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Bob's Ultimate Experience

Chapter 11

*Patrisha recounted what had previously happened. She couldn't really believe it! Her brother in law, Carly's husband, had become the size of a hair brush, and had just 'appeared' inside her bedroom?

*Right in the middle of the day, as she was relaxing in her bedroom? Patrisha was getting a good sun-tan from her open bay-window. She got up to see what 'Yankee' the toy poodle was barking about, and as she had just reached her door, down on the floor, crawling into her room, squeezing under her closed door... A tiny-sized little version of her sister's husband, Bobby...

Trish had easily captured him. This, 'strange' little person'- he was so small he'd crawled right in under her door a mini-sized, little man?

He kept on asking her to "call Carly", she never told him that she wouldn't....


"I 'really' don't know Trish", Bob tried to explain. "Please, just call my wife, tell her to come over here and get me", Bob tried to remain calm toward his gigantic captress.

His now, fifty-foot tall, sister-in-law!

Her devious nature and unreadable 'poker-face', left him nothing to go on but his own gut, which at the time, was still very sore from her giant-sized, sharp fingernail...

"Look, she'll know what to do,.. I need her, O.K., just call Carly for me, would you?", Bob began to plead with her...

"We'll get to that,... just tell me, Bobby. Where'd you 'Wake-up' all shrunken down like this?", Trisha asked her brand new, tiny-sized, prisoner...

"Were you in the house?", she raised her voice attempting to once again, take complete charge of the situation.

"Trish I, was 'inside' that old Dollhouse in Jen's bedroom", Bob tried to stand-up again...pointing in the direction of Jen's bedroom just down the hallway...

His stomach twitched with a soreness that still kept him sitting down.

"I don't know how I got there, I just woke up trapped inside it, and after I found these clothes, I found a way to get out, and here I am.", Bob continued...

"I don't know what happened to me, I just 'shrunk', sometime during the night last night. I need you to help me, please Trish, just call Carly..."

He didn't feel any reason to tell her about being trapped inside the bathroom all morning, just after she had finished her shower, and the entire time that her mother had been in there taking her bath...

"So, you were "Where?", she mocked him, a slight smile forming on her face. "The Doll House?"

Staring at him in disbeleif, she rolled onto her belly and lifted up her feet. Her bare feet flexing at the ankles, her green painted toenail-polish swirled around above her rounded butt, as she began to slowly swing her feet around in tilting circles...pointing her toe's straight out, causing the soles of her small high-arched feet to form deep ridges of fresh wrinkling...

She began to rock her body in a twisting motion, casually rocking from side to side, pressing her elbow's alternately, to force her butt-wagging motion, she smiled wider and her eye's glittered with delight...occasionally bending her knee's to effortlessly kick her heel's into her butt.

She softly chuckled, a slight glimmer of lust twinkling within her green eye's...

"Maybe, your a 'Ken" Doll, that's come to life!", she whispered teasingly.

"Only, you didn't get to become 'Lifesize', you just stayed that same size, did-ja ever think of that, Hmm?", she dropped her face down into her pillow, to hide it, she trembled with erupting giggle's...wildly heel-kicking her rounded bubble butt.

Bob felt miserable, he'd dreamed of this situation many times, trying to imagine what it would actually be like. Being shrunken down to this miniature size was his ultimate fantasy!

He had written hundreds of storys that had this exact idea, a tiny man becoming trapped by some young single girl, whom-to him, was a real life giantess...

This thing had happened to him, and now,... Here he was, six inches tall and wishing that he was back to his regular 'normal' size again. This was definitly 'Not' what he had in mind...

Trish, was the 'last one', that he would have 'Ever' wanted to find him this way...

Why didn't he just let himself get caught by her mother, 'Diane'. At least she would have been a little more mature, about this strange alteration. She would have at least been, a little bit more thoughtful about the whole thing...

"BOOM!" - Bob jumped back at the sudden impact!

Trish had rolled out of the bed, landing on her feet, she sprang upright and stepped toward her door.

"You stay right there, I'll go and get my phone, and - maybe, grab you something to munch on, okay?", she spoke over her shoulder as she opened up her door, quickly stepping through into the hall...

Turning away and not expecting an answer she stepped through, slowly pulling her door shut, "Be right back, Funky Monkey", she teased...

The door closed with a solid 'Clunk', and she was gone...

Bob tried again to get to his feet. The soreness in his belly still lingered with a stabbing sting...

He looked all around the giant sized room, Trish's expensive taste showed through everywhere...the Rolex watch sitting on her desk behind him, the large flat screen T.V. mounted on the wall by her door.

Every piece of clothing that was strung around so haphazardly, had some fancy designer namebrand.

High-heel pumps scattered around on the floor of assorted colors, studded Levis, cut-off shorts, everything that Bob could see for what felt like 'miles' away', was enormous, and feminine, and very exspensive...

Her ceiling had a mirrored section directly above the bed. Bob just kept thinking about how different Trisha was from her sister Carly...

