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                Aaron and his team wondered where they ended up. It was dark, dank, and it reeked.  One soldier took out his flashlight and illuminated the area. They saw that they were on a small path and to their right was a river of water. A small stream of light shone through a gap in the upper wall. They looked around and saw that a stone ceiling was above them. “Holy shit. I think this is a sewer guys” a young man said.  “Hey does anybody hear that sound?” a 21 year old female soldier said. Everyone stopped to listen. “Proximity alert! Multiple heat sources detected!” Sarah shouted. “Switch to thermal scan” Aaron ordered. His HUD changed to infrared mode and illuminated glowing shapes coming toward them. One soldier shone his flashlight in the direction of the sound. What they saw horrified them. “Mice! Giant mice!” the female soldier screamed. “You wish Julia! Those are fuckin’ rats!” her friend yelled.

                They were huge. Large pointy teeth over 2 feet long with a truck-sized body (not including the tail) with matted ash colored fur hissed at the squad. “Rifles ready! FIRE!” one soldier yelled. The tunnel lit up with flashes of laser fire. They shot at them desperately. Rats care about only two things; food and fucking. These brave people did not want to find out what day they caught them on. The rats yelped at the light burning into their bodies. One by one they fell but their numbers made the soldiers begin to inch back. By chance, the rat bodies actually acted like a shield for their advancing friends. “We’re being overrun! Sarah, power up the pulse lasers!” Aaron shouted. The yelling and screeching was now accompanied by an increasing pitched whine.  “Everyone get down!” he shouted over the comm. Aaron pulled the trigger while Sarah controlled the targeting.  Intense bursts of light lit up the tunnel. More bright and powerful than the standard rifle shots, they quickly cut down the horde of rodents advancing on them. Aaron still fired the pulse lasers even after the squeaking and screeching had ceased. “Aaron stop! You got them!” Sarah shouted. The smoke and fire clouded his thermal scope. He switched back to normal mode and saw his friends slowly get up off the concrete. The tunnel now glowed from burning fur and melted stone.

“Let’s get the fuck outta here” Aaron told them. The team broke out ropes and climbing tools to scale the 35 ft. concrete wall. They easily fit through the storm drain bars but Aaron hand to bend them in order to fit his STRIKE frame through.  What they saw next amazed them. Every building was skyscraper size. The smallest building was at least 20 stories tall. They quickly ran out from under the streetlight and into cover. “Sarah, launch the recon probe” Aaron ordered. Out from the STRIKE’s backpack shot out a baseball size probe which zipped straight up into the night sky. Aaron waited for the data upload. “Telemetry upload complete” Sarah said. Aaron put it through the palmtop computers of his squad.

“You got to be fuckin’ kidding me” one soldier said. “No not kidding. As private Rogers eloquently stated, the city is an enormous 34 miles large. The good news we only have to traverse 17 miles to point Charlie” Aaron said. “Only 17 miles. No problem unless you’re traveling in a land where the locals will eat or crush your ass on sight” another soldier said.  “Stow it soldier. We have a job to do. We get to point Charlie in 7 days and get out. Team Alpha and Bravo are counting on us to do our job here. Without our beacon, we can’t triangulate the dimensional coordinates for the bomb” Aaron said. “That’s another thing sir. Where are we gonna get a bomb big enough for this? Our biggest nukes put out only 12 megatons. That’s not enough for 34 miles!” another female soldier said. “Current estimate puts the bomb yield necessary at 33 megatons” Sarah conjected. “Fuck me! Where we gonna get that?!” Rogers asked. “Not our job. Concentrate on not being found by the Ingress. Now let’s find some real shelter until we can get more intel from the recon probe.” Aaron said.

They walked toward Point Charlie looking for shelter. The team scrambled down the street when they saw the first signs of daylight. No one dared to be caught in the morning sun for all to see. “In here!” Aaron shouted knocking out a window near the ground on a large house. Everyone shimmied down the concrete wall into the large dark room. “Where are we now?” a soldier asked. “As long as there ain’t no rats I don’t give a shit Vasquez” Julia replied. They took turns sleeping in shifts. Aaron fell asleep in his cockpit while Sarah scanned the immediate area for threats. Day one ended with no casualties. Now could they keep up that pace?

