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Author's Chapter Notes:

Jack is back…


Jack was stood in a long corridor.

It looked a lot like the corridors at school, both sides adorned with lockers and doors, except, the more he focused on where he was exactly, it wasn’t much like his actual school at all.

Not a soul was around, as if it had been abandoned or evacuated, and as he wandered, this strange place appeared to consist entirely of never-ending corridors intersecting other never-ending corridors. He wasn’t tall enough to look inside any of the rooms, and to be honest, he was more concerned with finding his way out than figuring out where exactly this… was.

The library. He had a vague recollection – the library surely had to be the way out.

Of course. He stopped in his tracks. Was there even a library in this peculiar place? He took a step rearwards to about-face and felt something firm against the small of his back, not the sheer, flat surface of a door or a locker, but the hard, sculpted shape of…

Something caught his eye, he looked down at his shoes. Barely either side and a foot or so behind his own, gigantic pink and white sports sneakers…

Panic gripped him, he could barely breathe. The sound of powerful draughts of air being inhaled and exhaled far above signified the enormous girl’s breathing as she loomed over him, like she was fit to burst.

“No,” he thought quietly, “Please god no.”

As if in a daze, the tiny boy turned to face his aggressor, craning his neck to look up at her hulking form. Caitlin was puffed up like a bodybuilder; every single muscle along her colossal, brawny legs stood visibly proud, her posture clenched and imposing and the face 7 feet above his own barely visible, as if shrouded in a kind of dream-like mist. He reached up to adjust his glasses habitually and realised that he wasn’t, in fact, wearing any…

The giant female bent over at the waist and reached down to grab him as he let out a yelp, pinning his arms to his sides with her monstrous hands and lifting him high up into the air, legs kicking frantically.

She spun at the hip and smashed him against the wall of lockers to her side, forcing his arms behind his back with her powerful fingers and pressing her torso against his so his knees were pinned against her sturdy abdomen, rendering his legs immobile. His midsection was similarly flattened by her voluptuous chest, and his arms were completely trapped behind his back, but his shoulders and head were left unpinned so he squirmed around helplessly as she glowered down at him… her face far larger than his but barely a foot or so in front of, and above, his own.

 “I know you hate me, Jack,” she stated in that overbearing, supremely confident tone of hers, a smug smile spreading across her features, “But I also know a little part of you doesn’t.”

The smile widened, her face appearing almost demonic, Cheshire-cat-like, leering at him.

“A part of you loves this… a big thrill for such a tiny freak…”

He felt himself respond against his will, her vast frame overwhelming him and seductively grinding him into the locker so powerfully he felt he was going to snap in two; her vast assets pressing against his midriff in a manner that confirmed she knew exactly what she was doing to him.

“Admit it…” she barked, the anger in her voice erupting to the surface.

“No… he whispered… please n-“

Her lips sealed themselves over his little mouth, her tongue forcing its way slickly down his throat, filling it and causing him to gag uncontrollably.

Her body seemed to rise up and roll against him like the crashing of an enormous breaker against a sea wall, slamming him flat once more, rhythmically pounding him against the locker doors again and again.

He couldn’t kick, or struggle, or even scream out, as his senses were completely overloaded. The only part of his body that he could feel in isolation was the one part of him he feared she was fully aware of… completely rammed against her heaving tit in the most obvious way, and becoming ever more turgid with each earth-shattering impact.

Her tongue slowly extricated itself from his gasping, wet mouth and she lapped at his frightened face with its thick, pink tip – her tongue alone was powerful enough to press his nose flat, although he was too preoccupied with gulping in mouthfuls of air to even register that she was toying with him so lasciviously.

“And the thing is… you know I’m right… you pathetic little perv,” she reiterated spitefully, with such disdain in her voice it made his heart crumple.

He felt his eyes fill with tears.

Caitlin’s vast maw descended over his once more, determined to finish the job of humiliating him completely…


Jack awoke with a start, completely tangled in his duvet and drenched in sweat.

He took stock of his surroundings, home, bed, night-time… and tried to slow his heart rate down.

He was mortified to discover that he was, despite his fear, at full attention, holding firm and showing no signs of abating. He felt immediate shame at associating sexual thoughts with the nightmarish Alpha once more, and not with the beautiful moment he had shared with Penny mere hours beforehand, thoughts of which came flooding back into his head. His body had not really responded physically to intimate thoughts of any kind since his kidnapping, and it felt like the ultimate betrayal for it to have been his darkest fears that triggered a sudden resurgence.

The feelings of guilt overwhelmed him; this was the sort of thing he might have fantasized about before all of this began, but armed with his new-found experience, there was now conflict and despair deeply associated with such desperate longings.

