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Author's Chapter Notes:
Again I apologize about the block of text, but there is nothing I can do at the moment. Anyway please review about the story, what parts you like or hate.
The day seemed to have lasted longer than usual to Icarus as he twisted the stick between his fingers.  Evening time was closing in along with the end of their day of traveling.  Terra had insisted on him trying to break this stick all day, but Icarus hadn’t made any progress.  They had made it to the outskirts of the Great Forest by the time that Terra decided to set up camp.  Unlike their previous camping spots, the Great Forest just seemed different.  Looking at her surroundings, even Terra felt small as she looked at the trees that towered above her.  Hundreds of feet above her head, Terra could hear the vast assortment of birds singing.  The sounds of the birds gave the forest an almost serene feeling.  It was easy to tell that fall was starting as a light layer of golden leaves covered the ground.  After unstrapping Icarus, Terra gently lifted him from the pony and placed him on the ground.  Terra was glad as Icarus had finally recovered from his exhaustion.  After making sure that the pony was secured to a nearby tree, Terra had Icarus follow her into the woods to collect fire wood. “According to our map, we are less than a day away from the city.” said Terra as she tied another log to her stack. What do you think we’ll find once we get there? asked Icarus as he picked up another stick. “Truthfully I don’t know, but hopefully it’ll be something useful.” replied Terra as she tossed another two logs onto her pile. I think you might have gone overboard with the firewood. thought Icarus as he eyed Terra’s pile.  Looking back at her pile, Terra giggled as she realized that she had collected enough firewood for at least three nights.  Terra had amassed a stack that was easily over five feet tall.  Unlike Icarus’ stack of sticks, Terra’s stack consisted of mostly logs. You can drop a few of them and we can head back.  Icarus thought as he eyed the massive stack. “Nah, I’ll just take them all just in case.” replied Terra.  Grabbing ahold of the ropes with her right hand, Terra easily lifted the stack off the ground.  Throwing it behind her shoulder, Terra started walking back towards camp.  She shortly stopped as she realized that Icarus had yet to follow her.  Looking behind her, Terra noticed that Icarus had yet to lift his stack up. “Do you need some help?” asked Terra as she walked back over towards Icarus. How are you able to lift that stack with only one hand! thought Icarus amazed. “It’s only weighs around five hundred pounds.” said Terra nonchalantly.  It wasn’t until she had finished her sentence that she realized what Icarus was amazed about. “I guessed you never knew that I’m one strong girl.” giggled Terra flexing her left bicep.  Icarus was momentarily frightened at the thought of one person having so much power.  His fear grew for a moment as flash backs of the many beatings that he had went through from both adults and children that were stronger than he was.  Feeling Icarus’ unease, Terra gently picked put Icarus in her free hand.  Giving him a gentle kiss his forehead, Terra was relieved as Icarus calmed down.  It didn’t take long for Terra to arrive back at camp. “Do you want to get a fire going while I set our tent up?” asked Terra as she untied her wood stack. Sure replied Icarus as he started making a fireplace.  Once Icarus was confident that his fireplace was sufficient, he ran into another problem.  The logs that Terra had picked up were too big to be placed on the fire.  Retrieving his axe from his pack, Icarus pulled one of the smaller logs away from the stack.  A few minutes went by as Icarus chopped away at the logs.  Brushing a light sweat away from his eyes, Icarus rubbed his shoulder as he looked at the log in front of him.  Icarus had just finished the first log before he had started on this one.  This log was around two feet thick and was a lot harder to cut than the previous one.  His hands were a little numb, but this didn’t bother him.  Icarus was about to start at it again until a hand gently came down on his shoulder. “How’s it going over here?” asked Terra as she examined the log. It’s taking a while, but I’m getting there.  Replied Icarus as he took a drink of water. “Let me help you out.” Terra said as she gently pushed Icarus to the side.  Getting a good grip on her own axe, Terra swung it down upon the log.  Icarus jumped back as a loud thud echoed through the forest.  With ease, Terra took the now chomped off log and tossed it over in the pile.  With other eight or nine swings, Terra had already finished off the first log and was starting on her second. I’ll start on that fire now.  said an impressed Icarus. “Ok, I’ll be done in a few minutes.” replied Terra as she continued cutting the wood.  After several failed attempts, Icarus was finally able to get a small fire going.  As soon as Icarus had his fire started, Terra had finished cutting enough wood for the night.  Throwing a few logs onto the fire, Terra pulled out some hardtack biscuits, dried berries, and some dried salted pork.  