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People awoke the next day uncertain of what was to come. Throughout the city, people walked the streets heading to sports centers and parks for registration. Leila sat in the San Diego Quaalcomm Stadium; the only structure that would reasonably fit her giantess stature. She waited till the stadium filled to capacity, Over 75,000 people awaited what she had to say.  

                “I will now have your attention. I will have the humans under the age of 16 stand to the far side. The humans 17 to 30 will stand in the center and the humans older than 30 will stand to the right” she said. The people nervously broke up on their groups. A few didn’t move though. They were parents not wanting to be separated from their children. Leila noticed this and chose to have them understand their new role in their lives.  “I see that some of you wish not to follow my commands. You humans should have learned that we mean what we say” she said plucking a young 12 year old boy from his frantic mother. Leila tossed his into her mouth and swished him around. The people gasped at the sight. “Please spit him out! We’ll obey! WE’LL OBEY!” she screamed. Leila bent her head down and spat out the saliva soaked boy onto the turf. The mother ran over to the coughing boy and hugged him. “Now do as I say or I won’t be so merciful next time” she coldly told them. The people seeing what she could do to them, shuffled over to makeshift lines where a machine the size of a house scanned them.  “Raise your right arms” it said in a computerized voice. The people did as the machine commanded. A steady green light was emitted from the machine. The people winced from a stinging sensation on their wrists. When the light faded, they saw that an alien-like barcode had been tattooed on their skin.

“These codes will be used to track your movements in your city. If you fail to report to your designated areas. You will be reprimanded. 3 reprimands mean termination of a family member. 4 reprimands mean the termination of you. Do well to consider that if you try something as stupid as running or hiding. You may return to your homes and prepare for your first work detail tomorrow” she said shooing the human cattle out of the stadium. As the first group of humans left another was filing in awaiting their turn. People saw the barcodes on their wrists and asked what she wanted from them. “Do as she says or else” one spirit broken man said to them. Across the city, her subordinates were doing the same thing. Hour after hour people were cataloged and assigned their new task. By the end of the day, over 2 million had been processed. San Diego’s populace capitulated easily but that didn’t mean it was the same in every city…

In the city of Los Angeles, the resistance had chosen to fight back. Taking volunteers, they strapped C4 explosives to their asses; literally. They infiltrated the registration group and decided to cause a ruckus. “We will not obey the words of fuckin’ monsters!” a brave man yelled to the female commander. The commander wanted to make sure her authority wasn’t challenged and scooped the man up. “You think your words will move these slaves? More like your death will move them set an example to those who would challenge me” she said ripping off his clothes. The C4 between his legs went unnoticed as she threw him into her mouth and swallowed him. Her smile was interrupted when a bulge and vibration shocked her to the core. The woman gripped her stomach, dropped to her knees, and vomited blood before collapsing dead. The people had no clue what happened but took that as a sign to flee. They fled to their homes to gather supplies in order to evacuate the city. Word had reached the Empress of what had transpired and she was not pleased. “Damn humans! Every one of my Ingress that dies will be met with a 1000 of theirs! Open a channel to Leila” she barked to her communications officer.

“Yes my Empress?” Leila asked. “You are to report to Los Angeles. The commander there was killed by the humans. Do what you must to secure the city and it’s populace” she ordered. “By your command” Leila said closing the channel. Leila didn’t wish to go. She had finally brought the city to heel and wanted rule it accordingly. The last thing she wanted to do was go to a rebelling city and start all over again. “If they only used force in the beginning like I did they wouldn’t have to need me” she growled.  She called her two officers on their comms. “Is the registrations done at your location?” she asked one. “Yes commander but I had to demonstrate my authority on one of them” he answered.  “What happened?” she asked. “A female tried to use an explosive on me but my shield protected me. My hand still hurts though. Anyway as a lesson of the consequences of disobedience, I ate one young human and made them watch” he said. “Good work. We lost one of our own to a similar attack today in the nearby city. I am to report there tomorrow” she said. “Are we to assume command?” the other male officer asked. “You a man command a squad? Hah! No, the commander from Mexico City will be joining you in 3 days. Try not to discipline the humans too much in the meantime” she said closing her comm.

