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It was 5pm When Scott heard the downstairs door creak open and an all too familiar voice called out to him.


"Oh Sco~tty, where are you?" Jade sang as her footsteps could be heard thumping slowly up the stairs along with a second pair of feet.


"Where is he? Haven't you guys trained him to come to the door when his owners arrive home?" That was clearly the voice of Claire, Jade's evil and tormenting friend.


"Nah. There's no point in training him that far if he's just going to shrink away to nothing soon" Their voices were in the hallway outside the room and approaching fast. Scott looked around.





Shit, the room isn't clean. Scott knew that Jade would love to use this as an excuse to give him some extra punishment time and wanted to try and avoid that as best he could. Running for the cupboard he slid open the right side and crawled inside, hiding himself behind some boxes and hanging clothes as he shut the door, sealing him in darkness. He heard the room door open and Jade's disapproving tongue clicking.


"Geez, look at the state of this room. I clearly told that bastard to clean it while I was gone. How lazy can you get?" Jade said as she sat on the bed. Scott could hear footsteps right outside the cupboard which he guessed to be Claire walking around the room.


"Maybe he's hiding 'cause he knows he's in for it" Claire suggested "Or maybe he's ran away"


"Ha, like he'd ever do that. His life might not be great here but trust me when I say that society doesn't look well upon Shrinkers. He'd be treated worse out there then in here and he knows it. Plus he'd probably be arrested for not being with his guardian or something and brought right back here."


"Ugh" Claire groaned in impatience "Come on, where is he? I didn't walk all the way to your house just to look at your messy room"


"Well, let's look around the house. He hasn't become so small he can hide easily. He should be relatively simple to spot, just try and find places you'd hide if you were a munchkin."





Jade left to check downstairs while Claire checked up. Scott could hear her as she opened the drawers and look under the bed. Finally her footsteps brought her over to the cupboard and Scott could see her shadow under the door. The left door swung open filling that side with light but luckily keeping him concealed. He could see Claire's face from his vantage point and tried to be still as possible so that she wouldn't be drawn to his movements. 





However she next walked over to the right side where Scott was hiding and prepared to open the door. Scott pulled himself in as close as he could to try and hide among the clothes as the door slowly slid open. 


"Hey Claire, come here!" Jade's voice could be heard calling from downstairs. The door stopped opening immediately and Scott could hear her heavy footsteps running away.


"Did you find him?" She called.


"No, but I've searched this entire room"


"Then why did you call me down here?"


"Psychological warfare! If we leave him be he'll become stressed, knowing that we're going to find him in the end. Just leave him to stew in his own fears and he might even come out himself"


"Ugh" Claire groaned her disappointment "But I wanted to see his face when I caught him. The scared look in his eyes would be hilarious!"


"Oh, you want hilarity, do you?" Jade pulled out her phone and began flicking through some pictures until she found the folder "Check this out"



She showed the phone to Claire who let out a gasp of delight and laughter as she saw a tiny Scott, completely naked except for a bib and stuck in a baby chair. It was clear from the picture that he was struggling to get out but failing miserably.



"Oh my god! He's so cute!" Claire said through her fits of giggles. She found the picture most amusing.


"I did this the last time he tried to discipline me. As if he still had any authority. He got so humiliated when everyone saw him like this that he shrunk 2 inches instantly."


"And you took a picture?"


"of course I did! I've made it a habit to document everything that has happened to Scott since he started shrinking. Like I'm recording his progression into a insect. I might even turn these pictures into a scrap book"


"Wait, you have more of these" Claire asked, indicating to the embarrassing pictures.


"Sure do" 



And so for the next five minutes the girls sat on the couch and skimmed through all the pictures that Jade had on her phone until they finally got bored and fed up with Scott's refusal to come out.



"Oh my god, what is taking him so long? I thought you said he'd be pissing himself if we let him be"


"This is kind of getting on my nerves. I guess we'll have to give him some real bad punishment so he knows not to disobey us"


"Oooh, what are you gonna do?"


"Hmm, I actually don't know. Do you have any idea's? I want something really humiliating and disgusting but also pleasurable for us"


"Well, I might have an idea but I need something special"


"Special?" Jade watched as Claire walked into the kitchen and came back with a jar of peanut butter."Peanut butter? that's the special thing you needed?"


"Mmm, it's extra smooth" She said, putting her finger into the jar and licking the peanut butter off "My favorite"



Scott was still huddled in the cupboard waiting for the inevitable to happen. he couldn't hear them downstairs and thought maybe they had left when he heard the similar booming of them running up the stairs. His heart raced as the room door was pushed open and the two giantess walked in. He held his breath and stayed as still as he could, wishing he were invisible.



