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Well guys, sorry about the delay, but I am back. Here is Ch6, hope you all will enjoy it. Let me know what you think.

***********************************************************Alicia did her best to hide her excitement and not run, though the desire to break out into full sprint to get into her room as quick as possible was great within her. In just a few short moments, Alicia was at her room. She left her door unlocked. She always did. No one wanted much to do with her anyway, she didn’t have much to worry about.
She softly stepped into her dark, quiet room. Alicia flipped the switch to turn on the lights. Her room mate had all ready gone for the night and Alicia had the room to herself, at least for the night.
She removed the cleats from over her shoulder using a little more force than was necessary. She imagined her tiny captives tumbling around inside of her shoes. She held the cleats up to eye level and gave them a good swing with her free hand just for the hell of it. There was a peg on the wall where Alicia would hang her softball mitt. She tossed the mitt on the ground and hung the cleats on the peg.
She removed the socks from the end of the cleats.
“Now, no more need for these filthy things.”
She tossed the socks on her floor with the rest of her laundry.
“I think if you guys try to climb out, you’ll find it a nasty fall. Besides, you guys don’t wanna go anywhere. Being so small, you might get stepped on if you aren’t careful.”
Alicia let out a childish giggle and tried to look inside the shoe to catch a glimpse of her tiny captives. However, it was nearly impossible to get a good look at them, from her angle all she saw was blackness.
“Well, you guys just hang tight. Alicia is going to go get a shower so I won’t smell so bad.”
She giggled and gave herself a sniff and made a sour face. She grabbed a towel from a peg on the back of the door and a small tote bag and left the room.
From inside the shoe, Brian did his best to get a stable footing. It was a difficult task considering each movement caused the shoe to swing more and more. Eventually he was able to reach the tongue of her shoe and pull it back just enough for a breeze of fresh air. There was no way he could escape this way, but the fresh air was enough for the moment. Brian hung one arm out of the small hole he had managed pry open. He struggled to find a secure footing so that maybe he could poke his head out from the dark, musky inside of the shoe.
The air inside Alicia’s room was nearly as stale as the air inside her cleats, however, it was a vast improvement from the overwhelmingly rancid odor of her shoes. As Brian managed to get his head closer to the crack, he could see Alicia’s other cleat. He knew Catherine was most likely curled up at the toe of the cleat, scared out of her mind. The thought of it slowly began to enrage Brian. He knew that Catherine and Alicia had their beefs with one another, but he could not understand how anyone could be so deceptive and cruel. Nor could he imagine any such action which would deserve such harsh retribution. He tried to reach out to the other shoe, knowing full well he was unable to reach it. He wanted to call out to Catherine and console her, but he couldn’t find the words. The ball was clearly in Alicia’s court and there was very little they could do other than hope her game ends soon, and they can make it out in one piece.
Inside the other cleat, Catherine, much like Brian had suspected, was curled up at the toe of her shoe. Her eyes red, and cheeks stained with tears. She no longer cried, she was beyond it. She was not crying from fear, rather rage. Each time she felt the indentions left by Alicia’s toes, or filled her lungs with the dank air from Alicia’s feet, she came to an all too real realization of her place; tiny, insignificant, and at the feet of her enemy. She knew that she could be disposed of with one step, and that if she did live through this, it would be at the mercy of Alicia, and that is something Catherine would have to deal with for the rest of her life, how ever long Alicia decides it will be.
This series of thoughts ran through her mind with each breath, though she was unable to do anything. Screaming, crying, shouting empty threats and beating her fists against the walls of her shoe-prison would do no good. She would have to face Alicia and somehow survive.
Brian just hung from the opening in the cleat, swinging hopelessly, awaiting Alicia’s return soon, wondering what she would do with them. He heard the sound of the doorknob being rattled and turned. As quickly as he could, Brian withdrew himself and fell to the bottom of the shoe. He certainly did not want to draw any unwanted attention to himself. Alicia had obviously forgotten something, and had come back. It was certainly not enough time for her to shower. The door closed, and Brian could not tell if she was still in the room. He held his breath as if expecting at any moment for Alicia to come check in on him.
Brian could hear her rummaging about the room, but she never came near the shoes. She must have been using anticipation as a method of torture.
A moment later, Brian heard the door open a second time.
Alicia walked back into the room, her towel still slung across her shoulder, still very dry. Upon entering her room, she was quit surprised to see her roommate Katie in the room, rummaging about the place looking for something.
“Hey, what are you doing here? I thought you’d all ready left for the night.”
Katie looked up from her search and saw Alicia standing in the doorway, still dressed in her practice clothes, towel over her shoulder.
“Well, I’m late, but I forgot my tickets. I can’t seem to remember where I put them.”
Katie looked at Alicia for a moment before continuing her search.
“Decided not to shower?”
Alicia looked about the room, trying not to seem anxious, yet wondering what she could do to hurry the search along.
“Well, the showers are being cleaned, and there are all ready people lining up for them. So, I decided to wait it out a bit. What tickets are you looking for anyway?”
Katie looked up at Alicia for a second.
“I didn’t tell you? The Mars Volta is playing at Tipitina’s tonight. Greg gave me the tickets the other day to hold on to them and I can’t remember what I did with them.”
From inside the shoe, the sound of Katie’s voice gave Brian and Catherine great hope. Brian thought, just maybe if he could wedge himself out of the shoe enough, he could draw her attention and she would help them. Brian tried to regain his position to wedge himself out, but in his excitement, he just slipped and fell, causing the shoe to swing back and forth harder and harder each time he moved.
