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"Now, for starters," Sara intoned: "...you've heard of doggie-beds? Well, here, I have a perfect example of a shrinkie-bed!"

She held up the brown cloth item. Showing the interior towards the camera, and thereby displaying both its square shape and yellow foam-rubber lining.

"This one was made from the same type of material as oven mitts and casserole holders. So, it's guaranteed to keep your little man warm during those cold winter nights. And, the foam padding keeps him from doing himself any harm if he misguidedly tries to escape! Observe."

Whereupon, she unscrewed the lid of the jar; lifted the jar, itself, up; and then gently tilted it toward her right. As a result, Little George fell on his butt and slid out. Falling into the waiting interior of the shrinkie-bed.

This, in turn, caused Jen and Kyla to collectively gasp.

"Not to worry. Not to worry!" chanted Sara: "He's perfectly fine. See?"

TV Camera Two zoomed in on Little George picking himself up and rubbing the backside of his Ken Doll boxer shorts. He then looked up at Sara, all set to swear at her as loud as he could! That is; till Jen and Kyla cooed in perfect unison.


Seeing those two gorgeous faces looming over him (along with two pairs of mammary glands that--to him--now resembled the Mount Rushmore Quartet) temporarily took the wind out of his indignant sails. Thereby allowing Sara to resume her recitation.

"Now, as to exercise. Hamster wheels should only be employed as a last resort. Because, those are not only demeaning to shrunken men (whose physical stature may have been reduced; but not the extent of their emotions). They are also counter-productive!"

"Counter-productive?" echoed Jen: "In what way?"

"By jogging on a hamster wheel, shrunken men are merely running away from the truth. Namely; that their condition is a permanent one. The sooner they accept this truth, the better off they'll be. And, the best way to expedite that acceptance is to let them socialize with other shrunken men. Hence, my also bringing along...this."

Sara reached beneath the left side of her blue blouse-jacket, and withdrew what looked like a black cord, attached to a small, navy-blue vest.

"This is a modified version of the so-called 'thunder jacket' developed for Chihuahuas and other high-strung toy dogs. When you take your shrunken man out in public (say, to the movies or an elegant restaurant), simply put this on him before you place him on the floor. The subsonic transmitter, sewn into the lining, will emit a calming vibration. No system is foolproof, of course. Which is why you should also attach this to the hook on the back of the 'thunder jacket.' "

"A dog leash?!" exclaimed Jen.

"Actually, more like a wrist leash. Of the type usually employed by the mothers of hyperactive toddlers!"

"Could I try it, Sara?" Kyla begged (with prayer-clasped hands): "Please-please-please-please-PLEEEEEEEEEEEASE?"

Sara laughed and nodded. Whereupon, she reached down inside the shrinkie-bed to withdraw Little George. The latter tried his best evade her hands! But, Kyla laughingly reinforced her. Capturing the poor guy in her own grip while Sara put on the "thunder jacket" (which actually fit him more like a straight jacket). Followed by the hooking on of the leash. Kyla then placed Little George on the floor before reaching to grab her end of the leash from Sara.

Consequently, Little George immediately tried to make a break for it!

Of course, between the leash and his arms being pinned to his sides, within the "thunder jacket," he did not get very far. In fact, all it took was one gentle tug from Kyla, and he fell flat on his behind.


Sara looked at her right hand's wrist watch.

"The subsonic transmitter should be plenty warmed up by now. Why not take him for a test walk around the studio?"

"I'd love to!" Kyla enthusiastically replied.

And, for the next five minutes, viewers of the Weather Channel watched a six inch-tall man obediently struggling to keep pace with his sultry, long-legged beauty of a handler. Among them? Danielle Banks; still watching from the Manhattan studio.

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