A few hours later in the same city…

“Good morning Dr. Marcus” one lab assistant said. “Good morning. What are you working on?” the raven-haired 34 year old woman asked.  “I was just about to collect another sample” he said pointing to a lab table. One the table was a teen about 16 years old pinned down by metal prongs. He was naked and a metal cylinder attached to a clear tube running to a machine next to him. The poor kid was scared to death. More than a few “subjects” disappeared not to be seen again. “Proceed then” she said. The assistant pressed a button on the screen and the boy yelped. The tube had begun to rhythmically suck on his prick. He squirmed in the table not waiting to be raped by technology. “Please stop! Don’t do this UHHHH!” he grunted. The boy came and Dr. Marcus and her assistant saw his cum shoot up the tube into the machine. "Excellent healthy sperm in this sample" the assistant said.  "Any progress in the project?" Dr. Marcus asked. "Indeed. Come this way" he said.

The assistant led her down a corridor to a door that had a number 3 on it. She stepped inside and beheld a reenforced glass chamber  3 ft tall. She saw something inside and realized with awe what it was. "Phase 1 was successful?" she asked surprised. "Mostly. What you are looking at is one of the viable human/ingress fetuses. The growth rate is astounding. We already had to move it from a smaller chamber 4 days ago. This one seems to have had its Ingress DNA as the dominant genotype.  85% to be exact" he said.

"Yes! Great news for the Empress" Dr. Marcus said. "Not so fast ma'am. I said it was mostly a success. This appears to happen in only 1 out of every 5 cases. The other fetuses that have actually survived have grown at a human's pace and size. Granted. we don't know if it's Ingress DNA will become active or not. If we are to survive, we may be human size" he said. "The same size as those worthless creatures? I will not have my people lose the gift that was bestowed on them by our creator. Keep working on it. Now, since we had some success in that field. What about Phase 2?" she asked.

"Phase 2 has had only sporadic success. Over 70% of the fetuses miscarry. Due to age, phychological stress, or our damaged chromosomes, we are not sure. It seems that the human female's body is too fragile to support a hybrid for too long” he said. “We need to perfect the process.  It’s obvious that human incubation is the only logical solution.  We can’t carry incubation chambers to every post, colony,  or campaign front” Dr. Marcus said. “We are aware of that ma’am. We have taken steps to refine the gestation success rate” the man said. “How so? Give me details because the Empress wants a report on our progress by this evening” she told him. The assistant typed on the control panel next to him and a monitor lit up.

“This was recorded last week. She was the first to undergo Phase 2 experimentation” he said. On the screen was a pretty naked Asian girl around 19 held firm on a table by string. One could see that she was screaming and crying to be let go. A lab tech approached her with an eyedropper filled with white goo. “WHAT IS THAT!?” the girl cried to the tech. “Hold still human” he said before ramming the tip up snatch. She screamed from the intrusion. Her virginal blood dripped onto the metal surface and down the eyedropper. The cruel tech moved the dropper back and forth trying to get inside her as best as possible. The girl babbled incoherently from the rape until she felt something squirt into her. She looked down and saw he had squeezed the bulb and the goo was moving out. She felt her cunt expand from the volume. “What drug did you inject me with?” she asked weakly. “Semen. Ingress semen” he said pulling the dropper out.  She could only sob as she felt herself being treated like a lab rat.

”Fertilization was successful. This was her at day 3” he said to her. The girl was on the table again. Optical scanners and mapping lasers crisscrossed her body. Her stomach had a small bump like she was three months pregnant. The girl looked like a mess. “Now at day 5” he said. The girl was on the table like the last picture but now looked emaciated. She had lost any supple curves and body fat. Lab techs were poking and prodding her frantically. “And finally day 7” he said. The girl now was comatose. Her belly looked like it was 8 months pregnant. She was hooked to tiny IV’s and a breathing machine. A readout next to her read her heartbeat until it flat lined. The assistant cut the vid file off.

“This subject’s fetus had its Ingress DNA dominant in its makeup. As you know, our cell replication is many times faster than humans. In the subject’s case, the fetus grew too rapidly for her to support it. The fetus literally stripped her dry of nutrients” he said to her. Our theory is we can engineer the fetus so the Ingress DNA kicks in after birth. That will be Phase 3” he said. “Excellent. You’re talented for a male.  Maybe I will choose you for this month’s mating ritual. Carry on” she said walking out of the room.

Dr. Marcus spent the next couple of hours going over her notes for her report.  She wondered if Phase 3 would be successful. If not she had a backup plan. Her comm panel lit up with an incoming call. It was the Empress. “Your report doctor” she asked. Dr. Marcus told her of her findings. “What are the chances that Phase 3 will be successful?” she asked. “Unknown. We don’t have enough test subjects surviving…but there is an alternative” Dr. Marcus said. “Go on” the Empress said intrigued. “We can implant the fetuses into Ingress females” she said. “Hmm… an intriguing proposal. Very well. I will order volunteers to report to your lab next week. Carry on” she said closing the call. Dr., Marcus reached into her pocket and took out a cigarette. She lit it and took a puff, relaxing into her chair. “Our last hope rides on me and these subspecies humans” she said shaking her head.

