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"Reardon's first reaction to that sight was instinctive and unequivocal, Jay."

" 'Holy--Shit--Molasses!' "

"Yet, Celia (who was far more used to such things) snapped him out of his trance-like shock by demanding he get us the frig out of there! Wouldn't you know it, though? Gina Martin chose that opportunity to try and disarm Celia!! But, a couple of left-handed palm heel strikes to her jaw (followed by a Vulcanesque neck pinch to her carotid artery) soon cured her of that notion."

"Unfortunately, for us, those giantesses were already on the move. Flanking us, two on either side, with balletic leaps that quickly put us in the middle of a tremendous circle. And, what's worse? Each one of them was armed with a pair of proportionately big batons. Batons they immediately began twirling like those miniature tridents you see in the Japanese ninja flicks."

"Almost at once, the chopper began being buffeted by severe turbulence from all six points of that circle. So, Celia ordered Reardon to fly us higher, in an effort to get above it. Yet, again, it seemed like they were reading her mind. Because, now, they switched tactics."

"They not only began throwing their batons higher. They also began throwing them to each other! As a result? There was now a second barrier between us and freedom. One marked by those batons interweaving their flight paths together in an impassable X-shape."

"That's when the radio crackled to life."

" 'Celia? This is Bob. You might as well land. You can't escape the Mistresses. You might as well surrender peacefully. You'll be hurting more than yourself if you don't.' "

"Suddenly, my remote vision ended. I could only assume that Celia had closed her eyes in a frustrated sense of betrayal. Because, I heard her (most reluctantly) give the order to land."

"Five minutes later, we were down on the ground. And, the moment she had disembarked from the chopper, the first thing she did was demand to know why the former general had sold us out."

" 'Because they're going to change the world for the better,' he replied: 'Under their leadership and guidance, there will be no more racial bigotry. No more sexual discrimination. And, most importantly? No more war! No one will ever again have to lose an only son or daughter. Like I did.' "

" 'If your daughter were still alive, do you truly think she'd condone what you're doing in her name?" Celia rebutted: "Or would she more likely condemn you for being a _treasonous hypocrite_?!' "

" 'I am truly sorry you see it that way,' he sighed.

" 'I feel sorrier for you.' "

"Whereupon there was a loud gunshot! Followed by several disbelieving exclamations and the seismic vibrations of Celia turning and running for it!! She didn't get far, though. Because, the next thing I knew, I was having another painful vision."

"This one showing a saucer drone landing right in her path...and firing a pencil-thin beam of white light."

"The last thing I heard before I blacked out (again) was a thunderous female voice saying..."

" 'Send her to Mars Hall.' "

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