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Author's Chapter Notes:

Jack's in the mix…


Jack was unable to prevent the buxom schoolgirl from carrying him swiftly from the scene under the pretence of helping him.

He knew for a fact that none of the other kids would bat an eyelid, probably not even if she were to have picked him up by the throat and dragged him away, but her insidious approach enabled her to be granted the benefit of the doubt given the circumstances…

He couldn’t cry out for help, let alone attract anyone’s attention. Clawing at her curves was completely ineffectual. Despite being a comparatively petite Alpha, she was still utterly enormous compared to him, and could overpower his mismatched body without any real effort, like a little ragdoll.

His first frantic thoughts turned quickly to what her plans would be, and it didn’t take much brainpower to figure out just where, or rather who, that might lead.

“Oh hey,” he heard Hannah exclaim brightly, slowing down and tilting her body back as if to show off who she was carrying.

Jack feared the worst…

A shadow fell over Jack’s shivering body as someone noticeably taller than Hannah came closer. His heart stopped.

“Is that who I think it is?”

The voice was not the booming, terrifying one he had feared.

This was Alex’s voice…


Hannah giggled, causing her body to jiggle in all the right places.

“Yep, I know! Cait’s been so eager to see him,” she said in a cutesy voice, angling her face down and rocking him from side to side.

“I’m sure she’ll be delighted we bumped into each other,” she added devilishly, giving him a little squeeze.

His eyes were wide. He couldn’t even see Alex but he knew she was there. He wished he could see her face, just so at least then she could see he was frightened, or just share a glance… but he was held firm, and couldn’t twist or move his neck at all.

He wasn’t in the lion’s den just yet, but even with Alex stood right there she couldn’t very well save him, Hannah would know what her intentions were the moment she tried anything too obvious.

He needed Alex to talk Hannah out of it, or say Caitlin was busy, or ask to take him to her himself. Something sneaky…

“Come on, Han, let’s go find Caitlin then, I’m sure she’d be delighted to meet our little friend again,” Alex said matter-of-factly, and started to lead the way.



Jack started to struggle anew.


God no.


Hannah walked along bouncily, following her friend obediently all the while keeping her little captive pressed exquisitely into her substantial bosom.

What the fuck was Alex doing? Throwing him to the wolves? Was the glasses thing just a ruse, a way to keep his guard down? Had she been keeping Caitlin informed all along?

Tears began to form as the prospect of being returned to someone who was not only going to be cruel, unmerciful and royally fucked off, but all too eager to punish and torture him to find out who had facilitated his daring escape.

Penny would be in the firing line too, if Alex had indeed told Caitlin exactly what had gone down, and the idea of her being harmed was just as harrowing as his own sorry fate.

He couldn’t see exactly where he was being taken, at first, just the bustle of Alphas thinning out as they left the school, but it soon became clear that it was the Sports Department he was being whisked towards, which strongly suggested Caitlin was already there.

There was to be little chance of escape if she could get her hands on him in there… she commanded the utmost respect, intimidating all of the staff, with even the most senior of the coaches practically in her father’s back pocket. All this, in addition to the prestige his track and field star daughter lent the school, and how much they bent the rules and overlooked things already to keep her happy.


As Hannah eventually came to halt, he could just about detect that they were in an empty girls changing room, though there were still piles of clothes and bags strewn about untidily. Whilst it was shortly after the school bell, it was likely that the girls were doing extra practice, including Caitlin.

His body was shaking; the anticipation was building horribly and he kept mentally checking out and then panicking anew, almost as if this wasn’t really happening… just another nightmare. He scrunched his eyes closed, but the heartbeat of the Alpha holding him was proof this was real, that this was the thing he had feared all along.

“Can you go check to see if Caitlin’s still out there, I’ll look after the little doofus, he’s not going anywhere,” Alex suggested, chillingly.

“Oh, good idea Alex, he’s not that heavy, but sure,” Hannah replied cheerily, clearly making the assumption Alex was offering on account of her arms getting tired.

Jack felt the grip relinquish from him as he was passed from Hannah to the taller girl. He went to yell out but his face was pressed tightly into Alex’s shoulder before he could so much as utter a peep, and she restrained his body quickly, the humiliation of his betrayal building and building.

He tried to kick and yell as, through his peripherals, he saw Hannah walk off through the exit towards the playing fields, but as soon as she had disappeared he felt the grip on the back of his head relent and he was lowered to the ground gingerly.

