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Author's Chapter Notes:

This chapter is all story. It sets up the events and gets the ball rolling so to speak. The following chapters will really flesh things out. (Literally)


You yanked open your car door, got in, and fumbled with your keys as you tried to push them into the ignition. “Damn it!” you say through gritted teeth. After finally managing to start your car, you jam it into reverse and squeal out of your driveway; you can’t be late for work again.

After grinding through the morning commuter traffic, you finally make it to the pizzeria. Your boss eyes you suspiciously as you sign in with merely seconds to spare.

“We’ve got the morning delivery orders filled. Here’s the first batch.” said Arnold, he had just been hired.

 As you get your first stack of hot pizza’s their sweet aroma fills your nostrils. You have always had a very strong sense of smell.

After making the first two deliveries, you turn on your radio to the news. You’re shocked to hear that a covert operative has stolen some vital codes from the pentagon, and that he is still at large in your area. Just then, you hear sirens in the background, a lot of them. A pizza delivery car with the pizzeria’s logo screeched up beside you. It was Arnold inside! Without a word he dropped a pile of files, a briefcase, and various documents onto your lap, and sped off. You were dumbstruck, but your daze was broken by the telltale click of guns cocking, a lot of clicks.


You looked around; your delivery car was surrounded by heavily armed FBI officers. You had dozens of pistols, assault rifles, and snipers trained on your head. You quickly obeyed the enraged FBI officer, but you still did not know what was going on. You heard people exchange words behind you, and then you felt a sharp sting in the back of your neck. Your hand shot back to feel a syringe, and then everything went black.

You woke tied to a stretcher being rolled down a hall. You watched as the fluorescent lights flew past you. You were still groggy, everything was blurry, and every noise sounded fuzzy. You felt yourself stop in front of some kind of door. Your heard people talking around you, but you could not see them.

“Is this the one who stole those activation codes?” asked a thick male voice.

“Yes, sir!” remarked a young, earnest voice.

“What do you think Hanes? You want him to be first?” said the thick voice again.

“Yes, yes I do.” said a sultry, smooth voice.

“Very well, prepare the radiation chamber.” Said the thick voice.

You blacked out again.


You woke up in a hot room. You were groggy again, not fully conscious. There was an aching pain throughout your body. You swear you felt your body getting…smaller. This had to be some sort of dream. Some kind of machine emitted a high pitch whirr that hurt your sensitive ears. The pain just increased, and increased. You strained against the stretcher, you were still tied down, bit the straps felt looser. Any minute now, and you could wiggle free. All you had to do was…was… Black.

You awoke a third time. This time you were fully aware. You were lying on a cold, metal floor that looked like stainless steel. You looked around at the landscape around you. It looked like some sort of interrogation room, but massive. A blinding light shined down from the distant ceiling. A thought crossed your mind, you remembered the shrinking feeling you had earlier, and you wondered if the room was normal-sized, and you had been shrunk to the size of two inches. “No, no. That’s impossible!” you told yourself. However, your fears were realized when a beautiful, shapely blond woman with a tight suit and golden badge reading “CIA” walked in through a door.

“Well hello there, little man.” She said in a familiar sultry voice.

“H-hi” you stuttered.

“My name is agent Hanes, but you will call me Mistress Keisha, understood?”

“Y-yes, ma’am.” You stuttered again, trying to sound as respectful as possible.

“Well then, now that that is sorted out, why don’t you tell me everything about your little scheme.” She said, more coldly.

“What scheme?” you asked, confused.

“Oh, you know, the one where you stole missile activation codes from the pentagon.” She sneered

“I don’t know anything about that!” you said defensively.

“Good! I was hoping you wouldn’t just tell me. That wouldn’t have been as fun.” She said while closing the door and drawing the blinds over the windows. “When I’m finished with you, you’re gonna wish you told me everything up front.”

Chapter End Notes:

Next chapter coming soon. Trying to balance my schedule and get out new chapters a soon as is possible.

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