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------ Chapter 23 ------

            My entire past life, everything I had thought I had known up until two days ago, was a lie. It was merely a false reality, engineered in a lab by female scientists to keep me dim-witted and obedient. That’s how it was for men; mentally they were off in some delusional world, barely coherent with what was going on, whereas their bodies moved about in reality like mindless automatons. My own delusions, like lucid dreaming, had kept happy and content in that purely mental world, while my body had shuddered and shuffled around in the real world, stupefied, like an infant. But now, whatever brainwashing or genetic engineering or drugs they had given me had worn off. I had become aware.

            As you might suspect, I didn’t exactly like it. As much as I loved my mother for all she had done for me, this conversation needed to come to a close. I was breaking down again.

            “Umm… ah… uh… Mom, thank you,” I stuttered like a robot, dazed and confused.

            “Dear, is everything ok? Was that too much?”

            “No, I just… well yes. It’s a bit much to swallow. Still… thank you for finally telling me.”

            “Are you going to be alright with that woman? Is she treating you well? Is she feeding you?”

            I glanced back at Nina, who was still asleep. “I think she’s going to be great Mom. Don’t worry about that.”


            There was a long pause in the conversation. Finally, my mother mentioned she’d need to be getting to bed.

            “Well… one last thing before you go. About Dad?”

            “Yes dear?”

            “Since we never talked about him before and I never got the chance to actually know him… what was his name?”

            “The store I purchased him from had merely given him a number, but I had always liked the name Charlie. So, he went by Charlie.”

            “Oh… well, thank you Mom. I love you.”

            “I love you too Dean. Goodbye.”

            Shocked, I put the phone back and climbed down to the floor. My whole body felt numb, and my stomach began to flip over and over. Powerful emotions swirled around in my heart, a complex cocktail of bewilderment, betrayal, and realization. My memories of my old life began to feel more and more like a dream every moment. Everything I’d thought I’d know, about myself and the world around me, was false. It was like my entire history was fading away. Who was I really? What was this place? Where do I go from here?

            Furthermore, what did this mean for my relationship with Ms. Bianchi? Did she truly love me, as I thought, or was I just being stupid and she really thought of me only as a toy- an object to own like every other man?

            Unable to really cope, I curled up in a ball on the linoleum kitchen floor, wedged in next to the gargantuan refrigerator and the cabinets. Dizziness overtook me. I wanted to cry again, but no tears would come- I’d sobbed them all away an hour ago. I’m sure I looked pitiful, but I didn’t even care anymore. I was at the definition of rock bottom, because in this world I was barely taller than the rocks themselves. That was just something I guess I’d need to get used to.


            Nina’s tremendous footsteps followed a few minutes later and she found me in the kitchen, still curled up next to the cabinets. Without saying a word my beautiful giantess scooped me up and held me, cradling me in her arms like a child. She pressed me to her chest and spoke. Her voice was soft and comforting, with a calming sound to it.

            “Hey, I heard your whole conversation with your mother. I’m sorry you had to find out like that. Let me take you to bed now.”

            Still too emotional to respond, I sobbed, sniffled, and pathetically mashed my face into the massive boob next to me. It was all I could do. My whole body jostled a bit as Nina carefully carried me back into the living room, turned off the T.V., and then travelled into the master bedroom.

Inside the room, she had a massive king sized bed with red sheets. There, she set me onto pillow next to hers, and curled up sideways beside me. I noticed that her enlarged feet dangled pretty far over the edge of the bed, even though my back was facing her. With her head propped up by one arm, she used her free hand to caress me a bit, dragging her pointer finger gently across my naked body and back. It felt wonderful, leaving a pleasant tingling sensation.

            She sighed, causing the whole surface of the bed to rise and fall with her breath. “Dean, sweetie, are you going to be ok? Why don’t you talk to me about it?”

            I didn’t know where to start, and for once I didn’t want to just blurt words out to her. In a way, I’d lost my trust of her. This entire time, she’d been playing along with my delusions, pretending that my “original world” had actually existed, saying stuff about science to keep me talking. Acting like I was some interesting experiment. Poking and prodding me to get me to talk more. And for what?

            A terrible thought entered my mind. A horrible, terrible, awful thought. What if this whole time, she planned on “correcting” me? All the conversations, the interrogations and questioning… what if all that was to confirm I was actually “too smart” and needed to be corrected? Maybe all I’d been doing was incriminating myself. When I’d first awoken to this place, Ms. Bianchi had mentioned bringing me in to be experimented on. Was this what she intended? She didn’t love me! She was faking. What the hell did I know about love anyway!

            The thought was too much. Tears rushed down my cheeks as I bawled.

            “Oh… Dean. I didn’t…” For probably the first time since I’d met her, Nina was a loss for words.

            Fuck it- I had to know. I flipped over to face her, frowning at her.

            “You knew this whole time, didn’t you!” I shouted, overwhelmed by emotion. It was a bold accusation, but at this point what did I have to lose anyway?

            Her face was warped with concern, her beautiful lower lip pouting out ever so slightly, and her gorgeous eyebrows knitted upward with hurt and worry. I immediately regretted my brashness. Her face was the one of a concerned lover, not an evil betrayer.

            “I did.” She admitted, her teeth finding her lip and biting ever so slightly.

            I turned my gaze downward, ashamed. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions like that. “So… what are you planning on doing with me? When you pulled me into your office the other day and questioned me, I admitted I thought I was in another reality. You said you were going to take me to a college and present me to the scientific community…”

            I paused a bit before continuing, “…but that was a lie, wasn’t it? For a man, I’m too smart, aren’t I? When you… when you take me in, am I going to be corrected?”

            Nina let out an amused chuckle, and one eyebrow shot up quizzically. “Is that what you think? Really?”

            “Don’t tease me.”

            She smiled warmly and rolled her eyes a bit. “No, Dean, I’m not going to have you corrected. I’ll admit you’re very smart, but apparently not smart enough to see what’s right in front of you. I’ve taken a liking to you, sweetie, and I like you just how you are.”

            With that she poked my chest gently. It tickled a bit, causing me to squirm.

            “You’re so small and cute. And such great company! I’m hesitant to admit it this early, but I’ve become quite enamored with you. You’re not like the rest, and you’ve made me realize something. I don’t want some mindless slave blindly worshipping me. I want a man I can talk to, who can hold a decent conversation. I want someone to love, and who also worships me like the goddess I am,” she added with a laugh, poking a little fun at herself.

            “Being that you are a goddess, I think I can give you that,” I added softly. I meant it. This woman was pretty much all I had now, so I was ready to give myself to her.

            “Being that I’m a goddess, I think I should get what I want.” And with that, a strong feminine hand wrapped around my upper body. Hoisting me into the air, Nina rolled onto her back and lowered me towards her womanhood. Already, it was hot, wet and ready. The fingers on her free hand expertly opened her slit to receive me, and I began the long, slow slide to the vast reaches inside her. Her sheath enveloped me in warmth and love, clear up to my shoulders, before beginning to retract me. I felt every ridge, every nook and wrinkle of her insides slip over my naked body, caressing me in a tight embrace.

            It is an experience that transcends words. No amount of description or verbiage does it justice. If there was anything positive I could say about this woman’s world, it would be that the sex I had with Nina was beyond glorious.

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