Handing Icarus a more than fair share, Terra dug into her meal. “You’d think that someone would come up with a biscuit that could both last and have flavor.” commented Terra as she took a bite out of one of her biscuits. I think that they’re pretty good actually.  Replied Icarus as he took a bite out of his. “Are you kidding me, these things could be mistaken for a rock.” said Terra as she finished off the one in her hands. I’ve had a lot worst.  You wouldn’t believe what Phillip thought was acceptable for me to eat.  replied Icarus.  The couple continued to eat their dinner with minor conversation.  It wasn’t long till they had both finished with their meal.  Sitting around the fire, Terra was busy sharpening her knife, while Icarus was still focusing on his stick.  The full chill of night had set in as Terra finished up sharpening her knife.  It felt cool to Terra, but not cold enough for her to be uncomfortable.  For Icarus on the other hand, the cold of night was starting to get to him.  Scooting closer to the fireplace, Icarus rubbed his hands against his arms to maintain body heat.  This didn’t go unnoticed as he soon found himself lifted into the air.  Icarus soon found himself placed on top of Terra’s lap as she secured him with both arms wrapped around his stomach. “Comfy?” asked Terra as she started playing with his hair. Yes replied Icarus as he started to blush lightly.  It was true that now with Terra’s body around him, Icarus was quite warm.  He was also surprised at how soft his new seat was.  Icarus continued to focus on his stick, but the pleasant smell of Terra and her overwhelming presence made it difficult.  Finally giving up, Icarus decided to relax in Terra’s embrace. I don’t think that this is working. Said Icarus as he twisted the stick in his hands. “Hmm, let me see if I can help.” replied Terra.  Closing her eyes, Terra focused on the all too familiar sphere in the back of her mind.  It was currently emitting a pleasant warmth that told her that Icarus was content.  Looking at the top of the sphere, Terra gently removed the transparent layer from the top.  This of course got the reaction that Terra expected.  A small moan escaped involuntarily from Icarus’ lips, as a wave of pleasure washed over his body.  Quickly covering his mouth, Icarus blushed a deep red as he tried to calm himself down.  Icarus hoped that Terra hadn’t noticed as he soon realized that he couldn’t reach his waist to adjust himself.  Terra could feel Icarus’ heart racing underneath of her arms.  She had to bite down on her lower lip to stop herself as she heard the moan escape from Icarus. “Are you alright, I’m not holding you too tight am I?” asked Terra innocently. I’m fine; you’re not holding me too tightly.  Replied a nervous Icarus. “Oh, that’s good then.” said Terra as she tightened her hold on Icarus. “How about you try breaking that stick now?” asked Terra as she pulled Icarus up higher.  Focusing back on the branch, Icarus felt something different.  It wasn’t the pleasant feeling from before, but something that he couldn’t put his finger on.  Using his right hand, Icarus placed it over the center of the branch.  To both his and Terra’s surprise a small flash of light emitted from under Icarus’ hand.  Terra felt a small drop in Icarus’ stamina as he held up two separate pieces of wood. “You did it!” squealed Terra as she turned him around to give him a hug.  Icarus was equally as happy as she was, but he was soon reminded of how he was being held.  He found that he was being pressed into Terra’s chest.  Blushing a dark red, Icarus tried to calm down his body before Terra noticed.  Of course, this meant that he wasn’t aware of the constant drain on his remaining stamina.  This didn’t go unnoticed by Terra as she felt Icarus’ stamina slowly draining away.  It wasn’t much, mostly equivalent to walking on a road, but Terra wasn’t sure when it would stop.  Now knowing how Icarus’ magic worked, Terra came up with an idea of how to stop his stamina from dwindling.  Closing her eyes, Terra was soon brought back to the sphere in the back of her mind.  Without thinking, she quickly recovered the top of the sphere, a little rougher than what she should have.  This wasn’t her best idea, as she felt Icarus tense up against her body.  The feeling of pleasure hit Icarus hard as he bucked his hips forward involuntarily.  This intense feeling, combined with his soft surroundings and the first wave from earlier, Icarus couldn’t stop himself from what happened next.  Terra heard a muffled moan come from between her breasts that was soon followed by a significant drop in Icarus’ stamina.  This drop wasn’t from using magic Terra realized as Icarus came in her arms.  It was now Terra’s turn to blush red as Icarus remained in his hazy moment of bliss. “Are you ok?” asked Terra as she lifted Icarus in front of her.  As soon as her eyes noticed the wet spot at Icarus’ groin, the sphere started shaking as a massive wave of embarrassment emitted from within it.  For the first time, Terra didn’t know what to do as she looked back up at Icarus.  If looks were any indication of what she was in for, then Terra knew she was in trouble. “I’m sorry.” said Terra with a sheepish grin. TERRAAAAA!  Came a shout from Icarus.
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