"O.k, we'll search each room one at a time until we find him. The first person to get him gets to be the first to use him"


"Well I told you I already searched your room, he isn't in here"


"Exactly. If he is hiding upstairs then he would have known you checked this room and would therefore hide inside here assuming we wouldn't check again"


"Do you really think he's that smart?" Claire asked as she looked under the bed.


"Contrary to popular belief shrinkers retain their intelligence as they get smaller. Although that's not saying much as he wasn't very smart to begin with" Jade was busy opening all of her drawers and searching them methodically.


"Well that's got to suck" Claire said as she opened the cupboard. "Being small and dumb"



Light flooded Scott's small prison as he saw the towering forms of Jade and Claire standing in front of him. Claire had her back to the cupboard when she had opened and so didn't see Scott until Jade turned around from looking in the drawers.



"Oh, looks like I win the bet" Jade said happily


"Really where is he?"


Jade pointed inside the cupboard at a diminutive and scared Scott. "Right there"




Although Claire was disappointed that she lost the bet she did enjoy carrying a squirming and frantic Scott down the stairs in her arms. "You're in big trouble 'tiny man'. Do you know how naughty you have been? It's obvious we need to train you better"


"Oh, don't worry Scotty" Claire said while pinching his cheeks "We're not going to hurt you. In fact you might enjoy what we're about to do"


"So what did you have in mind? Or was 'peanut butter is my favorite' as far as you got with your planning"  





 "I was thinking, since you're always saying how he's at our feet where all shrinkers belong I was that maybe he should worship them a little. After all we were running all day during gym and our feet are really sweaty and hot. It might be nice  for our feet to get some personal attention"


"oh, that's just perfect!" Jade's eyes were filled with a happy gleamed as she imagined Scott licking her dirty feet "Hear that Shrinker? That's what your punishment is going to be"



They made their way downstairs and dropped Scott on the floor in front of the coffee table as they crashed on the couch and got comfortable. Both girls removed their shoes and socks and put their feet up on the table directly in front of Scotts face. Scott noticeably cringed as he didn't expect the smell to be so bad. It smell just like feet but really powerful and pungent. it wasn't difficult for him to believe that they had done gym today.



"Come on shrimp, get to work." Jade ordered, a wide smile on her face.



Being around 60 cm tall the young girls feet in front of him looked absolutely massive and intimidating. Add to the fact that a noxious smell was emanating from them and Scott had good reasons for feeling unnerved. Finally he submitted and grabbed on of Jade's feet and started rubbing disgusted at the thin film of sweat covered the warm foot. Within seconds his hands were covered by the liquid and it just kept getting worse as his rubbing and caressing soaked up the sweat into his skin and clothes.


    Jade flexed her toes as she enjoyed the wonderful sensation of her tiny Step father rubbing her feet. Scott noticed how her toenails were perfectly polished in black as he remembered the time she ordered him to do it. He couldn't believe that his massive intellect and brainpower was being used to serve this brats toes.




Next he moved on to Claire's feet which were long and slender with the soles being a deep from from the exercise she'd been doing. Just like Jade's, her feet too were covered in sweat and bits of dirt from her socks and had an equally horrible smell. Each foot was soft to the touch and Scott could tell that she used lotion often. However, no lotion could cover up this smell.


Jesus, their feet are sweaty ... My skin's going to be bleached with this horrible smell!

"What's wrong Scotty?" Claire mocked as she noticed Scotts scrunched up face "Don't you like the lovely smell of my sweaty feet?"

"How rude" Jade commented, rubbing her foot into Scott's face "You should love the smell of our feet, or at least pretend to. It's an insult to your superiors if you sit there with a bad look on your face while you rub their perfect feet. As an apology, you should kiss our feet in worship"


Scott simply looked up at Jade, pleading with his eyes but mercy was not something he was going to find in hers. With there being no way out he slowly put his lips towards Jade's sweaty and warm feet but before he could make contact she shoved her foot into his face.

"Too slow. Come on I wanna see you give my foot a big smooch" She kept pushing her foot into his face forcing him to kiss it. "Keep kissing"


Scott planted kiss after kiss on her foot, mentally begging that she would let him stop soon however this persisted on for a while before Claire finally said.

"Oh, come one Jade, fork him over so I can get a turn. Come on, Scotty, time to give the same treatment to these lovely ladies" She wiggled her feet in a tease. However, to her kissing wasn't enough and she demanded now that he licked her feet.


