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Author's Chapter Notes:
Yes I know my chapter titles are odd. This kind of slows it back down, but the next Chapter will be more Interesting.
Chris sprang out of bed with his eyes still only seeing white, but he could feel the old lumpy sheet covered surface below him and rubbed his eyes to help them focus. Other colors quickly poured in as his eyes adjusted to the sun lit room and thought it was odd his eyes could only see white for a few moments but shook it off as an odd one off thing or at lest he would if it wasn't for all the other things he clearly recalls happening.

The trailer entrance door shook as Chris's dad knocked on it before asking “Can you open the door son.”

Chris then almost falling over himself in a rush to put his pants on then after a short delay yelled “Just a second”

Then as Chris was putting on his shirt he opened the door so his dad could come in the trailer. His dad said with a tone that was almost alien to Chris “I couldn't sleep well last night, I saw that look in your eyes and knew what it meant so now we are having the talk. “
Chris then taken a bit by surprise, but mostly filled with worry that somehow he knows something as he replied with held back fear “Can you please just tell me what it is point blank so I can go to school the place I just want to live at forever.”

His dad stated logically yet with a emotional weight that didn't go by unnoticed by Chris as he said “I know at this age with the social status that you believe no girl would give you the time of day much less date you, but high school is just a short time of stupid labels and cool against uncool but everyone gets over that sooner or later. Some get over it before leaving high school or better yet didn't get sucked into any of it in the first place. My point is that even if it takes some time one day a chance will open up to you.”

Chris said now clearly knowing this wasn't his idea “Mom told you to do this, didn't she.”

His Dad said feeling kind of relieved “Well she thought something was off and said this might be the time for a talk to make you feel better. She said don't talk about getting laid or any of number things that would make her go off. Just say we had the talk and then off to the jail house for kids with you.”

They both then went inside the house and Chris's mom then said to him standing near the door “I hope you slept okay out there Chris, I know it must have been cold and dirty in that old beat up thing. If your father didn't throw such a fit we could have just let you share a bed here. But he worry’s about the stupidest things.”

Chris and his dad then walked into the kitchen while his dad said quickly in reply “Oh he was fine and it was the floor or the trailer as we ran out of beds.”

Chris then now in the Kitchen looking at Tess and Megan sitting the table eating breakfast said to reply “I was fine mother, can't wait for some toast.”

Chris now felt his heart rate spike as he looked at the girl that he got laid by the other day who now was his cousin eating at the table like nothing happened. His sister Megan had a big grin on her face as she said “I had the best dream ever last night and I crushed a bug in it that was such a freak it might have been Chris. It was such a fun dream if only it happened in real life.”

Chris then felt his blood run cold as he felt shock yet in order to hold himself to together he told himself in his thoughts(It's okay, that only happens in the movies. This is all just some sick twist set of events that just happened to all look like something while logically it's just a bunch of random event's. Yes just a number of random things that just trick me is all.)

Tess then said with tension as she wasn't unaffected by recent events “Thanks for the breakfast and if there is a mom who knows how to make a breakfast it's Chris's mom. I will be heading for the bus stop that a friend of mine uses now for school so see you guys later.”

Chris then worried about her in the cold quickly says with clear concern “I can drive us both to school, we go to the same one and I may as well use it while I still have my car.”

Tess now says with a fake smile and a heated undertone “Sure I can ride with you, it would be good to save time and we could talk on the way.”

Chris knew with the way she said that, he was in for an unpleasant ride. His mother then said with delight “Oh that sounds great, I think you two will make great friends once you spend a little quality time together.”

Chris felt the cords of tension tighten around him as he and Tess got there coats on. Chris only felt more insecure knowing even for a short time he would be alone with her that yesterdays encounter was still very fresh in his mind. Yet a bag of guilt, shame and oddly happiness rushed into his mind like a flood in a way he never knew a person could feel. A heart that was both knowing what he did and felt was wrong yet can't for sure say it wouldn't want to cross that line again. Every thing his parents and civilization had told him on the subject did not prepare him for such a strong, powerful and live changing event. Knowing this only made his heart sink deeper as they both stepped in to his car with no words spoken, only the dreadful silence that told volumes in of it's self.