Calming himself as best he could, a quick sweep of his bedside table for his phone revealed it to be 5.15am, and he rolled back over to face the wall, trying to ignore his obvious state of arousal and force himself back to sleep. It was imperative that he try and recoup as much energy as possible for the day ahead to prevent a repeat of the tiredness he experienced toward the end of Tuesday. He had to be at full strength.

He drifted off slowly, an uneasy feeling settling in his stomach… thoughts of Caitlin’s cruelty juxtaposing against Penny’s affection and kindness in his mind, vying for attention as he tried to switch off entirely…


Wednesday morning began much the same as Tuesday had, his mother checked in on him, he washed and dressed, picked at his breakfast and then threw random items into a Tupperware box for lunchtime.

He was worried, of course, but kept it hidden deep down. He knew he had done it before, and thoughts of Penny kept him going. He had to be strong, for her, and for himself.

The bus journey was thankfully completely uneventful; he managed to sit himself next to the same quiet kid as the day before, and didn’t attract any unnecessary attention at all. His heart rate began to elevate as the bus drew close to the school, arguably the single most dangerous moment of the day in terms of being spotted out in the open, but Delon was waiting for him by the trees as expected, so he kept his head down and followed his friend until he was in the comparative safety of the classroom.


The first classes passed by quickly, and his thoughts started to turn to Penny ever more excitedly, the memory of her kiss lingering in his mind and sending warm sensations throughout his body.

The first break at the library came and went, and, same as the day before, Penny wasn’t around, which preyed on his mind a little, but it was presumably going to be lunchtime before he’d finally get to see her again. He had considered telling Delon what had happened between the pair of them, but it had a kind of kiss-and-tell quality to it, so whilst a part of him was bursting to say something, another part of him, like with his parents, wanted to keep shtum until he actually needed to mention it.

Fortunately, all of his lessons on a Wednesday were with his best friend, so there was a reassuring feeling of everything following a set plan throughout the day. He caught the eye of Alex in a couple of lessons after the break, but she was a little distant, as expected. He still flashed her a polite smile to try and communicate with her in some way - it didn’t seem to register much, but as she left she was hesitant in packing away her things and lingered just long enough that it felt like she was letting him leave the classroom before she did. He couldn’t see her face but it felt like a gesture of some kind, unspoken but hanging in the air for him to pick up on.

Lunch simply could not come soon enough, and as Jack followed Delon to the library after the 6th class, his heart rate started to quicken; a slight bounce detectable in his footsteps. His head bowed until he reached the anti-theft gates, Jack entered the library and looked around eagerly, making for the corner of the library they had made their usual rendezvous.

Penny was not there.

Delon was concerned, but tried not to show it. They waited for a few minutes, but it became clear she wasn’t going to just turn up… she would have been there by now.

“I’m going to have to eat something,” Delon said eventually, “Shall we head for the same spot as yesterday?”

There was a pause. Jack didn’t really know what to do… this was not how today was supposed to go.

“I don’t feel like eating,” Jack admitted bluntly, torn between the fear of leaving the safety of the library and the devastating realisation that Penny would not be around to comfort him at all… he had looked forward to it all day.

“I understand,” Delon said gently, putting an arm on his buddy’s shoulder. “I can wait a little longer but then I’m going to have to find a spot to eat. I’ll come back after, then we can go to afternoon class.”

He took a breath, exhaling in a cheerless way.

“You know she’d be here if she could, man, my gut tells me something’s up, maybe a problem at home.”

Jack nodded, it didn’t make it hurt any less, but his friend was right. Penny would not have bailed for no good reason, plus she had no way of getting in touch with him if she wasn’t able to get to a computer. He could think of a number of valid reasons why she might not have been able to make it into school off the top of his head, her health being the first thing that sprang to mind.

“I’ll be back in like ten… fifteen minutes,” Delon explained, “Are you sure you don’t want to come with?”

“I’m sure,” Jack said sadly, “I’ll be right here, see you in a bit.”


Delon scurried off, trying not to elongate his lanky stride too much and attract the ire of the school librarian (who was notoriously strict on people who cut through the library, whether Alpha student, Beta student, or even members of staff).

Jack turned instead to his favoured corner of the library and sat down at the Beta-size table he had commandeered, consulting his phone and bringing up the conversation with Penny to read it once more.

He was feeling hurt and emotional, but he obviously wasn’t angry or upset with her, just at the situation itself. The kiss still hung there, like a blanket, reassuring him and batting down his more negative thoughts, calming him and keeping the tears at bay.

He wanted to send her a message, but asking why she wasn’t at school just felt wrong. Like he was berating her… accusing her… that was not how he wanted to come across.

She was unlikely to read it until her next foray to the library anyway, which would hopefully be around the next time they met, so it seemed pointless to vent or say anything that he would not prefer to say to her in person… like how much he had been thinking of her… how much he had missed her… how much the kiss had meant to him.


Delon returned fairly quickly, noticeably a lot perkier after having eaten – one of his favourite activities, and something his comparatively large Beta frame necessitated at regular intervals. Jack hadn’t even thought about his own food, and felt that would probably be the case until he got home.