As Dr. Marcus sat in her chair, Aaron and his team were busy trying to find out how to get out of the room they were in.  The room was revealed to be a home’s basement in the sunlight. “Fan out. Look for a crevice or hole in the wall. I don’t want to destroy that door if I have to” Aaron told them. His team scattered around the stadium sized room.  One man looked behind some old furniture feeling the wall until he felt something sticky. He pulled back but he became more ensnared. He started to panic. The man yanked his arm until a shaft of sunlight hit it. He went white when he realized it was spider’s silk. “oh shit” he said now yanking with all his might. His struggles caught the attention of the web’s owner. A spider the size of a minivan crawled down. The man screamed and with all his might touched his comm link. “Help me! Oh god help me!” he yelled. “Where are you!?” Rogers yelled. “I’m *acck!*” he shouted until the spider bit his chest.  The creature injected it’s venom into his body paralyzing him. He began to suffocate from his paralyzed lungs as the spider wrapped him up in a cocoon. “His locator beacon is here…oh god” Julia said seeing the spider drinking the man dry. His tiny feet stuck out from the bottom of the cocoon.  She turned away while Rogers pulled out a .45 and shot the monster in the head.

“From now on teams of 2 at all times” Aaron said still in shock.  They didn’t have time to morn however. A sound alerted them that the residents of the home had arrived. “Hide. Fuckin’ hide!” he yelled. They scattered for cover Julia who was still shaken up however fell behind. “Remember the rules Lisa! Mom said to put your toys away when you’re done with them” a young female voice cried out. “I know Karen! I’m not a baby!” the younger voice said opening the huge door. The team peaked out from cover and saw an 80 ft. tall little girl around 6 or 7 opening the door and walking down the stairs. Poor Julia was still out in the open where she was noticed. “Hey mom got me a new doll. Kinda small though” she said scooping Julia up. Lisa trampled back upstairs with the tiny human doll leaving her friends speechless.

“We gotta save her!” Vasquez shouted. “Agreed but we need to wait until the kid falls asleep” Aaron said. “Fuck that shit! Julia could be crushed or squished at any moment! We need to go now!” Rogers yelled. “And what do you propose Rogers? Kill the kid? Blow her head off with one of my lasers or maybe shooting her to death with Vasquez’s rifle?” Aaron asked. They realized that killing a kid, even one of the enemy’s, was undesirable.  They counted the hours feverishly hoping Julia would be alright till the evening.

Julia sat on Lisa’s floor surrounded by toys and dirty clothes. She stayed still playing “dolly”. Her hope was Lisa wouldn’t know she was real. “Where did I put them?” the girl asked. Lisa was digging through huge box tossing clothes around. One of her dirty socks landed on Julia. “Oh fuckin’ nasty!” Julia said to herself pushing the smelly sock off of her. “Here it is!” Lisa said picking Julia off the floor. She sat on her bed and began to yank off Julia’s uniform. “Wow this doll looks so real” Lisa said touching Julia’s tits. Julia grimaced at the touching and stifled a moan when Lisa rubbed her pussy when she yanked off her panties. “My dolly has hair down there? Weird” she said now roughly pulling down doll clothes onto the scared shitless woman. Julia was picked up again and dropped onto a hard chair in front of a small table. “Tea time!” Lisa yelled playing with her doll. Lisa continued to play with Julia until the front door slammed. “Mommy’s home!” Lisa yelled running out of the room.

Lisa ran to the front door to greet her mother. “Hiya mommy! What’s in the box?” she asked seeing the woman carrying a small box. “Something mommy brought from work. She said walking to her living room. “Something from the lab mom?” 14 year old Karen asked tossing her red hair out of her face. “Yes and don’t peek” she said walking to her room. Telling a teen not to peak at something was just an invitation to look and Karen really now wanted to see what her mother was hiding.

This woman who brought her work home tonight was none other than Dr. Marcus. She changed her clothes and opened the top of the box. Inside was a naked teen boy around 16, the same boy who was being milked earlier for his sperm. “Please lady don’t hurt me” he whimpered. “Oh I won’t hurt you little boy. In fact I wanted you to myself. Your cute body being sucked for its precious fluid made me wet. If anything, I want you for Phase 3 for myself. But first though, I need to see if your sperm is…satisfactory” she said grinning. She snatched the boy from his box and brought his prick to her mouth. He arched his back as he felt her hot wet lips engulf his dick and begin to suck him. The woman moaned like she was enjoying candy as she raped him with her mouth. The boy tried pushing on her lips to get free but it was no use. She held him firm by his ass as she sucked and sucked his dick. The boy went rigid when he felt her tongue poke his sore sensitive cock and came on her tongue.

