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The bone-cracking attack was the only thing Chun-Li could hear, her vision immediately growing blurry. She screamed shrilly, her pain echoing for blocks around. Juri's lips turned up in an ecstatic smile, while the other giantess fell to her knees. Chun-Li's eyes looked down at the tiny people in her shadow. She found herself caring for their safety again, but the pain was simply too great for her to even feign a movement for their sake.

Her chest impacted the ground first, her bountiful breasts smashing a section of crowd beneath them. They never stood a chance, as the puny men and women were crushed against the soft wrecking balls hidden away under that black dress.

Clutching her ribs in pain, Chun-Li turned her face up, seeing her rival's entire body begin to glow faintly as she stood over her prey. The glow was warm, and oddly familiar, and after a moment, Juri seemed to take notice of it as well.

At the same instant, both fighters realized what was happening.

Reaching an arm forward, Chun-Li grasped for Juri's ankle, but a sharp, painful stab in her ribs threw her aim off, and she missed. She screamed angrily as the slowly shrinking woman escaped, her feet ripping up large sections of the street as she ran through the toy-like city.

Never one to give up, Chun-Li climbed to her own two feet shakily. The pain in her chest was mind-numbing, but this was the best chance she'd had all day. It was going to take a lot more than a couple of broken ribs to stop her from capturing Juri.

Hobbling forward and clutching her stomach, Chun-Li was all too aware of the consequences of her actions. While Juri was tearing a path of destruction through the tiny, breakable city, at least she was steadily shrinking, and the path she tore lessened in size as she moved.

Chun-Li on the other hand, was still at full size. Her giantess body ripped apart buildings, and crushed dozens of innocent people underfoot in the pursuit of her rival. She ignored the howling cries of people scared for their life an instant before her foot turned them into mush. She ignored the buildings that were crushed into splinters under her toes. They were a necessary sacrifice if it meant catching Juri.

Soon though, it became apparent that she wasn't going to catch up. Though shrinking, Juri's head start coupled with the fact that she was running at full speed caused her to outpace her pursuer by leaps and bounds.

But Chun-Li would not give up.

A convenience store disappeared under a bare foot. A person's home under another foot. A restaurant was next. Then a church. Her feet were gouging the landscape, leaving nothing but a symbol of her might behind.

She kept following the path Juri had taken, leading the two giantesses out of the city, and into a wooded area. It was sparsely populated, and the crushed trees felt like a pleasant massage after all the hard mortar and bricks of the city. The treeline continued to grow more dense, and Chun-Li's powerful feet crushed acres of forest into pulp. She couldn't even see the criminal anymore, but told herself that she would find no matter what.

Juri, meanwhile, had finally shrunk small enough to disappear below the treeline. Moving out of the giantess's path she stopped to wait. Several minutes passed before the ground began to rumble under her feet, and her heart pounded as she could see how truly immense the giantess Chun-Li was. She stared up at the monolithic woman, in awe of her size. Minutes ago she was just as massive, just as powerful. She was a living Goddess,but now she just a mortal.

Stifling a laugh, Juri watched as the giantess stomped past her, so single-minded in her task that she never stopped to search under the treeline for her target. Chun-Li's delirious mind was so focused on her goal that she just kept moving ahead, even though she'd lost sight of Juri minutes ago.

Waiting a few seconds, Juri allowed the rampaging giantess to continue her mindless pursuit, and place a great deal of distance between them. Then she breathed a sigh of relief. She had escaped capture yet again, and stepped out of the wooded area into one of the clearings left by Chun-Li's massive feet.

Though she wasn't quite her normal size yet, she was still amazed by the immensity of it. It sunk so deep into the earth, and was a simply perfect outline of her foot. Trees and wildlife were compressed our of existence, and Juri shivered in excitement. The power she'd wielded moments ago over the ordinary people was really driven home by this footprint. She missed being a giantess immensely, and cursed at herself for failing at both of her missions. Still, at least her rival had been unsuccessful at her own mission, and she'd escaped capture again.

Out of curiosity she raised the sole of a foot to her knee and looked at her toes. They were covered in dirt now, but mixed in with it was a bevy of unmistakeable red smears. She smiled at the sight, and visually compared her own foot to the footprint. It was no contest of course, but she wished she had one of her own giant footprints to compare with.

Still, even if she'd failed to kill Chun-Li and failed to find Shadaloo's Shanghai base, it had been a fantastic day. She wasn't sure if the opportunity to kill Bison would have made sweetend her day any further.

Stepping back into the dense treeline, she wondered how the higher-ups at SIN would react to her failure. Not that she cared what they thought about her, but she so wanted to see the angry looks on their faces before she-

A powerful earthquake ran through the area, followed by a loud, pain-filled scream.

“Mmm... I LOVE the way she screams.” Juri laughed, knowing that Chun-Li's pain had finally overwhelmed her, and brought her to her knees.

A few miles away, the giantess was lying face down in the forest. The pain in her ribs had grown so intense that it finally overwhelmed even her body, and she'd fallen to the ground. The white-hot pain traveled through her entire being, and she mercifully lost consciousness a second later.

Everything was quiet again.

Moments after falling unconscious, Chun-Li's body began to glow. She was finally shrinking as well.

Minutes later, a jeep drove up to the crater left behind by the giantess, and a man in a green jacket collected the beautiful, unconscious woman. Carrying her into the vehicle, he quickly drove off.

A few hours passed before Chun-Li woke up again, immediately realizing she was normal sized again. Her mind was spinning as memories flooded back to her, and she looked around, seeing that she was laying in the passenger side of a jeep, her feet resting in the lap of the driver.

“Guile?” She asked weakly, the pain in her midsection flaring up again.

“Don't move and just lay on your back. We've got a long way to go to get to HQ.” He said gruffly, keeping his eyes on the road.

Chun-Li leaned back, her mind reeling. How many lives had Juri ended? How many had she herself ended? A shiver ran down her spine at the thought. Forcing them out of her mind, she shook her head.

“What about Juri?” She asked.

“Escaped.” He answered darkly.

Too exhausted to be angry, Chun-Li resigned herself to her thoughts. Something about the growing machine had affected her sensibilities as well. Taking lives had been so easy, and though she fought with it the entire time, she could sense that her sanity was slipping the entire time.

Still, at least the machine was gone. The last thing the world needed was more berserk giant fighters roaming around.



“Can you turn on the radio?” Chun-Li asked, wincing as she tried to laugh.

“Sure.” Guile smiled, glad to see that her sense of humor had remained intact at least. She'd need it when she had to explain what happened today.

The jeep drove off into the sunset, a catchy guitar lick that went with everything blasting through the radio.
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