Carly didn't say much about Trish, she talked about Jennifer all the time, they were the closest of the three sisters. Trish was the spoiled brat though,...and any of her sibling's would agree to that.

Bob suddenly jumped, he'd heard the toy-poodle 'Yankee' yapping again. Instinctively, he scooted back toward the huge computer monitor, and prepaired to duck behind it if that bedroom door would happen to open!

He heard the little dog yipping excitedly, as it passed Trisha's closed door. He also heard Diane's voice, as she talked to the little dog in an affectionately, baby-ishness like way, giving the impression that she was actually communicating with the tiny poodle...

"Momma's little MAN, yes U are, Yes U are, such a good little boy, aren't cho?"

"Such a good boy!" "Yes, YOU ARE!" "Little Yankers is such a good BOY!"

Diane's 'Puppy-dog-gibberish' slowly faded away as she and the excited pup desended the stairs...

Bob could hear the little dog growling and nipping at her heel's as they made their way down the stairwell...

Bob's heart was still pounding, as he 'hypothetically' concidered the notion that if, Diane had opened the door, in that split-second of time, would he have called out to her?

Would he have had the nerve, to allow the giant sized Diane to find him?

Would he have been better off with his mother-in-law?

Bob was finally able to stand up, the stomach pain had nearly faded-away now, he walked the length of Trish's colossal desk...

A single pair of her dirty footie's were crumpled in a pile at the far back side of the desk, next to a pair of her wrinkled thong pantie's...

He felt his stomach tightening with an adrenaline surge. The lingering scent of Trish's body filled the air around the well worn pieces of huge, pink, clothing...

The filthy bottoms of the footies were covered with compacted grime, easily revealing the tremendous weight that had been imposed upon them.

He turned away, quickly walking back to the other end of the front of her cluttered desk. His eye's darting toward the door, wondering how long she would actually be gone, did he have enough time to explore...he let his eye's scan the giantess girl's room...

A pang of intense fear clutched his gut...

He tried to re-focus, Should he try and get out of her room, escape from her, maybe try his luck at getting Diane to notice him?

His heart rate had been surging at this constant 'high-rate' for such an extended period, that he was becoming very tired, so he just sat down on a tiny pink box, that must have had some type of girlish trinket inside it. He tried to calm himself down a bit before she returned...

His excitment was hard to contain, the idea that Trish had left to go and get her 'phone', had gave him a slight glimmer of hope!

He thought of his wife, he could picture her face,... would she still love him at this 'new' size?

He pictured her, the way she looked as she had gone to stay at her sister's place for the weekend, what would she do, now... when she found him like this?

She had been so, 'Apparently' disgusted by him, when she had 'toyed' with that little bug on their kitchen floor, what would she do now, with 'him'...at nearly the same scale?

He was still alot bigger than that beetle was, but- he was still, 'Pocket-sized', or maybe 'Fun-sized'....

Would his wife of two years, be totally repulsed by this?

Would Carly totally reject him in this new state of being?

His mind concidered all the possibilities, she might keep him, maybe?

He trembled at the thought of her rejecting him...'He began to mumble-

"If she did, would she hand me over to the p-police...or the hospital?", his lip's mouthing the words.

What would become of him as a test subject, for some advanced scientists, as a human guinea pig...

Carly wouldn't allow that to happen would she? No, she would try and figure this thing out, she loved him and even though she wouldn't understand this strange 'change' of events, she would never just hand him over to become some 'test-subject',....would she?

His mind raced with all the imagined possability's, he thought of how easily some young inexperienced female inturn, could so casually manipulate his now miniature sized body, regarding him with little or no refinement, subjecting him to test after test, with no care or concern toward him as an actual person...

His heart just wouldn't slow down it pounded harder as he heard the feminine voice, of his gigantic 'host' as she returned, pecking a sharp, dagger-like fingernail, on the outside of her door...

In a haunting 'sing-song'like whisper, Trish had quietly opened up her door and pressed her face into the opening, just wide enough to allow her face.

"I'MM, BAA,aaaacK!", a ghostly line from an old horror flick..'The Shining', she followed up with an awkward giggle.

The door swiftly swung open and she quickly burst into the room doing a side step, as she danced her way over to the front of her desk where her frightened little guest was forced to wait for her.

"Did-ja miss me?", she excitedly asked, lowering a plate down onto the seat of her office chair, just below his line of sight...

Bob searched her towering figure looking for her phone. He didn't see it, he waited for her to settle down, so that he could ask her where it was...

Trisha dropped onto her knee's, spreading them wide to allow her to swivel more easily on her hip's, as she reached from the chair to the desk top...

Grabbing a small bit of broken chocolate-chip cookie crums, she pinched-up between her finger's and reached it toward her miniature man.

"Here, open your mouth", she told him, as she opened 'her' mouth as well, as if she were feeding a baby- , a mother trying to 'teach' her baby to do as she does, by saying what she want's, then- performing that action herself-subconsciously most of the time, they don't even realise that their doing it...