“Hmmm…nice and salty. You will do nicely” she said putting him back in his box. The boy quietly sobbed as he griped his aching cock. The woman left the room to start dinner. The family talked among themselves and ate dinner like any ordinary family.  It had gotten late and the mother sent Lisa to bed. “Aw mom. I wanted to play with my dolly some more” she whined. “No buts. You have school tomorrow” her mom said. The girl trotted off to her room to get ready for bed. “Heh… too bad rugrat” Karen said. “Oh you think that’s funny? Well go to your room and study. Your instructor told me that your combat training at the academy was lacking the fundamentals. I will not have you shame the family when you are assigned on Earth next year. You will bring glory to this family like your Aunt Leila gods rest her soul” the mom said. “Mom come on! I’m going to be my own kind of soldier. For one thing I’m not gonna be killed by some lowly human like her” Karen said. “Just go” the mother said pointing to her room.

Yes…Leila is Dr. Marcus’ sister and was presumed dead when Los Angeles was taken from the Ingress.  Her family had gained prestige not from conquest but from birthing more than one offspring. It was this way that Dr. Marcus got her position. The presumed loss of her sister made her more determined to solve the infertility problem and strengthened her view of the humans as a species not worthy of mercy or care. To her they were playthings of convenience or test subjects to further her research.

Lisa stormed into her room fresh from her bath. Julia was forced to dodge her big bare foot form crushing her into the carpet. Luckily Lisa didn’t see her move.  Lisa reached down and picked up Julia and climbed into bed. Lisa hugged her like a teddy as she lay in bed and soon fell asleep. Karen waited patiently until she was sure her mother was asleep.  She quietly crept into her room and saw the box on her nightstand. “Let’s see what she’s got in there” she said opening the box. What she saw…was nothing. “Fuck was she hiding then?” she asked. She froze when she heard the rustle of sheets form her mom’s bed. Fearing her mom woke up she quickly turned to leave the room. As she did however, she saw a small 3 inch lump poke out from the sheets. “Finally I’m free! Eww fuck I’m still sticky from that bitch’s pussy juice” the teen said looking for a way to get down from the bed.

“Well…well…well. So this is what mom was hiding. A human” Karen said snatching the teen up. Karen carried him to her room so she could see him better. “Eww…you’re all sticky. Bet I know what mom was doing with you” Karen said with a lewd grin. “Please let me go kid” the teen begged. “Not a cutie like you. I want to have some fun. It’s been awhile since my 1st mating cycle and I feel kinda horny. Bet you can help me with that” she said taking off her clothes.  She had sat the boy on the floor as she changed and he took the chance to run. His escape was cut off by a falling sock blocking his way. He turned to see her gigantic pink sole descending on him. “Where do you think you were going?” she said putting some pressure on him. He gasped for air but the tiny bit of air he inhaled was polluted by the smell of the giantess teen’s feet. Seeing that she was being too rough she eased back but she wanted to punish him. “Beg to lick it or I will crush you” she said evilly.

“May I lick my goddess’ feet?” he fearfully asked. “Sure human. Go ahead. Lick my sexy foot” she said flexing her toes. The teen licked her sweaty, salty, smelly foot like his life depended on it (because it probably did). She let him lick as she berated him. “Yeah lick it you tiny vermin. Make sure to get between the toes” she said gripping his small head with them. He licked and drank her sweat and nearly threw up as he cleaned the dirt and sweat from her teen toes.  She took her foot off of him and picked him up. She lay on her bed and dropped him on top of her mouth after telling him to fuck her mouth. He nervously shoved his dick in between her lips and fucked them. He did this for over 20 minutes. Karen was getting impatient. She didn’t know that the teen was running on empty. The milking at the lab and by her mother had nearly spent him. She painfully sucked the boy until he was actually sobbing from the pain. When she shoved a fingernail between his legs and poked his balls, he mercifully came. A very tiny shot of cum landed on her tongue.

