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Author's Chapter Notes:
Not much action in this chapter, but there will be in the next one. Expect it soon.
Trouble In A Bottle: Chapter 11

Zarelda stepped out of the taxi with a smile on her face. The taxi pulled away as she started walking. She had gone out looking for another ingredient for the powder, but couldn't find it. The rest of the ingredients were going to be harder to procure. It would only be a minor setback. Nothing was going to stop her from exacting her revenge.

As she neared the stairs, a short, red haired girl came down. She was carrying a metal contraption in one hand and black bag on her shoulder.

" Excuse me. " she said as she slid past Zarelda.

" Rude mortals. I'll have to fix that when I take over. They will learn to respect those above them. "

Reaching Shaun's apartment, she unlocked the door with a wave. Once inside, she took off her brown sandals and set her bag down on the table.

" Oh, Shaun! Your mistress is home! " she yelled happily.

The moment she entered the room something immediately felt wrong. She paused in the doorway, trying to figure out what was bothering her. She then noticed a book on the bed. She picked it up slowly.

" This was not here when I left. "

Realization dawned on her. She jumped over the bed and tore the cage off the floor. The cage was empty, no tiny slave in sight.

" Dammit! " she yelled throwing it at the wall.

The cage clattered back to the floor. " That little bastard! How?! "

Zarelda threw the bookcase to the floor. She stood still after that, breathing heavily. " It's obvious he didn't do this himself. He couldn't have moved a book. No, someone else did. But why? Who helped him!? "

She punched a hole in the wall. " I will find him! He and his accomplice will pay for this! ...No... I can't let this distract me. I have to focus on getting the final ingredients. Besides, he and his friend will likely come back here in the hopes of stopping me. They won't know what they'll be walking into. " Zarelda said with an evil grin spreading across her face.


Shaun sat among his own pencils and pack of gum. At his size they were considerably larger than him. He wasn't uncomfortable though. If anything, he was relieved. He had escaped from Zarelda! When he'd lost all hope and completely given up, Kyrie saved him. Shaun wondered what she was doing at his apartment, but he didn't much care. Her reason for being there could wait until after he explained and thanked her. He hunkered down and waited for Kyrie to let him out.

Fifteen minutes later, his backpack jostled as Kyrie picked it up. With each step the pack shook, making Shaun flop around inside. After a few minutes of this, the pack was set down. The zipper was opened, blinding him with the sudden light.

" Shaun? You still in there? "

" Yes! "

" Okay, just making sure I'm not going insane. "

Kyrie stuck her hand in the zipper, Shaun jumped on and was lifted out. Slowly and carefully, she set her hand down on the nightstand next to her bed. Shaun stepped off and looked up at her. Seeing Kyrie so big was very unsettling for him. In all the years he'd known her he always looked down at her, now she towered over him. On the flip side, it was probably strange to see him so small for her.

Shaun examined Kyrie's room while she sat in silence, staring at him with wide eyes. She had always been a messy person. Boxes and piles of clothes sat in front of her closet. A bookcase stood next to the door, full of all kinds of books. There was a desk in the far corner with her laptop and a lamp on it. The wall to his left only had another bookcase with lots of empty space. Other than that a tall lamp was in the corner next to the closet and a large mirror hung on the door.

Kyrie stood up and grabbed a tissue from the bookcase. " First off, could you cover up? This is weird enough without the nakedness. "

" Sorry. I've become desensitized to it. " he said wrapping the tissue around himself.

" Alright, tell me everything. How did this happen to you? "

Shaun sighed and began to recite his story. From buying the bottle to his fun times with Zarelda. Then the shrinking and his imprisonment. The whole twisted tale. Throughout the story, Kyrie's jaw dropped open more and more. When he finished she reached out towards him, but stopped herself.

" Oh, my god... I don't believe this. An immortal, psychotic sorceress? You're kidding right? "

Shaun solemnly shook his head.

" She really... did all that to you? I'm so sorry. "

" You don't have to be. It's not your fault. "

" What she did to you is terrible though. I can't help but feel bad. If all this is true, we have to call the police. We can't let her keep walking around free. "

" No. We can't call the police. What could they do? Zarelda would kill them all. They wouldn't even be able to hurt her. "

" What are we supposed to do? Just let her make more of that powder? "

" No. I'll think of a plan. I just need some time. There has to be a better way. "

" Are you serious? You just want to wait? "

" It's the best thing we can do for now. "

" Alright... if you think it's best. You're the only one who knows anything about her. What do we do until you think of something? "

" You do what you would normally do. Go to school, hang out with Victoria, all that. This doesn't change anything for you. At least 'til I come up with a plan. "

" What am I gonna do with you? "

" In case you haven't noticed, I don't take up a lot of room. And I don't really have the right to be picky. You did save me after all. I'll stay here while you go to school. "

Kyrie thought about it for a moment. " Okay... but you can't let Vic see you. She'd freak out. She gets home way before I do. You'll have to stay in here all day. "

" Okay. "

" I mean it. You have to stay in here. "

" Alright, alright. I get it. I will. "

" Good. "

" Hey, Kyrie! Come out here! I got that movie we've been wanting to see! " Victoria suddenly yelled from outside the door.