As Chris started the car he thought (I think the truth didn't really sink in until we woke up the next morning, faced each other after a night of sleeping on it and realizing just how deep our mistake runs. Will we ever get past this, or should we even get the right to forget this and move past it. This all could have been avoided if I had shown just the smallest amount of restraint until I knew her better.)
Chris felt like he was on the brink of crying as he said with his voice clearly highly weighted by the chains of guilt “Tess I am, no just saying sorry just doesn't help. There aren't words to truthfully and whole hearty tell you how much I regret my quick unrestrained actions. This whole thing is my fault, I am the one who should have thought to ask.”

Tess then snapped “We did it, it was a one time thing and now we just both need to get over it. This hurts me just sitting in this car and I wish you had given me space. But no you had to be a hero. You suck Chris, because even though you want to be selfless really what you are doing right now is the most selfish thing possible. I don't want to talk Chris, not today so just don't or else I will really get angry at you.”

As Chris was about to reply, Tess cut him off in a stern tone “Just don't Chris”

Chris as he dove on the back roads to school with Tess in the car still and cold as ice thought to himself (I should have known she wanted space, but it would have been a long walk in the cold. Still I think it would have been less painful and cold than this car ride. I was hopping to ask about that dream I had last night because if she had that dream, I had it and my sister as well then I fear it wasn't just the most detailed dream I ever had after all. But now I will be lucky if she even says hi to me at school now. The worst part of all this is that no matter how much I try reject, block and ignore it the painful truth is I still feel like I have a crush on her even though it has been crushed in such a unforeseen manner by the knowledge of a river of blood that connects us. All I can do now is weather and brave this emotional storm that my two hands, the body and my very being committed to in the darkness of my own lack of foresight and lustful greed.)

As the car pulled into the school parking lot, Chris watched a snow flake slowly drift in the air as it made it's descent onto the hood of his car. It only took a moment to land on the warm hood were it melted on contact and Tess got out of the car saying “Thanks for the ride” Before walking to the main school building leaving Chris feeling a chill down his spine knowing that look in her eyes was colder than any blizzard. Chris felt cold not from the weather around him, but from her rejection as he walked into school. He saw her down the hall talking to some other girls, Chris knew he shouldn't say anything to her today so in grief he passed Tess on to his first class of the day.

Before he could make it to the class, Rick who was standing not far from one of the restrooms called out “Hey you punk, I am going to tear you a new one to shit with after I am though with you.”

Rick then yelled with the voice echoing though the halls “Coward!”

Chris knew who he meant and ran down the hall trying his best to get away. But Rick was very fast and had no issues catching up to Chris before he tripped over a lose shoe lace. Chris then thought (That's it, my life just ended and Rick is why. This has been my whole life, a bit of good with a truck load of shit.)

Before Chris could stand back up Rick gave him a hard kick in the rear and then as Chris tried to recover Rick said with a menacing tone “I kicked your ass and now I am going to beat the shit out of it. Any last words before I drag you out side for a overdue beating.”

Chris then said with a smirk “Only the worthless chose to beat up kids because they can. Those who hate there own life the most are those who chose to make it hell for others.”

Rick then said with a smile “And only the weak come up with such gay crybaby piles of BS.”

Right after making that statement Rick with tough grip took Chris by his shirt and dragged him out the door next to the school dumpster. Chris had fought to break free, but Rick was both stronger and faster to counter every movement Chris made to escape his grasp. Chris now pinned against the wall could only think (Why can't I ever say the right thing, trying to sound cool gets a beating. Begging for mercy gets a beating and standing up to bully's also gets a beating. Telling on the bully's gets a beating, guess this is how the adults teach kids the world is an unfair place.)

Before Chris could speak, Rick shoved him hard against the wall and punched him in the face. Then quickly backed up to kick him in the gut. Chris could hardly stand as he bent over in pain said “Please Rick, stop this because it is all pointless.”

Rick then with a wide smile said “So MR badass is begging me to stop claiming this is pointless. But you see there is a point and that is.......” Rick then punched Chris in the face again before finishing his statement “....... to make my victims fall in hate with life itself.”