“Damn I wanted more” she growled. “Don’t have any more” the teen boy panted. “Well then it’s my turn” she said pulling her panties to the side. The boy was too tired to struggle as she shoved him in feet first. She shoved him in and out with her fingers as she writhed on her bed. She had to make sure she was quiet not to avoid waking her sister or mother. At one point she shoved him in all the way. Her fingers pushed him to her cervix. She loved then feeling of his pushing and kicking her pussy walls. She bit her blanket to avoid screaming from a sizzling orgasm. She bucked on the bed and curled her toes as she came. She collapsed on the bed and panted from exhaustion. Realizing that the boy had stopped moving, she fished him out of her sopping cunt. She poked him some and was relieved that he was still alive.  She spent the next hour or so licking and sucking her juices off his body. She fell asleep with him laying on one of her tits.

“Let’s go get Julia and get the fuck out of here” Aaron told them. They climbed up the huge stairs and followed Julia’s signal. It took them almost 20 minutes to reach Lisa’s room. Aaron made sure to put his STRIKE in stealth mode to silence its footsteps. He gently pushed the door open and the team walked into the dark room.  “Shit I can’t see” a soldier said. “Equip your night vision goggles” Aaron told them. Their vision was replaced with a brightened green hued room. They looked around and saw that it was eerily similar to a normal human girl’s room.  “There she is!” Rogers said pointing up to the tall bed. They looked up and zoomed in. They saw that Lisa was hugging Julia close to her. Julia had apparently fallen asleep from the exhausting stress. “Julia wake up!” Vasquez yelled. Julia woke up and remembered where she was.

“She saw movement on the floor and deduced it was her squad mates. “Oh thank Jesus you came for me!” she said trying to pull free from her grasp.  With an *oomph*she scooted free. She carefully shimmied down by using a corner of her covers and ran to her friends. “Nice to see you still alive princess” Rogers said laughing seeing her costume in the green lightened screen. It took a second to realize why he called her that. Lisa had put on a princess doll clothes set on Julia. “Oh fuck off Rogers” she said hugging him. “Eww. You’re all wet” he said pushing her off. “Yeah the brat drools in her sleep” she said searching for her uniform.  As they helped Julia look for her clothes a sound was heard from the hallway. “Aaron I am detecting a human life from approaching” Sarah said to him. “On screen” he said. Aaron tracked the sound and movement. “Did Bravo or Alpha Squad find us?” he wondered. His answer came when the person emerged from the corner of the doorway.

“Humans! Free humans!” he said running to the team.  Aaron stepped out of the STRIKE. “Whoa buddy. Who the hell are you and how did you get here?” he asked the teen that snuck away from Karen. “My name is Kenny. We came here when we were taken from New York. Thank god they sent a rescue team!” he said he said trying to hug Aaron. “Uugh…this guy is all sticky and fuckin’ reeks” he said to himself. “Slow down there dude. What do you mean you came from New York? That’s impossible” he said. “How is that impossible?” Kenny asked. “You don’t know?” Vasquez asked. “What? What’s the big fuckin’ secret?” Kenny asked annoyed. “New York is dead. Every last living thing in the city is dead. The entire population is…gone” Julia said finishing getting dressed. Kenny just fell to the carpet. His mind reeled in the fact that everyone he ever loved or even knew was dead now. His 9 year old sister, his 17 year old brother, his mom and dad; all gone.

“How did you get here?” Aaron asked again. “We were taken to their world. Hundreds of us. They broke us into groups of 20 and then we never saw them again. Please help us. They’re killing us! For god sakes one ate a girl when they found out she was sterile! They made us watch from our cages as the evil bitch chewed her up. I still hear her bones crunching in my mind” he said shuddering. “We gotta save them Aaron” his second in command Smithfield said. “That’s not our mission. We are already behind schedule” he said to the 27 year old female officer. “If you’re not here for us then what are you here for?” Kenny asked. “We came here to destroy this city. Our job it to “paint” the target” Aaron said.

“We can’t let those people just die!” Smithfield shouted. Aaron was conflicted about the mission from the start. Seeing this innocent (and for some reason familiar looking) kid sleeping in her bed and now hearing about imprisoned humans in the target city was eating at him.  He resolved to help the people and possibly this Ingress family. “We're not going let them die. We need a new plan” Aaron said seriously.

“What’s that funny noise?” a young booming voice said. They looked up and saw movement from the bed.  A huge arm reached out and touched something. *click* was the sound that was accompanied by the room being flooded with light. “Dollies! Moving Dollies!” Lisa squealed.

“oh shit” Roger muttered. “Oh shit indeed” Vasquez said shaking.


Chapter End Notes:

It seems that Aaron and his team have a new objective to complete. Will they be successful and plant the beacon? Will he be able to save this family? All these questions will be answered in the next chapter "Plan B"!

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