" Oh, shit! I didn't think she'd be back so soon! Stay there! " Kyrie whispered.

" Where am I going to go? " Shaun thought sarcastically.

Kyrie opened the door and stuck her head out just as Victoria was about to knock.

" Oh! I thought you had your head phones in. I got that movie we wanted to see. Wanna watch it? "

" Um, yeah sure. I'll be right out. " she said and closed the door.

She walked back to the nightstand. " Will you be alright in here alone for awhile? "

" Yeah. I'll be fine. "

" Okay. The movies only a couple hours. Don't do anything stupid. "

" Alright. " Shaun laughed.

Kyrie went back to the door.

" Hey, Kyrie! " he called.

" Yeah? " she said turning back to him.

" Thanks for saving me! I really appreciate all this! "

" No problem, short stuff " she grinned and left the room.

The giant clock behind him said it was past 5:30. Shaun sat down on the nightstand. He didn't mind waiting, he was just happy to be free of Zarelda. Suddenly, he let out a giant yawn. " Guess I'm more tired than I thought. " he thought laying down. Within a few minutes, sleep overtook him.


" Wake up, little man. "

Shaun's eyes blinked open to Kyrie standing over him. " Nnnnh... How long was I out? "

" About four hours. The movie finished awhile ago. When I came in here you were sound asleep. I decided to let you sleep. It's a bit past 9:30 now. "

Shaun got up onto his knees. " So how was the movie? " he asked rubbing his head.

" Eh. It was alright. Could've been better. "

" That sucks. "

" Yeah. Shaun. No offense, but you look like shit. When was the last time you washed up? "

" Days ago. Before Zarelda trapped me in the bathroom. "

" Jeez. Okay, well we are getting you cleaned up right now. "

She put her hand on the nightstand and Shaun climbed on. She used her other hand to shield him in case Victoria came out of her room. " I gotta admit its weird seeing you this small and holding you. "

" It's even weirder seeing you so big and being held. Just please don't drop me. "

" Come on, Shaun. I would never drop you. "

Kyrie brought him into the bathroom and gently put him on the sinks counter. She turned the sink on low and made sure the water was lukewarm.

" This'll have to do for now. "

She lowered him into the sink and leaned on the counter. Shaun stepped under the stream, letting it run down his back. " Ahhhhh, this feels great! "

" I bet. I'll try to get you some baby shampoo so you can actually get clean. I'm also gonna find something for you to wear. You are definitely not running around this house naked. "

" Your loss. " Shaun laughed.

" Oh, be quiet perv. "

Shaun laughed even harder. He washed off for a few minutes longer. " Alright, I'm done. "

Kyrie lifted him out while averting her eyes.

" What do I use to dry off? "

She tossed a wash cloth at him. Unprepared for it, he was knocked on his behind. Kyrie started to laugh hysterically.

" It's not that funny. " he said angrily.

" Yes, it is. " she said between laughs.

Shaun finished drying off and Kyrie gave him a hand towel.

" What's this for? "

" It's your bed for tonight. "

Kyrie picked up Shaun and the towel then carried both back to her room. She set Shaun down and folded up the towel on the nightstand. She lifted up the flap. " Hop in. "

Shaun laid down under the flap and got comfortable.

" Comfy? " she asked.

" Yeah. It's fine. Could I have some water? Aaaaannnd... Where am I supposed to go to the bathroom? "

" Um... I'll be right back. "

Kyrie disappeared for a few minutes and came back holding two things. She put a small bowl of water and cough medicine cup in front of him. " You can use this for your... business. I'll buy a new one when this is all over. "

" Thanks. "

" No problem. "

Kyrie got under the sheets of her own bed and turned off the lamp her nightstand. " Good night, Shaun. "

" Night, Kyrie. "

Shaun laid awake for awhile. His mind was full of images of Zarelda's feet. Being away from the evil witch didn't make her magic any less strong. Shaun's hand made its way to his crotch and before he knew it, he was jacking off to Zarelda's feet once again. " Ugh, I'm really not gonna miss this. " he thought disgustedly. Twenty minutes later, he was out cold.
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