Leia was exhausted from her duties. Conquering and ruling a city took a lot of energy. Leila shed her uniform but kept her shield bracelet on just in case. The breeze felt good on her sweaty body. She stretched out on the field and began to doze off. During the night, members from the Sanctuary Base of Baja Mexico had arrived in San Diego. The three person squad was given an odd task. Their job was to collect a blood sample of an Ingress. The hope was to see what chemical and biological agents would work on them.

“She’s asleep. Let’s get to work” one man whispered as they watched under cover from a box seat in the stadium. The three quietly slipped onto the field and approached the sleeping giantess. Leila was sprawled out snoring. “Where should we stick it?” one man asked holding a syringe. “Try her heel. Anywhere else she might feel it” his commander said.  The three crept up to her bare feet. They winced from the smell of her sweaty feet. Not wasting time they jammed the titanium tipped syringe into her calloused heel. Leila muttered something in her sleep. The man nervously watched her movements as he drew her blood. “It’s red” he muttered. “Surprised?” his friend asked. “Well they are aliens” he answered. The syringe was full and he pulled it out. They quickly hauled ass out of the stadium. Leila woke up from a funny pain in her foot. It felt like she stepped on something. She brushed her foot and went back to sleep.

The next morning, the people reported to their designated zones where large scanners had been remotely activated. There the people let it scan their codes. “Your duty time has been recorded, begin deconstructing surrounding machines in this area” the computer said. At once, the people began to take apart cars, trucks, mowers, forklifts, any machine that was around. They gathered the parts for pickup by the younger humans. Now the humans saw what the Ingress wanted. They wanted every scrap of steel, iron, titanium, and fuel cell to be recycled by the Empire.  As Leila departed the city, her officers began their duties. “What’s on the agenda?” one man asked. “We have 2 missing from zone 3 and 7 from zone 12” he said. “Heh…have you had breakfast?” his friend asked. “Nope. Let’s go get some” his friend answered. They were closest to zone 12 first. It was a deconstruction zone.  They walked over and observed the humans taking apart vehicles on the street. “Administrator, confirm 7 missing” he ordered. “Standby…4 confirmed missing for duty” it answered. “3 must have been late” the man said. “That still leaves 4 though” his buddy said. The man pulled out a bio scanner and scanned for human life signs. “Found them. They are moving west heading for zone 11” he told his friend. The two giants ran through the street and easily caught up to a fleeing family. They had foolishly tried to blend in with the crowds at work time since they couldn’t flee at night.

