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"The second I heard that noise, it hit me, Jay. Another vision, that is. I was looking through someone else's eyes. Only it wasn't some state trooper, this time. This time, the voice I heard speaking belonged to a woman!"

"And, whoever she was, she was talking to another woman. Judge Delilah Sampson, to be precise. The woman who had sentenced me to community service at that junkyard, in the first place!"

" 'His location has been telemetrically fixed. Finster the Spinster's farm.' "

" 'Very well,' replied the judge: ' I'll issue the necessary bench warrants, immediately. It's too bad, though. I was just beginning to like her!' "

"Then, I snapped out of it. And, I gasped."

" 'You three have to get out of here. Now!'

" 'Say what?!' exclaimed Gina."

" 'The aliens! They've used me like a living Lojack! You've got to get out of here, before the whole place is surrounded. Just leave me behind."

" 'No way!' declared Randy: 'Even if we could find some police force that hasn't been infected, yet, they'd never believe our story without proof. And, like it or not, you're proof!' "

"Celia nodded in affirmation: 'We'll have to go cross-country. Gina, start up my Jeep Liberty. Randy? I know it's a lot to ask, but...' "

"He smiled, ruefully: 'I'll hold them off as long as I can. But, I'll need some extra firepower, besides my carbine. Care to trade me your double-barrel?' "

" 'In exchange for what?' replied Celia (just as ruefully)."

"Randy unzipped his over-alls, just far enough to reach in and remove a stainless steel Colt .45 Centennial Commemorative 1911 (with walnut grips)."

" 'Careful with her,' he said, half-sriously: 'She's got quite a kick.' "

"A minute later, we were leadfooting it, due east. After about a mile, Gina stopped to let Celia look back at the farmhouse through a pair of high-powered binoculars. And, sure enough: the structure now had a spotlight shining down on it from the nose of a Bell JetRanger. It's rotors gradually being drowned out by the sounds of approaching sirens."

"It was at that moment, that a shot rang out. A twelve-gauge gunshot, according to Celia. Followed by an identical one, two seconds afterward. It was the latter that blew out the spotlight."

" 'Let's get going, Gina,' ordered Celia."

"The younger woman reluctantly complied. But, as we resumed our escape, I suddenly had another 'waking dream.' And, this one was through the eyes of another state trooper!"

" 'Captain!' he yelled: 'This one's cov...!' "

"There followed a .30 caliber crack. And, the state trooper was dead. Which, in turn, led the rest of the state troopers to begin returning fire with 12-gauge Remington pump guns and AR-15 rifles. The whole fusillade aimed at the chimney of Celia's farmhouse!"

"Randy continued to exchange gunfire with them, as best he could. Assuming as much of a fetal position as possible, behind the otherwise dubious protection of the chimney, in between volleys."

"Finally, after what seemed like hours (but was probably more like fifteen minutes), the state police captain had had enough."

" 'Launch the drones!' he temperamentally ordered.' "

"Five seconds later, what resembled a pair of toy flying saucers was hovering over that chimney. One of which fired a pencil-thin beam of white light...and shrunk it to the size of a Lego block!"

"That's when the state troopers opened up one more time. And, Randy--with no more cover available--rolled down off the roof. His bullet-riddled corpse landing on the ground with a god-awful 'thud.' "

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