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To field test everything we’ve learned in previous chapters, we decided to have three members of giantessworld appear as contestants on a giantess vore version of dating game shows…. The Dieting Game


PLEASA:        Welcome to the Dieting Game. I’m your hostess, Pleasa Gibbons. It’s time to meet our three contestants, all from Giantessworld. They’ve all been reduced to tiny size in order to appear on this program. Say hello to contestant number one: Girlfood.


GIRLFOOD:  Hi Pleasa.


PLEASA:        So you own and run your own restaurant called the Forbidden Dish.


GIRLFOOD:  That’s right, Pleasa. All the male patrons agree to be shrunken, and at some stage eaten, before entering the premises.


PLEASA:        Sounds like a diminishing patronage there. Thanks, Girlfood. Now onto contestant number two. Carycomic is a prolific writer of stories, reviews and puns. In his spare time, he reads comic books and sends youtube clips to his friends.  Why do you write so many stories?


CARYCOMIC:          Well, when I’m not up to dating, I prefer updating my stories.


PLEASA:        He never misses an opportunity, either. Does he, viewers? Contestant number three, Timescribe, is a poet among other things. Tell us why you wrote “Ambloome, Princess of Giants” entirely in verse.


TIMESCRIBE:           Well that was the original 98 chapter run of the book, before I added a few prose chapters recently. I’d done a few one page long fantasy romance poems in the months leading up to Ambloome, which was originally going to be just one more. Then I decided to build on it, and before I knew it I had more than 90 chapters. It occurred to me that a novel length story in poetry had never been written in the entire 6000 years of earth’s history, as far as I knew. So it seemed like an original idea.


PLEASA:        A wordy response from a true writer. Now it’s time to introduce our ‘giantess’, who’s actually a normal sized woman, since our three male contestants have already been shrunken in order to save studio space. Imagine trying to fit a 100 foot giantess in here and still have room for my make-up. Welcome the giantessworld member that everyone wants to be eaten by: Adeline. So what’s brought you out of seclusion to appear on our show?


ADELINE:      I’ve been besieged with requests over the years, but I thought that appearing on this show would give me the chance to choose just one person from three, and make a good meal of him.


PLEASA:        And it’s time to start that process right now. So Adeline, ask your first question to contestant number 1.


ADELINE:      Contestant number 1, if I had you inside my mouth, what would you like me to do with you?


GIRLFOOD:  It might sound crazy, but what doesn’t on this show? I’d like to be swallowed and digested in your stomach.


PLEASA:        And now contestant number 2….


ADELINE:      Contestant number 2, if I had you inside my mouth, what would you like me to do with you?


CARYCOMIC:          Well, as I’ve always said, I think vore is an acquired taste. Perhaps you could just leave me in there for a while and then throw me a coming out party.


PLEASA:        Two different answers so far. One to go…


ADELINE:      Contestant number 3, if I had you inside my mouth, what would you like me to do with you?


TIMESCRIBE:           Hopefully there’d be a separate compartment down in your stomach, where I could be swallowed and live on down there, surrounded by tummy flesh, a permanent captive thought of fondly in your heart.


PLEASA:        Well, which answer will you match with, Adeline?


ADELINE:      I think that I’ll go with number three.


PLEASA:        One match with Timescribe. Direct your next question to Contestant number two.


Chapter End Notes:

Tomorrow, find out who wins.

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