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You thought Ashley’s ass smelled bad, you were wrong.  Compared to Diana’s ass Ashley’s smelled of roses.  The stench that came from Diana was too strong to describe as you did your best to wiggle out of her butt cheeks.  You didn’t even move an inch when she rolled over on her back sealing you in her ass.  You were now stuck, again, in another ass.  Not knowing what to do now you just lay there, unable to move an inch.

The hours of the night moved on, as you did your best to try and sleep.  There were two things preventing this.  The first was the smell, where it was like the opposite of knock out gas.  The moment you almost feel asleep, the smell kicked you wide awake making your noise burn.  The second problem was the ungodly noise that was going from inside Diana’s bowels.  That was probable the most horrifying thing you heard in your life.  There would be a growl like an angry lion ready to attack, every twenty minutes or so. 

Time slide by like a glacier, incredible slow.  Diana would twist and turn in her sleep which would cause gravity either to pull you down toward her anus or away depending if she was on her back or stomach.  The night started to turn to dawn and Diana was lying on her stomach.  Your fears were growing as you have been pulled ever closer to her anus.  The past hour or so Diana has been groaning in her sleep and the deadly noise of her gut grew louder.  The last roar sounded like Godzilla was below and he sounded hungry.  You were getting worried that she would never wake up when to your horror there was another sound from her gut that was cut short as her anus opened up and released a burst of gas.

You would have thrown up if it weren’t for the fact that you throat automatically closed shut by the horrid stench that came from deep inside Diana.  Then just as soon as it stop did you noticed that there was something poking you.  Right below you was a turd that slide out just slightly and was touching you.  Before you could even think of moving, Diana did it for you.  She rolled over in her sleep causing you to fall away from her now open ass and pinned you to your back.  You could barely see anything but you could make out the giant dark object slowly sliding toward you.

“Diana!  You got to wake up!” you shouted praying she heard you.

“Mmmmm a couple of more minute’s mom,” she said sleepily.

“Diana!!” you shouted louder hoping to wake her as the mass of waste was almost touching you.

She didn’t budge an inch as she didn’t even reply.  You tried to wiggle away from your upcoming demise but her butt cheeks kept you pinned.  Taking your chances with the air you inhaled the foul smell gas to yell her awake. 




Diana came awake from her dreams at the sound of her door being knocked on.

“Diana time to get up, we need to leave soon.”

“Huh?  Leave where,” Diana asked confused as she got up feeling that she really needed to go to the bathroom now.

“We need to get you to camp.”

“Camp?!”  Diana said as she got dressed really quick and forgetting about her toy still stuck in her underwear.  She opened her door to see her mom already dressed for the day.

“Yeah,” she said with an agitated tone, “I told you when you got home we had to leave tomorrow.”

“I don’t remember you saying that,” Diana said upset.

Diana’s mom was already walking away saying, “I told you when you were going upstairs when you got home.  I also told you at the dinner table.”

Diana was about to say something when her colon protested and she ran to go to the bathroom.  She pulled her underwear down and was about to let out a large bowel movement when she remembered about her toy.  Taking her toy out of her butt she put him on the counter top as she went to the bathroom.


You were standing on the counter top, shocked at what almost happened to you.  The moment Diana finished and flushed there was a knock on the door again.

“Diana we need to leave in 10 minutes.”

You’re mouth hung open at the sound of that.  “Diana you can’t make it to Ashley’s in 10 minutes and back.”

Diana looked worried, “I know…” she said as she picked you up and carried you out of the bathroom.  Hurrying she packed her bags into the car and looked for her mom.  She found her in the kitchen packing some breakfast for on the go.

“Mom, I need to drop something off for Ashley.”

“I’m sorry dear but that’s in the complete opposite direction of where we are going,” she said as she continued to pack up the food.

“But moooom, I promised I would give it back today.”

“Ok fine give it to me and I will drop it off when I get home after dropping you off.”

Diana looked down at her feet, “I can’t I promised not to show it to anyone…”

Getting upset at her daughter for being so difficult, “Well it is either I drop it off or you just have to keep it until you get back.”

“Well can I at least tell Ashley?”

Letting out a sound of agitation at her daughter, “Yeah, but hurry up we need to leave soon.”

Diana quickly ran to the phone and picked it up and dialed Diana’s number.  It rang a couple of times and Ashley’s mom picked it up.

“Hello this is Diana, I was wondering if I could talk to Ashley?”

“Yeah sure Diana, hold on for a second.”

“Hey Diana is everything ok?”  Ashley asked.

“Ummm I have a problem… you see… I have to go to camp right now.”

“Wait, what?” Ashley asked.

“Apparently I have to go to camp today and not tomorrow, and I can’t drop of Brad.”

“But you promised,” she said upset.

“I know I did and I’m really sorry, I could have my mom give him back but I don’t think you would want that.”

“… So you’re taking him to camp?”

“I have to.”

“Diana you have to listen to me.  You have to take really good care of Brad while you are there.  You can’t tell anyone, and you have to keep him safe.  I mean it Diana you have to swear.”