"Yep, get going"

"But my..-"

"No back talking. Your masters have spoken" Jade said, cutting across Scott's pleas for mercy. Finally he resigned himself and reluctantly pulled out his tongue.


The horrible taste overwhelmed his mouth and sent his taste buds into meltdown mode. It felt as if he was licking up salt water (Which he pretty much was), causing his glands to produce saliva like crazy. These two reactions automatically made Scott want to throw up immediately but held on and kept licking. He wiped his tongue from heel to toe, mopping up every last bit of sweat his hands missed and slowly worked his way (On the demand of Claire) between her toes to clean out the lint and toe jam.


"Man, you're acting like you're dying, surely my feet aren't' that bad" Claire laughed. "You need to smile more"

"He hasn't smiled in quite a while" Jade said

"Well, you know what makes me smile? Peanut butter!" From the side of the chair she pulled out the jar of smooth peanut butter she was holding earlier and picked up a butter knife that was on the table "If my feet taste so bad let me give you something to make them tastier" Using the butter knife she spread a thin layer of the cream across both of her soles before sitting back on the chair. "There you go"

"You want him to lick peanut butter off of your feet?"

"Well it isn't the first body part I would've chosen but he just looks so happy down at our feet"


And so Scott was forced to lick every scrap of peanut butter off of Claire's feet and wasn't able to so much as take a breather until her feet were perfectly clean. However, in their daze of fun and games the two girls completly lost track of time and soon it was already 6pm. Steven was now home.


Coming in through the main door he was greeted by the sound of laughter, which in this house usually meant bad news for someone. Walking into the lounge room he was greeted by the sight of Jade and her bitch of a friend sitting on the couch while a pain stricken Scott worshipped their feet. Now, he didn't know exactly why he felt this way (Maybe it was because of his conversation with vivian and the revelation he had after) but a sudden fire started burning through his body and a rage engulfed him like never before.


However he knew he had to stay relatively calm and so silently walked up to them until he was standing right behind the two laughing girls. They didn't even notice his shadow looming over them as he said.


"What are you two doing?"

The two girls screamed as Stevens sudden appearance startled them. Jade relaxed almost immediately but Claire quickly looked at her watch.

"Oh, would you look at that. I gotta go" She tried to get up from the couch but Steven stood in front of her, preventing her escape. "Um, excuse me"

"What were you doing?" Steven repeated. Claire's eyes flashed as she turned her sexy mode on. She picked up the jar of peanut butter and scooped some onto a finger eating it.

"Nothing, just some fun with peanut butter"

"Peanut butter?" Steven grabbed the container and knife from her and looked at it.

"Hmm, extra smooth, my favorite" It looked almost as if Claire was trying to seduce Steven with her sexy pose and calm speaking. However Steven was not fooled at all.

"Peanut butter is pretty fun, I'll admit" He scooped some onto the butter knife and quickly grabbed a lock of Claire's hair, spreading it through it before she could react. Claire jumped up from her chair holding her hair in rage.

"What the fuck, that's my hair you asswipe!"

"What the fuck, that's my father!" Steven proceeded to imitate her facial expressions in mockery before pushing her out of the way and heading towards Jade.

"What the hell has gotten over you? it's just a simple foot rub" Jade fired up at once "He asked if he could rub our feet, the little perv. Isn't that right?" She looked at a shocked Scott who meekly nodded his head.

"Really? I find it hard to believe that anyone would want to go near your feet, let alone your friends disgusting ones"

"Hey, I take offence to that" Claire said as she tried to get the peanut butter out of her hair

"Shut up!" Steven yelled "What's the matter with you? That's your step father! Another human being and you're using him as a slave!"

"Well, duh. He's a shrinker!" Jade yelled her response as if the answer was most obvious.

"Oh, there's nothing wrong with abusing a shrinker, is there? What if I reported you to the police? I don't think your case of 'ugh, he's a shrinker' will hold up when you're arrested."

"Pfft, arrested? I'd get at most a fine. Easily payable with this shrinkers money. Not exactly a threat you got their bro"

Steven lifted his arms up as if he was trying to be reasonable and changed his tone of voice accordingly "You're right. It would be only a small fine if not just a warning. You're right that this isn't much of a threat" He looked down at Jade with burning eyes "However, I'm pretty sure that prestigious university you're trying to get into wouldn't want to accept a person who has a smudge on her permanent record"

Jade's face froze. If she were a man he'd have her by the balls, but I guess having her by the tits would be a good analogy. "You wouldn't"

Steven mouthed the words permanent record.