He was poised to scream bloody murder, but his first glimpse at Alex’s face told him everything he needed to know.

he had never seen her look more scared.


“How fast can you run?” she said quickly, urging him with her eyes to respond immediately.

“Errr… not very fast,” he said, confused, but rapidly realising that Alex was, in fact, trying to save him.

“Shit,” she exhaled, her face strained with the pressure of the situation, “Ok, I have another idea…”

Jack looked up at her intently, adrenalin surging through his veins, fight or flight in full flow.

“D’you trust me?” she asked suddenly, making direct eye contact.

He honestly didn’t know, but he had to, she was the only thing standing between him and oblivion.

“I don’t have a choice…” he admitted bitterly.

“Ok, we haven’t got much time….” she said, biting her lip, “Come here.”

She took a couple of strides to one side, swinging open a locker door on the lower row of a big block by the changing room entrance.

“Get in,” she instructed.

He hesitated.

“It’s now or never… please…” she said, her expression softening, betraying her own anxiety.

“Ok ok,” he stuttered, scampering to the locker and ducking slightly to clamber inside. There was a musty grey-t-shirt crumpled at the bottom, a hairbrush, a deodorant can, and loads of loose hair pins and elastic bands littered about.

The Alpha girl got down on her knees and made sure he was fully inside, before reaching in with her hand, momentarily frightening the life out of him. Her expression was still one of uncertainty, but she appeared to be concentrating on something.

“Bite my hand as hard as you can.”

“Wha…” he said, taken aback.

“There’s no time, just do it… hard as you can.”

As instructed, he leant forward and tried his best to chomp down on the fleshy part of her hand by her thumb. He felt like a moron, this was so utterly surreal, but he gave it his all, not that she could tell - it didn’t seem to register on her face at all.

He removed his jaw from her skin, but there was barely a mark, perhaps if you looked really hard.

“It’ll have to do,” she said, giving him one last concerned glance before swinging the door closed and spinning the dial to lock it, plunging him into near-darkness, the gloom illuminated only by multiple narrow slits in the metal door, through which he could just about make out what was going on.


She quickly took up a standing position back towards where she had first requisitioned him from Hannah’s grasp and inspected her hand closely. He could hear Hannah’s sprightly footsteps getting louder…

“Ow, ow, fuck,” Alex yelled out, letting herself go a bit wobbly at the knees, and not a moment too soon.

Hannah came in within about 5 seconds, a worried look on her face.

“What is it, Alex??” she asked loudly.

The taller girl held her own hand gingerly, shaking it slightly as if to ease some kind of pain, and then pointed at the door leading back to the main corridor.

“The little shit bit me,” she spat, feigning anger commendably, “He ran that way.”

“Oh… are you ok, is it bleeding?” Hannah said, growing visibly upset and coming over to inspect her friend’s hand.

Alex very deliberately allowed her to look closely at the bite mark, as meagre as it was, before making a big deal out of the fact Jack had ‘escaped’.

“Come on, he can’t have gone far, I’m fine I’m fine,” she insisted, shooing Hannah towards the door, but having judiciously allowed enough time for the Beta to have ‘theoretically’ fled to safety.

Hannah looked positively mortified for Alex, and scared that she had done something wrong herself.

“I’m sorry,” she said, though it was clear she didn’t really know what she was apologising for. Jack almost felt sorry for her, in fact. She wasn’t a monster, she just worked for one.

The girls headed off in pursuit, Alex pausing briefly to allow Hannah to venture forth first, her eyes flitting over to the locker for a fraction of a second. She seemed to make eye contact with him, though it was highly unlikely she could have seen him directly, then they were both gone.


Jack leant back against the locker, his rucksack forming a kind of cushion for his back. From the depths of despair to temporary sanctuary within 60 seconds… fucking hell.

His heart would not stop racing; he had felt so certain of his surprise betrayal by Alex, and of the imminent realisation of his worst nightmares at Caitlin’s hands, that he could barely fathom where he was or what had actually just happened.

All he knew was that Alex had done something he perhaps had not expected, even allowing for his new perspective of her. He didn’t know how to feel, except grateful, and bewildered.

He wasn’t safe yet, Alex presumably had to figure out a way of giving up the ‘search’ and returning back to him alone to let him out of the locker before the school was closed up for the night. Then and only then he could get… home…


Reaching into his pocket, Jack produced his phone and immediately started to message his friend.


J: Delon, you there?


