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Author's Chapter Notes:

The first two paragraphs are intense, but then it starts to go back to its normal flow.

When I woke up I was lying on the floor in front of her bare feet. She raised her foot above me and then brought it down in a stomping motion, stopping only inches from squishing me into an unrecognizable red paste. When I looked up in-between her toes, I saw she was naked and furious at what I had done to her in her sleep.


She picked me up and stuck me to her oddly shaped purple dildo. I was frightened about what her pussy could do to me at such a small size, but even more frightened when I realized what I was smelling and the position she was getting ready for. I wasn't on her dildo. I was on her buttplug. Her cheeks zoomed by faster than i could see and I was pressed into a small button-like orifice that easily accepted my minuscule, fragile body.  I couldn't see anything but darkness, but I knew by the smell I was inside her rectum. I could hear something ominous gurgling and moving closer from a tunnel in the distance. It sounded enormous, but what scared me the most before I passed out from fear was the last words she said to me.

"Welcome to your New Home."

"AAAAGGHHHHH!" I awoke in a cold sweat still laying against her fun bags. It was a dream? I looked up through her cleavage to see if my screams had awoken her, but she was still fast asleep. I'll take that as another sign I should stay away from her ass for now. I think it's time to go down south.

It was very dangerous what I just did, I still cant believe I was that careless. What if she had rolled over in her sleep again?  I would be a red stain in between her knockers.

Now that I had had my fun with her breasts, it was time to move further south. (The deep south, haha.)  This was one part body I was really looking forward to. Her vagina. However there was a part of me that felt like it was wrong go near her womanly orifice when she was sleeping. I decided to hold off for now and stop at another hole on the way down. I was walking towards her bellybutton.

When I reached her abdomen, the ground grew softer and squishier with no rib cage to support it as I walked across her smooth belly. It started to get narrower before it got wider, giving her an hourglass figure. The top most abdominals had the least amount of width and it steadily grew broader as I walked towards her navel and closer to her capacious hips. The shape of her stomach is so hard to describe, especially from my view on top of it.  Perfect but not perfect...which by default makes it perfect? She didn't have rock hard abs, but she didn't have a pudgy, fat gut either. It was somewhere in between... maybe right in the middle of that. The top two abs were more defined than her bottom two. She'd make a decent belly dancer.

In short, it was sexy.

I could see the outline of her abs, but they weren't overly taught. Yet at the same time her bulge jutted out just a little bit, which would be normal for a girl her weight with those giant fatty tissue mountains behind me I just explored and a lushous booty to match on her opposite side that I'll be exploring later on.  When I go to to the third row of abs from the top is when her belly started to divot and lead me to the hole known as her umbilicus.  Just beyond it on her fourth and last row of abs is when her  belly started to rise on a very small hill of fat and then lower towards her crotch. It would barely be an inch, maybe less than half an inch at my normal height, but at my current minuscule size, It was noticeable. I crouched down and began to walk carefully just in case I fell into her hole. I couldn't yet see how far it went down but as I got to my hands and knees I crawled onto my own belly and inched my way (or maybe millimetered my way) until my hands were on the ridge of her tummy hole and I was peering over the edge of the gorge and looking down into the vast pit below.

The wrinkles looked faultless, I couldn't see anything wrong with them and they all gathered in the center.
I never realized how sexy a woman's belly could be let alone her belly button. I think I could see a piercing where a belly button ring would go, but right now it was empty and flawless showing her true natural beauty and skin. I had to climb down inside another one of her holes. I scanned the area and looked for a wrinkle that was right beneath me. If I lowered myself down carefully I could climb down safely and then climb back up If I jumped up high enough and caught the rim of her navel. But that would be too risky. There's still A lot of her I haven't explored yet. Plus if she did roll over I would have no chance of escape and wither be squished underneath her plush belly or be trapped inside until she woke up. Who knows what would happen then?

I got up slowly and my knees were shaking being so close to edge I thought I would fall in if she made a sudden movement or sneezed or coughed. And of course that was what happened. A rumble erupted from beneath me and moved the ground beneath my feet a few millimeters from her perspective, but it was enough to startle me and send me toppling into the opposite direction. Into the hole. I screamed as I fell backwards, but it was relatively quick and the natural smoothness and softness of her skin inside her belly alcove cushioned my fall, so I was barely hurt at all. (Just my wrist from being inside her mouth earlier in the night.) My view was being inside a chasm with the circling walls surrounding me from every angle and as I looked up I could only see her ceiling far off in the distance. It was a strange sight.

That rumble which no on else would have seen nor heard at non-shrunken size, was just a gas movement in her bowels somewhere. Possibly gas inside her stomach passing to her small intestine from her dinner earlier in the night.

I imagined what it would be like inside her. Except this time not afraid. As if I had super powers that could make me melt through her body and join her food travelling through her digestive organs safely and then move out harmlessly  when the journey was done. Being churned in her stomach without being burned by stomach acids, being squeezed through her narrow small intestine without the microvilli pulling me apart atom by atom, ending up in her large intestine as it tried, but failed to suck the life and moisture out of me leaving me turned into a brown pile of mush. Finally, harm free, I would leave early before I got to her rectum and experienced firsthand, the result of the previous food and gasses that entered before me.

I placed my hands deep into the curved, rounding walls of her creamy lotioned skin and then leapt up to the ridge of her navel. I made my way out of her belly hole with relative ease except at one point, I almost fell back in.

I put my arms over the ridge of her belly-button and looked over to her waistline. I didn't notice this before but she had put her hand over her crotch coincidentally when she rolled over earlier. It didn't look like she was masturbating but her fingers did twitch occasionally. I didn't want to climb down and explore her vagina yet in case I was accidentally inserted and turned into a human tampon. I'll go hang around her legs and feet for a while until she moves her palm. That was the plan anyway. another rumble from her innards had occurred and I lost my footing climbing back up and slipped back down into the nook in her belly. Unfortunately I was falling head first and before I knew it, I had blacked out.

Chapter End Notes:

Does anyone still read this story or want it continued? I'm guessing about 8 or 9 people read it from the reviews. I was planning on doing a chapter or two on each major body part. Whatever i could think of.  I hit a huge writers block for this, but i was motivated to complete this chapter. I'm glad I added it but I dont think I'll be adding any new chapters for a while.

p.s. This hole was not the hole the title is referring to.


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