Jade and Steven stared at each other in silence, daggers flying out of their eyes as Claire continued her grooming and Scott continued to look awestruck. He'd never seen Steven stand up for him like this before, what had changed? Finally Jade broke the very cold ice.


"You think you're so smart, don't you?"

"Think I am? I know I am. Or at least smarter than you"

"Oh, is that why you're failing at school?" Steven knew she was trying to change the subject to one she knew she would win. But how did she know he was failing? As if answering his thoughts Jade said "Noticed a few papers in your room the other day. 'Physics: 9/20? Biology 10/30? Engineering 7/25? What's with all these low marks?"

Jade was now kneeling on the couch as she held a wide grin. Steven didn't care about his test scores; he only wanted Jade to stop her abuse on Scott. However, Jade refused to let this issue go. 

"Who's the smart one now?"

"Well, technically speaking, me having low scores doesn't make you smart. And even if I had the lowest scores in the world you'd still come second to me"

"Oh is that so" She jumped of the couch "Well what if ... Wait, what the? OH MY GOD! He's shorter than me! Claire, he's shorter than me!"

"Holy mcfuck nuggets I don't care" Claire was still getting the peanut butter out of her hair and didn't fully register what Jade had said at first "Wait, what?!?"

"He's shorter?" Jade said as she attempted to measure herself against Steven who kept pushing her away.

"You're imagining things, you dumbass" He said as he tried to walked away but Claire quickly stood up from the chair and blocked his exit. Now that she was standing she could clearly see that he was much shorter than he used to be.

"Holy crap, he really is short." There was a short silence before Claire yelled "Dibs!"

"What?" Jade said

"Well you already had Scott, I bags Steven! When he gets really short I want. There are so many peanut butter related tortures I can do wih him"

"Um, He's part of my family so that makes him automatically mine. Go find your own shrinker. Wow, mum is going to be so happy when she finds out about this"

"Move out of my way" Steven hissed at Claire who stood her ground, pushing her chest out to block him.

"Make me, Shrinker"

He pushed his body against hers but she was so heavy. Even with all his strength he couldn't budge her. Claire and Jade continued to laugh at his struggles.

"Look at how weak he's become" Jade giggled "He can't even push you out of the way"


Steven put more effort into it but was pulled away by the incredibly strong force of Jade as she pushed him onto the chair. he tried to get up but was pushed down again and pinned with Jade's bare and disgusting foot. The two girls appeared to have forgotten completely about Scott who had fallen onto his knees.


"Hey Steve, wanna play some games?" Jade asks in a dominant voice as she looked down on him. We can play anything, even wrestling" Jade continued to hold Steven down on the chair as he attempted to push her foot away but failed repeatedly.

"Man, when Clarissa and Stacey learn about this they're gonna wanna move in with you. It's no fair that you get all the shrinkers and we have none"

"Luck of the draw I guess"


Steven knew that it was no point in trying to argue with them. His words carried no weight now that he was nothing more than a shrinker. He was just like his dad and he knew it. Right now the best thing for him to do was escape and try and find solace somewhere. He had to think about his immediate future otherwise he really would end up like Scott. 


"So, what do you want us to call you now?" Jade asked "How about 'Little Stevie'? Or 'Little bro munchkin'? I think 'Bug' has a nice ring to it"

"So who do you think is going to get him? Your mum?"

"Nah, she already has Scott. The obvious choice would be me as we've bonded together so well in the past. What other choice could there be?" jade sat on the couch and grabbed Steven's head, pushing it into her breasts "Isn't that right Stevie? You want to be owned by you powerful Big sister, don't you?" Steven once again tried to push away but couldn't resist Jade's iron grip as she spoke with Claire.

"So if both Scott and his son have the virus, does that mean Jake might get it too?"

"Oh, my god I never thought of that. He might totally become an even smaller, little brother. But I guess Clara would bags him for herself, though. ugh, I wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of her controlling hand"


While they were talking Steven broke away from he grip and jumped off the couch and away from the two evil women who were plotting his slavery.

"I'll never surrender to you! Do you really think I'd let you be my guardian? I might as well drink arsenic, at least that would be less painful!"

"Oh, isn't he so cute? He thinks he actually has a chance against me even though he's nothing more than a shrinker."

"Aww, I want a Naive little plaything. One who'd try and resist my every command"


They were playing on Steven's pride and it was working. He felt himself get more and more angry as they continued to taunt him with their laughter and jokes. Then Jade started flirt taunting with him as she slowly approached. Talking in a sexual manner.


