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Author's Chapter Notes:


Mrs Long’s mouth opened around him, and he could see the back of her tongue again, lit up beautifully.

“Thank goodness she’s decided to let me out,” he thought.

“Ah,” said Mrs Long.

The sound came up from her throat, and then her tongue began moving. He felt his legs rising behind him, pushed upwards by the front of her tongue. In fact his whole body was sloping. She did it ever so slowly, but he felt himself beginning to slide towards her throat.

“There’s nothing I can do,” he thought, “There’s absolutely no traction on her soft moist slippery tongue!”

He knew that Mrs Long was simply enjoying herself, toying with him for her own amusement and savouring every moment of his helplessness. He realised now that she had opened her mouth, so that he could see every second of the enactment of his demise. He could only play along and leave her to it.

Ever so slowly, Timothy slid towards Mrs Long’s throat, until the top half of his body was dangling down into it in a vertical position. Mrs Long continued drawing him in, until his whole body was in the top of her throat.

“Darling!” he called, “I love you! I’ll marry you when I’m old enough! It would be something unique and different from your first marriage, if you-“

Suddenly he felt an enormous gulp around him, and he slid down her throat a fair way, past the entrance to her lungs. This time there was no way back. No doubt she had heard his offer and timed her gulp as a taunting response. There was no point in saying anything else. He waited for the next gulp, and was soon carried further and further down … to her tummy.


When second term of school began, another of her long term students, who was in the same year as Timothy ever since prep school, headed to school one morning. His name was Raymond, and he was convinced of one thing. He had lost a foot in height since he left the house for school. Raymond waited in the school car park, until he saw Mrs Long arrive, and then told her what had happened.

“Come to think of it, you do look a bit shorter,” she said, “I only know of one other case of this.”

“Do you know how to fix it?” asked Raymond.

“As far as I know it’s irreversible,” said Mrs Long, “You’ll get smaller every day for a few days, and stop shrinking when you’re around two inches tall. I know it’s a shock to the system, but would you like to come over for dinner tonight? It would be nice to have a few dates with you, while you’ve still got some height left.”

“I … I would like that,” said Raymond.

“Well don’t go into school today. Take a walk and enjoy your lunch. I’ll meet you near the bush at 3:30 and drive you to my place.”

Mrs Long picked him up at the end of the day and took him home to have dinner with her. She cooked a nice meal and served it for them.

“You can stay here indefinitely,” she said, “I’ll keep your condition a secret.”

“I don’t know what to say,” said Raymond.

“Just say you’ll dance with me after we’ve eaten,” said Mrs Long.

Raymond finished his dinner and then accompanied her to the living room. Mrs Long put on some soft music, and took him in her arms. He was only four foot tall now, and didn’t even come up to her neck. He rested his head against her upper arm and slowly moved around the dance floor with her.

“By next week you’ll be no bigger than my lips,” said Mrs Long, “I’d really like to do this tonight.”

She kissed him passionately on the lips. It was a magnificent experience, in spite of what he knew was ahead of him: a life as a tiny mite.

“Would you like to lie beside me in bed tonight?” she asked.

“Yes,” said Raymond.

Mrs Long went to change into her night dress, and then invited him into her bedroom. He got in and felt the luxurious sheets resting over his body and the soft touch of her own body against him as she lay down and pulled him close to her. After a while, she lay down on top of him and let her cheek meet his, while her legs left his behind with her greater height.

In the morning he awoke to find himself only three feet tall. Each day she would leave him at her house while she went out to school and then spend the afternoon and evening with a slightly smaller Raymond. Eventually he was only one foot tall. It was a Sunday, so she didn’t need to go to school. She took him out of the bed and put him on the floor and stood in front of him. Raymond moved forwards and put his arms around her lower leg and hugged it, feeling the soft curvature of her skin between her knee and her ankle. It was larger than his whole body.

At dinner time, Mrs Long took him into the kitchen and lifted him up onto the kitchen bench, and began to whip some cream in a bowl in front of him.

“How would you like me to put you into this with some strawberries, and then eat them and lick you clean?” she asked, smiling in an exciting way.

“Wow!” he said, “We can do things that otherwise would not be possible.”

“I’ll take that as a ‘yes’ then,” she said, and picked him up in one hand and lowered him into the cream.

“Oh!” he said.

“Don’t worry. I’m not going to bite your head off.”

“I know. It was just a bit cold, until I had a few seconds to get used to it.”

“I’d better serve it with some herbal tea to warm up my tongue for you then,” said Mrs Long.

She dropped several strawberries into the bowl and stirred them around, making sure that he remained in the middle. Then she took the bowl to the dining table.

“I’ll just go and get the main course,” she said, “You nibble a strawberry if you like.”

He indulged himself in an abundance of tasty fruit and then watched Mrs Long eating her main course.

Then she dipped her dessert spoon into the bowl and spooned a creamy strawberry onto her tongue. It was quite a sight to behold, knowing that her tongue would soon be licking whipped cream from his body.

When all of the strawberries had been eaten, she lifted him out with both hands and placed him on a spare plate that she had brought out. He looked up in awe as she licked each of her fingers clean first, and then she picked the plate up by the edge with both hands, and raised it in front of her chin. Mrs Long put out her tongue and began to lick the cream from him. The more cream she removed, the closer the contact with her tongue became for him. She took several sips of warm herbal tea, and then began licking again. Now he felt her tongue sliding over his body itself and enjoyed it immensely.

She continued until he was completely devoid of cream and licked him several more times, before leaving him sitting upright on the plate. He lay back down and looked up at her in admiration.

“How’s that?” she asked.

“That was so thrilling, Mrs Long. Even when I first learned of my condition, I had no idea that you would do this for me.”

“I did it for me too,” she said, “You should be down to two inches in another two days. Then you can play a more interesting role. You’ve had your fun as my toy boy. Soon you’ll be a main course. I’m going to gobble you whole, Raymond.”

“You can’t be serious!”

“Didn’t you ever wonder what happened to Timothy Scribener? That’s how serious I am,” she said, getting up and taking him to her bedroom and lying down on her bed, placing him on her stomach, “Would you like to squeeze my chest with all your might? You might as well do it while you still have the opportunity.”

He took advantage of that compensation and then snuggled against Mrs Long’s cheek until she fell asleep. In the morning he awoke at three inches tall. She got dressed for school, put him on the floor and warned him that he could not hope to reach the door handle. She closed the door and soon returned with some food to keep him stocked for the day.

She did the same thing the next day, when he was two inches tall, suggesting that he might like to spend the day finding a suitable hiding spot in the bedroom. She came home and searched for him and found him and took him to the kitchen, warmed him in the oven and took him to the table.
Mrs Long sat down happily and licked and ate him.

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