“Oh god they see us! Keep running!” The father said. The giants stopped the man cruelly by slamming their foot on top of him. He died instantly under the weight so large that it cracked the street. The woman screamed seeing her husband’s blood seep out from under the bus sized boot. Her children, a 14 year old girl and 13 year old boy clutched their mother sobbing at the gruesome end to their father. “You though you could just run from here didn’t you?” the man said mockingly. “Please, they’re only children! We’ll go to work just don’t kill us!” she begged. The Ingress men snatched them from the ground and brought them to a crowd of workers. The workers stopped what they were doing when they heard screaming from above. They turned to see the woman and children in their grip. “Attention. We have detected a violation in zone 12. 3 were late today and have received a reprimand for it. These humans on the other hand have chosen to abandon their duties to serve the Empire and try to flee the city. This is a crime punishable by death. We will now carry out the sentence” the man said tearing off the boy’s clothes. The man dropped him into his mouth and looking at the crowd made an exaggerated gulp. The mother screamed seeing her son disappear past his collarbone. Next was her daughter who was stripped bare. “Please not another. I already lost my son and husband. Please don’t take away the last thing I love most” she sobbed.  The man said nothing as he dumped the crying teen into his mouth. She screamed for her mom until he closed his mouth and let her supple young body slide down his throat. Now it was time for the mother. “Won't someone help her?” a woman in the crowd asked. “Shhh! Or we maybe next” her husband said to her. The mother could only watch as her world disappeared behind a row of teeth and then blackness. She felt herself slide back and powerful walls of muscle pull her down a long fleshy tube. She landed next to her son who was crying in the darkness. “It burns! Mom help it burns!” he cried as the stomach acids ate away his flesh. She could only sob and hug him as they died slowly. “Punishment complete. Remember, we are watching. Continue with your work assignment” the giants said to them. The people could only watch in disbelief at the heartlessness of these invaders. They walked over to zone 3 an asked the computer to confirm the missing. “Error… 2 missing have been deleted” it said. “What’s that mean?” his friend asked. “It means that the two missing are dead. I guess those children we ate were the missing from zone 3” he answered. “Oh well. Guess that’s all we get for breakfast then” he said patting his churning stomach.  The two giants continued with their monitoring of zone 3 which was the education zone. They children listened to broadcasts telling them that they were slaves to the Empire and that it was their duty to serve. Out of fear, the children repeated the oath they were given. Their reeducation was in full swing.

The resistance troops had returned to their Sanctuary Base in Baja and gave the vial of blood to the scientists there to analyze. “That’s impossible. It can’t be!” one scientist said. The other scientists read the report. “My god. It’s incredible” another said. “What’s it say for god sakes!” one resistance member asked. “According to this, their DNA is almost identical to ours!” the scientist said. “But they’re fuckin’ 200 feet tall! That shit ain’t human!” the resistance member said. “I know that but I’m looking at type B blood with red blood cells and antibodies. They have the same chromosomes as us and except for a few different genes I’ve never seen before it’s the same as ours” the scientist said. “Good then that means nerve gas and smallpox will work on their ass” the resistance commander said walking into the tent. “It seems so but we need more analysis on the blood to know for sure” the scientist said. “Get to it. We have orders to meet up with the troops from the Sacramento Valley Base for a joint op in one month. I want every advantage to be at our disposal by then” the commander said. “Joint operation?” a soldier in the room said.  “Correct. Operation Mobius” the commander answered. “What is it?” they asked. “Classified until deemed necessary to divulge. Now, leave the scientists to their jobs. You got a debriefing to attend.” the commander said.

Leila approached Los Angeles and found her first test as its new overlord.  She observed its citizens in droves fleeing the city. The people saw the giantess come over the horizon and panicked.  Leila not missing a beat pulled out her plasma shock cannon and set it medium power. “Return to the city or die!” she yelled. They kept running. She fired a shot in the densest part of the crowd. The blast killed 1,752 people instantly and a few dozen more from the shockwave.  Leila waked over to the people on the ground and began to crush them one by one under her feet.  Seeing more getting away, she fired another shot from the cannon and killed at least 2000 more. Now the citizens had no idea what to do. Leila saw them freeze and began picking some up. She crushed one man cruelly in her grip. She smiled at the gurgling noise as blood erupted from his nose and mouth as she squeezed the life out of him. Another man in is 20’s was tossed into her hungry mouth and chewed up. She greedily swallowed his remains.  She devoured 5 more fleeing humans. One 19 year old kid was cut off by her boot slamming down on his girlfriend. She just picked up his screaming form and ripped off his clothes. She played with him some to show how powerless they were in her presence. She took his tiny cock between her giant lips and sucked him off. He moaned between sobs as she gave him the strongest blowjob of his life. She smiled as she tasted his tiny load on her tongue. “Came from just that? Even the weakest male Ingres would have lasted longer” she said laughing at his still cumming cock. She failed to notice his cum land on her lower lip. Something that would be noticed later on…