"Come on Stevie, being my pet wouldn't be so bad" She began to rub her body "Just imagine when you're really small and I just.." She slid her fingers under her shorts and gave a slight moan. 


The very thought of what she was inferring disgusted him as he felt his cheeks grow red with shame and humiliation while Jade continued to describe his ironic demise. The whole experience was far too much as Steven became light headed and a strange, yet familiar feeling came over him and the room started to slowly expand. Steven was shrinking in front of Claire's and Jade's wide eyes, filled with joy. He finally stopped as Jade pulled her fingers out of her pants.


"You actually made him shrink Jade! That was amazing"

"Well, I've had lots of practice doing stuff like that with Scott. Males, they're all the same" Jade marched up to Steven and found that he only came up to her nose. What a scary experience since she used to be the one at his.


I can't believe that made me shrink. She didn't even have to try hard! She forced me to shrink with just a few words, how is that possible? An image of Scott flowed into his mind as he realized that no matter how hard he fought against it, he was being dragged down the same road as his father. Was there nothing he could do to change that? This idea horrified and anger Steven who channeled that rage into his right fist. Looking up at Jade's laughing face he drew his fist back and ... she caught it. Without even trying she caught his fist, filled will all his strength, in mid air as if she were handling a fussy toddler. But Steven acted quickly and kicked her in the shin. She let go and he head butted her in the face and sent her flying to the ground. Claire approached but Steven pointed his finger at her.


"Don't come any fucking closer!" he then ran upstairs in retreat and Claire examined Jade's face. Steven made it to his room and shut it, barricading it with whatever he could find. He truly felt like he was across enemy lines and every battle was being lost by him. He had to think of a plan quickly but first he needed to calm down as his heart was pumping with adrenaline and his mind was fogged with negative emotions, he couldn't tell what he was feeling. Sitting on the ground he tried to do some breathing exercises he learned from the internet.


Jade was still on the ground downstairs, holding her face as she screamed "YEAH, YOU BETTER RUN, YOU SHRINKER! YOU'RE GONNA GET SMALLER AND SMALLER UNTIL ONE DAY I CRUSH YOU LIKE THE BUG YOU ARE!"

Claire as patting her on the back, trying to get her to calm down but it wasn't working. A strange moaning sound was heard behind the coffee table as they saw Scott on his nears, hands on his head.


He has it ... He has the virus. Everything I've being working for is ruined ... They're going to ... He's going to become ... just like me ... why!?"


Scott couldn't bare the sorrow he felt in his heart. He blamed himself for Steven's shrinking as it was Scott who most likely passed it on to him. Everything the family was going through was all because of him! With deep breathing, Scott tried to prevent himself from hyperventilating but his emotions kept growing, and soon tears were pouring from his eyes. Jade walked over to him with anger in her heart.


"Oh, you better cry! If only you knew what horrible things lied ahead for your son. I'm going to enjoy breaking him just like I've broken you!"

"No!" Scott yelled, looking up at Jade with a look he hadn't given her in ages "You can't! That wasn't ... part of the agreement! Do what you want with me ... But don't you dare touch my son!"

"I don't care about any agreement! He's nothing more than a shrinker! If I don't do him in something else will. I'm just doing him a favor by showing him who the real winner in life is"

"I won't let you!"

"Won't let me? Let me describe what's going to happen to him. When he's small enough I'm going to throw him into my mouth, almost drowning him in my saliva then I'm going to swallow him whole!" Her hand slid down to her stomach which chose the perfect moment to give an audible groan. "Just imagine being trapped inside my stomach. unable to escape and forced to endure one of my most basic bodily actions. And when it's all over, he's going to be nothing more than my shit! I'm going to turn him into the piece of crap he's always been"


Scott couldn't bear to hear this but Jade just kept going on and on and he felt like he was going insane. Anything would be better than the torture he was going through right. It was then that the most powerful surge of feeling swept through his body as Scott collapsed under its weight. His vision blurred so much he went temporarily blind as Jade's horrific words were blocked out. Slowly the tiny man lost an incredible 20cm.


"oh, my god" Claire whispered, hands over her mouth "I've never seen someone shrink that much before let alone someone who was already tiny"

As Jade looked down at the tinier form of her stepfather a slight smile of even spread across her lips. Her day just got ten times better.



Chapter End Notes:


A chapter letting place to action, hope you like it, Steven's secret is finally revealled ! comment if you want more of that ;).

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