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If your Tiny has offered himself to you voluntarily, inviting you to eat him, he may well have a particular recipe and preparation scenario in mind. Spend some time discussing these factors with him first, and then begin the preparation.




As mentioned in the previous chapter, this can be more of an outdoor lunch meal, and requires no cooking, merely cold preparation and perhaps some extra time spent on walking to a nice location. If you plan to take your Tiny in Salad Surprise on a walk to a picnic, place the rug in the bottom of the basket, with the salad bowl on the rug, and make sure your Tiny can look up at your walking movements and your towering face while you’re carrying the basket to your destination.


Decide which vegetables you wish to include in your salad.  Ask your Tiny if there are any which he finds visually off-putting, and save them for a later meal on your own long after you’ve eaten and digested him.


Allow him to see most of the preparation process, but with one exception. Cut up any vegetables requiring the use of a knife, before you bring your Tiny into the room. The sight of a sharp knife in your dainty fingers would be too much of a visual contradiction, from the point of view of a Tiny who is both admiring your beauty and awaiting his journey into your mouth. A cage, a high shelf or a cupboard might be the best places to contain him and prevent his escape, until you are ready to welcome him into your kitchen. Once you’ve cut up any vegetables which can’t be eaten whole, leave them on the plate, and fetch your Tiny. Let him see your fingers picking up the pieces and dropping them into the salad bowl, or alternatively pushing the lot into the bowl with your open hand.


Place most of the vegetables into the bowl ahead of your Tiny, while he watches you doing this from somewhere on the kitchen bench. Then add your Tiny, and drop a few of the smaller vegetables or pieces in around him. Invite him to burrow down into the completed salad and conceal himself. Then take the salad to the location where you intend to have him for your meal, and the ‘Salad Surprise’ is in locating him as you eat the meal. You may do this either by spooning mouthful after mouthful of salad into your mouth, or picking up pieces in your fingers and lowering them onto your outstretched tongue. As soon as you have consumed enough of his cover to make yourself visible to him, he will find the sight of your eating gestures to be captivating, to say the least.


Once you have exposed your Tiny’s cover, finish off the rest of the salad first. Your Tiny should be able to see you sending every salad item (other than himself) into your mouth, before he undergoes the same experience as the vegetables, without the biting of course. 


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