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Author's Chapter Notes:

After this chapter there shall be giantesses a plenty.

               Jared awoke groggily to the sound of Mary yelling in the small car.

               “Were here! Thank god, I thought I’d be stuck in here forever.” Said Mary excitedly to the group.

               “Were here?” said Jared lazily as he opened his eyes and wiped the drool from his mouth.

               “Yeah dude! And this place is fuckin huge!” said Tyreese as he reached across Mary and shook the still somewhat sleeping Jared.

               “Hehe Rebecca here I come.” said Rob as he pulled into the upscale concrete drive way and parked next to a fountain.

               “Well at least the Queen of Heritage High lives up to her reputation” said Mary
venomously as the group walked up the marble staircase to the front door.

               “Oh Mary. What are we gonna do with you.” Said Tyreese jokingly while roughly patting the petite brunette on her back.

               “Seriously Mary were going to be staying here for two days, the least you can do is show some appreciation.” Scolded Jared as he reached out and rang the doorbell.

               “Greetings! You guys are awfully early, the party is not for another few hours.” said Kerri happily as she opened the door for her guests.

               “Yeah sorry bout that, and hey Kerri, thanks again for letting Tyreese and Mary come along.” Said Jared as he walked through the luxurious front door.

               “And who is the other guy?” she questioned as she pointed to Rob.

               “That’s Tyreese’s brother. We couldn’t have gotten here if he didn’t drive us… And he brought extra booze.” Jared said.

               There was an awkward silence for a moment as the group wondered whether Kerri would still let them inside or not seeing as they had brought what was essentially an unwanted guest.

               “Ok.” She said acceptingly “I will escort you guys to your rooms.”


               “Damn Kerri you’re pretty laid back about this kinda stuff” complimented Tyreese.

               “When you live a life like mine, you tend not worry about much” joked Kerri as she led them into a wide hallway with several numbered doors. Then she stopped next to
the pair nearest to the staircase.

               “Ah yes I almost forgot, guys please put on these green bracelets, and Mary you hold onto this pink ribbon” asked Kerri who then pulled out three elaborately decorated stretchy green bracelets and one frilly pink ribbon out from her purse.

               “Why do we have to wear these?” Asked Rob suspiciously.

               “there are a certain number of these, and only people I have invited will have them, thus anyone who does not have one is a party crasher and will be dealt with”
declared Kerri brilliantly.

               “Wow that’s actually pretty smart. And… holy shit they glow in the dark.” Said

               “That would be because of the radium in them” she replied ingeniously.

               “Ok. boys will be on the left and girls on the right, Mary since you are the only
girl in your group you are going to get a few roommates, but do not worry Mary I will ensure that your roommates will be people who will not bother you” Said Kerri casually before flashing the group a warm smile and walking away.

               “… Spoiled little bitch” Mary said right as Kerri turned the corner.

               “Damn, that’s harsh.” Tyreese said.

               “She gave you a room to sleep in and you repay her with that?” Jared said in a disappointed tone.

               “She sounds like the damn queen of England only worse because she has that annoying valley girl accent. Did anybody else hear that “When you live a life like mine” crap? What a bitch.” Ranted Mary spitefully.

               “Mary Mary Mary.” Said Tyreese as he shook his head. “if you had a zillion dollars you’d talk like that too.”

               “Like hell I would” refuted Mary as she moved her bags into her room on the right.

               “You know Mary you’re much more attractive when you’re not complaining.” joked Rob as he opened the door to guy’s room.

               “Fuck off.” She spat angrily. “I had to sit through a three and a half hour car ride in your stupid car, without going to the bathroom, and then, when we arrive I've got to deal with little Miss I’m soooo much richer than everyone else. I have a right to complain.”

               “Speaking of little miss I’m rich, I gotta help her with something.” Said Jared who suddenly remembered he had to help her set up the party.

               “He’s gonna go fuck her isn’t he?” Joked Rob as Jared walked around the corner.

               Jared could not have been happier. There he was in a massive beach house with his best friends and his crush about to throw one of the largest party’s he would
probably ever see in his life. Looking around the luxurious mansion he could tell that this was going to be the best weekend of his life.

               As he passed the kitchen he noticed that the door to the deck was open. Walking out onto the massive porch which was easily the size of his driveway he wondered briefly if he would ever find his way around this house.

               “Hey Jared, Kerri’s busy helping the others so… me and you got to set up these… gas thingy’s” said a voice that could only belong to Jenna.

               “Oh, well ok then” he said in a disappointed tone.

               “ha ha, don’t be so upset, you’ll see her tonight if you know what I mean” joked Jenna.

               “Right. Well where does she want these.” Jared asked.

               “Apparently there’s gonna be wind coming from the ocean tonight, so she like, wants us to place them right on the shoreline.” Said Jenna casually.