“I swear Ashley I’ll take good care of him.”  Diana said.

“Ok… tell Brad I’m sorry and I’ll return him to normal when he gets back.”

“I will,” Diana said as she pat her pocket that held Brad in it.

“See you when you get back.”

“You too,” Diana said as she hung up the phone.  She was glad that Ashley was her friend.  Now she could play with her toy all summer long at camp.  And she thought she was going to get bored there…


Ashley just hung up the phone, when she turned around and saw her sister standing behind her with her arms crossed and frowning down at her. 

“Hi,” she said nervously.

She didn’t say a word as she grabbed the phone and dialed a number.  Ashley’s mom came downstairs and saw Amanda on the phone.  “What are you doing, Amanda?  You’re grounded you can’t use the phone.”

“Mom I have to know if Brad is ok.”

“I’m sure he is fine…”

“No he isn’t mom!  He hasn’t called at all, which is unlike him,” she held the phone to her mom, “And now he isn’t answering his phone.  Ashley did something to him,” she said pointing a finger at her.

“N-n-no I didn’t,” Ashley tried to defend herself.  Her mom didn’t look too convinced.

“You did, you were talking on the phone and used his name!  I should have known something was up!”

Ashley felt cornered as her dad came down stairs asking what was going on.

“Ashley did something to Brad,” shouted Amanda.

“I didn’t do anything,”

“Yes you did,”

“No I didn’t-”

“Enough!” shouted both her mom and dad.

“Both of you will sit on that couch and we will figure this out now!”  Ashley’s dad said pointing a finger at the couch.  Both her and Amanda went to the couch and sat down in silence.  Ashley felt really nervous and worried.  “Ok, now what is going on Ashley,” her dad said peering into her eyes.

“I-I-I I didn’t mean for it to happen it just sort of happened!” she blurted out.

“What?” her mom asked.

“I … might have shrunk Brad and… let Diana borrow him…”

“You what!” everyone shouted.

“How can you not mean too,” asked Amanda.

“I saw him on your bed small and thought he liked it and wouldn’t mind playing with me too.”

Amanda blushed and looked at her parents who were now looking daggers at her, “Ummm I can explain.”

“How long,” her dad asked Amanda.

“… A couple of years…”

“A couple of years?!”  Amanda’s mom said shocked.  “You have been shrinking him for a couple of years!  You know better.”

“But mom he really doesn’t mind-”

“I doesn’t matter you know the rules the both of you.  You’re both grounded for a long time… now where is he Ashley,” her dad asked.

“… He is going to camp with Diana for the summer.”

“What?!” again everyone said.

“She wasn’t supposed to but she had to leave today.”

“Ok… so Brad is shrunken down and with your friend going to camp for the summer most likely against his will.  We need to go get him, now what camp is it?”

“Ummm… I can’t remember,” Ashley said.

“Ashley you have to try and remember,” her mom said.

“Wait I think I remember something she said when she was walking home… it was camp… camp Urban.”

“Yeah that was it,” Ashley said as she remembers hearing that name.

Her dad got up and started to get the car keys, “Alright then, to Camp Urban.  Everyone get into the car.”


You didn’t like Diana and yet you were going to spend the next couple of months with her at a damn camp; in fact you hatted camping.  You were in-between Diana’s legs in the back seat of her parent’s minivan as she feed you some breakfast; it was cereal in a bag.

Diana whispered to you, “Don’t worry we are going to have soooo much fun together.  They have swimming, soccer, archery, fishing, running …” you didn’t pay much attention to her, you were too busy not trying to throw up with all the anxiety you were dealing with.  You nibbled on the giant pieces of cereal as you waited for her to shut the hell up so you could just sulk in silence. 

Eventual she stopped talking and the car ride kept going.  You didn’t know exactly where this camp is but you know that you are screwed.  You barely even knew Diana for a couple of days and you hated with a passion.  Now you were forced to spend 2 months with her at a damn camp.  You couldn’t believe your luck.  Well with your luck you should have guessed that this shit would happen to you.  You were knocked out of your thoughts when you were stabbed in the back by a giant log of a finger.

“What are you thinking about?”

“Nothing… goddess,” your words were filled with venom toward the only person you could blame right now.

“You don’t have to call me that all the time, just when we are having fun,” she said with a smile.  You didn’t say anything and let the silence continued when she said, “Don’t worry I’m going to take good care of you, and we can still have fun too.  Plus you can meet some of my friends at camp too.”

“Friends?” you said fearing anyone who might be as bad as Diana.

“Yeah, I know I’m not supposed to tell anyone but they are my best friends at camp and I know I can trust them with you,” she said with a wink.

You shook your head as to clear you mind with what you just learned.  You now are going to have to spend time at a camp with Diana and her friends.  You were about to jump down off the seat and just run somewhere when the car started to slow down.  You feel the car start to drive on a rocky surface off the road, and looked up to see Diana smile at you.

“We’re here,” said Diana’s mom as she pulled to a stop at Camp Urban.


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