Katie was occupied with her search, but the movement caught Alicia’s eye. Alicia casually walked to the peg with the sneakers and draped her towel over it.
Suddenly as if a light bulb had gone off inside her head, Alicia remembered seeing the tickets.
“Wait! I remember, you had them in a white envelope! Top drawer by the TV.”
Alicia eagerly skipped to the drawer and happily produced the envelope. Katie checked its contents, and the tickets were all there.
“Geez, I can’t believe I forgot that.”
She eyed Alicia suspiciously.
“You’re being awfully happy for some reason, what’s gotten into you?”
“Well, nothing…yet.”
With that, Alicia couldn’t help but to smile a bit.
“I guess I am just having one of those days.”
Katie still looked at her with a suspicious stare.
“Well, it’s a nice change.”
Katie walked towards the door.
“I’d like to stick around, but I’m late as it is. Anyway, thanks for the help.”
She opened the door to step out into the hall and turned back to Alicia, who was headed towards her towel which was draped over her cleats. Alicia, noticing Katie was watching her, stopped short and tried to act naturally.
“I just remembered, we have an extra ticket, wanna come?”
Alicia looked at the cleats for a second and then back at Katie.
“I don’t know… I kinda had plans tonight. But, you know, I was such a fan of At the Drive In.”
Alicia looked back at the cleats hanging on their peg and smiled.
“Yeah, count me in! I’d love to.”
Katie smiled.
“Great, the more the merrier. We’re going to leave now and hang out before the show, but I’ll just leave a ticket here, and you can meet us there at 9:00.”
Katie handed Alicia a ticket and tried to take one last glimpse at the room, half expecting to find something that Alicia may have been hiding. Not noticing anything, she turned back and walked out.
Alicia quickly closed the door and let out a long sigh. This time, she locked the door.
She walked towards the cleats and threw the towel on the floor. She removed the cleats from the peg by the strings and let them dangle from her fingertips at eye level. All Alicia could do was smile.
She began to walk towards her bed. Smiling and whistling, she slung the cleats around in full circle three times. The forces was strong enough to keep their hostages pined to the hard rubber soles while making them very sick. When she got to the bed, she stopped swinging and let the shoes dangle for a moment before letting them slip from her fingers and fall to the bed. Though the bed was soft, the fall was considerably hard on the tiny people inside the shoes. Brian and Catherine bounced from side to side off the leather walls of their prison and ultimately rolled back down into the toe of the cleats.
Alicia looked down into one of the cleats and saw Catherine laying limp inside the oval impression left from her heel. Alicia smiled as she reached into the shoe with two fingers. Before Catherine could tell what was going on, she found herself pinched between Alicia’s thumb and forefinger, quickly being pulled from inside the cleat. As if suddenly revived, Catherine struggled, kicked and screamed. She tried, in vain, to budge Alicia’s thumb from her chest. Though, with each moment, Alicia applied a little bit more pressure until it got so that Catherine was afraid that she might snap in half between Alicia’s fingers. Eventually, Catherine just gave up.
Alicia brought Catherine up to eye level and smiled.
“I think we’re going to have a lot of fun if you can stay that feisty.”
Alicia licked her lips while holding Catherine between her fingers.
“We’re going to have a lot of fun.”
Alicia reached from the nearby bed stand and picked up an empty drinking glass. She held Catherine above it and let her dangle for a second. Then she opened her fingers and let her fall into the bottom of the glass.
Catherine fell to the bottom of the glass with a crash. She didn’t bother to get up. The bottom of the glass was sticky and all she could see from any angle was the tan skin of the underside of Alicia’s hand pressed around it.
Alicia set the glass back down on the night stand and tapped on the glass with her fingernail.
“Don’t go anywhere now.”
Meanwhile, Brian was doing his best to crawl the length of Alicia’s shoe, so that maybe he could climb out at the heel. Just as he had begun his journey, Alicia picked up the shoe and tilted it so that Brian rolled the length of her shoe, falling right out into the palm of Alicia’s hand. She closed her fingers around his body, forming a fist with Brian’s head and shoulders sticking out of the top.
She brought Brian to eye level and gave him a sexy look.
“Well, this is just how I like my men, right in the palm of my hand.”
She gave Brian a tiny lick on his face.
Alicia’s warm tongue left a trail of saliva across his face, which he could not wipe off. He might have noticed Alicia’s breath had his sense of smell not been so heavily damaged from spending the last hour captive in Alicia’s foul smelling cleats. She giggled and winked at Brian, then dropped him suddenly into a clear plastic cube which she placed on the bed stand next to Catherine.
Brian and Catherine both rushed to seeing one another, palms pressed to the glass of their respective chambers. They saw one another for the first time since their initial shrinking, and each was filled with pity for the other, and rage toward their situation. Brian could see Catherine’s scared face and tear stained cheeks and wanted to do anything to free her from this situation. Then Catherine mouthed the words “I love you.”
This sent Brian into rage, knowing full well he was unable to do anything, he began to kick and thrash at the walls of his prison.
Alicia just looked at his and laughed. She placed her hand on top of the cube and gave it a little shake to send him off his balance.
“Calm down little man, you’ll both be out soon enough.”
Alicia crouched down to look at both specimens more carefully.
“But first, we need to have play time.”
She ran her tongue across her lips and she looked back and forth.
“You both look so yummy, I’m not sure which I’ll have first…”
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