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The dead buzzing of an air conditioner reigned the air. The room’s walls stretched out for miles and miles, a landscape all of its own. With a few nervous glances, more of the tiny forms climbed from a hole near the closed window - and what a sight they were met with! Dozens of their companions below, spreading among the soft lines of the carpet. A few of them had made it to the cupboard, or bedside table, and, with a pair of arms on either end, were pulling files out. One was lurking in the recycling bin, swimming among discarded papers. All it took for the windowsill intruders to get in was a leap onto the bedsheets below, and they could explore anywhere between the high-rising blue wallpapers.

As the new arrivals entered, two of the little things were making their descent from the cupboard’s immense top shelf, a set of documents in-hand. They knew that some of the files in here had to be important, hold vital information, contain something the household’s members couldn’t work without - this folder was their best guess. Eagerly grinning to each other, they used a few loose sheets as hang-gliders. The minuscule people flew back to the window, ready to make their escape.

The back of a hand knocked them from the sky. Slender, delicate fingers waving was all it took; both of them fell to the floor. Their joints broke, traces of red spread across the floor-bound files. Even more of the invaders were caught underneath the fallen folder.

When it lifted up, a few more of the tiny bodies scurried across the grey carpet, screaming. They were instantly met with the sole of a blue boot, scraping them on the ground in one brisk movement.

Those left could only look up at the woman who’d just entered. A long coat, in deep blue, stretched up her gigantic legs to the bow-clad neck. Right above, a maid’s headdress on a crown of blue hair, with a pair of cat ears behind. On her face lay a pair of glasses and a stern, contemptuous gaze.


2k-tan groaned, grinding her foot more into the carpet. Brushing the hand back through her hair, she looked over all the trembling intruders, piercing each of their hearts. They’d been caught in the act, stealing her system’s files. Soon, a swarm of the tinies on the windowsill rushed away, back through their entrance. In a few great strides, she beat them; her red, yellow, and green-clad breasts smashed into their bodies, leaving only small, insignificant traces. Staring down the entryway, she murmured.

“So this is the security hole you worms entered in. I should patch it.”

She turned back to the creatures below with a loud stomp. A flurry of them were sent flying into the air.

“After some higher-priority maintenance.”

Stretching, she lifted her leg once more, slamming it into a few of the hackers. No matter how much they resisted, their teensy frames didn’t stand a chance against the OS’ strength. After she took another step, three more of their pathetic bodies joined the stains underneath her heel. The once-quiet room was filled with cries of terror and anguish. Looking over the remains of crushed bodies, she swept them up in her hand, disposing them neatly into the recycling bin.

As she looked over, she noticed one of the people still alive in the bin, struggling to leave the mess of crumpled papers and pictures. She smiled dryly at the sight. Picking the struggling man up with her index and thumb, the OS watched his face turn white, jaw dropping. She dangled him slowly over the ground, fingers loosening. Doing all he could to hang on, he shouted up to her: “Don’t drop me! Hold tighter!”

With a nod, she curled her hand up into a fist, squeezing the hacker within it. She heard him release a blood-curdling screech as the expanse of flesh closed in around him, pressing against his ribcage. With a slight flex, she snapped him. The woman didn’t even bother looking over his broken form as she wiped him back into the bin.

2k knelt down to pick up the discarded folder, finding the hang-gliding tinies from before. Their limbs were bloodied and bruised, and neither could move. Both begged, pleading with whimpers to the room’s owner. Adjusting her glasses, the woman’s arms crossed as she rocked her foot back and forth over their heads.

“Why should I have mercy on computer bugs?”

Slowly, the blue surface fell from the skies, giving a perfect view of the stains coating the bottom. It hit the floor quickly unceremoniously; there was no unneeded movement, no wasted energy, just exactly enough force to compress its targets. She knew the hackers’ spines would have shattered fully by now, and lifted the heel from them. Another set of errors corrected.

With the folder back in its proper place, 2k took inventory of the other system documents. Nothing missing. Her eyes narrowed in on a single little shape, this one a female, quivering behind a photo; the little thing thought it had found a place to hide. The OS’ index and middle finger crept around, stepping like a pair of legs; before, in a single, brisk movement, she snatched up the creature. The sheer force and shock winded her; she couldn’t move at all as she felt herself lost in the expanse of the larger woman’s palm, quickly surveyed with monolithic eyes. In a second, she was judged - the hand became a slope, and she slid down, kicking, screaming, and clawing to every bit of skin she could to avoid falling off. Below, 2k’s mouth hung open, silent, a bit of air coming out.


And with another flick of her fingers, the hacker fell past the rows of clean, efficiently-polished teeth. She grabbed one final look out the all-encompassing mouth before sinking in completely, roped in by the enormous pink tongue. Her cries for help went unanswered as she joined the contents of the OS’ stomach, reduced to a morsel.


She wasn’t alone for long, at least. Brushing back the images, documents, and spreadsheets atop the drawer, 2k found more of the hidden hackers. And one by one, she tossed them into her gaping maw, not even bothering to chew; just feeling their tiny bodies swim against the pools of saliva before falling into the fleshy chasm of the woman’s throat.

Chapter End Notes:

I was cleaning up my computer, and found this story from June 2016. I think I wrote it for a contest on deviantart, specifically one requesting more violent content; but IIRC, the contest was closed, and it never saw the light of day.

Adding it here just so it can be contextualized with its contemporaries.

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