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Author's Chapter Notes:
This chapter is dedicated to Sir Pixis, whose pesky RLC's (Real Life Concerns) continue to prevent his honoring us with more stories and/or reviews.
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"Sparks to Commodore."

Yarc Micco flipped a switch on the desk in his cabin.

"Go ahead, Sparks."

"General Prilosec just called from the surface, sir. The legion from our ship, and the legion from Captain Thighah's, are fully deployed."

"Excellent. Tell him to have half of the 1209th do a recon-in-force of the area where Recondo Squad B disappeared. Send the other half to the Nightshrike's landing zone. I want at least two prisoners taken alive for questioning. Otherwise, they are free to employ lethal force. Understood?"

"Yes, sir."

The radioman signed off, so he could relay the message. Upon receiving his orders, General Prilosec implemented them without delay. As a result, the 1216th Legion remained behind to keep the Imperial landing zone secure.

Ten minutes later, the speeder bike recondos scouting ahead, for Regiment 1/1209th, reported a strange strip of open ground ahead.

"It's too wide and too straight to be natural, sir. It looks kind of like a half-constructed spaceport! Your orders, sir?"

"Keep circling that area until the first wave of infantry reaches it. Which should be in...five minutes."

"Acknowledged, sir!"

* * * * *


Inspector Kobic looked at his driver.

"How much farther does this access road extend?"

"It intersects with County Route 2 in another five miles, sir" replied Officer Kazuma.

"Hmmmph!" snorted the inspector, derisively: "And, nothing anomalous in all that...Halt! HALT! STOP THE CAR!!"

Officer Kazuma slammed on the brakes.

"Do you see what I see?" Kobic half-whispered.

His driver merely nodded; temporarily at a loss for words. For there, crossing the road directly ahead of them, was what could only be described as a military column! But, one that seemed composed entirely...

...of ambulatory toy soldiers.

The two men got out of the car, and slowly approached this incongruous sight. Their service revolvers drawn. Whereupon, Kobic fired a warning shot into the air.

"Attention! This is Inspector Kobic of the SID. You Little People are under arrest. I hereby order you to lay down your arms and surrender, immediately and unconditionally. Otherwise, we will be forced to..."

The first of the AT-AT's immediately opened fire. Followed by several others, as well as the stormtroopers on the ground. The engine of the giants' car was consequently blown, to the proverbial smithereens, in less than thirty seconds! Prompting the two SID men to run and hide behind it.

Kobic reholstered his revolver.

"Quick! Pop the trunk. We need better fire power."

Officer Kazuma did as ordered. Using one of the keys on his key chain to unlock the trunk and hastily withdraw two pump-action shotguns. Along with an equal number of boxes of twelve-gauge ammunition. Upon loading the magazines of these weapons to capacity, Kobic and Kazuma looked at each other...

...and nodded as one.

"Fire at will!" shouted Kobic.

The blasts from the gigantic pair of shotguns was as devastating as any turbo-laser howitzer. The first blast, alone, wiped out an entire company of stormtroopers. Plus, two of the elephantine AT-AT's! Prompting General Prilosec to call some of the speeder bike recondos for air support.

The first indication that the SID men were being attacked from behind was when Officer Kazuma felt the sting of a laser blast hit the back of his neck. This was officially confirmed when he suffered more painful damage to the calf of his right leg.

"Inspector! I'm hit!"

Kobic spun about and started pumping off rounds skyward. As if he were shooting at ducks from a hunters' blind. Then, he bent down and picked up Kazuma. His left arm around the latter's shoulders in order to support him. And, Kazuma's shotgun-toting left arm stretched outward for counter-balance.

"I told---everyone---this---would happen," muttered Kobic, in labored gasps: "And, now---it has. Our planet's---been invaded---by Little People!"

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