There was a pause of maybe 5 seconds before it registered as read. The blinking ellipsis appeared instantly.


D: Jack?? Shit, are you ok? I’m near the bus stop, where the hell are you?

J: I’m safe, did you not see what happened?

D: There was a fight, last thing I saw was you getting knocked across the corridor, couldn’t see you anywhere


Jack paused, it was hard to get across the gravity of the situation, but he did his best.


J: Hannah picked me up from the floor, and started to take me to Caitlin, but Alex was there and managed to trick her and convince me I’d run off

J: I’m hiding out in a locker, so I’ve got to sit tight until Alex returns


The ellipsis blinked for quite a while as Delon replied at length.


D: What the fuck… are you sure you’re ok, man? I’m so sorry, I couldn’t see exactly where you went, the fight was pretty rowdy and loads of people were in the corridor screaming and shouting

D: I had a look round once it was broken up and couldn’t see you, so I went straight to the bus stop to try and find you

D: I’m still here, the bus will probably be here soon, are you gonna be able to make it?

J: I don’t know, I can’t get out of this locker, I’m locked in

D: Oh… crap

J: I might be stuck here for a while

D: I don’t know what to do, man, do you want me to come find you?

J: I dunno

D: Where are you?

J: Girls locker room in Sports Dept


J: Yep

D: I can’t go there, man, even if I wanted to, you’re gonna have to wait for Alex


Jack had no idea what to do next, Delon was right, he was stuck there for the foreseeable future, completely dependent upon Alex to get him out.


D: I can stick around for a bit, but I have to go home eventually, I don’t know what to suggest

J: I’ll sit tight, man, if nothing happens soon, go home, I’ll figure it out


There was a pause before the ellipsis appeared again.


D: I’m sorry

J: It’s not your fault

D: I should have done more


Jack was getting upset. His friend hadn’t done anything wrong.


J: You did everything you could, I’m safe right now, I’m fine

D: This is getting too dangerous, Jack

D: I think we might need to talk to someone

J: You’re probably right

D: Are you sure you’ll be ok

J: Just stick around for another 10, if nothing, then go

D: Ok


Jack held his phone in front of him, his face illuminated by the screen’s glow.

He had enough battery - 67% - so it was just a case of waiting this out.

It was 3:44PM now, if it reached 3:54, and he was still here, he would tell Delon to go home.




J: Ok, I’m still stuck in here, no sign of Alex, get yourself home

D: Sorry dude, hang in there, I’m sure she’ll be back soon, don’t worry

J: I’m trying not to

D: I’ll be in touch on here, just message me if you need

J: I will

D: Let me know as soon as anything happens

J: I will



And with that, any obvious safe route home seemingly evaporated, and he really started to wonder if Alex was actually going to be true to her word after all, or if she might not actually be able to make it back to free him.

If she couldn’t, he at least had some food in his bag, he wouldn’t die or anything, but it would be a pretty bleak and weird situation to have to cope with until morning. He could text his parents and say he was staying over at Delon’s, but it would all be a bit awkward.

The prospect of being double, no, triple-crossed however, was beginning to leave its familiar paranoid hallmarks on his brain.

Perhaps she had imprisoned him in her locker to present to Caitlin as her own prize, perhaps trying to curry favour with the Alpha predator herself. It seemed far-fetched, her concern seemed genuine, but he couldn’t rule anything out. He was so vulnerable, and so scared. There was of course the worrisome suspicion that she was working for Caitlin all along, or had promised to retrieve him as recompense for being found to have assisted in his rescue in the first place. It made his head hurt to think of all the variables, and the longer he sat in the gloom, the more his worries escalated.

As he waited, getting increasingly agitated, it became apparent that a group of girls was drawing ever nearer from outside.

Judiciously turning his phone first to silent, and then to the setting where it wouldn’t even vibrate or notify him of activity at all, he peeked out through the metal slots to see a small group of student athletes returning in from the field.


His vision was, of course, fairly blurry without his glasses, but he could make out most of what was going on. His heart skipped a beat as he saw by far the most statuesque of the girls barge her way through, clearly head and shoulders above the rest.

Caitlin’s flame-red hair was tied back in a messy ponytail that she loosened within seconds of entering the locker room, practically treading over her schoolmates to sit down on a bench barely a handful of yards from Jack’s hiding place down by the locker room floor.

Even from here, he could see the glistening sweat on her muscular limbs as she stripped down to just her underwear, and after talking briefly to an athletic-looking black girl who was changing next to her, took herself off to the showers.