Chris was now beyond simple fear of taking a beating, as the last words rang though his mind he felt his heart rate jump again. His mind began to become blinded slightly by the fog of fear as he asked “What does fall in hate with life itself mean, just beating them up.”

Rick then laughed as he said “Well that depends on the person I wish to devalue. A good rumor can get some kids to look down a loaded shotgun or maybe hang out for a bit on rope. Most chicken out though and that's good for me so I can see the hate each time in there eyes. The hatred of there own life's as there heads hang low and are on the brink of a breakdown.”

Chris then couldn't help but to say with an outburst of anger as his nose bleeds “If anyone should kill themselves it should be you. The only one hating life so much is you. The only thing you devalue is yourself every time you seek to drive others into the ground.”

Chris felt his heart sink as he had always been against anyone committing suicide yet just told a human being to do just that. Rick then pushed Chris down against the brick wall and while he sat on the hard cold pavement with back against the wall rick kicked him in the side. This impact made Chris let out a involuntary scream as he was nearly in a ball gripping himself in great pain.

Just when Chris thought he was alone, Tess came from behind Rick and tried to push him away. But he shrugged her weak push off and she nearly lost balance. Tess then yelled “Get away from Chris, he needs help. Just look at him!”

Rick then with a smile says “So is this your girlfriend Chris and she fights your battles for you. Well I might just need to take it out on her then, I was going to do it to Chris. But girls are a bit more fun.”

Tess then said with a stern tone “You leave him alone or I will get the teachers out here. I will also tell my dad who is a cop and get your ass chewed out hard. Chris is my cousin by the way and family fights for each other you total dick!”

Rick then laughed and stuck his middle finger up on his right hand up as he said “Thanks for remembering my name and soon you will be drilled against a wall as my dad is a state cop. No one in the whole school can touch me and I know your dad doesn't give one shit about you. Now are you ready to take one up the ass for your so called cousin Tess?”

Chris then with his failing voice managed to say “Please walk away Tess and Rick just leave her alone.”

Rick then quickly turned around and punched Chris in the face again leaving a mark. Rick went on to say right after in a cruel tone “Shut up geek trash and stay shut or else.”

Tess burning furious loses composure and her narrow eyes glare at him with an inter flame as she yells “Heartless cold bastard, I will beat every evil drop of ego out of you if it the last thing I do!”

Tess then as quickly as she could tried to strike Ricks face with a left hook punch while ramming a harsh kick between his legs. But Rick managed to grab her left striking arm while blocking her kick and shoved her against the wall with his body pinning her from head to toe. Rick now angry putting it mildly says with an aggressive tone in her ear “Okay dirty bitch, try anything more to get away or hurt me and I break his neck. You will submit your whole body without a struggle or I will beat you into submission.”

Chris felt his heart sink deeper than he thought was possible as he hardly being able to keep his eyes open saw the horror unfolding right next to him and not having the strength left to move much less do anything about it. He willed more than anything else he ever felt to move, but this was in vain as the bleeding made him begin to lose feeling in his limbs. It was like a red river was running down his forehead, cuts on his arms and came flowing out the deep scrapes on his legs.

As he sat back against the brick wall nearly blacking out he thought (This is shameful, I couldn't even at lest look like I tried to stop him. I have lost the right to live, because there is nothing I can do to save her. I am so useless and now Tess will pay for it in the worst way possible. If only Rick turned into the ant he wants his victims to feel like. Then she would be saved, that is what I want more than life it's self.)

Chris managed to force out a few words as he felt his mind slipping away from the bleeding “Don't let him”

But he felt his voice give out as his mind slipped quickly losing a grip on his consciousness, he knew this was it. His mind wasn't going to hang on much longer after losing so much blood and taking a blow to the head like that. Chris could only look in horror at the picture his mind painted from what his eyes sent to his brain. He thought to himself before going all the way under (Why is Rick glowing like that, wasn't he taller than her and I have truly failed in this life. Sorry I didn't save you)
Chapter End Notes:
Yes the part you are hopping for is coming shortly. Rick might not like the result of his "glowing".
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