“Fuck you bitch!” the teen said to her before she tossed him into her mouth and swallowed. The last humans had chosen to retreat back to the safety of the city hoping to hide in its buildings. Any humans bold enough to try to keep running from the city were vaporized by the giantess. Leila arrived at the city and contacted the dead female’s squad.  “Are you our new commander?” they asked. “I am. Why didn’t you notice the fleeing humans?” she asked. “We were just leaving to stop them” they answered. “When? After they had left the fuckin’ area? You two are stupid. If it wasn’t for your cocks you males would be useless. Put me through to the Empress” she ordered. The male soldiers did as they were told and opened a comm to the homeworld. “I see you made it to Los Angeles” she said. “Yes my Empress. I caught the humans fleeing the city. They were dealt with” Leila said. “I see. What is that white spot on your lip?” the Empress asked. Leila was embarrassed when she remembered what it was. Nothing milady” she answered. “Commander, I want you to send back a sample of human DNA. Our researchers have asked for some for cataloging in case we need to exterminate the species” she said. “As you wish.” Leila said closing the channel. Leila needed human DNA and she remembered the cum on her lip. She scooped of the dry cum and sent the sample though a dimensional rip. “I hope we don’t have to kill off these humans. They…entertain me” she said to herself.

As Los Angeles was put under new management the colony April City had dispatched an envoy to the Moon.  The ambassador got off his transport and walked out of the spaceport to a waiting limo. The lower gravity made him queasy. The ambassador had been to the Moon before to sign the Galileo Treaty. Years before, the Moon had declared independence from the Earth Union and the Union wasn’t happy. The Moon was once a think tank for scientists and manufacturing companies so they didn’t want to lose their golden goose so to speak. They sent troops to occupy Luna City; their capital. They were pushed out of the city and were forced to retreat. When the Union threatened to use the railguns and laser cannons of the colonies on the city, the lunar government threatened to use its construction nukes on the colonies. The Union wisely backed off. The destruction of a colony would have been a great loss of life but the falling debris of the colony would cause even more devastation and death on the Earth’s surface.  As the ambassador watched out of the window of the citizens walking the streets, he still couldn’t believe humans could be so tall. The average lunar citizen was 8 feet tall. Their height was due to the lower gravity but the consequence of that was they could never go to Earth or the colonies. Their bones would break under the increased gravity. The limo stopped and the ambassador stepped out. He walked to the council office where he was greeted by a pretty mid 20’s woman nearly 9 feet tall. He gulped seeing her tower over him. “Is something wrong sir?” she asked seeing him stare at her. “Forgive me for staring” he said. “No problem. I understand that Earthers can be fearful of our height” she said smiling bending down to talk to him. Her raven hair fell over her shoulders as she spoke and captivated the man. “I’m not afraid. I just never seen someone so big and beautiful as you” he said to her. She blushed at the compliment. “No Earther said that to me before. They just stare at me. Thanks” she said smiling. “Can I see you later?” he asked.  “You seem nice so why not go out for a drink after your business” she said smiling. The man smiled at the idea of being with such a cute girl and with some confidence, walked into the council chambers.

“Chancellor Endymon.  The ambassador for April City has arrived” his assistant said to him. “What brings you to Luna City?” the chancellor asked. “We need the help of the lunar colony” the ambassador said. “Do not call us a colony. We are the United Lunar League” the chancellor said. “Okay we need help from the United Lunar League” the ambassador said. “Why should we help you? The problems of Earth are no concern of ours” he said.  “No concern for now but it’s a matter of time before they come for you. The only reason they aren’t here yet is probably they can’t find safe coordinates for transport” the ambassador said. “Even if I wanted to help, I still have to put it to a vote in front of the council and they don’t like Earthers that much. Many of the older generation still remember loosing people in the Lunar Conflict” the chancellor said. “Tell them to get over it. We are in it for the species and if we are exterminated then it don’t matter for shit who killed who years ago” the ambassador said. “You have a way with words ambassador. I’ll hold a meeting with the council later. Come back tomorrow” the chancellor said. The ambassador agreed to return and left the room. He saw the girl from earlier getting her coat. “Finished already?” she asked smiling. “Yeah, care for that drink?” he asked.