Penny would not be able to walk him home.

He explained this to Delon, who looked back at him ruefully. Delon did not live particularly close by, and accompanying Jack home would be a pretty long detour and subsequent walk home, not to mention the fact that if anything happened, he was merely another Beta to sweep out of the way. Penny, despite her gentle and considered demeanour, at least had the size to provide a little security, though the thought of putting her in harm’s way made Jack’s stomach tie itself in a knot.

They decided the best bet was for Delon to wait with Jack just around the corner from the bus stop, out of sight from most of the students leaving for home, and then rush to the bus once it was almost full and hope to avoid any kind of… entanglements, much like in the mornings.

It wasn’t a bulletproof plan, but with Penny AWOL it was probably the best compromise available, and certainly better than walking home on his own or asking Delon to add an hour onto his own journey.

A full 6 periods of comparative ease, with the promise of Penny for the latter half of the day, had turned into something rather more stressful and anxiety-inducing. Delon could sense the unease settling over his friend, and reassured him it would all be fine; he just had to keep his head down, not panic, and get on the bus home when the time came.

Jack puffed his cheeks out and agreed. He could do this.


His thoughts meandered as Delon flicked through a book on some sport or other - he was worried about what this afternoon now held, but equally, he was very concerned about Penny. What if she had been taken really ill… what if she wanted to see him just as much as he did her… but couldn’t get in touch?

A part of him was considering ringing up the hospital to see if a girl by the name of Penelope Lévesque had been admitted, but what would that really achieve? He would be exposing himself to more danger if he tried to make his way there, and even if she was in a ward or something, her parents would have no idea why this random Beta boy was getting in contact let alone coming to visit, and questions would inevitably follow.

He felt guilty. He had only considered his own feelings of loss at Penny not being there, but he knew that she would probably be feeling worse still, upset at not being there for him, and concerned about his reaction to her apparently letting him down.

Time was steadily ticking away, and with some heavy feelings weighing him down, he and Delon made their way for the last two classes before home time beckoned.

Both the Mathematics class and History passed by without significant drama; he was weary and beginning to regret not having eaten at lunch, but his appetite was still essentially at zero given the circumstances, and the prospect of waiting for the bus ensured it remained so.

Bag packed and hallway beckoning, he followed Delon obediently as they hugged the side one final time. They weren’t in an enormous rush, but they had agreed that getting out to the bus stop amidst the mass Alpha exodus and finding a place to conceal themselves was the best strategy, rather than waiting for 15 minutes in the library, and then trying their luck when it wasn’t busy enough for cover, or empty enough to be completely safe.

Just like in the morning, it was bustling with overly energetic kids of various ages and sizes, looking forward to getting the hell out of the building. Barely a handful of Betas still attended the school and it was actually quite rare to encounter another in the corridors during the mad rush home, usually via shared glances that included eye-rolling at the sheer implausibility of trying to negotiate the corridors, or mutual respect at having survived in the first place.

They passed the library entrance and began to sweep along the side of the main corridor that led to the front entrance. A number of kids just in front were definitely being boisterous, and Jack was having to force himself not to look, keeping his vision fixed on Delon’s legs as he escorted him. Voices were raised suddenly, and Jack sensed trouble.

Delon’s hand dropped by his side and he held his palm flat, his legs stopping abruptly as something had blocked their progress.

Jack could hear a scuffle, but was far too fearful of looking up. Delon’s legs suddenly sprang to action, as he quickly side-stepped… but next thing Jack knew, he was sent spinning as something or someone far bigger than he was clattered into him.


His glasses gone, and completely dazed, Jack tried to look around. He had no sense of his bearings at all, other than a vague sense he had travelled a good number of yards from where he had originally been standing.

Flat on his back, rucksack still attached, a crowd of Alphas of varying ages seemed to be looking down on him like a beached turtle, amused and not remotely concerned that he had seemingly withstood the impact of a freight train. He could hear others laughing, the scuffle still seemed to be going on, but further away now.

“Ah fuck,” he breathed.

“Watch out, he might be hurt,” one of the larger Alpha girls seemed to say, showing a level of concern that felt utterly alien to him, arousing his suspicions.

As he blinked over and over, trying to get his broken eyes to work again, he was grabbed deftly by soft, feminine hands, and brought into the body of someone very curvy indeed.

“I think the little dude need some air,” he heard the girl explain matter-of-factly, beginning to move through the crowd, away from the fracas.

Frustrated that she seemed to be making the decisions for him, he went to protest but his face was pressed firmly into large, pillowy breasts by strong, long-nailed fingers. He was humiliatingly pinned to her body like a sickly child clinging to its mother, unable to speak or really move at all.

A shimmer of blonde hair swept across his peripheral vision at the giantess’ neck level.




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