               “won’t people be going swimming?” asked Jared as they both began to walk down the stairs to the beach past the outdoor pool.

               “You don’t know much about beach parties, do you? It’s the beginning of summer so, like the waters still cold. Nobody’s gonna actually swim, just wear swimsuits.” She reasoned in a sly tone as she began sticking the red lined canisters into
the moist sand.

               “And also are you planning on making a move on Kerri” she questioned in an
unsettlingly casual tone.

               “Well…I ahh think that me and her…” Jared stuttered as he finished placing his share of the canisters into the sand.

               “Listen Jared I may be her best friend, but I honestly don’t care what happens to her y’know, so just tell me if you or any other of your friends wanna piece of her, I can make it happen” she said in an almost amused voice.

               “You do realize you just offered to pimp her out to us, right? Said Jared who was both surprised and disturbed by Jenna’s lack of concern for Kerri’s well-being.

               “Well I mean yeah, I am her ‘best friend’.” Said Jenna sarcastically as they both walked back up the stairs.

 “If I put a bid in for you, I bet she’ll bang you in a second, and here’s the best part… she’s a virgin!” said Jenna who’s words completely shattered any respect Jared once had
for her.

               “Right, yeah I’ll tell you if I need any help with that, thanks Jenna” said Jared who was unsure of whether what she was saying was true or some kind of test to reveal his true intentions.

               “I mean we both know your only here to fuck her right? So why hide it” she said arrogantly as they reached the top of the staircase near the pool.

               “Wow… I seriously misjudged you Jenna” Jared said cleverly.

               “Ha Ha, a lot of people do that. I’ll forgive you this time.” She giggled arrogantly before walking up the stairs to the deck and into the house.

               “Oh yeah I forgot to mention. Kerri’s having some kinda party planning company come through and set the place up, so until then stay in your room kay?” said Jenna in an extra sugary voice.

               “… Right.” Said Jared plainly while walking awkwardly back to his room.

               The next couple of hours were fairly boring. A few people came, a few people went, and occasionally Kerri would stop by to check in. Mary was still complaining, and
Tyreese and Rob would not shut up, but all and all for Jared this weekend was shaping out pretty nice.

               A few hours later Jared had heard the party was about to start, and that Kerri, his crush was down by the beach. He quickly changed into his swimming trunks, and met
up with the group in the kitchen.

               “This place sure filled up quick.” Said Mary as a group of teens passed by.

               “that’s for sure, anyways Jared we better get down to the beach before all that booze you worked so hard to snatch is gone” said Tyreese.

               Kerri’s party had turned out to be a massive hit, and as the group walked the short distance from the rooms to the porch they counted at least 30 people. Music blasted through the enormous house from hidden speakers and colored lights could be seen from the beach. The scent of alcohol and fresh food lingered in the distance and enticed all who were lucky enough to be here to be become part of the celebrations down by the beach.

               “Well, she may be a spoiled brat, but she throws one hell-of-a party.” Said Mary excitedly as she and the rest of the group ran down the stairs to the beach.

               “Jared what are you going to do.” Asked Mary eagerly.

               “I’m going to go find Kerri.” He said plainly as he scanned the crowd looking for her.

               “Dude you have all night to go meet her, drink with us for a bit.” Said Tyreese.

               “Fine, Pass me a cold one” said Jared trying to sound cool.

               Jared grabbed the beer from his friend’s hand, and walked into the center of the crowd. This was truly paradise for him. There was tons of food, more food than anyone could possibly eat. Lights and music blared and flashed around him luring him into an almost trancelike state. Soon he began to consume more alcohol and within a matter of minutes he was drunk.

               “I think you need to sit down for a bit” said Mary who refrained from drinking the entire time.

               “Maaarryy, you…you silly girl.” Said Jared drunkenly “I…I…I’m, like super-duper sober”

               “Yeah you definitely need to sit down” she said as she shook her head with
disappointment at her ridiculously inebriated friend.

               “Where the fffffuck is Kerri? She…she promised me a god damn dance.” Shouted Jared senselessly as Mary forced him to sit down by one of the decorative fire pits.

               As Jared thrashed around incoherently, Mary noticed a multicolored hue emanating from the beach. The enormous rainbow colored cloud rolled over them and left the most beautiful smell as it passed. Mary was completely stunned and confused by
this new sensation, even Jared who was hopelessly drunk began to realize that something was going on.

               Mary looked down at Jared to confirm his status, but to her horror she saw the green wristband on Jared’s arm glowing and emanating light. There was a flash of bright light followed by an intense pain. Mary felt herself tense with shock as she faded into unconsciousness.

Chapter End Notes:

Intro is completed. Next chapter will contain be all about the giantesses

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