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"Naturally, I was quite stunned by that pronouncement, Jay. It made me think I was dreaming, again. So, to rule that out, I pinched myself where it was sure to hurt the most."


" 'Are you crazy?!' Gina Martin exclaimed: 'I tell you the world's in danger from extra-terrestrials. And, you're a copping a feel of yourself???' "

" 'I'm sorry, miss. But, I had to be sure I wasn't still asleep! The dreams I've been having all month...' "

" '...aren't really dreams,' finished the ex-Air Force commando: 'They're part of some hive-mind linking together every guy under Bonnie Sue Barton's thrall.' "

" 'What did you say?' not daring to believe I had heard him right."

"That's when he pulled over, and got out. He then reached towards the rear window of the vehicle, and withdrew a .30 caliber, army surplus M-1 carbine. Topped with an infra-red telescopic sight. Gina got out, too, and set my birdcage on the roof of what I now saw was a Ford Ranger pickup truck."

"Randy used the scope to survey the direction we had just come from, while continuing his fantastic explanation."

"Basically, he had retired from the Air Force after the First Persian Gulf War. And, with his Social Security check, alone, not providing much of an income for him, he took to wandering from town to town...and trailer park to trailer park. Always getting a local day job as a part-time janitor. And, using his nights off to (illegally!) operate a radio station, on unallocated wavelengths, from _inside_ his trailer."

" 'I played audiotape cassettes of my favorite golden oldies, for the most part. Under the handle of 'D.J. (Pancake) Turner!' But, occasionally, I tapped into--and videotaped--cable TV broadcasts, as well. Strictly for my own home-viewing pleasure, of course! And, not long after arriving in Lamont County, I tapped into a certain exercise program telecast by Jericho Cablevision, over in Cranston. I have to admit; the hostess looked mighty cute.' "

" 'I'd barely been watching it for more than five minutes, though, when my radio equipment suddenly started going haywire!' "

"It did not take him much longer than that to determine that his equipment was picking up a subsonic signal...being piggy-backed by the TV transmission."

"Both mystified and fascinated, he used his temp job as a janitor at Knudop High School to plant listening devices all around the campus. Inside...and out."

"You see, Jay; where I get the lay of the land by eavesdropping on half-drunk locals, in the towns where there've been UFO sightings, Randy could get similar results by eavesdropping on the conversations of local teenagers! Thereby allowing him to go after a certain demographic wherever he set up his pirate radio station."

" 'After a few days, I found out there was an unusually large minority of teenage boys who were into this 'Twirlercise' show. And, not just for the on-air pulchritude! Which gradually made me wonder if there might be a little subliminal audio-hypnosis going on, here.' "

" 'That's what CBS, ABC, NBC, and ESPN thought, as well,' added Gina: 'They've been alleging, for the past ten years, that that's the only way Jericho Cablevision could possibly be supplanting them, in the Nielsen ratings, during college football season. Because, Jericho Cablevision has never shown the usual statistical updates during half-time of a college football game. Instead, they've shown the half-time performances of college marching bands, in their entirety. And, an increasingly larger number of people have apparently preferred the latter format! So, I was sent out here to confirm or deny those allegations, once and for all.' "

"It was at this point that she was interrupted...by the approaching wail of sirens."

" 'State troopers!' exclaimed Randy: 'Gina! Take the wheel.' "

"Whereupon, I got deposited on to the shotgun seat of the cab, while Randy hopped into the cargo bed. Lying flat on his stomach, behind the tailgate,...in a typical sniper's position."

" 'Hey, wait a minute!' I shouted, as we peeled out, back on to the road: "Do you even know how to drive this type of thing?' "

" 'Are you kiddin' me?' she replied with a grin (and an Ebonic drawl): 'I spent summer vacations, durin' high school, navigatin' for my daddy aboard his eighteen wheeler!' "

"To illustrate this point, she put the petal even closer to the metal."

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