we got our own back."

"But why do you want it?" Autumn asked, or rather demanded, of Chryssie.

"It'll help officer Grendale, and he'll help us. He can let us know when and where the cops are looking, which will make things safer for us."

Autumn wasn't buying it. "He could do that without the supplement."

"Okay, I want it, just because I want it," Chryssie replied, admitting what was basically the truth.

In her research Autumn had stumbled upon a dietary supplement which changed their digestive powers a bit. She had been looking for something to aid in the quicker digestion of their prey, so that they could both last longer on less food, but also stop 'showing' as much belly sooner after feedings. It did not really work as planned, but it did aid in their ability to eat more.

Chryssie had told her new friend - officer Robert Grendale - about it, in the hopes that he would suggest exactly what he wound up suggesting. He suggested that they use her powers, enhanced with her mother's supplement to put a greater dent in crime by having Chryssie consume captured criminals, rather than putting them through the court system.

Grendale got two things out of it. If crime went down - at no extra cost to the city (and the city authorities remaining ignorant of what was really happening) - then he and his bosses would look good. The other thing was that he really wanted to get off on seeing Chryssie eat a bunch of crooks. Chryssie, who - after her first hesitation - had started to have a thing for Grendale, liked the idea of him getting off on that, but she also just liked the idea of eating a lot of people. The though made her feel powerful. She imagined that actually doing it would make her feel divine. She liked the idea of feeling divine.

"That's not good enough," Autumn replied, though she appreciated that Chryssie was owning up to it.

"Okay, well let me text him to come in and convince you himself," she said.

"Chryssie, no!" Autumn objected, but Chryssie was fast with texting, something fairly usual for someone of her generation.

"Text sent," Chryssie said, grinning with the fait accompli.

Her mother glowered at Chryssie. Rayven didn't like the idea of some guy being there to mansplain what the women could decide for themselves.

The doorbell rang just a minute later. Autumn stood up to get it, though Chryssie leapt up faster and was at the door before Autumn got as much as three paces. Rayven, of course, remained seated.

"Hi!" Chryssie said excited, as she opened the door.

Grendale smiled at her and nodded, just as Autumn arrived behind her daughter.

"Evening, ma'am," Grendale said, acknowledging Autumn's arrival. He was closer to being Autumn's age than Chryssie's - considerably closer. Autumn didn't like it. Why couldn't this man go for women his own age, rather than chasing girls. It was a rhetorical thought. She knew that's what men liked.

"Come on in," Autumn said, though without enthusiasm.

"Much obliged," Grendale said, politely.

Sure, whatever, Autumn thought. She had to admit, the fellow was good looking, though the politeness seemed old-fashioned. Rayven had - unfortunately - ingrained in her mind the idea that old-fashioned male politeness was just a soft form of condescension.

He entered the kitchen/dining room, where the three women had been discussing - it was where all their important conversations took place. He nodded at Rayven.

"Pleased to meet you, ma'am," he said with an emphasis on the 'you'.

Chryssie had warned him about her, and how the sheer fact that he was born with a penis would put him in her disfavor. However, he was certainly going to try to disarm her antipathy as much as was humanly possible.

"Sure, whatever," Rayven said out loud, what Autumn has merely thought. "What can you say that will change her mind?"

Since Rayven had nodded her head at Autumn, it was immediately clear to Grendale that it was Autumn that needed convincing; not Rayven. Chryssie knew her mother and grandmother well, since she had already told him that would be the balance of opinions.

"Well, I'm sure that you've already decided for yourselves," he said. "I really was just eager to meet the both of you. Chryssie's told me a lot about you. I don't know what she's told you about me..."

"...She's told us that you're 'fascinated' by what we are, and what we can do with people," Autumn said. "She's also told us that at some point you want to be on the receiving end of it."

Rayven scoffed somewhat under her breath.

"Yes, that's true ma'am. I'll confess that I've had that fantasy for as long as I can remember. When I discovered Chryssie at the library, following up on a missing-person's lead, I couldn't believe my luck, until I actually saw her do it."

"Fantasy?" Rayven asked.

Grendale blushed.

"Yes, ma'am," he acknowledged. "I guess I might be embarrassed about it, but I won't deny that just the thought gives me the most erotic sensation. I'm not going to lie to you and say that that's not why I'm here."

"Your erotic desire to be eaten up by my daughter?" Autumn asked, for clarification.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Do you often have erotic desires for girls fifteen; twenty years younger?"

"Ah, well, if they're adult women who can swallow a man whole, then I'll confess to having an interest - same as if they were my age or somewhat older and could swallow a man whole."

"Even me?" Rayven asked.

"Ahm," Grendale, uttered, clearing his throat, "since I hear that you're someone who likes to chew, I have to say that while I admire the strength, I fantasize about the softer way to go down."

"And if I decided to chew you up right now?"

"That's a risk I knew I was taking," he replied.

"Hands off, Grandma!" Chryssie objected. "I saw him first, and I'm going to be the one to eat him up."

"By softly swallowing," she added, winking at Grendale - who was grateful for the intervention.

"Before that time, however," he said, turning to Autumn, who was the one who would need convincing, "I really hope to be of service to all three of you."

"While I hope that you'll use your serum to give yourselves extra... um... appetite, so that we can clean up the streets somewhat..."

"You sound like you think of us as garbage disposals!" Rayven objected.

"Sorry, ma'am..."

"And quit it with the 'ma'am'. It sounds fake and condescending."

"No it doesn't, Ma," Autumn countered. "He's being as polite as he was raised to be."

"Well, I do think that the criminals are the equivalent of garbage, so I think we might share in that assessment," Grendale said. "I'm not talking about people who do petty things - taking drugs, loitering, stuff like that. I'm talking about people who really hurt other people. I'd just as soon see them behind your teeth as behind bars. Behind your teeth, the lawyers can't get them off."

He turned back to Rayven.

"I'm talking about just the sort of men that I'm told you also have an axe to grind with: rapists, human traffickers, guys who have committed violent assault. Way too many of that sort of garbage is allowed to walk the street again."

"I don't want to have anything to do with those men, even if it was to eat them," Autumn said.

"I do!" Chryssie volunteered.

"Me too!" Rayven joined.

Autumn looked with surprise at Chryssie. Just like herself, she felt Chryssie used her 'gift' on men on whom she had a fancy, even if Chryssie was less discriminating than Autumn was.

"What?!" Chryssie asked. "Robert wants to watch! It turns him on, and I like the idea of being an angel of Justice!"

"You like the idea of him swooning at it and worshiping you all the way down your gullet," Autumn observed.

"So?! That's hot!" Chryssie replied.

"The serum would allow us to do it with a lot more perps," Grendale offered.

"More people for my belly!" Chryssie exclaimed.

Autumn rolled her eyes. "First off, it's a supplement, and not a serum. Secondly, you don't need it to do what you're going to do. Thirdly, I don't like the idea of my daughter being within five city blocks of those 'perps', much less close enough that she can lick them."

"Fourthly," she added, now that she thought about it, "I don't like the idea of her licking that ... garbage."

"That's absolutely fair, Ma'am, I mean Miss..." Grendale struggled.

"Just call me Autumn."

"That's absolutely fair,...Autumn. We can do one or two, without the supplement, and she won't need to 'lick' them. We can apply it some other way. And by the time they're with her, they'll be small enough that they can't do any harm."

"Fine!" Autumn gave way.

"But I'm going to hold you to account, officer..."


"Officer Robert. And if anything is just slightly off, I'll..."

"Eat me?" Grendale suggested, hopefully.

"...feed you to my mother," Autumn finished.

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