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Chapter 7: Locked Up


   I awake in darkness. I’m covered in some kind of blanket. I eventually realize it’s Naomi’s stockings. I look around, there are small rectangular lights in one direction. They form a kind of square pattern, and there are more high up above. I stand up. I’m all in one piece.

   I walk towards the lights. The floor is cool metal. I realize they are not lights, they are holes, windows to a brighter place. I stick my head through and look around.

   It’s the restaurant. Some part of it anyway. I recognize the colour scheme of the walls, and the smell. For a moment I am surprised, but then I remember how I got here. It’s just weird looking at it from this high an angle.

   I don’t like this place. Too many bad memories.

   Now that I think about it, I can’t recall any good memories.

   I’m in a locker. Naomi must of put me in here with her stockings and shoes. She must have noticed the... mess. I made. I feel a deep sense of shame. What the fuck am I going to do when she comes back? What can I say. I slump onto the floor. The locker feels like a prison cell.

Chapter 8: I Killed You Again


   “OH MY GOD, YOU’RE OKAY!” Naomi says when she opens the locker. Her face fills my vision. She breathes a big sigh of relief.

   I’m shocked. I don’t know what I was expecting.


   I feel apprehensive, but she sounds legitimately concerned.


   I don’t know what to say.




Chapter 9: Something Wrong With Me


   The drive home is awkward. She keeps looking at me. Like there’s something wrong with me or I’m going to do something crazy. Maybe she thinks I’m suicidal.

   Maybe I am.

   I’m placed on my bed. Life returns to normal.

   I still can’t stop thinking about her feet.


Chapter 10: Crazy

   I think I am crazy.

   Naomi is sleeping peacefully. I’m climbing up the blanket from the floor to her bed. It’s hard work, but I’ve had nothing better to do than exercise and jack off for days. I slip my fingers and toes into the weaves of the fabric and pull myself up little by little.

   I head to the end of the bed and make my way under the blanket. It’s warm under here. Crawling under the folds, I soon get to an opening. In the dim light filtering through the blanket, I can make out the dark shape of her foot, and my heart is quick in my chest. The scent is familiar. I hesitate, but my erection urges me forward.

   I press my lips onto her giant sole. She tastes good.

   Naomi’s lying on her side. II crawl along the length of her foot towards her toes, licking and kissing. I reach them, the big toe in front of me on the ground, the row of them receding up above me. With a shiver of excitement, I press myself down onto them. It’s warm and soft, ecstatic. I hump her big toe, and moan in delight. Soon I use my hand to insert my hard cock between her big and second toe. I gasp as I start to thrust and I bury my face in the flesh of her toe lick. After only a few thrusts I shudder and I shoot my load between her toes. I can’t believe how good it feels.

   I lay there exhausted, too excited to fall asleep but too spent to move.

   Suddenly she moves. She rolls over, I’m not sure if she’s awake but I’m in panic mode again, sprinting, crawling away. In my rush I tumble right off the bed. It’s a long fall breathless fall onto the carpet, and I hit hard. I’m not sure if anything is broken, I don’t have to think about it as I limp back towards my bed.

   I can still hear her moving, tossing in the bed. Please don’t wake up, please don’t wake up.

   She wakes up. I hear a sleepy moan of confusion, and then she reaches over and turns the lamp on. I freeze. She looks around blearily, not seeing me on the table. She sits up and rubs her eyes. She scans the room and then finally squints as she spots me on the floor. I don’t know what to do.

   She crawls forward on the bed and reaches down to pick me up. I swoop forwards in the air, vertigo hitting me. She looks at me sleepily. Her brow furrows slightly. All my thoughts are flying, I hope I don’t have a boner right now. I’m pretty sure she takes a long look at my crotch, but I can't even see down past her thumb. Eventually she puts me back on my bed, takes another long look at me and then turns out the light. In a few minutes I can hear her sleeping again.

   God what am I doing.


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