The other girl was a great deal shorter than most of the others, Jack noted – but powerfully compact… for an Alpha, at least. He heard the other girls addressing her as ‘Tia’ – she was perhaps only second to Caitlin in the physique department, with very strong-looking legs and arms.

A couple of the other girls skipped the showering part, and quickly dressed and headed off. Jack couldn’t help feeling like a voyeuristic little dweeb, but every time he tried to look away, he convinced himself it was better to be constantly on top of what was going on, rather than just listening in abject fear for when Caitlin returned.

After a short while, the redhead emerged, her damp hair draped over her powerful shoulders loosely, and Jack listened intently for any clue as to her current mood, or if she might namedrop Alex, Hannah, or even Amber. Unfortunately it was hard to concentrate on much of what she said as a number of the other girls were in the process of leaving, saying goodbye to one another and walking in front of or using the lockers, so he could barely make anything out beyond a few vagaries. Unsurprisingly, she disagreed with her coach on training methods, and she was looking forward to decimating the competition at the next meet in a week or so. So far, so Caitlin.

The Tia girl had finished getting changed by now and said her own farewell to Caitlin, who she appeared to be fairly close to, perhaps as a fellow sprinter, or maybe genuinely as someone she got on with. It was strange to see the colossal bully being so open and normal and friendly; it lit a fire under him to see her behave in such an easy-going manner when he knew how capable of dark, unpleasant, unthinking conduct she actually was.

Perhaps this was the true irony of everything. To Caitlin, Alpha life was mundane, boring, she had done it all and had nothing to prove. Everyone looking up to her as queen of the school, guys wanting to fuck her, girls wanting to be her… there was nothing left to ‘do’. The hard-nosed domination stuff was something she could explore that did not fit into that… exciting, dangerous, deviant… destructive… hurtful… cruel… No-one would miss a little manlet, right? Who would even care?


Caitlin was one of the final two girls to finish getting dressed. Jack found himself unable to tear his eyes away from her as she covered up her incredible form with a pair of skin-tight jogging pants and a sporty green t-shirt. Her rapidly-drying hair was pulled into a ponytail once more, whilst the other girl, a svelte and trim brunette with a languid stride, finally headed off, leaving him alone in the presence of his greatest adversary. Of course, she had no idea he was there, but that didn’t stop Jack from feeling completely petrified that it was just the two, like watching a lion stalk around its cage and praying it doesn’t come over towards you.

He dry swallowed as the enormous girl stood up, looking admiringly at her own figure, and patted her prodigious chest as if plumping two pillows. She truly was infatuated with her own appearance, though it could be argued that it was impossible not to be, considering the effect it had on everyone around her, and how it separated her from the rest of her peers. Her display sent a shiver down his spine, recalling the nightmare from the previous night… a huge part of him was still so drawn to her as a physical specimen… still simply the most incredible human being he’d ever laid eyes on.

With a few stretches of her burly arms, she packed her things into her bag… the very same one that he himself had fallen victim to the previous week. He shivered as he watched her zip it half-closed, and then abruptly head straight for him, her powerful legs filling his vision almost completely. He had a grandstand view of her tremendous calf muscles flexing as she rummaged in the locker above and to the side of the one he was currently inhabiting.

He was practically counting down the seconds until she would be gone as he witnessed those very same legs crouch down, and a huge hand reach for the locker door he was hidden behind.

He shrunk back in an instant, trying to huddle away from the door as much as possible without making a sound or kicking anything. He grabbed the deodorant can and held it to his chest to stop it from clanging against the metal walls by accident, his hands trembling.

Was this the moment everything fell apart?

Had Alex betrayed him after all…?


He could barely see anything except the movement of dark and light patches through the holes in the door. The metal frame rattled as he felt her grip the locker dial and turn it, spinning it and stopping, then pulling.

He took a sharp, silent intake of breath.

The door clanked in protest, not opening, as perhaps the Alpha on the other side of the metal was expecting.

She tried once more, twisting it and pulling at it to no avail, and then span the dial in frustration.

“For fuck’s sake, Alex,” he heard the irate schoolgirl mutter under her breath, before standing up.

Jack leant forward cautiously. The giantess’ shins stood still for a few seconds, as if the behemoth were temporarily lost in thought, before they pivoted and marched their way out, her pink and white sneakers offering one last glimpse as she passed through the doorway and away.

He could breathe once more…


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