They went to a local bar and talked about themselves.  He learned that her name was Ashley and she lived alone. Her parents were killed by a grenade thrown by a Union soldier when the city was under attack. She went to live with her grandmother soon after. Now that her grandmother was dead, she felt a little lonely living by herself. After 2 hours of drinking, they were both smashed. The ambassador took her home. He nearly fell over seeing her huge door on her apartment. “Makes since when everyone is tall like this” he thought. He carried her to her bed where he dropped her. He was about to leave when he felt a tug on his shirt. “Don’t go Rick. It’s been so long since I had someone near me” she said tears running down her cheeks.  Rick sat down and wiped her tears away. “How could someone so beautiful be so alone?” he wondered. He kissed her as he caressed her cheek. He fell forward as she lay down on her bed. His 5 ft. 9 body seemed like a child’s compared to her 9 ft. frame.  “Ashley you’re so beautiful” he whispered as he kissed her body. He licked her ears and traveled down her body sucking her large nipples. Ashley moaned from the suction. He traveled further down her body and licked her pussy. He saw that that tall woman was getting wet. He planted kisses on her smooth legs and got to her large feet. Her feet were huge. She easily wore a size 18 US but they were pretty. She had painted her large toes a deep shade of red. Rick began to suck her large toes making Ashley giggle.  “Rick that tickles!” she laughed. Rick climbed further up her body and inserted his cock into her.  She wasn’t a virgin but the feeling of being penetrated made her feel like she was melting. “Rick please fuck me. I want to feel the love of a man again” she moaned. Rick began to slowly fuck her, squeezing her huge j size tits as he did. Ashley locked her legs around Rick’s small body and hugged him deeper into her.  They fucked like long lost lovers for the next hour each one calling the other’s name.  Rick was getting tired so he sped up the pace and began to pound the extra-large woman as hard as he could. “That’s it Rick. Fuck me! Dominate my large body!” Ashely cried. She bent forward and kissed Rick. He snaked his tongue into her large mouth and came. Ashley came feeling his cum blast her massive cunt and strike her cervix. Rick moaned and cringed at the vice like muscles crushing his cock for more sperm. He pulled out before she could do any real damage to him. They both fell asleep soon after.

Rick awoke the next morning to an empty bed and a note on the stand. “Off to work. See me later. Ashley” Rick smiled and cleaned himself up for his meeting. Rick got a call to come to the council chamber. He called a taxi and left hoping that they had seen reason. “So what did they say?” The ambassador Rick asked. “By a vote of 7 to 6 they agreed not because of your speech but your actions after you left here” the chancellor said. “My actions?” Rick asked. “Yes a councilor’s aide saw you leave with lunar girl last night. When the councilor found out that an Earther was seeing a lunar girl he decided that it was time to forget the prejudices of the past and help the people of this generation” the councilor said. “Drinking and fucking is gonna save lives….god I love this job” Rick thought. “So you will help us?” Rick asked. “Yes, please come with me” the chancellor said stepping out of the room and calling for a limo. They got in and rode down the street. Rick wondered where they were going until they pulled into an open shuttered elevator. Rick saw that the car was being lowered many feet under the street. When the elevator stopped, the car pulled into a large dark room. “Let me show you what we have to offer” the chancellor said flicking on the lights. “My god what are these?” Rick asked seeing what the fruits of large population of scientists had created. “A new weapon that may save humanity” the chancellor said to the dumbfounded man.

Chapter End Notes:

What did Rick see that got his hopes up? Is it enough to go toe toe with an Ingress? Find out next chapter!

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