Bob felt like a baby bird, as he looked up at the huge set of fingernails, her thumb-nail, and index finger's nail pinched together appeared like a huge mother bird's green colored beak!

"Come on, there you go, good boy!", Trisha was watching Bob like a loving mother...

"Want some more?", she whispered, as she reached over and pinched up another mouthful for him. (Just a tiny pinch, for her)

"Did you get your phone?", Bob yelled up to her...

"It's still charging sweee-ty, should be all charged up though in a few minutes, okay?", she had suddenly became so charming and gracefull...

"Come on, here you go, have some more...", she dropped her mouth open once again, leaning down closer to him.

Bob could see right inside her huge gapping mouth...the glissening tongue wriggled and wollowed within the bed of her lower jaw teeth...

"That's right, good boy Bobby!", she giggled with an excited shiver of endearing pleasure...

"Trish, I need something to drink...", Bob told her, as his tiny teeth chewed on the mouthful of large chunky chocolate bits, his throat becoming dry again...

"Well what would you like, tiny sir?", she asked, in an overly 'proper' way, smiling down at him like he was the only man left in the world...

"Would you like a glass of milk?" "Maybe, some Iced-Tea?", she seemed to be enjoying this...

Watching his embarrassment, and humiliation seemed to fuel her heightened spirt's, her elusion to this, quite profound and excessive she smiled down upon him with no concern for his emaciation.

"I don't care, just something to wash this cookie down", he roughly chewed as he spoke...

"Alright, I'll be right back", she pulled her towering upper body up above him, then placed her feet under her, and seemed to grow even larger as she slowly rose up into her full height...

Standing up, she took two steps and stopped, her back-side facing him...

He intently watched her, she seemed to become suddenly preoccupied, in deep thought.

Her hand's rose up to her hair and she ran her finger's through it-'a massaging wiggling motion'-as she combed her fingernail's through...

She stepped to the side, pausing for a breif moment, halfway to her door...

She shifted her hip's casting her weight to one side. Her hand's came down and she began to rub her hand's smoothly all around her waist...She slowly turned around to face him...

A distant, sudden change of expression on her face... She seemed to be searching for something?

Bob felt the hairs on the back of his neck standing up, warning him...

He started to get to his feet, this giantess instantly 'changing' terrified him...

Her huge shapely figure twirled completely around. She lifted up on the ball of her right foot, and like a giant ballerina, she just simply spun around in a perfect twirling spin...

"I could have been on stage you know?", she suddenly announced- to her captive little prisoner.

Positioning her arm's correctly, she spun around again...

Her hair floating out around her shoulder's as she twirled in a perfect circle. She took on the appearance of a gigantic swirling 'top', or a giant 'merry-go-round'...

"I took lessons for three years, did you know that, Bobby?", her question's seemed random, like she wasn't expecting an answer...

"I'll bet that 'you' could have been a great dancer too, Bobby. I saw you dancing at your wedding, I would have 'loved-it', if you'd have asked me for a dance".

Bob began to tremble with fear and confusion. She had so suddenly just changed, the way she switched so quickly so, strangely,.. changing into someone else it seemed...

Her face becoming blank, devoid of any emotion, she starred right down at him as she stopped spinning and seemed to slowly become angry...

Stepping toward him, she advanced suddenly with a swift rush of imposing fluid motion...

A flash of instantanious movement...."WHOOSH!"... Her face filling his entire view!

"You think your so HOT, Bobby?", she whispered. "I wanted you to notice 'ME', at your wedding, and you didn't even act like I was even 'THERE'...", she glaired down at him with a look of vengeful spite...

Bob couldn't breath, as Trisha's enormous face filled the entire room before him, her nostril's flairing out, sucking up all of the immediate air around him like a double-barrel vacuum hose...

"Do you see me 'NOW', Bobby?", she gritted her teeth tightly, grinding them together with a clacking-ticking like, tacky grit-crunching motion...

Her huge white teeth, sparkling right in front of him, close enough to reach out and touch...

Bob felt his brain flooding with fear, intense, numbing, blinding, terror!

Her humid breath whafted across his face...

He felt his head spinning, and collapsed into the giant-sized hand of his angered captress!

Without warning, she snatched him up, squeezing hard and lifting him swiftly his rib's compressed firmly from the extreme force of her constricting fingers. He felt his stomach sinking, a sickening pang of whirling motion overtook his blurry vision...

He nearly gagged from the mushy chocolate goo that he was still holding within his mouth.

Her huge face settled in before him, a smuggly possessive stare. Her green painted nail's firmly digging into his chest, thigh and stomach... she slowly released her grasp...

"Your lucky, cuz I really 'do', like you Bob", she whispered. Holding him so closely, he could feel the heat-waves from her glowing face.

Her large index finger rose up from the side and patted him on the head. His head was bounced with the solid thumps from the tip of her rounded fingertip, she pulled him in closer to her body and pressed his knee's into her upper belly, forcing his face into the bottom of her left breast.

Bob could hear the 'fumpt-bump' 'fumpt-bump' 'fumpt-bump' within the heavy wall of her massive body....

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